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Realistic or Modern Tossed Salad - Y2

How would you like your roommates designated?

  • Same Sex

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Opposite Sex

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Completely Random [either same/opposite based on chance]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
When the boy - Eli - handed him a pencil, he smiled and nodded his thanks before taking the pencil and jotting: Hola! I'm Cortez. It's really cool to meet you. I was saying before that I like your necklace. :) With that he put the pencil against the notebook and handed it back to the boy. However, that's when he also noticed Océane and Jormundur participating too.

He found himself distracted again when another two boys approached, but one spoke more than the other, introducing himself and his roommate. He was brown-complected and on the shorter side. This eased Cortez a bit to see someone who seemed more similar to him. Then, when the boy said where he was from, it all made sense.

"Hello. I'm Cortez." He offered a friendly smile to both. "Las Filipinas, eh? That's cool. My dad is from there." He then noticed the boy offering gifts to the group and took on, a Rosquillo, with a humble nod and sheepish thanks, "Salamat po." He was always shy about using languages he didn't use often from fear of, well, messing them up - especially when using it with non-family members. He then took a bite of the cookie.

It was then that he noticed Jormundur taking his leave. He waved then turned back to the others. "I think Mundy has a pretty good idea. I should probably be putting my things in my room," he suggested. "I'll see you all later." He nodded in affirmation, then made a small wave before clutching his suitcase again and leaving the group to wheel his things down the hall to his room. "Feel free to stop by any time!" He called back. He was unsure if Eli would have been able to understand, but he was sure he'd run into the boy again later. He'd have to.

@PenguinFox ; @CoconutLeaves ; @callmenox ; @Vulcan
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Eli smiled and gave a small wave after seeing what the other boy wrote. His touched his palm to his chin and brought it out as the sign for thanks. He noticed another notepad being pushed in his direction, this time by the girl. He thought she was pretty attractive but pushed the thought away. Girls don't dig deaf guys, unless they're deaf too. He read what she wrote, and in neat but quick handwriting wrote 'Pleased to make your acquaintance. I'm Eli. I'm from Australia. and handed it back to her. He noticed the tall boy, who Océane said was Icelandic, started to use sign language and Eli sighed with relief. He wouldn't have to use his notebook all the time. He signed his greeting to him.

It was at that time that two more boys approached, and everyone began speaking again. Eli began to feel very overwhelmed and isolated. He had no idea what was going on. The two other boys were giving off friendly vibes, but he had no idea what was being said. Eli didn't blame anyone for excluding him; people often forgot he was deaf, especially those he just met, and would go about accidentally isolating him. It was normally easier, and more comfortable for people to talk, rather than write things down. He gave Océane a slight panicked look, as the other two who knew he was deaf had left. He opened his notebook and scribbled down 'What's going on?' and handed it to her. @Aato @billthesomething @callmenox @Vulcan @CoconutLeaves

Too many people. There were officially too many people. Was the whole programme meeting in the hall? And why were they all boys?!

Right as Océane started to communicate by writing with Deaf Kid – Eli, she'll soon learn – two other young men showed up, one caucasian-looking and one a bit more... Océane made a mental note to stop referring to people as “exotic”, since she was pretty sure that was a bit racist and she was there to make friends, not start a degree in anthropology. So, one who might European and one who might not be, but whose hands where heavy with presents, so that didn't matter.

Might-Not-Be-European introduced himself with a name longer than Océane thought was legal, but seemed polite enough, and said that Might-European was his roommate. They both seemed nice and friendly, and their English seemed much better than hers, too.

Jomar and Vulcan, then. Oh gosh, so many names... Cortez, Jormund, Eli, Jomar, Vulcan. She was never going to remind them all. But she'd have time to panic later – right now, she was supposed to be less bubbly and a bit more social. Let's try not to show our awkwardness too soon, shall we?

Hi Jomar, hi Vulcan! I am Océane Lambert from France, very pleased to meet you! This is Jormund from Iceland, my roommate,” she said, pointing to the tallest of them all, “and this Eli from Australia, who's deaf, so you will need to write if you want to talk with him.

Cortez didn't need her help to introduce himself. Then Jomar produced actual gifts, and handed them to the little group, and Océane thought she was about to faint of excitement. FOREIGN FOOD! Foreign food! For free!

Gifts!” She chirped. “Thank you so much! Wait, I have some, I have some too, wait please...

And there she was again, squatting on the floor, opening one of her two luggages. Jormund had left after confirming that he was indeed his roommate, and she should have asked him to tell her where their room was and give him his gift, but that didn't matter, she could always do that later. Between two long skirts and a little vanity bag were neatly tucked little packs of traditional biscuits and two glass bottles. She hadn't even think about getting her own Filipino present, too flustered she was that she hadn't been the first one to give her own little souvenirs to her new friends.

This is palet breton,” she explained, picking herself up and holding out the biscuits, hoping she'd have enough for everyone, “traditional biscuit from where I live. And this is chouchen,” she said, pointing to the bottles, “it's like apple juice, but better? Very traditional. We can drink it later.

Now Cortez was leaving too. Ah, she'll have to give him his later. For now, she gave Jomar, Vulcan and Eli a pack of biscuits each. Poor Eli seemed a bit lost; maybe there was a lot of things going on for him who couldn't hear a thing. When he handed her his notebook, Océane smiled apologetically.

Yeah,” she said towards Jomar and Vulcan while writing her answer, “we have to make sure not to exclude him. But Jormur knows sign language, that's pretty cool, maybe we could all learn.

She finished scribbling and gave Eli his notebook back. It read: Sorry, a bit fast for me too. Australia, really cool. Boy with gift = Jomar, Philippines. Other = Vulcan, his roommate. Jormund + Cortez = gone unpacking. Jomar brought gifts. Me too, biscuits. Drink too, maybe later when everyone is here? Sorry for textspeak, faster like this, is it okay?

@Vulcan ; @CoconutLeaves ; @PenguinFox
Jomar smiled as the giant left and he waved him goodbye. He seemed like a friendly man, a bit curt and clearly not giving his name, but Jomar would put that on culture rather than on his attitude. As Cortez spoke, Jomar's eyes widened in surprise. A Fil-Am? Jomar wondered but did not say anything on that as well. He was clearly not a pure Filipino, a mestizo look in Cortez's features that Jomar knew well. He had some Spanish blood, but how much, he could not tell.

The moment Cortez said thank you in Tagalog, he excitingly replied, "Way Sapayan!" When Cortez left to get back to his room, Jomar made a note to himself not to speak in Cebuano. Not out of shame, but he was told by Doña Cielo that speaking in a foreign language that other could not speak would be considered rude. He was thankful that they picked up a box of the gifts though, it would have been awkward if they had not collected them. Once Cortez was gone, he looked at Oceane. Oceane spoke kindly and enthusiastically about herself and the boy next to her. Once she mentioned that Eli was dear, Jomar felt apologetic for not knowing about it beforehand.

"Sorry," he apologized quickly, "And no need, I'm not expecting anything in return..." He politely protested but fell silent as she knelt down to open her luggage. He looked at Elijah in the meantime and clasped his hand in a handshake with one free hand. He then handed him a box of Piaya before returning back to Oceane, surprised when she took out two packs of biscuits and two glass bottles. Palet Breton and Chouzen.

"Thank you, I have never tried French food before," Jomar said thankfully a shy smile on his face as he took the bottle and the pack of biscuits and placed it on top of his gifts. He gave her the box of Salvarro de Cebu and Barquillos in return.

"This is Salvarro de Cebu, a thin coconut wafers that go well with coffee or ginger tea. The other one is Barquillos, they are also wafers but cigar shaped. People like to put them in ice cream." He suggested and then glanced at Elijah, "I gave him Piaya, flatbreads filled with muscovado." He explained to Oceane, hoping she can explain for him.

Jomar shifted the boxes, the load lighter but still a reminder that there are other people in the building he had to give to. He wondered if Vulcan wanted to stay and speak with the other two. After all, Oceane was a very beautiful girl. When he looked at her, he was reminded of the people in the magazines, their eyes and smiles capturing the reader's interest and making them admire their features. Maybe Vulcan would like to speak more to her, he could even give Vulcan the opportunity to flirt with the girl a bit.

"I have to go look for the other students. There's still some left and I would like to give some." he apologized, truly reluctant to go but knowing that he should make the most of the time right now. He looked at Vulcan, "You should talk to them more." He nodded and nodded to Oceane and Elijah.

"Well, it was nice meeting you, let's hang out sometime!" He said to Oceane and Elijah, and lifting the gifts and the glass bottle on his side arm, he continued on, heading downstairs to go look for the rest.

@Aato @Vulcan @callmenox @PenguinFox
Eli smiled appreciatively when Océane handed him his notebook. He read it and jotted down; 'Thank you for the assistance. And the gifts. I understand wanting to write faster, so that's fine.' Eli thought for a second then handed his notebook back to her. He pointed to the words 'thank you' and did the sign for it. He put his fingertips to his chin, open palmed, and brought them outward. He then turned to the one Océane identified as Jomar and repeated the gesture, thanking him. Eli was appreciative of the gifts, and excited to try them, but he was a little disheartened. All he had that he could think of as special was Vegemite, and people either loved it or hated it. He turned back to Océane and patiently waited for a translation of what was going on. He could try and read the other's lips, but it was difficult with the accents, and there was no guarantee he'd be correct. @CoconutLeaves @callmenox @Vulcan


Hello, Tossed Salad students!

We hope you all are enjoying your stay so far!

In celebration of your arrival and to help you all get acquainted, we have set up a dinner for you all in the complex dining room. Please enjoy the various cultural munches and light instrumental music to accompany it. You all are also welcome to treat yourselves to fun at the pool area seen just outside of the double doors across from the dining room.



  • Your characters may react to this however you like; they don't have to go to dinner, but it's just to help get everyone together.
  • Remember: At least 5 sentences per post, please! [Most of you have been doing great with this, though. :) ]
  • More questions? Message me or ask in OOC. Have fun!

@Suzette ; @Bea ; @Hello
Nova was just coming back in from outside when she heard the announcement about the dinner. She was excited about there being many different types of food, and getting to try them. She was also excited to sit down and get to know some more of the students. She had only met Matthieu and Alexander so far, which was okay because she's only been here for about an hour. Nova decided that it was probably best to change into something nicer. She wasn't sure if the dinner would be more casual or formal, so she was going to go with just a day dress. She headed up to her room, knocking before going in and looking for something to wear.
When the group of students approached them, greeting them and introducing themselves, Vulcan made sure to behave politely when spoken to directly and not allow his mind to wander like he had a habit of doing. Overall, he was left with an impression that these people were really cool folks to hand out with occasionally, especially the girl from France who reminded him of a childhood friend back home who was just as cheerful and energetic as she was. Maybe except for the tall somewhat bulky guy whose name Vulcan couldn't repeat for the life of him that seemed rather cold natured. Then again, he wondered what impression he himself was leaving the foreigners with.

To his great surprise and slight shock, Jomar suddenly announced he was going to look for other students to meet and hand out the rest of his many gifts, which to Vulcan meant leaving him alone in this. "See ya." he told him and then turned back towards what was now left of the group, gulping nervously and internally swearing as he did so. All the introduction work had been done at this point and he found himself not knowing what to say to them. He found speaking at the moment awkward in general since the last thing he wanted to do was isolate the deaf kid that didn't get a single thing they were saying. However, because staying quiet was even more so, he decided to include some simple body language into his speech.

Vulcan pointed at the received gifts with his free hand while balancing them on his other hand and gave them a thumbs up. "Thanks again for those." he said, looking at the French girl who had given them to him. "I'm sure they are just as good as you claim they are. So, what do you guys..." he was interrupted mid sentence when suddenly a voice came through the mounted loudspeaker on one of the walls. Vulcan was quiet and looked in its direction, listening to what it had to say.

When the announcement was over, Vulcan quickly looked back at the people in front of him. "Even more food awaits it seems." he commented in a slightly more enthusiastic voice than he had hoped for. He wasn't even hungry anymore, even though he'd never turn down well prepared food. "So does any of you know where the dining room is exactly?" he then immediately asked. "A map of this place would be highly appreciated but oh well..." he shrugged at this "...you work with what you've got."

@Aato @callmenox @PenguinFox
A few hours after looking for people, Jomar gave up. His head was hurting, his brain was telling him to sleep, and his eyes were threatening to shut out early if he didn't go to bed. The only reason he was in the dining room was to have some dinner before he said night to the world.

The spread before him was marvelous. Viands, Broths, Soups, Salads, and Meats of different cuisines were served on one huge table. He let his eyes savor the textures and scents of each dish, visualizing their taste. He can guess a few of the cuisines based on their appearance: Chinese, Japanese, American but he was clueless on the others. Momentarily out of his sleepiness, he placed scoop upon scoop of different dishes: Sushi, Sashimi, Harissa, Irish Lamb Stew, Couscous, Quinoa and a slice of Black Forest cake on his dish. He placed them on his table, made a short prayer thanking the Lord and Doña Cielo for this opportunity and began eating. The burst of flavors that erupted from his tastebud pleased him that he savored each bite with a food critic's passion. While some didn't feel as fresh in the dishes, he couldn't tell they were bad since they all had a unique flavor that made him enjoy it. It wasn't long that he found himself sated and full; the plate was empty before he knew it.

The call of sleep was now stronger, and his sated self couldn't resist anymore. Placing the plate away, he went back to his dorm and showered. Once he was finished with his preparations, he changed into his sleeping clothes, set his alarm for four in the morning, went to bed, and slept.


Roksana had arrived on the campus a mere 3 hours ago, dropping off her bags at her dorm room prior to her search for a silent place to sit and write in her journal. It was somewhere during her quest that she came upon the schools garden, and every since she set foot in the area, she didn't wish to leave. She had settled in a little spot on the ground beside a rose bed, and so it was there she opened her little journal and began writing out her thoughts.

Это место довольно сильно отличается от дома. Ничего не то же самое, равно ничего аналогичного/знакомые. Не совсем уверен, если мне нравится это место еще. Я начинаю удивляться, если это была хорошая идея. Я знаю где-то в задней части моей голове, я кричать на себя что я должен пожать прочь все мои сомнения, но это отчасти трудно. Интересно, если я буду делать каких-либо друзей здесь, после того, как все sis сказать мне, чтобы попытаться сделать по крайней мере один хороший друг, до конца года. Но это даже возможно? Не люди обычно тратят годы на годы, чтобы узнать, если кто-то способен обрабатывать название «хорошего друга»? Но это не большая проблема это? Нет наверное, нет. Однако возникает еще один вопрос (и я не думаю, что это моя проблема, «большой» либо), что такое мой сосед как? Я надеюсь, что они 're выдерживать состоянии... Я надеюсь, что я являюсь выдерживать возможность их!

С этим здесь приходит моя цель на сегодня: провести разговор с кем-то другим, сам/себя.

Ха... Я не совсем в нормальном режиме, как я думал, я был..., я?

Во всяком случае давайте попробуем получить до конца сегодняшнего дня!

Мы должны?

(English Translation in Spoiler below!)

This place is quite different from home. Nothing is the same, nor is anything similar/familiar. I am not exactly sure if I like this place yet. I'm starting to wonder if this was a good idea. I know somewhere in the back of my mind I am screaming out at myself that I should shake away all of my doubt, but that's kind of hard. I wonder if I will make any friends here, after all sis did tell me to try and make at least one good friend before the end of the year. But is that even possible? Don't people usually spend years upon years to find out if someone is capable of handling the title of a "good friend"? But that isn't the big issue is it? Nope, probably not. However another question arises (and I don't think that's my "big" issue either), what is my roommate like? I hope they're withstand able....I hope I'm withstand able to them!

With that here comes my goal for today : Hold a conversation with someone other that myself/yourself.

Ha....I'm not exactly as normal as I thought I'd was....am I?

Anyway, Let's try to get to the end of today!

Shall we?

Just as she placed her little notebook back down in her lap, an announcement echoed throughout the campus. Listening attentively, the girl placed the notebook back in her bag and removed little Zana from the black knapsack. She hugged the small rag doll for a minute before carefully placing it back in the

She rose to her feet and draped the bag over her left shoulder before beginning her second mission. To find the Dining Room.


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Nicolas sighed as he headed to wherever this banker or whatever people called, was at. He hadn't had the chance to go to his dorm but he would go after eating, eating was important, something his mom always told him. "A donde es que esta el lugar?" (Where is the place located at?) That was something he said because he had no idea where it was. It wasn't until his nose picked up the scent of it that made him run toward where he though the food was located at. He smiled when he finally found it and walked toward where the food was at. "Por fin." (Finally.) Nicolas looked through all the food before finding his country food, pupusas, something he loved to it. He found so many good foods but only picked some stuffed chicken, white rice and finally 4 pupusas. He walked toward one of the table and started eating, not really minding if someone saw him eating, he liked the food it was good but not as good as his mom food.

Océane blinked, then repeated Eli's gesture, putting her fingers to her chin, palm towards her, and then reaching out in a slow motion. “Thank you?” She repeated. “That means... thank you?

Yes, that seemed to be the case, since the Australian boy repeated the gesture to Jomar as well.

Gratitude towards the Filipino was in order indeed. The French girl took the gifts with an immensely pleased expression. She liked nothing more than free food. Waffers sounded nice, too. She put them in her luggage, filling the space left by her own gifts which had now left in the hands of their new owners.

I've never had Filipino food either! Thanks, really, ” She exclaimed happily. “I hope you'll like the palets, just let me know what you think of them. Talk to you later!

Océane waved as Jomar took his leave. Vulcan started a sentence, the girl nodding along, tiredness taking its toll on her – it had been a long day, after all – when a voice echoed through the building. She looked up, listening closely. A feast? Yet some more delicious food? Ohh, she was in luck! Vulcan asked about the dining hall, which prompted her to rummage through her things again, this time reaching out for the letter she had received from the programme.

There's a map enclosed,” she explained as she handed it to the Bulgarian, “please look it up while I translate for Eli, okay?

Entrusting the boy with this important task, she turned back to the Australian, reaching out for his notebook and pen with a smile. She scribbled hurriedly before holding it back for him to read and answer her.

Announcement! Dining room, big diner for everyone. Vulcan looks the map. Maybe you go with him? I need to place my things, then I come join you. OK?

“Vul... Vulcan, right? Can you go with Elijah to the dining room? I'll join you guys there when I'm done unpacking. I'm also pretty sure I need a shower!” She added with a chuckle.

@Vulcan ; @PenguinFox ; @Aato
At this point it was only the three of them left; Eli, Vulcan and Océane. Eli smiled when Océane repeated his gesture of thanks and nodded to show she was doing it correctly. He watched as she talked with the other boy until they both stopped suddenly. He looked back and forth but neither was speaking. Something was going on but he had no idea what. After a minute of this silence, visual silence for Eli, Océane took his notebook and wrote something down. She told him there was an announcement. That explains the silence. There was some kind of dinner going on and she wanted him to go with the other boy for now. While Eli didn't really like being treated kind of like a child, he was grateful that she was at least thinking about his condition. He signed the letters 'o.k.' and turned to the other with a small smile. @Vulcan @callmenox
When the French girl, whose name Vulcan couldn't recall in memory and which he would have to overhear in some random conversation to write down and remember, began once again rummaging through her luggage, which to him was starting to look a lot like Mary Poppins' magic bag, he just stood where he was, staring at her with confusion written on his face. It wasn't until she handed him an envelope and explained to him that this was in fact a map that he understood. "Sure thing." he said as he shifted his gifts from both hands to only one and took the folded piece of paper, placing it on top of one of the boxes. He quickly made a photo of it with his phone before starting to establish the 'route' to the dining hall. This place sure looked even bigger that he had expected. Luckily, it had been built in a rather self explanatory way so that no one would get lost.

When she spoke up again, he was done and handed her the map back. In response to her offer to accompany Elijah, Vulcan nodded and shifted his gaze to the boy standing a bit aside. It seemed to him that, since the girl was writing in it, he was using this notebook for communication with the other students. While this didn't completely solve the problem with isolating him from a conversation, it sure offered an option.

"You just go ahead. We'll be in the dining room." he finally told her, then quickly looked back towards the boy and nodded to the door leading into the hallway. He didn't like pointing to stuff like that but right now, he couldn't think of any other way to signal Elijah he was supposed to follow.

Then they made their way towards the dining hall where they were expected. At some point it was quite easy to find their way because of the overwhelming smell or better aroma of freshly prepared food. Finally laying eyes on the long buffet in the hall, Vulcan couldn't hide his surprise at seeing so many dishes from all around the world. He found a free table to the side to put his gifts down and then went to take part in the feast. He could see some traditional ones from his home as well but decided not to get any because of how often he enjoyed those back at home. What he did get on the tray however was a glass of fresh lemon juice, a tender looking steak with some brownish sauce and black beans to the side as well as some boiled vegetables, a piece of salmon fillet and a milk bread. Then he returned to the table he had left his packages at and put the tray down. Oh, he was so looking forward to calling his mum later and telling her he was getting fat here. Not that anyone was forcing him to eat, it was just that everything looked so delicious and it was a simple act of kindness to try someone's gift when it consisted of food.

Because he had picked dishes that could just as well be consumed cold, Vulcan leaned back in his chair and decided to wait for the rest of his small group. At least he was hoping the French girl and Elijah wouldn't just leave him hanging there.

@callmenox @PenguinFox
Cortez let himself into his new room for the year for the first time. It was empty and he was somewhat surprised. He wheeled his things over to his bed of choice and started unpacking. Since he knew just how much he needed from a year spent here before, there wasn't too much to unpack as he'd brought just what he needed. Plus, one bag was able to stay packed and he'd just reference it as needed; that bag got stored underneath the bed.

As he was getting back to his feet, he heard the announcement for dinner and had to admit that he was excited -- tired, but excited. It had been so long since he'd had warm food and he hadn't really been expecting to be given dinner; he'd honestly forgotten they did this. When he started for the door, a bright pink paper on the back called for his attention. He hiked an eyebrow, curious as to what it could be, and immediately went to read it.

Interesting. It seemed his roommate would be delayed indeterminably. So, he was going to have this place to himself until some random day when he showed up. Cool. Cortez could live with that. First agenda after dinner? Push the beds together. This would be fun. In any case, he was off to dinner.

When he finally made it to the dining room, he saw foods already missing, yet plenty more filled the table, and there were faces he'd seen earlier and new ones he hadn't seen before. He gave a friendly smile and wave to Vulcan - the quieter roommate of the Pinoy he briefly met earlier, then grabbed a small plate and filled it with some rice and then topped it with a couple of scoops of black bean soup, along with a couple of fried plantains on the side, before settling at the table.

He noticed a tan-complected boy eating rice, chicken, and a sort of stuffed dough and curiously asked, "¿Hablas español?" Sure, it was nice to find someone who spoke another language aside from English that he understood, but Spanish was his most comfortable. This boy seemed to have some of the Latino characteristics he was used to seeing, but he always could have been wrong...

(*Sorry if that's written awkwardly; was kinda distracted while writing*)

Nicolas blinked when someone came asking him if he spoke Spanish. Of course he spoke Spanish, everything about him spoke that he was a proud Latino. "Si, porque?" He had placed the food back in the plate, while looking at him with a tilted look. Hmmm, he looked like someone someone that actually only spoke a little bit of English but he didn't say anything as he continue to stare at him waiting for an answer. @Aato
Cortez couldn't seem to read this boy and his personality right away. Although he had responded, he seemed...distant, perhaps? Or maybe he was just trying to make judgments about someone he didn't really know too soon. "Soy de Cuba... El español no es mi primera lengua, pero mi habla el idioma mejor. You know, que viven en Cuba and all..." He forced a smile. "De dónde eres?" He imagined there would be dialectal differences, but he was sure he'd be able to understand the boy well enough, like American English compared to Canadian or British English, or Canadian French with France French or African French, and so on. Besides, there was always English as the fallback - if this boy spoke much of that. There was always the possibility that he was Cuban too, but he doubted that; he didn't have the accent. "Mi llamo Cortez, por cierto."

"I'm from Cuba... Spanish isn't my first language, but I speak the language best. You know, living in Cuba and all..." | "Where are you from?" | "My name is Cortez, by the way."

(*In case you actually speak Spanish, I don't, lol. I just did my best in translation from French since I know they're close-ish, so, yes something might be off.*)

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Nicolas stare at the guy whole folding his arm. Normally he would understand him but he had heard so many mispronounced words that he couldn't even answer. "Tu quieres decir que el Español no es tu primer idioma porque si no es eso yo no se Como transladarlo." He told him. He had been on El Salvador ever since he was little so he knew what some of the words meant but what he said kinda made him cringe. "Soy de El Salvador." He answered when the guy asked where he was from. He continue to look at him before frowning. "Me llamo Christian o Nicolas, cualquiera me pueden llamar." He introduced himself while closing his eyes and opening them again. @Aato

("You are trying to say that Spanish isnt your first language because if not, I don't know how to translate it." "I'm from El Salvador." "Im Christian or Nicolas, call me whatever you want."

Spanish is my main language xD I was confused because some of those words were written wrong)
//Now I'm going to try this

Saint Alexander Pierce (Unfade)

He woke up after falling asleep from previous...escapades with Matthieu and looked over at the boy beside him sleeping when he heard the call for dinner, He sighed and sat up, running his hand through his own hair before poking Matthieu's cheek "Hey, Dinner" he whispered with a somewhat raspy voice. He then swung his legs over the bed and began getting dressed again. He fixed his hair quickly before turning to Matthieu again with a small smile. Dammit he was really cute.

Matthieu stirred a bit from having his check poked,slowly opening his eyes looking up at Saint. He sat up rubbing his eyes before stretching a bit."you say,Dinner?"he asked quietly.


Saint Alexander Pierce

He looked over at the now awake Matthieu and smiled a bit "Yep, They just called for dinner" he said as he pulled his shirt over his head and grumbled "My hair is a mess!" he complained, He hated his hair being messy though he definitely didn't hate what just happened, Even if he couldn't believe it. He just got to this school and now...Basically has a boyfriend? Part of him didn't believe it was real, That it was a dream or something but there he is. Sitting on his bed. "Should probably get dressed..." he mumbled as he suddenly felt embarrassed

he yawned."yeah,you're right.." he looked around."clothes..clothes.."he mumbled to himself. "hm.." He pulled himself out of bed looking around for his clothes. "..have you seen them? my clothes?"he asked him.


Saint Alexander Pierce

He looked around and eventually found them on the other side of the room, Trying his best not to stare at Matthieu's nudeness, He threw the clothes at him with a playful grin before opening his own bag and digging around for his brush "Toothbrush....tooth paste....iPod....Computer....underwear...AH!" he exclaimed once he found the brush and began fixing his own mohawk, Brushing it up a little bit for once with a small smile "Much better"


Saint Alexander Pierce

He watched him quietly and blushed, Suddenly feeling embarrassed "I'm definitely not" he argued as he messed up Matthieu's hair with a slight smirk before getting his shoes on and the key to his dorm "Ready to go meet more people?" he asked with a small smile, Almost trying to forget what just happened as he wasn't entirely sure what was going to happen from this....Was it just a fling? Will they go their separate ways and never speak again or will it be something more? He didn't know and it kinda scared him.

//Try to make your posts longer :3 @MatthewChastain

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