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Fandom Tokyo Ghoul RP

They don't follow but instead jump back out the hole they came from losing any sight and smell of Noyeh saruwatari says. "Damn it he escaped." The one with the sprained ankle walks out of the other crumbled building. "Man I couldn't get off fast enough...."
Kyle couldn't help but hear the fight that was going on between the two ghouls from his window. He didn't really care though, because he knew he'd be dead if he showed his face again. He wrote down some notes on one of the ghouls, keeping in mind his fighting style. He took a drink of water that was beside him.
Noyeh runs, climbing onto a Train that is rushing over to Ward 15. Noyeh hangs on a Rail, playing Flappy Bird in the Process. He yawns, waiting until he gets to Ward 15.
Saruwatari nods. "Hurry up and get that fixed." They all bow. And disperse heading in different directions. Saruwatari stays looking directly into Kyles window before running off in a random direction he was hungry and wanted to eat.

Kohan grins and takes a step back before plunging all four of her Rinkaku's into his stomach he has a look of panic in his eyes before falling over dead. She smiles and crouches down taking a bite into his neck.
"Heh..that New Alpha got my attention.." Kyle said to himself. "I may have to move to the 15th ward for more investigatiom on ghouls...but we'll see how that turns out, I promised I'd be back for a cup of coffee" Kyle said, chuckling. "The question is...can that coffee shop be related to the New Alpha or ghouls in general?" Kyle asked himself, playing with his pencil. This was an interesting scenario for him, one he hasn't been in awhile.
Saruwatari arrives back at the coffee shop and walks in closing the door behind him wanting to go to bed after his feast he heads up to his room but hears loud music he knocks on Rae's door curious at what she is doing.

@Izumi Okimoto
Noyeh yawns, still on the Train to Ward 15. "How long is this Train Ride..?" Noyeh asks himself, seeing huge towers up ahead. "And there it is.." Noyeh swiftly jumps off and rolls to break his fall. Ward 15.. Best place on earth.. I think.. Noyeh takes a few pictures before walking into the City. He walks around the Whole Area, checking out some Stores and what not.
Kohan finishes freding on the male and stands up walking back to the streets with a smile on her face no blood evedendt.
Noyeh checks some few Alleyways, walking back onto the Sidewalk. I really wonder if Ward 15 is good.. Noyeh checks his Bag, feeling if his Mask and other utilities are with him.
Noyeh looks at his Watch, seeing it's just Past 4. He walks into a Coffee Shop, sitting down without any Coffee and listening to Music on his Phone.
Kohan looks up from her book seeing him once again this time not even bothering to aproach him she is done with chasing him around. She could get anyone she wanted at anytine
"Hm...what's on the agenda today" Kyle thought to himself. "Might grab a cup of coffee, I did promise after all. I can head out to the 15th ward soon, what could a cup of coffee hurt?" Kyle asked himself. He got dressed in his usual suit and tie and carried his case beside him, walking to the coffee shop he was at yesterday. He slowly opened the door to the shop "Anyone..?" Kyle said quietly.
Noyeh walks out of the Coffee Shop, having no interest in Coffee right now. He walks around, still checking some Stores and what not. He checks more Alleyways, he looks at everyone constantly, making sure everyone doesn't have Suitcases. Hm...

(BTW, I'm in Ward 15.)
"Looks like this place is open" Kyle takes a seat, putting his case by his side. "I never caught your name, Mr..?" Kyle asked, looking into his eyes.
Kyle extends his hand "Hyde. Kyle Hyde". He said, shaking the mans hand. It was a strong, firm handshake, the ones that told Kyle that the person was a responsible individual. "I'll take another Black Coffee, extra sugar if you don't mind. You wouldn't happen to serve food here, would you? I'm kind of hungry" Kyle asked, folding his hands together.
"I got a sweet tooth, so I'll just take whatever sweets you got, surprise me" Kyle said, chuckling and mustering a smile. "It's pretty empty in here, do you have any workers?" Kyle asked.
Noyeh yawns, still walking throughout Ward 15. "Is there anything here that is fun?" Noyeh complains, looking through every Store, and Alleyways. Noyeh checks his Phone, seeing it's almost 10:00, he walks into an Alleyway, sleeping Upright. In his sleep, he occasionally sniffs the Air due to Habit.
"Yeah I have a whole pack if you know what I mean." he said smiling. He grabs chocolate cookie and cinnamon roll. He walks over and sets it all infront of him. "On the house."

Kohan walks up next to him when he said 'is there anything that is fun here' "well there is me. But that is of course if you don't run again." She giggles.
Noyeh looks to his Side, seeing Kohan. "No shit!" Noyeh yells, running off and climbing up a Building and making another Run for it. "Holy crap!" Noyeh finishes.

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