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Realistic or Modern Tossed Salad - Y2

How would you like your roommates designated?

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  • Opposite Sex

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  • Completely Random [either same/opposite based on chance]

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Yuki had pulled away and apologized. Cortez noticed her smooth skin flush rosy with a blush and figured she was embarrassed. "It's...okay. Don't worry about," he spoke slowly and brushed an awkward hand up through his hair, likely messing up the extra minutes of work he had put into it. His hair wasn't on his mind, though. Swiftly, he turned to pull something from his drawer and then turned back to her. "Alright, let's go." He was clipping a gold necklace around his neck as he walked past her, the color of the metal complimenting his complexion as it fell into place.

He stopped short in the doorway, realizing he had kind of taken the liberty of 'guiding' this girl and was probably overstepping his bounds more than he meant to. He looked over his shoulder and spoke to clarify, "I mean, you don't have to walk with me or anything, I was just saying we should be on our way." He shrugged lightly then continued out the door. He didn't mind if she tagged along or not; he just didn't want to make her feel obligated or forced. Or, maybe he was just thinking too much. 'Don't make things awkward now, Cortez.' He rolled his eyes to himself. 'You have a whole year left with this girl.'

@Ami the breadling
Aato said:
Yuki had pulled away and apologized. Cortez noticed her smooth skin flush rosy with a blush and figured she was embarrassed. "It's...okay. Don't worry about," he spoke slowly and brushed an awkward hand up through his hair, likely messing up the extra minutes of work he had put into it. His hair wasn't on his mind, though. Swiftly, he turned to pull something from his drawer and then turned back to her. "Alright, let's go." He was clipping a gold necklace around his neck as he walked past her, the color of the metal complimenting his complexion as it fell into place.
He stopped short in the doorway, realizing he had kind of taken the liberty of 'guiding' this girl and was probably overstepping his bounds more than he meant to. He looked over his shoulder and spoke to clarify, "I mean, you don't have to walk with me or anything, I was just saying we should be on our way." He shrugged lightly then continued out the door. He didn't mind if she tagged along or not; he just didn't want to make her feel obligated or forced. Or, maybe he was just thinking too much. 'Don't make things awkward now, Cortez.' He rolled his eyes to himself. 'You have a whole year left with this girl.'

@Ami the breadling
Yuki watched him carefully as he put on the necklace. She oftenly, boys with gold accesories seemed a bit awkward to her, but Cortez could wear it. She shyly stood there, preparing to follow him when he turned around again and told her she did not have to. Yuki tilted her head and giggled a bit. Of course she did not have to. Why would be think she thought that?

Yuki then continued to follow him, running a bit so she could catch up. She then walked next to him and smiled, happily looking at every house, car, shop and person on the way.
While Elijah and Jomar were writing to each other, Vulcan began picking out the clothes he was going to wear to school that day, not wanting to interrupt like try and take part in their conversation. He opened the window because it had gotten quite muggy in his opinion, letting out the body odor of all the people that had been here as well as the aroma of food that had now mixed with it, then picked up the clothes, a white t-shirt and a pair of dark blue rather slim linen trousers, and walked into the bathroom with a quick "Be right back", where he changed and checked himself in the mirror, fearing he might go out with food stuck in between his teeth. When he returned, the two boys that were left there were all ready to get going. "Yeah, let's go. Don't wanna be late on the first day after all." he said and on the way out grabbed a small pocket notebook and pen, sticking them in his pocket. There usually weren't any real classes on the first day of school so he brought the notebook simply to write all the names of their teachers down.

@CoconutLeaves @PenguinFox
Eli smiled upon reading Jomar's note. He enjoyed teaching people about himself and his ways, he was very open that way. He tossed his notebook into his sling backpack and ran a hand through his hair. When Vulcan was ready he set out with the two other boys in the direction of the school. I wish I had brought my board... Eli thought as they began the walk. He loved skating and found it much easier to get around than simply walking but he would have to make do for now. @Vulcan @CoconutLeaves
[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]Yuki watched him carefully as he put on the necklace. She oftenly, boys with gold accesories seemed a bit awkward to her, but Cortez could wear it. She shyly stood there, preparing to follow him when he turned around again and told her she did not have to. Yuki tilted her head and giggled a bit. Of course she did not have to. Why would be think she thought that?
Yuki then continued to follow him, running a bit so she could catch up. She then walked next to him and smiled, happily looking at every house, car, shop and person on the way.

Cortez was still in his thoughts by the time the girl caught up to him and tagged along at his side. In the hall, he could hear the voices of others as he passed by rooms and distantly from other indeterminable places in the house, but didn't pay them any mind. He and the girl soon made it out the door of the large building and down the steps, heading for the sidewalk that led to the school.

As they walked, he glanced over at Yuki, and noticed her looking around at the scenery they passed with curiosity and delight. He smiled lightly. Her seemingly whimsical nature was cute. Soon, though, he averted his eyes to look ahead again. They were relatively the same height and he didn't want to go through an awkward moment of her catching him looking at her 'cause surely she'd feel his gaze. He wasn't creepy, just... observational. Now, he was making himself feel self-conscious again and just sort of chuckled at himself as his hands shifted into his pockets and he watched his feet. At least he knew where they were going, so, he didn't have to put too much thought into the walk.
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Nessie turned over in her bed with a groan before blinking her eyes open. She hadn't set an alarm or anything of that sort, she just woke naturally alongside the dull sound of others on the go outside. She then slipped a hand beneath her pillow to retrieve her phone and check the time and date. "Shite... It's Monday." Of course she knew this the day before, but had forgotten some time between the night and the morning. With a sigh, she peeled herself up from the bed and went to brush her teeth and the rest of the usual routine.

About ten minutes later, she exited the bathroom. She checked the time on her phone and noticed she'd be late if she tried to get ready and go to school now. So, with a simple shrug, skipping the day was decided. Besides, she was sure there would be plenty for her to go out and explore later on. Still clad in her sleeping clothes - an over-sized pink button-up shirt - she left her room and headed for the kitchen. She was up now and since she was hungry, might as well cook.

When she reached the kitchen, she checked the cabinets and refrigerator, collecting the ingredients she'd need. She decided to go with a very basic breakfast: porridge, toast, and sausage. Perhaps on another day when she felt homesick, she'd go the whole nine yards with a 'Full Scottish Breakfast'. For now, though, this would do. She pulled her wavy locks back with a hair tie that had been around her wrist, then got to work.

Aato said:
Cortez was still in his thoughts by the time the girl caught up to him and tagged along at his side. In the hall, he could hear the voices of others as he passed by rooms and distantly from other indeterminable places in the house, but didn't pay them any mind. He and the girl soon made it out the door of the large building and down the steps, heading for the sidewalk that led to the school.
As they walked, he glanced over at Yuki, and noticed her looking around at the scenery they passed with curiosity and delight. He smiled lightly. Her seemingly whimsical nature was cute. Soon, though, he averted his eyes to look ahead again. They were relatively the same height and he didn't want to go through an awkward moment of her catching him looking at her 'cause surely she'd feel his gaze. He wasn't creepy, just... observational. Now, he was making himself feel self-conscious again and just sort of chuckled at himself as his hands shifted into his pockets and he watched his feet. At least he knew where they were going, so, he didn't have to put too much thought into the walk.
Yuki was looking at everything in awe until she felt his gaze. The girl blushed as she knew she got looked at, but did not know why. She did not find it creepy, she just was surprised. There was so much to see, why would he look at her of all things?

Yuki kept blushed and only looked ahead from the moment on. She kept walking with him, having no plan where they wen or where they came from. "Uhm.. Cortez... in the afternoon... can you walk me back too? I wont find my way...", she shyly asked and looked at him with a shy smile.
The moment Jomar went out of the door, he inhaled the fresh air all around him. The cool breeze, the chirping birds, the sound of faint music coming from the radio, he listened to all of these before taking a step on the ground. As he watched Vulcan and Elijah walk, he felt a bit too energetic to consider simply walking.

You guys feel like jogging? He wanted to ask but thought better about it. Adding a little pep into his own footsteps, he began lightly jogging as he went with the others. It was a sort of slow jog, with all the motions of it except he followed their pace more or less.

@Vulcan @PenguinFox
(Partner won't respond, so I'm ditching her until she does LOL)

Felix skipped on ahead of Layla to the office to get his schedule early, so he could figure out where everything was.

He was somewhat exited, to actually be in America. Despite his jetlag, Felix wasn't even feeling tired of stressed. He pulled out his phone, and noticed he had 20+ missed calls and texts from his family. He let it slide, just this once, and pocketed his phone.
[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]Yuki was looking at everything in awe until she felt his gaze. The girl blushed as she knew she got looked at, but did not know why. She did not find it creepy, she just was surprised. There was so much to see, why would he look at her of all things?
Yuki kept blushed and only looked ahead from the moment on. She kept walking with him, having no plan where they wen or where they came from. "Uhm.. Cortez... in the afternoon... can you walk me back too? I wont find my way...", she shyly asked and looked at him with a shy smile.

Cortez didn't look up and at her again until he heard her question, and he saw her looking at him with her pink lips curved into a sheepish grin. "Oh. Sure. No problem. We can meet in front after school." He nodded in affirmation. He noticed the blush that painted her face, but wasn't particularly sure why she was blushing. Then again, maybe he was making assumptions and it wasn't a blush. "We're almost there," he informed. "I was here last year, so, I kind of know how to get around and where things are," he explained. "I'll help you get your schedule when we get there, and to your first class, if you want." Being helpful was in the boy's nature, but he always made sure not to be overbearing.
Aato said:
Cortez didn't look up and at her again until he heard her question, and he saw her looking at him with her pink lips curved into a sheepish grin. "Oh. Sure. No problem. We can meet in front after school." He nodded in affirmation. He noticed the blush that painted her face, but wasn't particularly sure why she was blushing. Then again, maybe he was making assumptions and it wasn't a blush. "We're almost there," he informed. "I was here last year, so, I kind of know how to get around and where things are," he explained. "I'll help you get your schedule when we get there, and to your first class, if you want." Being helpful was in the boy's nature, but he always made sure not to be overbearing.
Yuki smiled a bit more confident. "Thank you! I will make up for all of this help you give me somehow! If you want anything, just ask me. I consider you my friend now.", she said and then giggled a bit. "In fact, i truly hope i will have a few classes with you... i dont know how i am going to survive school without you, Cortez.", she said. Yuki had a little trouble saying his name, with her accent it sounded a bit funny. But she couldnt help that.
Cortez chuckled at her declaration. Friends? Well, being friends with your roommate was always good, so, fine with him. "Thank you... You don't have to do anything for me, though. It's okay." He then laughed just a little more when she talked about classes. "I think you'll be fine," he said, placing a hand on her shoulder, "Some of the others will be there and the kids of the school aren't so bad. ...But maybe we will have some classes together." He smiled. His hand then casually moved from her shoulder. "What's school in Japan like?" He asked curiously. It was somewhat of a random question, but the idea just crossed his mind.

@Ami the breadling
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Aato said:
Cortez chuckled at her declaration. Friends? Well, being friends with your roommate was always good, so, fine with him. "Thank you... You don't have to do anything for me, though. It's okay." He then laughed just a little more when she talked about classes. "I think you'll be fine," he said, placing a hand on her shoulder, "Some of the others will be there and the kids of the school aren't so bad. ...But maybe we will have some classes together." He smiled. His hand then casually moved from her shoulder. "What's school in Japan like?" He asked curiously. It was somewhat of a random question, but the idea just crossed his mind.
@Ami the breadling
Yuki giggled a bit. "I know i mustnt, but i want to make up for you being so nice. I insist.", she said. As he explained the class stuff, she only listened halfly. She hated school itself and would probably not be able t make much friends either. Sadly enough, people usually did not take her serious. They oftenly had made fun of her. Then he asked about Japans schools. "So what i experienced is... You go to school, teachers will tell you you will never reach something in your life, your parents are angry at you most of the time and everyone makes fun of you. Therefore... i really want to have classes with you..."
Cortez nodded slowly with a bit of a frown as he listened to the girl sum up her not-so-great past with school. It was interesting; he imagined Japan would have been different. He knew it could be serious and strict, but didn't think it was that bad. He guessed his ideas were wrong. "Well, we might, but even if we don't we'll see each other in the halls and at lunch," he guaranteed with a reassuring smile. He then decided to backtrack to the previous conversation. "If you must repay me, then okay," he conceded. Then his flirtatious tendencies arose when a thought crossed his mind. Hey, she was a pretty girl... "A kiss is enough." He smirked playfully and tapped his cheek with a finger.

@Ami the breadling
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Yuki blushed. Then she kissed him on the cheek gently. "Here you are. Your the first boy i ever kissed in any way, so be proud.", she whispered embarrassedly. She was deep red and looked on the ground, but she smiled.

Cortez smiled and wrapped an arm around her, patting her shoulder. "Well, gracias, flaca," he chuckled. Her hair blocked his view of her face as she looked away, so her blushing went unnoticed. He gave her a little squeeze like a half-hug, then let his arm fall. He hiked his bag up on his back then gripped the straps just because. "We're here. We just have to cross the street." He watched the early morning traffic pass by - not too much in a small-ish town like this - and once it halted at a stoplight, he led them across the street and toward the building.

@Ami the breadling
Aato said:
Cortez smiled and wrapped an arm around her, patting her shoulder. "Well, gracias, flaca," he chuckled. Her hair blocked his view of her face as she looked away, so her blushing went unnoticed. He gave her a little squeeze like a half-hug, then let his arm fall. He hiked his bag up on his back then gripped the straps just because. "We're here. We just have to cross the street." He watched the early morning traffic pass by - not too much in a small-ish town like this - and once it halted at a stoplight, he led them across the street and toward the building.
@Ami the breadling
Yuki smiled and kind of enjoyed the hug. "Well... thank you... I... Was the kiss really enough to make up for it?", she unsteadily asked. She had imagined her first kiss towards a boy to be in a different setting. But it was ok for her, it wasnt a real kiss, right? Yuki asked herself if she would ever have someone to kiss real.
"I liked it," Cortez nodded slowly as if continuing to think about her question, "...Did you?" They had reached the door and he held it open for her to go through first. She seemed to be such a shy girl and not very experienced with the opposite sex. He wondered briefly if no one had ever taken interest in her or if maybe she was never interested in anyone. Admittedly, it had surprised him that she had pecked him so willingly - he was ready for rejection. Then again, it was just a peck.

@Ami the breadling
Aato said:
"I liked it," Cortez nodded slowly as if continuing to think about her question, "...Did you?" They had reached the door and he held it open for her to go through first. She seemed to be such a shy girl and not very experienced with the opposite sex. He wondered briefly if no one had ever taken interest in her or if maybe she was never interested in anyone. Admittedly, it had surprised him that she had pecked him so willingly - he was ready for rejection. Then again, it was just a peck.
@Ami the breadling
She shyly nodded. "K-Kinda...", she muttered and looked away. "It was the first time...it was kinda... nice... You know... ", she said and then she looked to the ground a bit sad. "The boys at home... They never had any.. well interest", she muttered a bbit sad. They always had bullied her, she was kind of the victim at home.
He made a smirk-ish smile as she tripped over her words. He'd never really met a girl so shy. Her reactions alone were fun. "If I liked it and you liked it, then it was enough," he confirmed. He found her explanation almost hard to believe. Maybe her voice wasn't the easiest on the ears, but still... Japan was a fairly homogeneous country, though. Maybe she just didn't stand out, or at least not in a good way. "That's weird... You're pretty and you seem nice... I mean, I could be wrong. The women in my family are pretty cute but very scary," he laughed.

They were in the school now, the halls brightly lit and alive with students. The many voices blended and the occasional glances got cast at them, but everyone seemed to carry on and mind their business. He led them down the hall and upstairs to the second floor where the office was located so they could get their schedules.

@Ami the breadling
Aato said:
He made a smirk-ish smile as she tripped over her words. He'd never really met a girl so shy. Her reactions alone were fun. "If I liked it and you liked it, then it was enough," he confirmed. He found her explanation almost hard to believe. Maybe her voice wasn't the easiest on the ears, but still... Japan was a fairly homogeneous country, though. Maybe she just didn't stand out, or at least not in a good way. "That's weird... You're pretty and you seem nice... I mean, I could be wrong. The women in my family are pretty cute but very scary," he laughed.
They were in the school now, the halls brightly lit and alive with students. The many voices blended and the occasional glances got cast at them, but everyone seemed to carry on and mind their business. He led them down the hall and upstairs to the second floor where the office was located so they could get their schedules.

@Ami the breadling
She shrugged. "I... I am a very easy target... I often start to dream away in class... And if i am nervous i often stutter and cant speak properly anymore... And after they found out about my plush... it was over.", she explained and then looked at the many people. It were so many and they looked at her from time to time. Not all of those looks were nice. It made Yuki nervous.
Cortez hiked an eyebrow. "Really? I thought cutesy things were popular in Japan. I didn't think a stuffed animal would get you teased..." He was talking to her, but also sort of thinking out loud. "You should--"


He was suddenly interrupted by the surprised calling of his name by a woman. He hadn't noticed the line in front of them disappeared while they were busy talking and the woman behind the desk had shrieked in delight. "You're back!" She grinned and casually pushed her glasses up on her nose. She was an older chubby woman with short graying hair and pale skin. She looked very 'classic grandma' as he'd described.

He nodded slowly. "Hola," he said, now sounding like the shy one. "Yes, I got accepted for another year." He forced an uncomfortable smile. The previous year, he used to stop by for casual chats with the woman; sometimes she'd even give him a pass to skip a class he didn't like. He hadn't been quite in the mood for re-establishing connections, but he figured he might as well prepare now since he'd probably see some others he knew here from before.

"I'm guessing you're here for your schedule?"

He nodded accordingly.

In her chair, she wheeled over to another part of her desk and began going through a small pile of papers. He assumed those have been for all the exchange students. She glanced up at him again as she searched through them. "And who's this? A new friend?" She looked over at Yuki with a smile, then back to the papers.

"Uh... Si. Uh... This is her first year. So, I'm helping. I'm the only one from last year here again."

The woman nodded. "I see... And your name, dear?" She looked at Yuki again.

"--Yukari," he answered for her, then looked away, thinking he probably shouldn't have. She had her own voice, after-all. He simply made note to himself not to be so chatty and let it happen again.

The woman only nodded and soon pulled out two crisp white sheets of paper from the pile each with one of their names on them. She slid back over to the portion of the desk they stood in front of and handed a paper to each. "There you go." She glanced from them, to a clock, and back. "You've got about 10 minutes before class starts."

Cortez nodded. "Thank you, Miss..." He stalled, having forgotten her name and briefly felt bad since she had remembered him so well. To avoid an awkward moment, he flashed the woman a kind smile then took Yuki's wrist and headed out the office.

@Ami the breadling
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While walking with the other two boys Eli got a little bored so he started walking on the edge of the curb. Was it a little dangerous to be walking so close to the road when he couldn't hear if a car was coming? Maybe but ever since the accident he lived life more to the fullest. He worried about having fun first and safety second. He pulled out his phone and pulled up the memo app as he kept his balance on the edge of the curb. He typed in 'Will one of you help me get my schedule when we get there? Easier than writing what I need to the people in charge. Feel free to type in your #s so we can keep in touch if u want.' and showed his phone to the two boys. @Vulcan @CoconutLeaves
Felix walked into the school. He followed signs and pictures and finally found the office.

"Helvetet (hell)" he muttered under his breath. "This school is huge."

Felix talked to the attendant at the front desk and asked for his schedule.

(I remember reading something about class scheduling, are you going to do that manually, or are we just going to figure it amongst ourselves, @Aato?)
Yuki stood there silently. She was very happy, that Cortez had mostly taken over the talking part for her. She somewhat wished her would just not leave her side and keep leading her, keep talking for her. Keep caring about her. It was nice o have someone do that. Yuki hadn't felt that before, but she realized she liked it very much. She always thought she was able to stand her loneliness, but it had obviously bothered her more than she had thought.

All of those thoughts got pushed away as Cortez took her wrist. She blushed. Why would he do that? Was that meaning something? Or was it just to lead her around further? Was she thinking about those things too much? Yuki let him lead her further. She freed her wrist a bit, but instead took his hand. It was simply way more comfort.


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