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Realistic or Modern Torexx

Meanwhile, Enrique was stumbling down the dark alleyways in the seedier parts of town, rambling to anyone who would listen about "Pay to Win" and "Donators", whether they were an NPC or not. Enrique was older than most who played this game, and he came from an age that was quite different. He took pride in honing his skill and timing. He was a competitive tf2 player when he was a teenager, but he left when EA bought Valve. He became an arena champion SAO, after it re-opened. Enrique wanted a new challenge, where he would have to rely on his friends, a band of brothers, soldiers of fortune. He came into this game disavowing all donator perks, instead choosing to rely on a team.

Now, Enrique didn't normally act like this. However, one of the most interesting features of the game was that it was able to replicate drunkenness. Enrique had a bit of an adventure last night, yet he could only really remember parts. He remembered he spent the evening searching for his friends. It had become a habit by now, he would check into all the markets and stores only to check the player list. He made it into a bar, ordered a drink, and from there everything became a bit fuzzy. He remembered dropping a pot full of spaghetti onto someone, dancing with a cat, and successfully hooking up with the bartender. He woke up on top of a tower, and decided the best way to fix his hangover was to drink more.

After wandering for a while, he came up to his party, with the effects of his night out about half-way worn off.
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Thomas held up his hand to signal Caty to stop. He thought he herd something near by, but couldn't se any monster label, which usually show up even through walls if they are close enough. He took a few cautious steps as not to break anything. Unfortunately, when he put his foot down the ground gave out revealing a hole. He fell though, but luckily there wasn't any spikes at the bottom. A player had naught a trap and disguised it well. I looked up and a green salamander like creature about the length of my thy was crawling down. It didn't look hostile, though. In fact, it was someone's familiar. I did pull out my sword just to be careful, though.
She didn't see sign for her to stop, but when she hears him fall through the ground, she stands perfectly still.She brings up her Holo-Touch behind her back and, by memory, equips her Splitter. She sees the lizard. 'It's a pet... I hate pets.'
"Don't move a muscle" a female voice says behind Caty. A sharp point presses against her spine. "Drop your weapons. I don't intend to hurt anyone, but I will if you force me to. Who sent you?"


"Don't worry about me!" Thomas called up. The familiar didn't seem to have any intention of attacking. He backed into a wall and then it hissed. 'So its intent is just to keep me down here. Interesting.' He was getting out, though. This lizard wasn't going to stop that. "Liquid Shadow" he said swinging his blade. A dark inky substance shot from the swipe and hit the lizard. It only did a little damage, but the real purpose was to give it slowness. Thomas then stabbed he sword into the wall and started to climb out. The lizard tried to stop him, but it was too slow and got kicked back down.
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'Hmm... interesting. Is this an assassin, or just someone wanting some good loot? Either way, if I didn't have the worst defence possible, she'd already be dead. I need to find a way out of this.' And so she did. She split her sword, making sure to put one half in her equip slot and drop the other as fast as possible. Looking at her, even up close, you'd never be able to tell she actually had two swords. "Okay, my sword is dropped. Now what do you want me to do? Oh yeah, you probably want my other weapons too, don't you." She drops a boat-load of weapons. Some enchanted so that she couldn't use them, as they had magic, and some that were just junk. The only weapons of value to her were a bow, one of the katanas from her splitter, and a few items. "Okay, there. It's all dropped. And oh, by the way, your lizard is a little debunked. Better go fix it."
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She whipped her head up to see the other one had climbed out of the hole. She cursed under her breath and made a firm whack at the girls head. Not enough to knock her out, but enough to make her fall and lose her bearings. "Who sent you?" She asked again but to the boy this time. She held her halberd ready.


Thomas slowly approached. She was trying to hide her features in the shadow, but using dark magic allowed him to see moral early than she probably liked. She had green eyes with dark hair and skin. He took note she was in a defensive stance and didn't seem like she was going to attack. "We weren't sent by anyone. Were just here to find the next boss and progress even further. I just happened to fall in your hole. We can just go now, if that's ok." As an after though he added. "And if it isn't, too bad. Were leaving anyway."

(You can hurt her, but don't kill. She is Erica.)

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