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Fandom Tokyo Ghoul Rp!

He slams into the wall, hitting his back first. He's stunned for the moment, his face filled with shock. He balls a fist, and attempts to get up, blood now gushing from his head wound, and a new wound on his side

Boe said:
He slams into the wall, hitting his back first. He's stunned for the moment, his face filled with shock. He balls a fist, and attempts to get up, blood now gushing from his head wound, and a new wound on his side
he figure grabs his hand while he is doing it "It's enough Jason. This guy ain't no challenge" Jason nods and lets go of his hand. Eyeless sighs "Go we will kill you other day"
(Yeah realized that after i sent it xD ) he walks over to kykker "we're leaving. Now. If you continue you wont accomplish anything except digging yourself an early grave" @Boe
Kykker put his hand to the gushing wound on his head, "N-No..." He said, as the scent of his blood filled the air, and small splashes could be heard as his blood poured to the ground
He clenches his fists. He reaches into his back pocket and then attaches something to his mask. It looks similar to the filter of a gas mask on the end of his mask now. Kykker looks to weak to resist "dont argue" he reaches down to pick him up. He's gonna get him to the nearest hospital
Shnuydude said:
He clenches his fists. He reaches into his back pocket and then attaches something to his mask. It looks similar to the filter of a gas mask on the end of his mask now. Kykker looks to weak to resist "dont argue" he reaches down to pick him up. He's gonna get him to the nearest hospital
Eyeless sighs "Take him. I will let him live for today"
Boe said:
"N-No... Stop..." He said, as his blood soaked into Hinata's clothes
He takes flight with kykker in hand. When he gets in the air he rushes to the nearest hospital. When he gets there he bursts through the front doors and gets the attention of pretty much everyone. He hands off kykker to the nurse who pulled up one of those hospital bed thingies and rushed him to the emergency room. Hinata leaves before anyone realizes hes a ghoul. He retrieves his backpack and rushes to work-a fancy restaurant where he works as a waiter.
Kykker tried to refuse medical treatment, but was put under knockout gas so the doctors could do surgery. His injuries were minor, although he needed stitches on his hip, thigh, and forehead. He was admitted to be released after two days of recovery, although, it would be cut short in time.

It was 3 hours after his initial awakening, and Kykker was NOT feeling well. His stomach was rumbled from hunger, as he was not permitted to eat for a whole 12 hours, as well a parched throat, for the same reason. Kykker wasn't used to medication, him being a rather quick natural healer, and, despite his warnings, Kykker was introduced to a variety of meds, including pain killers, knockout gas, disinfectant, and numbing meds.

Within another hour, Kykker felt just as bad as before, by, he was asleep, so it wasn't as bad. He awoke to loud screams, and banging. He looked around wearily, and his eyes set on the open door at the other end of his room, and out into the hall. It was a blank white, but it was soon covered in red, as the body of a nurse flew past the doorway, followed by a ghoul with an Binkaku kagune, who ripped into the body. He recognized the ghoul as 'The Flame', named after his favoring for pyrotechnics. The Flame ran back the way he came, running on the wall, and Kykker knew he had to leave, before he lit the hospital ablaze. Kykker got out of the hospital bed, and leaned against the wall for support. The screams echoed through the halls as he entered the hall, and he looked down to the left, where the nurse's body lay motionless, accompanied by a low blaze, emitting its heat with immense force. The flame spread quickly, towards Kykker. His eyes widened, as he realized the trouble he was in. He ran down the hall, stumbling every now and then. He was quickly cut off by The Flame, who noted the survivor, and decided to play with his food, while it was raw. "Where you going, pal?!" The Insane ghoul screeched happily, as he stalked towards his prey. Kykker grabbed a cane, and swung down on him, only to have the cane shatter on impact. The ghoul, upset that he couldn't play with his meal, impaled the CCG agent through his stomach, with his Bikaku. Kykker gasped, and fell back. The Flame chuckled, and dug into his meal happily, eating out the stomach, before deciding to leave, as the fire was getting far too close.

Kykker began to crawl, staying low to avoid smoke. He was losing blood, fast, and he was far from the window. But he was resilient. He crawled to the window, his bare feet burned badly, but, he made it to the window, and opened it. He looked down, and was happy to see he was on the second floor. He jumped, although his leg shattered in impact, it was better than dying. Kykker passed out on the ground, with a faint smile.
Boe said:
Kykker tried to refuse medical treatment, but was put under knockout gas so the doctors could do surgery. His injuries were minor, although he needed stitches on his hip, thigh, and forehead. He was admitted to be released after two days of recovery, although, it would be cut short in time.
It was 3 hours after his initial awakening, and Kykker was NOT feeling well. His stomach was rumbled from hunger, as he was not permitted to eat for a whole 12 hours, as well a parched throat, for the same reason. Kykker wasn't used to medication, him being a rather quick natural healer, and, despite his warnings, Kykker was introduced to a variety of meds, including pain killers, knockout gas, disinfectant, and numbing meds.

Within another hour, Kykker felt just as bad as before, by, he was asleep, so it wasn't as bad. He awoke to loud screams, and banging. He looked around wearily, and his eyes set on the open door at the other end of his room, and out into the hall. It was a blank white, but it was soon covered in red, as the body of a nurse flew past the doorway, followed by a ghoul with an Binkaku kagune, who ripped into the body. He recognized the ghoul as 'The Flame', named after his favoring for pyrotechnics. The Flame ran back the way he came, running on the wall, and Kykker knew he had to leave, before he lit the hospital ablaze. Kykker got out of the hospital bed, and leaned against the wall for support. The screams echoed through the halls as he entered the hall, and he looked down to the left, where the nurse's body lay motionless, accompanied by a low blaze, emitting its heat with immense force. The flame spread quickly, towards Kykker. His eyes widened, as he realized the trouble he was in. He ran down the hall, stumbling every now and then. He was quickly cut off by The Flame, who noted the survivor, and decided to play with his food, while it was raw. "Where you going, pal?!" The Insane ghoul screeched happily, as he stalked towards his prey. Kykker grabbed a cane, and swung down on him, only to have the cane shatter on impact. The ghoul, upset that he couldn't play with his meal, impaled the CCG agent through his stomach, with his Bikaku. Kykker gasped, and fell back. The Flame chuckled, and dug into his meal happily, eating out the stomach, before deciding to leave, as the fire was getting far too close.

Kykker began to crawl, staying low to avoid smoke. He was losing blood, fast, and he was far from the window. But he was resilient. He crawled to the window, his bare feet burned badly, but, he made it to the window, and opened it. He looked down, and was happy to see he was on the second floor. He jumped, although his leg shattered in impact, it was better than dying. Kykker passed out on the ground, with a faint smile.
(Alright, screw it, I'm diving in blind)

Laverna was sitting atop a (Totally random) building, with one coffee in hand like always, bored out of her mind. Alone time was normal for her, but not this much alone time. She was bored of her average schedual, and other than getting more coffee, or simply running around, she didn't have much to do.
Celbi said:
(Alright, screw it, I'm diving in blind)
Laverna was sitting atop a (Totally random) building, with one coffee in hand like always, bored out of her mind. Alone time was normal for her, but not this much alone time. She was bored of her average schedual, and other than getting more coffee, or simply running around, she didn't have much to do.
( xD Why'd you quote my post?)
Celbi said:
(Alright, screw it, I'm diving in blind)
Laverna was sitting atop a (Totally random) building, with one coffee in hand like always, bored out of her mind. Alone time was normal for her, but not this much alone time. She was bored of her average schedual, and other than getting more coffee, or simply running around, she didn't have much to do.
Kykker looked up, partially blinded by the blaze of the hospital, and noticed a pair of legs, dangling from the side of a building across the street, and a few buildings down from the hospital. Kykker reached out to the person, not caring they were a ghoul or not. He needed medical treatment, fast. Although he couldn't feel the wounds, he knew they were there. His whole body was numb at this point... He let out a loud yell, "H-Help!" He yelled, hoping he would attract the person's attention, if the blaze of the hotel hadn't already.
Boe said:
Kykker looked up, partially blinded by the blaze of the hospital, and noticed a pair of legs, dangling from the side of a building across the street, and a few buildings down from the hospital. Kykker reached out to the person, not caring they were a ghoul or not. He needed medical treatment, fast. Although he couldn't feel the wounds, he knew they were there. His whole body was numb at this point... He let out a loud yell, "H-Help!" He yelled, hoping he would attract the person's attention, if the blaze of the hotel hadn't already.
She suddenly heard a faint screaming from somewhere below, she tilted her head to see Kykker on the ground, with what seemed to be a lot of, well, red. She ran down a fire escape from the side of the building as to not give away her ghoul status and ran across the street to where the man was.

"Hey, umm... you feeling alright there, buddy?" She took a sip of coffee, "You're looking... a lot injured."
"D-Does it look like I'm fucking alright?!" The normally calm, and composed CCG agent exclaimed, as he gripped a rock, to distract himself from the pain. He was surrounded by blood, from his multiple wounds. He made a mental list of his known injuries while he was slowly dying-

-Shattered left leg

-At least 3 broken ribs

-A giant hole in his stomach

-Missing most of a stomach

-Missing most of the muscle in the area that surrounded his muscle

-Mental trauma

-Burnt feet

-Cracked skull

-Horribly bad back

Celbi said:
She suddenly heard a faint screaming from somewhere below, she tilted her head to see Kykker on the ground, with what seemed to be a lot of, well, red. She ran down a fire escape from the side of the building as to not give away her ghoul status and ran across the street to where the man was.
"Hey, umm... you feeling alright there, buddy?" She took a sip of coffee, "You're looking... a lot injured."
Boe said:
"D-Does it look like I'm fucking alright?!" The normally calm, and composed CCG agent exclaimed, as he gripped a rock, to distract himself from the pain. He was surrounded by blood, from his multiple wounds. He made a mental list of his known injuries while he was slowly dying-
-Shattered left leg

-At least 3 broken ribs

-A giant hole in his stomach

-Missing most of a stomach

-Missing most of the muscle in the area that surrounded his muscle

-Mental trauma

-Burnt feet

-Cracked skull

-Horribly bad back
"Ok, ok, calm down, no need to freak." She carefully picked him up, as to not injure him further, "So, hospital?"
Kykker sighed in slight annoyance, as he looked at the hospital to his right, which was now completely engulfed in flames. He looked down at his current clothes, which was a pair of full white sweatpants, and a white t-shirt, both from the hospital. "No..." He said in a pained voice. He didn't trust them anymore...

Celbi said:
"Ok, ok, calm down, no need to freak." She carefully picked him up, as to not injure him further, "So, hospital?"
Boe said:
Kykker sighed in slight annoyance, as he looked at the hospital to his right, which was now completely engulfed in flames. He looked down at his current clothes, which was a pair of full white sweatpants, and a white t-shirt, both from the hospital. "No..." He said in a pained voice. He didn't trust them anymore...
"Alright..." she said carrying him through the alley, "Obviously I'm no surgeon, where do you expect me to go?"

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