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Fandom Tokyo Ghoul RP

She giggles. "No silly I am saying come and eat to. Why are you so serious no one is trying to kill you geeze. Just calm down." She shoves the rest of the meat from the forst bite into her mouth making her lips bloody some blood drips down onto her chest. "Oops." She says puffing her chest out looking down at the blood stain on her chest with a smile.
"No comment.." Noyeh replies, using his Human Catapult technique to fly up to the Roof and run off. I don't like Ghoul's who team up... Noyeh continues to run across roofs, searching for different prey, but worried if a CCG Member found him. "Why are many other Ghoul's such a pain.." Noyeh finishes, running across the roofs for some Prey.
She watches him fly up to the roof. "Aww he left... that is twice now... this sucks I didn't even get to see if he was interested.. well I guess he is leaving this for me then." She takes another bite. "Am I losing my touch? That is twice that I have been denied..." she thinks to herself.
Noyeh looks up at the Sky, seeing it's just past Dawn. He sighs, taking his Mask off and retracting his Bikaku. Before anyone comes, Noyeh jumps off the Building and walks out of a Alleyway. I should be able to be concealed in this crowd.. Noyeh walks the opposite way of the Crowd, walking to a Coffee Shop. He walks to the Counter. "Can I have 1 Coffee please?" Noyeh asks, giving the Person 6 Dollars. The Person finishes making the Coffee, giving it to Noyeh. Finally.. Noyeh walks out of the Coffee Shop, drinking the Coffee while walking. "This is a good day.." Noyeh finishes.
Kohan was in the coffee shop looking for prey when he walked in she looks up seeing the guy from before she smiles and stands up but he turns and walks out so she follows him out. "Hay you. You no it is rude leaving a girl like that." She says as she speed walks up to his side.

(Lol i just woke up perfect timing. xD )
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(I took off the Mask... I'm pretty sure it was stated in my Earlier Post..)

Noyeh keeps watch of the Area, it being still after Dawn. "I wonder if I will ever be caught by a CCG Member.." Noyeh says to himself, trying to say those words under the voices of many. If I do get caught by a CCG, they'll probably just kill me.. Noyeh keeps walking, throwing away his Coffee. "This will be a good day.."
Noyeh looks at his Side, seeing Kohan. "Okay..." Noyeh responds. "I don't look for prey in the Day by the way.." Noyeh's eyes look to my Other Side. Noyeh keeps walking suspecting she will follow. "I don't like feeding in Day... It makes you easily caught if your not somewhere concealed..." Noyeh finishes.
She does follow by his side. "Indeed it does but that is why I have an appartment tongo to when I find something tasty." She says her tone of voice suductive and looks over and smiles warmly at him they are only a few inches apart she doesn't really know how to distance hereself from people.
"Whatever, I don't feed like you people." Noyeh responds, his voice still Young and Inexperienced. "Can we just stay apart because we might be caught by a CCG Member." Noyeh quickly scouts out the area while walking. I would never like to be caught...
"Why would you say that? I have never been caught before. I have actually killed twonof them and they never did much." She says as they walk she slowly gets closer to him.
"Cause our Species are endangered, if a CCG even gets one of us, they'll turn us to weapons." Noyeh responds, still walking forward, occaisionally looking at his side.
"But that is if they catch us." She giggles you should losen up a bit you know that." Their shoilders touch and she stops getting closer to him as they walk. "Where are you going?"
Noyeh simply walks away from Kohan, walking into a Alleyway and disappearing. He sighs, jumping up to a Roof, and running to a Skyscraper. CCG, the worst place in history... Noyeh continues to run to the Building, unleashing his Bikaku to hang onto the Glass. He makes it, barely falling a One-Hundred Foot Drop. Holy shit.. Noyeh does upward back flip, using his Bikaku to grab on again. I'm doomed, what ever.. Noyeh stops at the Top, climbing onto the Roof of the Skyscraper and looking out in the distance. I hope my Afterlife will be better than this... Noyeh sheds a tear.

(Is it too late to modify my Character's Kagune?)
(Thanks for your approval!)

Noyeh's Rinkaku/Koukaku spouts out. The Rinkaku part drills holes in the Roof, letting Noyeh in. He encounters many Sceintists and CCG Members. He uses his Rinkaku part to kill all of them, making a drill in the middle of all they're chests. The Koukaku part acts as a Sheild covering him. "Die!!" Noyeh yells, still drilling the rest of them, blood stained all over the walls. "Die!!" Noyeh yells again.
(Dunno, getting revenge on how many Ghoul's they killed.)
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