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Fandom Tokyo Ghoul RP

Tsu watched with amusement, her eyes alight. The two were so caught up in their battle that they didn't notice her rinkaku hovering over their necks until she wrapped the tentacles around their necks.


Suzume ran up to the ghouls and dug her tentacles into their backs as they were focusing on Noyeh's movements.
Saruwatari standing ontop of akira moves his bikaku and blocks it he drops and lower and bites his neck and then brings his head up. "Greetings ghoul. Your conversation seems to be happening on my territory. And your conversation will efect my pack so I have not interrupted but added to it."
"Ah, but surely you know that one finds it very difficult to speak if one has a large chunk that has been taken out of their throat? And territory? By now, you should know that there is no such thing as territory in the 13th ward," she purred, placing a hand on her hip. "What a puny pack you have there. I believe that it is currently being ripped to shreds by that ghoul over there."
Akira feels pain in his Neck, to only see he was bitten. His Crystallized Ukaku somehow comes out and does a tornado spin around Akira, maming Cuts on Saruwatari all over his Stomach. "Die!" Akira somehow yells through the Pain.
SSaruwatari instead of attacking the one he is talking about stabs akira in the stomach with his bikakue. Then all the pack members but 3 of the best drop down and charge into to fight the one that has saruwatari. The three that stayed to fight the other one have a bikakue a rinkaku and a ukaku the bikaku charges it while the ukaku starts shooting shards at it.
(Wait, my Ukaku is a shield and attacker. It would have shielded the Attack.)

AKira's Ukaku deflects the Bikaku Blade, it starts shooting out Shards continuesly. Akira's Bikaku shoots over at Saruwatari, Akira still on the Ground looking dead.
Tsu stands and impales the oncoming ghouls with her rinkaku. "Thank you for the food," she says to Saruwatari, licking her lips.


Suzume moves onto the other ghouls, attacking and deposing of them with her bikaku. They fell like birds.
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Akira stays in his Koukaku Shield, playing with Stolen Knife Quinques. I wonder what's going outside.. Noyeh wonders, still playing with his Stolen Knife Quinques.
The attackers are trained it is few but decent fighters and would have atleast block it. (And a bikaku would smash through a ukaku)
(If you watched Tokyo Ghoul √A, That girl with Emo Hair's brother used this Tactic when fighting against a Investigator who had a Bikaku Quinque.)
(Hrm I guess ok well I am still standing on you like actuall skin standing) saruwatari getting a bit pissed puts all his weight onto the foot that is next to his throat on his chest pushing fown on his chest he then slams his bikaku down onto him again.
Akira just lays there, looking dead but his Kagune still under control. His Ukaku still withstands the Blows from Saruwatari's Bikaku. Akira's Bikaku comes out and quickly shoots to Saruwatari's Right Side of his Stomach.
Tsu tore into the dead ghouls, eating her fill with delight as she strengthened the kakuja inside of her. She leaned against the broken wall of the Coffee Shop, waiting for one of the ghouls to die so that she could feast on them as well.


Suzume launched her bikaku at Noyeh.
Noyeh's Koukaku withstands the Blow, Noyeh still playing with Knives not worrying about what's going on outside. "Yatataa.." Noyeh says, tired.
(They wouldn't be that weak and three of thoes are other players ghouls that I am just saying would be there.) Saruwatari rolls his eyes and howls the others just leave seeing as they are usless.
[QUOTE="Saruwatari Tomohisa](They wouldn't be that weak and three of thoes are other players ghouls that I am just saying would be there.) Saruwatari rolls his eyes and howls the others just leave seeing as they are usless.

Ah okay. I'll ignore the other ghouls then.
Saruwatari jolts to the side avoiding the bikaku then sends his in where his feet is attempting to stab him in the open gaps.
Akira's Ukaku starts to make Scratches and Dents all over Saruwatari's Bikaku. Akira's Bikaku starts to manifest more Shards all over itself. Akira still lays there, Dead-Eyed, but alive.
Akira just lays on the Ground, no voice due to the Bite.

Noyeh couldn't hear what Saruwatari said, him being in the Koukaku Shield still. Playing with Knives to entertain himself.
"Indeed I am the leader of this pack and we have very clearly marked our territory. "All you have to do is leave. I don't claim to be the most powerful or even control all of ward 13 but I do wish for other ghouls to respect my wishes.
"Then they will become prey to the pack." He sighs putting his hand to his head. "I might be getting to old for this maybe I should just find a mate.." he mummbles to himself.

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