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Realistic or Modern Torexx

Thomas raised an eyebrow. "And what is that? I should also invite you to the party. That way if you die, we don't waste time searching for you. Not that I think you will die. Well, maybe if you play pong in the field again."
"Do you know what happens when we die? Seriously, I'm not gonna let myself die any time soon. I'll be back in a sec." She walks off to a little shop and enters. It's one of the small shops that sell nothing important, just stupid stuff to make it more realistic.
Thomas followed with curiosity. There wasn't anything useful in this shop. Well, he did pick up a few stones that could help him enchant, but beside that nothing. "I know the game stops registering they ever existed. That might mean they just die, or they become free of Torexx, or something like that. Why?"
Stopping her looking over the shelves, she replies. "That about sums it up, yeah. Hey, look over these shelves and stuff to find a small white tube with a flip-cap. I'll ask the Storekeeper if he has any." She goes off to the NPC's counter and activates him.
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"Why do you need one?" He asked. He noticed she was good at avoiding questions. 'A talents a talent, I guess.' He moved onto the next isle. A few shelves away he found some. "Over here!" He called.
She heard him call out, and hurriedly went to where he was. She felt kind of sorry for leaving the NPC hanging like that, but meh, who cares. "Great! Do you know what these are? They actually have stuff in them, by the way."
"You're the one looking for them" he said. "I might have done a lot of research, but I didn't memorize everything in the game. However, it would be a blatant lie if I said I don't have a crap ton memorized."
"Well, I DID research everything. If it's in the game, I know about it. Here, I'll send you a guide I made. It's put into cool little sections." She brings up the mail system on her Holo-Touch and sends him the doc. She also spends about one Silver buying the whole shelf of tubes. 
"Don't try and mail that to someone else, it's set to delete itself if not mailed by the original owner, unless told not to."
"Um, no offense, but I don't trust you. It's not exactly like we've know each other very long. And don't try and offend me. I researched everything possible. I even talked with a beta tester. But when I'm playing 3 MMORPG's at the same time and preparing for Torexx, the games mix a little. I even have a better memory than most humans. That's why I'm an enchanter. A lot to memorize and I don't want to half to rely on looking up recipes to enchant every time."
"I thought you just said you DIDN'T research everything possible? And you're not the only one with resources, you know." She smirks, showing her teeth to be quite large and sharp. Quickly conscious of this, she closes her mouth and sticks all the tubes into her inventory. Five stacks, 100 tubes each. That outa last a long time. 
"Oh, and these tubes? They're toothpaste. Quite a great thing to have, actually. Cheap as heck, too." She gives a stack to him, keeping the other four to herself.
"I said I didn't MEMORIZE everything. I researched beyond the far reaches of the internet. If there is one area of expertise I have, it's research. I find more than what I want every time, and I had very high standards in research for this game. If you want my help, I advise acting better. Not making a good impression so far."

(I'm sorry if these comments provoke you, I'm just playing out Thomas's part.)
"Well, good first impressions or not, you might as well take a look at that guide. It's at least three times the size of the OFFICIAL guide. Half of it's a bunch of tricks and tips in the game. Go to section five, page three, there should be a map." (It's a map of shortcuts through the game, though still abiding by the 'cant advance without beating the bosses' rule.)
"Admittedly, getting this in the game is impressive" Thomas quickly flipped through the pages reading head lines and taking a bit longer to examine any map he came across. "Though it's nothing I haven't seen before. I have this and more pinned up all around my room. Don't even remember what color they were. I've just decided to ignore the map I memorized unless absolutely necessary. I find the fun in playing the game like it's supposed to be played. Though, I couldn't happen to notice there wasn't a map passed level 10."

(It is impossible to download a map passed that level, but he got a physical map from an interview with a staff member that went higher.)
He rolled his eyes and turned back to that page. It didn't take long before he said anything. "It is impressive that you found this map, but it's hanging on my ceiling so I can study it before I go to sleep. It'll take a lot tu supprise me in this game. I even knew the attack patterns of the first level bosses. I'm heading into the field now, so either you're with me or you're not. Chose now." He started towards the door.
'I guess that was the map he got from the beta tester, darnit. Well at least I gave him a portable version.' "I'll follow you, I need help if I'm going to advance. Have you noticed my 'equipment'? I'm not going anywhere without help."
"And I have a question. Answer it, and I'll answer one of yours, I guess. If you know so much about the game, why haven't you payed any mind as to my clothing, or my tag? I have a high-donator item, and donator stuff. My tag is not orange, nor is it blue."
"And my clothing isn't even allowed in the game! It's from the real world. I'm actually surprised the game is programmed for real-world clothing. Not even the players on Level One had it. Why do you think everybody gives me the looks that they do? I'm obviously breaking the rules."
"The game is messed up enough. You're not even supposed to be here, I'm guessing, so your just trying to live as best you can. I wouldn't blame you for out right cheating if you thought you would escape faster." He shrugged his shoulders. "People are going to do what they want and I can't stop it. How did you get your donator items? I can't figure that out."
"Ha, you should've asked how I got here in the first place, you wasted your question. I got them from a friend, he did a few things and got extras. He didn't know I was too young to play, though. When he found out, he tried to kill me. As you can see, he didn't exactly succeed."
"The game knows all about me by what I've said to everybody, but it still can't shove me out. It's trying to find a true reason, other than words I've spoken to random people. It needs more evidence if it's gonna kick me."
Thomas narrowed his eyes and said "If I find out you killed him…" he let the sentence hang, leaving it to her to end it for her self. "I'm not even sure the game can kick you any more. I think the over ride that keeps us from logging out is also making sure there is no way for us to leave. Period. I also advise not straying from the rules too far. The game governs it's self and can adapt to most any situation. As we progress higher, level one should open up tougher levels down below. If it senses your opponents arn't tough enough, it'll send more powerful monsters after you. And only you. I'm guessing you know that, though, considering how I found you." He had been trying to message the paladin, but he didn't get a response. He desired to just head out into the field without him.
"Yeah, I know... My sword is one of the best, so it sends some of the best monsters it can send for that level. I need something for defence. But damn you all if I'm taking this hood off." She pulls her hood down further over her eyes to prove her point. Nobody sees her eyes. Nobody.
"Suit your self" he said. He un-sheathed his sword and started cutting through the forest again. He headed as straight as he could. There were only a few mobs that he had to kill. He constantly checked over his shoulder to make sure Caty wasn't trying anything.

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