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Fandom Tokyo Ghoul RP

"Damn, that's awful generous of you. Thanks a bunch" Kyle said, sipping on his coffee and eating his sweets. They all tasted delicious, Kyle couldn't get enough of it. "Delicious, Tomohisa". Kyle said, mustering an even bigger smile. It's been awhile since he's been able to do so, it must've been a special occasion. "Where are your workers, doesn't it get hard to run this shop alone?" Kyle asked.
"It has been in my family for nine generations. And thank you. I have gotten used to working this shop." He smiles more.

Kohan just shakes her head and keeps walking down the street.
"It'd be nice to work here, instead of being an investigator fighting off these damn ghouls" Kyle said, sipping his coffee. "All of them just seem to want to eat others, I wonder if there even exists any good ghouls." Kyle questioned himself, looking into his coffee with an upset look. "They killed my partner, which makes me believe there no good ghouls in this lifetime..." Kyle said, sighing.
"I was saved by a ghoul once... granted he was a bit pissed cause the other one was trying to eat me in his.. I think he called it territory. And I probably have met a ghoul or two before seeing as I run a coffee shop... I just belove it is a bit racist kinda.. I mean we all eat almost everything on this planet without hesitation. But the only thing they can eat is us... So is it really that bad. And in general dosen't saying they are all bad and not one is good kinda idiotic?" He looks lost in thought but shakes his head. "Sorry I get this question allot me being a coffee shop owner and all." He smiles and laughs.
Kyle chuckles "It's fine. You seem to know a lot about ghouls, if I do say so myself" Kyle stated, sipping his coffee. "But I can see where you're coming from. Plus, it must be a nightmare for those..."good ghouls" to have CCG on there ass all the time" Kyle said, biting his cookie.
He laughs. "Maybe I wouldn't know. And I oen a coffee shop I would prefer to know as much as possible incase one attacked. You know what I mean?" He says with a smile sounding completly innocent.

(I already made 4 soo xD )
"Oh I let most of them have the day off others are out. And two of them should come later." He says as he thinks about it.
"I see, wish you were as kind as my boss" Kyle said, chuckling a little bit. "I might stay for awhile here, I don't feel like ghoul hunting today.." Kyle sighed, sipping more of his coffee.
Akira finds himself in a Garage, looking around confused. "Holy crap.." Akira says, walking out of the Garage and onto the Sidewalk. He looks toward a Coffee Shop and heads over, walking in and sitting down. Akira does the same trick Noyeh did before, having his Phone listen in on Kyle, Akira having his Headphones on. Suitcase.. Dove.. Well holy crap...
"Some chump named Samorai, thinks he's hot shit. I usually just try to ignore him." Kyle said, as he looked at the boy walked in. "I think you got a customer" Kyle said, pointing to him.
"Yea I have seen him often he usually just sits down though he sometimes orders something." he then whistles at him. "Want anything lad?"
Akira looks over, he shakes his head. No. Akira looks back down, playing with his Phone. Akira glances around while looking down, occasionally looking at Kyle only for a Few Seconds, then looking back down. Hm...
"He seems interested in me, do all your customers have a crush on me?" Kyle asked jokingly, chuckling a little.
Kyle laughs also and sips his coffee, finishing off his sweets. He didn't want to go back to work, so he figured maybe today would be his day off. He took out a notebook a long with a pen and started writing down some information about the coffee shop. Kyle would always write down info on places or experiences he's had. He took out a cigarette and started smoking a little, puffing out smoke as he was writing.
A group of three two ghouls and a human all teens walk into tge coffee shop smiling and laughing and wave at saruwatari as he walks by then sit at a table. Saruwatari starts making some coffee and pulls some cookies out.
Kyle paid no mind to the teenagers as he continued to write down in his journal and even doodle a little bit. They were either regulars or workers, but it didn't matter to Kyle. He glances over his case and looks back at his journal, sipping more coffee.
Saruwatari walks over to them and puts three things of coffee and kne cookie down. They respond by thanking him and using his first name to thank them. He nods with a smile and walks back behind the counter. "They are such good kids." He half mimbles half says.
Kyle chuckled and stopped writing for a quick minute. "15th ward hm...I heard there was a ghoul there who seduces men and kills them. That should be my next target, but I don't feel like going there today. Maybe she'll come over to 13th ward if I'm lucky...hell, maybe use some company for once" Kyle thought to himself, chuckling and sipping his coffee.
"What you laughing about?" He says curiously. "If you don't mind me askin." He smiles and makes some coffee for himself.

@Tako Otoko
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Akira listens of what he said. Wow.. A Ghoul who seduces men? I wonder how that work..? Akira gets up, walking out of the Store and making his way to a Alleyway. "I should rest.." Akira says, yawning. He walks into a Room filled with Boxes, he sleeps on a Few Newspapers.
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