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Realistic or Modern Tossed Salad - Y2

How would you like your roommates designated?

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  • Completely Random [either same/opposite based on chance]

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Saint Alexander Pierce

He shrugged "I like pretty much everything" he said as he glanced at the front woman as they walked by "Getting lunch" he said quickly before leading Matthieu out of the building as he didn't want 'school lunch', His experience with school lunches in Australia wasn't the best. "So what's ...Marseilles? like?" he asked, questioning if he'd pronounced it right with his Aussie accent


(OOC: Aato, my apologies. I wasn't clear enough. To me she had literally just passed the door of the building.)

Oh, yes, a key! Yes, I have that! Wait, please.” Océane's voice rose to excited heights again, as she let go of her luggage handle – which thankfully didn't crash with a loud thud on the floor or on her foot, as it had done at the airport – and rummaged through her shoulder bag. She took out a crumbled envelope, which indeed contained a small key, that the young girl held proudly to the sky.

Here it is! Now, the letter...

She looked through her bag again, this time finding the creased paper that bore her rooming information. Ah, this was embarrassing – she was usually so much more organised than this. She offered Cortez a shy, apologetic smile as she skimmed through the letter.

They say that I'm with someone called...” Oh Holy Mary, Mother of God, how was she supposed to pronounce that? Her face went blank for a second.

... I have no idea how to say it,” she admitted with a little embarrassed chuckle. Wonderful, meeting her very first new friend and already making a fool of herself. What was the point of travelling so far away if it was to behave as stupidly as she did back home?

Before she could add something else and probably show Cortez the letter so he could give it a go, another boy appeared in the hallway. He was much taller than Cortez, and looking more European. He did seem friendly enough, too, so Océane smiled once again, her facial expressions her best assets when her English betrayed her.

Hi! Yes, I am Océane. I am part of the programme. You are too, right?

@Aato @billthesomething
"It's very nice. It's a big city but the streets are lots smaller than here. The houses are not close together like Marseille too." He looked off the the side."what's home like to you?"


Saint Alexander Pierce

He smiled a little "Perth's right on the the coast, So there's lots of sandy beaches...It's really pretty here let me show you a picture" he said as he got his phone out and pulled up a photo "There's lots of tall buildings and it's all really green, Much to most peoples ideas of australia being super sandy" he said

Eli watched his roommates actions carefully. It sort of seemed to him that his roommate didn't care about things that much. He didn't even tell him his name. His roommate walked to the door, turned around and started speaking. Eli had to concentrate hard on his lips. He thought for a second putting together the words he thought he saw and words that are similar and putting them together. He then tried to find the most likely sentence. He was pretty sure his roommate was asking if he wanted to explore. Eli didn't want to be a burden on his roommate, which he felt he would be if he hung around him so he gave him a small wave to signal for him to go without him. Eli did however want to explore so he grabbed his notebook and went the opposite direction as his roommate until he came upon some people talking. He approached them quietly and gave a warm but timid smile @SomatoToup123 @callmenox @billthesomething @Aato
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After unpacking the main things, Nessie decided it was now time to explore. Those other things could wait until she really needed them or was bored and in need of something, anything to do. With that, she made sure she had her room key and headed out into the hall. In the near distance, she could see people standing around talking. She examined them from the distance and listened to the different intonations of their accented voices, but only flashed them a smile and brief wave as she neared and passed. She was on a mission right now.

She soon found herself in the large living room, looking at the rustic-style furniture and the mounted entertainment equipment. "Hm." That was the only response she had to her thoughts before she moved on. Pricey things weren't foreign to her. Her parents were probably upper-middleclass or lower-upperclass, so, it took a little more to impress her. She probably should have been more humbled by her short time lived - and even visits - to Ethiopia, but... she wasn't that type of person. At least, she hadn't reached that level of maturity yet.

She now found herself entering the kitchen, but stopped short when she noticed someone already there. "Aye!" She jumped slightly. Then her lips curved into a light smile. "Lassie... Yuptae?" She asked what she was doing, unsure what else to say but also nosy as she looked over the fluffy haired female with her slim figure. She couldn't particularly tell if she was older or not, but it likely didn't matter much. Everyone here were peers more or less. Whatever the case, Nessie found her cute.

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Mathieu looked at the photo."oh wow,it does look really nice." He smiled and looked back up at Saint."I wish I would go there"


Saint Alexander Pierce

He nodded and smiled a bit "Maybe you could go sometime" he said as they walked, It was pretty sunny out "There are beaches near here too" he added, Feeling a little...different? Around Matthieu than he thought, Almost....Attracted to him. Which was strange to Saint because he'd only ever liked one guy before, Which was the one back in Perth. He glanced over at the boy and offered him a cute grin​
callmenox said:

(OOC: Aato, my apologies. I wasn't clear enough. To me she had literally just passed the door of the building.)

Oh, yes, a key! Yes, I have that! Wait, please.” Océane's voice rose to excited heights again, as she let go of her luggage handle – which thankfully didn't crash with a loud thud on the floor or on her foot, as it had done at the airport – and rummaged through her shoulder bag. She took out a crumbled envelope, which indeed contained a small key, that the young girl held proudly to the sky.

Here it is! Now, the letter...

She looked through her bag again, this time finding the creased paper that bore her rooming information. Ah, this was embarrassing – she was usually so much more organised than this. She offered Cortez a shy, apologetic smile as she skimmed through the letter.

They say that I'm with someone called...” Oh Holy Mary, Mother of God, how was she supposed to pronounce that? Her face went blank for a second.

... I have no idea how to say it,” she admitted with a little embarrassed chuckle. Wonderful, meeting her very first new friend and already making a fool of herself. What was the point of travelling so far away if it was to behave as stupidly as she did back home?

Before she could add something else and probably show Cortez the letter so he could give it a go, another boy appeared in the hallway. He was much taller than Cortez, and looking more European. He did seem friendly enough, too, so Océane smiled once again, her facial expressions her best assets when her English betrayed her.

Hi! Yes, I am Océane. I am part of the programme. You are too, right?

@Aato @billthesomething
Jörmundur grinned "Yes" he answered he then placed down his bags of groceries and held his hand out for shake "I am Jörmundur Grímsonn I am From Iceland, just call me Jormund or Mundy as some of the locals here have come to start calling me"

Saint Alexander Pierce

He nodded "I'd definitely enjoy it if you did, I could show you around and stuff" he said as they entered a cute little cafe serving lunch, The floor was a light wood and it had pretty chandelier-type lights at each table with crystals dangling from them. There was quiet music in the background aswell, A hostess walked up to them and smiled before leading them to their table


Saint Alexander Pierce

He sat down in the fancy booth with really comfy seats "Oh my god its so comfortable~" he chimed cutely as he wiggled around in his seat before straightening up and began playing with one of the little advertisement triangles they put on the table like a child. He then looked up at Matthieu and grinned handsomely "What's that smile for?" he asked teasingly

He sat down and looked at him."hm? o-oh nothing,it's nothing. he looked off to the side,his face starting to grow red from embarrassment.


Saint Alexander Pierce

He smirked a little bit "Whatever you say....But you're blushing" he teased more as he booped Matthieu's foot under the table and crossed his arms on the table before resting his head on them to stare up at the boy through his eyelashes

Cortez watched the girl in her moment of sudden recollection and then she went through her things. He could help finding the way she carried on funny in a cute sort of way. He moved a hand up, covering his mouth as he snickered. Although, you could still see he was laughing, or at least smiling, as his eyes curved into crescent moons. She definitely had her own personality. He wondered briefly if, wherever she were from, it was common to be so... bubbly. Perhaps not. She was probably just excited about everything. He was just getting ready to respond when he heard another deep accented voice and turned to see a taller boy had joined them. He had to admit it caught him offguard. Cortez's own father was abnormally taller than what was common for his origins, but he was still used to the fairly similar heights of the men in his country and, well, this boy's stature exceeded his father's by quite a bit.

The Latino boy smiled and waved at the tall guy who seemed quite friendly as he spoke to Océane. He also noticed he had bags that looked as though they had food in them. You could never go wrong with a person with food. He laughed inwardly at himself. The tall boy introduced himself and determined he'd likely stick to calling him 'Mundy'. Unlike properly pronouncing Océane's name which could be worked on, his accent would likely never allow him to get that Icelandic name right...

And then, he saw another boy approach. Wow. He and Océane were just popular right now, weren't they. Well, aside from that girl who had waved but kept moving. The first thing he noticed was his necklace and immediately assumed he was from somewhere tropical in temperature. He then noticed a large notebook. This caused Cortez to hike an eyebrow. '¿...Escritor?' He thought to himself. He recalled taking his art supplies most places he went as well and definitely brought them here. "Nice necklace," he complimented the quiet boy with a smile. "I'm Cortez." He leaned one of his suitcases against his leg so it wouldn't fall and offered a hand.

@callmenox @billthesomething @PenguinFox
Kailaa had finished talking to her grandmother and promised to call her every week to let her know how things were going with school and everything else. She browsed around the kitchen, opening drawers, cabinets and lastly the refrigerator. She looked over the contents trying to find something she could quell the rising hunger in her when she heard someone say something behind her. Kailaa turned around to see a pretty girl with what seemed like a genuine smile, she had gorgeous skin that looked smooth to the touch. She didn't know what she said to her but she smiled and gave a little wave to show she was friendly. "Hello I'm Kailaa."

He looked back at Saint unable to hide his obvious blush by now. He grinned."you got me." He crossed his arms.

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Asad watched as the other boy waved him off before walking in the opposite direction. Oh well, he was better off alone anyways. Lightly humming to himself, Asad took a few lefts and right in the building. It was a pretty large space, made to hold all the exchange students, and he couldn't help but feel a little happy that he got the chance to come here. His stomach grumbled a bit, and he realized he was hungry again. Must have been from that nap, Asa thought to himself as he found his way into the kitchens. Well, he didn't really find his way, he just followed the signs until they led him there. But still, Asa could have gotten lost, a reason to congratulate himself. Back home, he'd always help out with the cooking for his siblings, but now, he didn't have to cook anything for himself. The kitchen was a nice place, and he found himself in a search for food. However, instead of finding food, he found two girls.

@Troubledsoul1 @Aato

Saint Alexander Pierce

He tilted his head a bit, curious as to why the short male was blushing so hard...Maybe he'd never been out with a guy before? Even if it wasn't a date? Who knows. "Why are you blushing?" he finally asked curiously, His green-grey eyes twinkling in the sunlight aswell as his chocolate brown mohawk-type hair, He had tattoos covering both arms which got him some weird looks from a lady working in the kitchen as he did indeed look to be in high school.

he looked back down for a moment."well.." He started,starting to twirle with his fingers."well,you are adorable. That's it."


Saint Alexander Pierce

He blinked and blushed deeply, Definitely was not expecting that "O-Oh" he stuttered and looked embarrassed but forced a smile as the waitress came to take their order "I'll have buffalo wings with ranch sauce and water to drink" he said as he slowly lightened up and felt a little less embarrassed, The waitress turned to Matthieu and waited for his order

@MatthewChastain (If you could try to make your posts a little longer that'd be great :3)​
He looked up at the waistress."And I'll have chicken fingers with blue cheese." He thought for a moment."and..I'll also have water to drink." He smiled trying not to think about what he just said to Saint. But he couldn't help but think that he just made a huge mistake by saying that to him.

(@Bea you got it ;)

Saint Alexander Pierce

Once the waitress left he took a deep breath "And I'm definitely not as cute as you" he stated quietly as his face flushed up to his ears redder than a tomato while he looked down at his lap nervously, He could feel his heart pounding and couldn't believe he just said that to a boy he just met that he isn't even sure if he's gay or not

He blushed even more, his face was complete red and hot by then."cuter..? He scoffed laughing to himself. "Me? well..no,not at all. But,uh,if you think so..I guess I am."he smiled softly back at him. Never feeling this way about another guy before in his life.


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