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Realistic or Modern Tossed Salad - Y2

How would you like your roommates designated?

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Saint Alexander Pierce

He nodded slowly "I do" he whispered as he stared at the boy, a million thoughts racing through his head and he was extremely afraid the boy would feel weird about it "I wouldn't have just kissed you if I didn't like you" he added quietly as he held the boy up

He chuckled and smiled, not taking his eyes off of Saint. "You're right..you would not have." He couldn't help but smile like an idiot again."so,does this mean that..you are now my boyfriend?" He asked quietly.


Saint Alexander Pierce

He shrugged "If you want me to be" he said with an adorable smirk as he boosted the boy up to be just barely above himself so he could stare up at him "You're really cute Matthieu" he said sweetly

He giggled softly looked into the other mans eyes again. "And so are you,Saint Alexander..you're so nice..I love you lots."his smile widened at the very words that slipped from his mouth.


Saint Alexander Pierce

He blushed deeply at his words and pulled him tighter against his chest as he kissed him hard "Really....so cute" he whispered against his lips before carrying him towards the bed with a bag in the way, His heart pounded so hard he was sure he'd have a heart attack. He'd never done anything like this before, contrary to what most people would probably think. The tall, 6'3 guy covered in tattoos was...a virgin? What?

He smirked up at the older man."so,now what?" He asked softly. Knowing already that leaving was something that probably wasn't going to happen for quite a long while.


Saint Alexander Pierce

He blushed deeply and set him on the bed "Whatever you want" he purred with a mischievous little smirk on his face "Cutie~" he said sweetly as he kissed his cheek again

He blushed looked away for a minute. He twitled with his thumbs nervously."well..how about..cuddle?" He asked softly,looking back up at him

Saint Alexander Pierce

He blushed and nodded, shoving his bag off the bed before crawling up to the pillow and flopping down with his arm extended for him to join "Come here" he purred with a cute smile. His face was still a very nice pink color in the dark-ish room, He quietly kicked his shoes off and pushed them off the side of the bed with his feet

He smiled crawling over to him,laying on top of him. He blushed even more giggling to himself."I have never done something like this before..I like it."


Saint Alexander Pierce

He smiled at him and ran a hand through the other boys silky hair "That makes two of us" he admitted as his other arm went around him loosely and his fingers traced circles against whatever area they were touching, Probably his ribs. At this point Matthieu could probably feel Saint's heartbeat

He stopped talking for a minute just so he could listen to his heart beat. He laid there in silence for at least five minutes,just listening to it.


Saint Alexander Pierce

He blushed and stared at the ceiling as his hand began playing with the other males hair absently "This is weird" he whispered "In a good way" he added as he squirmed his legs slightly and blushed even more, His heart beat picking up a bit

he chuckled softly."it's is,isn't it..?" He closed his eyes growing relaxed from his hair being played with.still listening to the other mans heartbeat carefully.


Saint Alexander Pierce

He closed his eyes and continued playing with the boys hair "I want to kiss you" he said quietly as his other hand began trailing up and down Matthieu's spine, He couldn't believe he liked this boy so much already, He'd even dare to say he loved him if he wasn't so embarrassed

Mathieu opened his eyes again, picking himself up off the other man he scooted himself up closer. He smirked,Lowering himself down close to the older mans lips. He whispered."then kiss me.."


Saint Alexander Pierce

He stared up at him and blushed before putting his hand on the back of Matthieu's neck to pull him into a rough, passionate kiss, his other arm snaking around the boys waist

//Short post sorry @MatthewChastain
He closed his eyes again,enjoying every moment of the kiss. No one had ever kissed him like this,well,maybe that was because he had never had a boyfriend before.

(@Bea that's ok

As they were talking, yet another boy approached them, this one looking smaller and shier than the first one, but still taller than Cortez – and therefore taller than her as well.

Lots of looking up in the near future, then. Océane wondered if she was going to be the sole girl in the programme, which... wasn't really the most exciting prospect for her dating life, but she was here to study, after all, not to flirt. Not to mention the inherent issues with starting a long-distance relationship with someone so far away from home; her hormone-fuelled teenage brain might think it was a great idea, but the more reasonable side of her psyche was telling her to stop daydreaming about silly things and focus on reality. She didn't notice if anyone passed them by; she was too excited by meeting people to acknowledge the existence of an outside world. One of the new boys was introducing himself, extending a hand that the French girl shook happily. Hand shaking, good. She knew that. She could do that. No cheek-kissing, then. Very well.

Coincidentally, that one boy gave a name that sort of sounded like whatever was written on her letter, so Océane hurried to show the paper to him. Perhaps they were from the same country, perhaps he was her roommate himself?

Pleased to meet you, Jormund! I think you might be my roommate? That's your name, right? I'm sorry, I don't know how to say it, I don't speak Icelandic at all. But it's great, right? So happy to meet you. Oh, I'm from France, by the way. Let's live together nicely this year!

While she was greeting her new friend in her usual bubbly fashion, the new boy was speaking. Well, trying to. His voice was harsh and hoarse and a bit weird, if she was to be honest. Océane didn't pay him much mind at first, as she was busy trying to remember how Jormund pronounced his name himself, but after a little while Cortez and New Boy's little notebook game caught her attention. That's when it dawned on her – of course! Poor kid was deaf. That must have been harsh. She had no idea how sign language worked either. But writing things, that was genius!

Wait,” she told Jormund, “we need to introduce ourselves to him too!

Another rummaging through her bag later, she got out a pen and her agenda, hurriedly scribbling. Hello! I'm Océane from France. The boy is Jörmundur from Iceland (I think). Happy to meet you! What is your name? Where are you from?

With a big grin and an enthusiastic nod, she reached out the little notebook for Deaf Boy to see.

@Aato ; @billthesomething ; @PenguinFox
When Jomar stood up and went to his luggage, rummaging around his belongings, Vulcan quickly wrapped up the snacks again and placed them on the desk next to his bed for later. When however he looked back at his roommate and saw the pile of other packages similar to the ones he had received earlier himself, he looked at him with eyes widened in surprise. "You brought gifts for everyone." he observed, watching him carefully take them in his hands and walk out of their dorm room. Vulcan was quick to follow after him, locking the door in the process and putting the key away in his pocket. "Want some help with that?" he offered as he finally joined his side, worried that he might drop all those precious boxes, especially since there were stairs leading to the entrance hall only a couple of feet further down the hallway.

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"Doña Cielo thought of this beforehand, so I should be thankful for her. No, no, I can handle this much by myself." Jomar politely declined his roommate's offer as he went down the hall. This was common work to him anyway. If he couldn't do this much then he'd be ashamed that he was starting to grow lax in his work ethic. He looked around, paintings and posters strewn all over the walls, the canary colored walls had a warm and inviting feel and the carpeted floor was a different texture from the wooden floors that he would shine with the coconut husk and floor wax. He truly was in a new environment. Not to mention he was living with people who looked quite different from him. As he continued walked, he noticed a group of people in the hallways. They seemed to tower over him and he probably had a feeling that he was going to be the shortest one in the dormitory. Not much could be done about that.

But they also made him nervous. Would they find him odd? Would he be isolated? He didn't know. But he wouldn't be able to speak to Doña Cielo tomorrow if he didn't at least try to converse with the others. Relaxing himself, he decided to interrupt their conversation briefly, letting a natural smile come into place.

"Hello, my name is Jomar Generoso K. Amorcillo! This is my roommate Vulcan!" He pointed to his new friend with a flat palm, a respectful manner, "I'm an exchange student from Argao, Cebu, Philippines," He introduced himself with an English that was slower than a native speaker's but had a light accent that did not distort the way he pronounced his words. He looked at the group and did a slight nod of his head, taking a look of them. One was a giant who had a very friendly face, a girl who was very beautiful and reminded him of a teenage heroine in a movie, one looked like Bruno Mars in some way, and one had a strong jaw that gave him a very heroic look who was holding a notebook.

"I brought gifts from my country so I hope you enjoy them." He knew by the feel of the products he was about to give out, what Doña Cielo had wrapped: Salvarro de Cebu, a thin Coconut wafer that had a slight sweetness and went well with ginger tea; Barqiuillos, a Cigar shaped wafer that had a higher sweetness but was usually played with because of its shape; Piayaya de Bacolod, a flat sweet with burnt sugar filling, and Rosquillos, cookies that had a taste that was mildly sweet but were sunflower shaped. He offered them to each one and hope they were receptive to the gifts.

@Vulcan @callmenox @Aato @PenguinFox @billthesomething
Vulcan was grateful that Jomar spared him the trouble of introducing himself. He smiled and raised his hand to about shoulder height and gave a small wave to greet the group of students. "Hi." was all he said for himself as he looked at each one of them. He felt nervous for some reason, feeling as if they were interrupting the other's already started conversation. If he had been on his own, he probably wouldn't have dared going to talk to them unless someone called him over, which no one would as he was just some strange guy passing by, and would have instead simply stayed at a distance.
callmenox said:

As they were talking, yet another boy approached them, this one looking smaller and shier than the first one, but still taller than Cortez – and therefore taller than her as well.

Lots of looking up in the near future, then. Océane wondered if she was going to be the sole girl in the programme, which... wasn't really the most exciting prospect for her dating life, but she was here to study, after all, not to flirt. Not to mention the inherent issues with starting a long-distance relationship with someone so far away from home; her hormone-fuelled teenage brain might think it was a great idea, but the more reasonable side of her psyche was telling her to stop daydreaming about silly things and focus on reality. She didn't notice if anyone passed them by; she was too excited by meeting people to acknowledge the existence of an outside world. One of the new boys was introducing himself, extending a hand that the French girl shook happily. Hand shaking, good. She knew that. She could do that. No cheek-kissing, then. Very well.

Coincidentally, that one boy gave a name that sort of sounded like whatever was written on her letter, so Océane hurried to show the paper to him. Perhaps they were from the same country, perhaps he was her roommate himself?

Pleased to meet you, Jormund! I think you might be my roommate? That's your name, right? I'm sorry, I don't know how to say it, I don't speak Icelandic at all. But it's great, right? So happy to meet you. Oh, I'm from France, by the way. Let's live together nicely this year!

While she was greeting her new friend in her usual bubbly fashion, the new boy was speaking. Well, trying to. His voice was harsh and hoarse and a bit weird, if she was to be honest. Océane didn't pay him much mind at first, as she was busy trying to remember how Jormund pronounced his name himself, but after a little while Cortez and New Boy's little notebook game caught her attention. That's when it dawned on her – of course! Poor kid was deaf. That must have been harsh. She had no idea how sign language worked either. But writing things, that was genius!

Wait,” she told Jormund, “we need to introduce ourselves to him too!

Another rummaging through her bag later, she got out a pen and her agenda, hurriedly scribbling. Hello! I'm Océane from France. The boy is Jörmundur from Iceland (I think). Happy to meet you! What is your name? Where are you from?

With a big grin and an enthusiastic nod, she reached out the little notebook for Deaf Boy to see.

@Aato ; @billthesomething ; @PenguinFox
"That's my name on there" conforming the girl's earlier question. he greeted the deaf boy by signing his greetings, Jormund learned sign language from his older brother who was born deaf, beside his handwriting was atrocious. so it seemed simpler to use sign language.

CoconutLeaves said:
"Doña Cielo thought of this beforehand, so I should be thankful for her. No, no, I can handle this much by myself." Jomar politely declined his roommate's offer as he went down the hall. This was common work to him anyway. If he couldn't do this much then he'd be ashamed that he was starting to grow lax in his work ethic. He looked around, paintings and posters strewn all over the walls, the canary colored walls had a warm and inviting feel and the carpeted floor was a different texture from the wooden floors that he would shine with the coconut husk and floor wax. He truly was in a new environment. Not to mention he was living with people who looked quite different from him. As he continued walked, he noticed a group of people in the hallways. They seemed to tower over him and he probably had a feeling that he was going to be the shortest one in the dormitory. Not much could be done about that.
But they also made him nervous. Would they find him odd? Would he be isolated? He didn't know. But he wouldn't be able to speak to Doña Cielo tomorrow if he didn't at least try to converse with the others. Relaxing himself, he decided to interrupt their conversation briefly, letting a natural smile come into place.

"Hello, my name is Jomar Generoso K. Amorcillo! This is my roommate Vulcan!" He pointed to his new friend with a flat palm, a respectful manner, "I'm an exchange student from Argao, Cebu, Philippines," He introduced himself with an English that was slower than a native speaker's but had a light accent that did not distort the way he pronounced his words. He looked at the group and did a slight nod of his head, taking a look of them. One was a giant who had a very friendly face, a girl who was very beautiful and reminded him of a teenage heroine in a movie, one looked like Bruno Mars in some way, and one had a strong jaw that gave him a very heroic look who was holding a notebook.

"I brought gifts from my country so I hope you enjoy them." He knew by the feel of the products he was about to give out, what Doña Cielo had wrapped: Salvarro de Cebu, a thin Coconut wafer that had a slight sweetness and went well with ginger tea; Barqiuillos, a Cigar shaped wafer that had a higher sweetness but was usually played with because of its shape; Piayaya de Bacolod, a flat sweet with burnt sugar filling, and Rosquillos, cookies that had a taste that was mildly sweet but were sunflower shaped. He offered them to each one and hope they were receptive to the gifts.

@Vulcan @callmenox @Aato @PenguinFox @billthesomething
What is with people here were so much more lively then in iceland (well more lively then it's countryside). Jormund took one of the rosquillos and took a bite, "this is pretty good. i have some harðfisk in my room if you want to try some" he said before finishing off the treat. "I'll see you all later" he headed to his room, he had to put away the groceries
Christian Nicolas Alvarez, that was his name and he was in a bad mood. His cab driver was an asshole the whole time, ignoring him whenever he asked him a question. What the hell was wrong with him? He had decided not to give the cab driver a tip at. "Cabron." (Bitch) that was the only thing he said once he got his luggage from the car trunk. He sighed before heading inside. He wasn't sure where he was going and honestly, he just didn't care. It was hard for him to get posed off but rude people like the cab driver, yeah they were always on his top list. "Mierda, no se donde tengo que ir." (Shit, I don't know where I have to go.) That was what he said when he realized that he had gotten.

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