~ Tokyo Ghoul : Red Rain ~


~ King of Pink ~
Character Sheet.

SSS 4/4



Special Class Investigators 0/4


@ ?

@ ?

@ ?


Name :

Alias : { If your not a Ghoul Ignore this. }

Age :

Ghoul Level/Investigator Rank :

Faction : { E.g Ghoul , Human , Quinx , Dove Etc }

Sub-Faction :

Gender :

Blood Type :

Ward :

Sexuality :





Likes & Dislikes






( If your a Dove Delete the Kagune & Kakujua thing. Same goes for Ghouls Delete the Quinque )

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Alexander James Dorn.


Alias : Cricket

Age : 24

Ghoul Level : SSS

Faction : Ghoul.

Sub-Faction : N/A

Gender : Male

Blood Type : RHnull.

Ward :

Sexuality : Bisexual





Alexander can be described as having a rather ruggedly handsome appearance.

He stands at a height of 6'3Ft with a lean muscular body structure.

Naturally he has slightly long hair though he usually keeps it braided and under his shirt, making it seem as if he only has medium length hair.

His hair is raven black with light blue tips.

He usually seen donning skinny jeans and a form fitting blue shirt along with a plain black jacket.




At First Alexander can come off as rather cold and distant preferring to work independently.

When someone does attempt to interact with him however he is known to be a rather blunt and jaded , possessing a rather bleak outlook on life in general coming off as slightly pessimistic.

He does however look out and care for the people he considers friends , course he'll rarely just state this openly keeping to himself.

When put in combat he has a rather brutal and mocking approach to the enemy being absolutely relentless in his pursuit.

He will also blatantly state his open dislike for whoever he is fighting and throw japes at them continuously while attacking like a ferocious animal.

When someone actually bothers to make the effort to become his friend he'll mellow out a bit more and act more


He can also be rather over-protective of these people and reacts badly when they're put in danger or threatened.

He will also show an immense care for said person , his bluntness fading as he becomes much more considerate of their

idea's and opinions.

Likes & Dislikes

+ Quiet

+ Books

+ Coffee

+ The Rain

+ Blue & Purple.

- Overly Loud Places / People

- CCG.

- Cats

- Arrogance

- Crowded places



Alexanders Kagune is a Koukaku that takes the form of Two large Mantis like legs that come out from below his Shoulder blade. What's unique about his Kagune though is that it seems somewhat hollow allowing him to maneuver quicker than a typical Koukaku and let him produce a rather disorientating sound when rubbed together , which has earned him the alias of "Cricket."

It also has six spines exiting out from under the shoulder blade that seem to twist around eachother and form a tail with a sharp tip at the end, allowing him to impale and cut.

The spines can also shape themselves into a claw like shape , capable of letting him climb walls and throw objects.​

How is this?


Name : Sugito Nakomo

Alias : Scorpio

Age : 25

Ghoul Level: SS

Faction : Ghoul

Sub-Faction : White Louts (Is being persuaded to be a Paramour)

Gender : Male

Blood Type : O

Ward: 20th

Sexuality : Bisexual




As a child, he was raised by a White Louts family, with a human mother and father. They mixed flesh in with normal human food, along with coffee in drinks. He went to high school in the 20th district and was taught on his Ghoul heritage. He went to America for college with some White Louts allies, and worked on acting and design as well as DJ-ing, A bit of culinary and Mixology.


Kind to strangers and friends alike. But he is having a crisis of conciseness with the recent CCG and Vanangandr attacks, he wonders if peaceful riots and governmental policies are even worth it. Especially with the recent death of his girlfriend, Izanami.

Likes & Dislikes


  • Eating people
  • Good Tippers
  • Friends
  • Izanami
  • Ghoul Brew (Mix of coffee and beer)

  1. Dislikes

  • Jerks
  • Abusers
  • Liars
  • Sour things.
  • Eating people





none yet



Luriana Maine


Alias : The White Lily.

Age : 28

Ghoul Level : SS~

Faction : Ghoul

Sub-Faction : White Lotus Founder.

Gender : Female

Blood Type : O+

Ward : 20th

Sexuality : Heterosexual







As Expected of the Leader of the White Lotus Luriana is an incredibly kind and caring person with a warm heart that is incapable of truly harming people.

She is passionate about her ideals , viewing fighting as a monstrous and unneeded act when people could simply negotiate and talk without the need to shed blood.

She can at times come of as Overly Protective and patronizing however , making people believe she is over-bearing at times.

Also rather Naturally she is pacifistic and views combat with disdain.

Likes & Dislikes

+ Peace

+ Quiet

+ Books

+ Friends

+ Flowers

- Vandagandr


- Eating people

- Violence

- Gore.




Luriana's Kagune takes the form of Four Beautiful white Wings that look like Flower Petals with two Thick Log like Tendrils that serve as a means of offence.

They have an incredibly high defensive capability , Even Rinkaku's would find it difficult to penetrate the thick shield she is capable of forming.

She is also capable of crushing people with her Kagune or Slamming them down to bludgeon someone If need be.





Name :

Age :

Investigator Rank : Special Class

Faction : CCG.

Sub-Faction : N/A

Gender : Male

Blood Type : O-

Ward : 1st & 20th

Sexuality : Bisexual





Likes & Dislikes




Nothing really planned to be honest, i made this with the plan that people may make their ow n little story line and idea's. However I do have a Large Plot event involving ALL the factions. Currently I think I might make it focus on CCG For now then move on to Varangandr.
Name : Akako Tsukino

Alias : Akahitsuji

Age : 17

Ghoul Level/Investigator Rank : SS

Faction : Ghoul

Sub-Faction : White Lotus

Gender : Female

Blood Type : AB+

Ward : TBA

Sexuality : Bisexual









Biography : WIP

Personality/Description :

Yuuko is a tall {5'8}, beautiful young woman with a slender figure, long black hair and walnut-brownish-Red pupils. She initially owned the old uniform of A school before it changed{She is a College 2nd year student}.

Although Akako's looks give off a cunning aura, she is in fact a caring and shy. She sometimes uses elderly slang than the younger words which she is teased for. She has the habit of speaking rather politely even to people she should be more informal to, in some cases she even addresses underclassmen in such respectful tone. It is later revealed that Akako is outgoing with others. While she seems to be quite proud of her body, she does have a fixation on her weight, and will try to hide it, even though she's tall. (135 lbs)

Likes & Dislikes:



+School Uniform

+ Parasols








Kagune: TBA

Kakujua: TBA

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Name :Shiyukei Blank

Age :16

Investigator Rank :Rank 2

Faction : Dove

Sub-Faction : N/A

Gender :Male

Blood Type

Ward :24

Sexuality :None



Jet black hair, indigo eyes that are darkened from lack of sleep, stitches that are parallel to my lower left eyelid, pale skin, concrete colored jacket with 3 tallied onto it, straight fit pants, Polo sports shoes, sharpened teeth in my upper left mouth, black nails, and a scythe.


Came home from school and found parents dead by the hands of a ghoul. Was seen and chased by the ghoul which had injured me, but I was saved by CCG investigators. They put me into their orphanage, but I was kidnapped and made the pet of some wealthy ghoul. I was physically and mentally tortured for two and a half years until at a banquet, an eyepatched ghoul killed them and let me flee.


Likes & Dislikes

Has a dark and depressing personality. Likes humans and death. Dislikes ghouls and them living. Also, as of recently, he's taken a liking to eat ghouls.



Large Scythe similar to that of Death, but also reminding of Suzuya Juuzou's.


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My appearance is in between the looks of these characters.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/suzuya_juuzou__tokyo_ghoul____render_by_azizkeybackspace-d7y0xpr.jpg.b318be0ddd888732d9250cf5dd1e7eb6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52530" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/suzuya_juuzou__tokyo_ghoul____render_by_azizkeybackspace-d7y0xpr.jpg.b318be0ddd888732d9250cf5dd1e7eb6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c273a4943_14-1.jpg.53552591decffd48bd57cf3a997002dc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52532" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c273a4943_14-1.jpg.53552591decffd48bd57cf3a997002dc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Kik-1178597438.jpg.56fe9b12e4134074dd6e943063c7987d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52534" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Kik-1178597438.jpg.56fe9b12e4134074dd6e943063c7987d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name : Sato Kazuo

Alias : "The Shrike" (A Shrike is a bird known to impale its pray on thorns before taking its flesh to store and eat)

Age : 27 Years

Ghoul Level: SSS

Faction : Ghoul

Sub-Faction : Himself

Gender : Male

Blood Type : AB+

Ward : 20

Sexuality : Hetrosexual






Born in the 19th ward to a stay at home mother and a father that works as a doctor. He had a pretty good life though there was always the stress of CCG investigators or other ghouls in general. He found this life mundane though and took for granted that no doves have yet found his family yet. In middle school, he joined a small gang of ghouls that just goes around causing trouble. Usually pranks and things in that nature. But on occasion, they do go out hunting together. On one night, his group just finished a hunting session and was heading home when he bumped into some CCG investigators. They started to question him on his reason for being out so late when, thankfully, his uncle came out of a flower shop he ran and explain to them that he was simply helping him close up. He was scolded by his uncle but he never told his parents what happened. His uncle told him that being in a gang is no good and to do something more productive.

He dropped out of being in the gang and started to focus more on his studies. He join several clubs and made many human friends. He made one best friend in particular. They were really close but at the end of high school, they parted ways. After leaving school Sato finally decided to get down to some real hunting but what he hunted wasn't humans no it was ghouls. After years of living in ward 19 he finally found one good thing about the violent area ghouls were around every corner ready to be hunted.

After hunting nearly none stop for seven years he finally met a ghoul he couldn't beat easily this other ghoul was rated a ss while sato wasn't even an S or at least not technically rated an S yet. The fight went on and whether it was out of sheer desperation or just because the amount of ghouls he had consumed was enough he reached the Kakuja level. The fight from that point was heavily one sided as Sato's opponent could fight back as he had to invest full power into his defensive skills. The fight ended and Sato was the victor. He picked up the alias the shrike when a member of CCG said one of his victims looked like how a shrike would kill people as he was impaled by Sato's thorns and had his flesh torn into smaller, more conveniently-sized fragments so from then on Sato was known as "the shrike" as all of his victims were killed in a similar fashion.


Sato often displays himself as a cool-headed, though lazy and bored individual. He is described as being rather depressing, showing dislike in many things, yet little interest in activities that he does enjoy, or even his own future. Furthermore, Sato has shown that he is a pessimist, believing that "heroes" do not exist; rather, he believes that surviving in the world would only come out of the individual's own power. He is quite intelligent, being able to solve complex mathematical problems within moments, simply by knowing the equation. He appears to enjoy playing video games

Sato can often be far more twisted then he leads others to believe. He is cruel, bloodthirsty, and occasionally sadistic. During battle, Sato often sports a wide grin and a tendency to laugh giddily about a dangerous event. He also displays more evident signs of arrogance and superiority towards his opponents. Fushimi often boasts about his strength and speaks to his opponents in a more mocking tone. Nevertheless, Sato retains a somewhat carefree attitude during battle.

Likes & Dislikes


+Food (well you get what he means by food right...)


+The color red

+Strong people




-Unintelligent people

-Food that tries to cling onto its last few seconds of life.


Kagune: He has a Ukaku Kagune that has the appearance of four wings over his shoulders in two sets one above the other with thorns surrounding the outside of the wings. His projectiles have a small thorn type appearance. While his projectile isn't all that powerful the all out speed and amount he can fire is what makes him a force to be reckoned with .

Kakuja : His Kakuja is rather strange rather than giving him another ability of sorts such as blades etc... His kakujua seems to add more Kakuhous or more clearly does add more Kakuhous. He ends up having sixteen, because of this amount it becomes hard to tell where his body is and where his kakuhous are. The amount of projectiles he can make and fire at once dramatically increases and the size of his projectiles get slightly bigger they go from a thorn size to a pencil size but yet still travel at the same speed.
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Name: Zack

CCG nickname: Alpha Devil

Age: 16

Rank: SS

Blood type: classified


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.8e6d372ba92fdcaf75ce1c3271c7a013.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52598" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.8e6d372ba92fdcaf75ce1c3271c7a013.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.bb5528f31c1ad5bc08bb24f37286aee9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52599" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.bb5528f31c1ad5bc08bb24f37286aee9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Faction: ghoul/one eye

Sub faction: none

Ward: 3rd

Sexuality: straight



+finding/killing pray







Bio: W.I.P/ comes from America

Personality: he's dose not get mad easily, level headed all the time, is sly, loves playing around during a fight, is sometimes malevolent, can be caring but is rare, rarely shows mercy to good opponents, is a mystery, hates family's, hates people that hate him, likes to play around with people, and is sometimes smiling for no reason.

Kagune: he is rinkaku (12). And his rinkaku is in the shape of serrated edge arrow at the tip but is thin it may look heavy but it is super light and moves really fast and strikes really hard when it impacts with anything and shreds it.

Kakaju: his kakaju form it gives him (10)extra kagune and it creates a black and red substance cover his whole body giving him the appearance of a demon and is nearly impenetrable unless a spot is heavily damaged. (And his mask becomes part of his face)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.46878f31d1ca1652b25349b0e8028ef6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52600" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.46878f31d1ca1652b25349b0e8028ef6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name : Randall Herrnstein

Age : 19

Faction : Ghoul

Sub-Faction : None

Gender : Male

Blood Type : O+

Ward : 20th (Originally 3rd)

Sexuality : Homosexual



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/9233365.jpg.a0710b25cf00b1abd90b99708cc3739d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52569" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/9233365.jpg.a0710b25cf00b1abd90b99708cc3739d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/tumblr_n9oljb36t41suwy1vo2_500.jpg.d2dd7bd6a61a3c002953d9df7bf23e8b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52570" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/tumblr_n9oljb36t41suwy1vo2_500.jpg.d2dd7bd6a61a3c002953d9df7bf23e8b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


(More information throughout roleplay)


Randall is sly, and extremely suspicious person. He'll be weary of strangers, and attempt to avoid them entirely, coming off as aggressive if someone persistently tries to communicate with him. Randall has an unwarranted jealousy to people who have befriended any of his own allies. He tends to work alone, but will work with another without any difficulty if known well. With his friends/allies, he'll be a lot more open, and less weary, having a friendlier tone entirely.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Artificial Feathers, Street pigeons

Dislikes: Arguements, Crowds, Staring


Kagune : Ukaku

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/ukaku.PNG.214d28a1f1d08c398819f9ca9c8c71d6.PNG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52571" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/ukaku.PNG.214d28a1f1d08c398819f9ca9c8c71d6.PNG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Kakuja: None




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Name: Aikio K?rasawa.

Alias: Porcelain Doll.

Age: Twenty four years old.

Ghoul Level: SSS.

Faction: Ghoul.

Sub-Faction: N/A.

Gender: Female.

Blood Type: AB-.

Ward: 20th Ward.

Sexuality: Heterosexual



Aiko has a somewhat innocent appearance. She has large, lilac-colored eyes that contrast well with her

light, porcelain-colored skin and creamy blonde hair. Her hair is straight, and slightly curves in towards the jawline.

Aiko stands at the height of 5'7", being quite tall for a female of her race, which is Japanese.

She has an hour-glass figure, that is just about equally proportionate. Her nails are always painted with a clear shine, and

french tips. She can always be seen wearing black somewhere in her outfit, and never leaves the house without this

silver chain necklace with an opal gem in the middle.


Aiko was born into a wealthy home. Her, her parents, her brother, and their house workers all lived inside a large mansion

located in a gated community in Japan. It was a well-known gated community, and people knew it to be a very

rich place. Their home was entitled "K?rasawa Manor". Aiko started her early years as a quiet, angelic child. Very playful,

loving, and careful. She was quite naive. Aiko played with other girls her age in the neighborhood, and was quite happy.

Considering the wealth in her family, she usually got what she wanted, but was raised to be

humble about money and wealth. Her whole family was made up of ghouls, as was most of the maids in the household.

Aiko's parents paid for workers to hunt humans for them, so they would never get caught

as ghouls.

As she got older, she started third, fourth, and fifth grade in an expensive provate school. Back in second grade, her parents

started becoming distant, due to their recent pregnancy of their only son, Oreki. Aiko felt sad, because her parents neglected her. Her maid,

Geinovieve, became her best friend and motherly-figure. When Aiko's parents caught on to her family-like relationship

with the made, Geinovieve was fired on the spot. Aiko never saw her again. This is where Aiko began to feel angry and sad

about most things in life, and realized being naive would get her nowhere.

Ever since third grade, Aiko has been doing everything to please her parents. It's her freshman year, and she won

the nation-wide championship for karate, is a straight-A and honor roll student, and helps her parents out with every little thing. Her parents were still so obsessed with Oreki. Aiko knew it wasn't her brothers fault, but she couldn't help but hate Oreki. She was distant from him, me er spent time with him. When he gave her things, she rejected them. Aiko always worked hard for the approval

of her mother and father, and Oreki didn't even need to lift a finger. For that, she hated him.

In her senior year, this was the worst year of her life yet. Back in Junior year, she began taking out the hatred and disgust in her life out on humans. Every weekend, she would go out and hunt humans, and eat them. Her hunger grew and grew throughout that year, and on into senior year. Aiko still worked hard for her parents. She achieved a scholarship to the most high-end college in all of Japan. Her parents were happy for her, but still didn't pay her the type of attention she needed. Hell, she couldn't remember the last time

her parents threw her a birthday party. When she showed the, the scholarship, they nodded. Smiled. Patted her back. Gave her a good job, and went back out on their way. That was the day that Aiko broke, she couldn't to it anymore. She went out that night, killing many humans and eating them, but she still felt a physical and emotional emptiness. Aiko returned home, to find her little brother Oreki in her bedroom, going through her drawer. Her adrennaline and anger struck her brain, she couldn't think straight.

Aiko jumped on Oreki, pinning him down to the hardwood floor, and ripped him into shreds, devouring him, as if all the hatred in the world was bottled up inside of her body.

Aiko looked over to where he was rummaging. It was her work desk. There was a folded piece of paoer, crayons,

and safety scissors. She approached the paper, slowly unfolding it, and it read

"Happy Birthday, Aiko. I am so proud of you. I love you. - Your little brother."

Aiko froze, returning to her mental state. Her hands shook, and a freezing cold shock went over her body, as she held the home-made card that was now stained by the blood of her brother's body. She grabbed her backpack, stuffed as much clothes as she could, and ran off.

She stuffed the birthday card deep in her pocket, and has kept it ever since.

In more recent years, Aiko has been hunting both humans and ghouls non-stop. She acts as if she doesn't feel upset about all the

innocent lives she's taken, but she does. Every once in a while, she has an emotional break down due to all of her guilt. She is still in touch with her parents, who think that their son was brutally murdered by a stranger. After all this,

she still aims to please her mother and father. She often pretends to be warm and loving so she

looks un-suspicious in today's world.


Aiko has many sides and faces of her personality, Her main personality is a person that most people would despise being

around. She is an extremely pessimistic person, considering most things have gone wrong in her life. She sees friendship and relationships as a brick chained to her ankle. Aiko is deathly afraid of change and of getting close to people, due to toe way things ended between her and her brother, her family, and her only friend, Geinovieve. Aiko is never seen smiling, laughing, or crying. Especially not crying. If anyone ever saw her cry, she'd probably have to kill them. Aiko is very up-tight, tense, and seems angry most of the time. Her natural expression can be described as 'fuck off'. She had the tendecy to curse quite a lot, and say rude or vulgar things to other people. There are not many things Aiko actually appreciates or likes. She almost always has a defensive attitude, and is most-likely the most stubborn person you will ever meet. She never even shows a blink of weak or happy emotions to another person. And it's not entirely becase she is afraid of relatiinships, but alwo because she wants to seem strong and independent for herself. It's all about self-image.

Aiko can be described as rude, unimpressed, pessemistic, depressing, cold, easily irritated, easily aggravated, uncaring, unloving, and over-all just a hateful person. Although, she does have a soft side. She will only show it to people rhat she has known for a very, very long time or if she deeply loves and trusts this person. She will smile, laugh, cry, or possibly even be romantic. Aiko will probably only open up to one or two people in her lifetime. Pnce she opens up to you, letting her go is something that is nearly impossible. She aill become extremely protective, and will even risk her life for this person.

In public or when speaking to her parents, Aiko seems to be a very bubbly, sweet, and caring person. She smiles, laughs, hugs, and helps others out. This is all just a fake act to seem as if she's a normal, every-day human being. It's part of her elaborate

process to not get caught by the CCG. She maintains this fake personality when around strangers.


- Being in a crowd of people.

- Dogs.

- Humid weather.

- Messing up.

-/+ Her parents.

- Her past.

- Constantly feeling guilty.

- Food.

- Pretending to be a normal



+ Nighttime.

+ Stars.

+ Cold weather.

+ Rain.

+ Being alone.

+ Being congradulated.

+ Being appreciated.

+ Cats.




Aiko has a rinkaku kagune. Her kagune emerges as four thick, jet-black tentacles. They are around twenty to

thirty feet long, and are very strong. They can crush or smash things, and can be used to quickly run on. Her kagune is very strong and

large, but it runs out after about twenty minutes. That's the downside to her kagune, because it does not last for a

long time, so in a fifht, she must move quickly and swiftly.


Aiko's kakujuja is quite an odd, unique-looking one. It is similar to her Kagune, except twelve dark-red arms emerge from her lower back, with about twice the power as her kagune. It looks quite odd, but is a very

strong and powerful kakujuja.


Masaki Yamaguchi


Alias: White Flash

Age : 15

Ghoul Level/Investigator Rank: SS~

Faction: Ghoul

Sub-Faction: White Lotus

Gender: Male

Blood Type: AB+

Ward: 20th

Sexuality: Heterosexual



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.630b755bad8d4dbc444bfc882a51a4cb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52729" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.630b755bad8d4dbc444bfc882a51a4cb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


(To be explained in the Roleplay with more detail if character is asked, but here is a brief overview)

Masaki was born in the 20th Ward from two Ghoul parents that were part of the White Lotus organisation. A group of pacifists filled with Ghouls, Ghoul sympathisers and such.

He is the youngest and only living son remaining out of 4 children, his family were executed by CCG whilst on a trip to another Ward. Masaki survived and fled, back to the 20th Ward where he belongs and intends on staying in. He is extremely worried by the possibilities of there being attacks in the 20th Ward and fears that they will come sooner rather than later.


Masaki is a very calm and collected person and is often a delight to be around, even to strangers. He is very peaceful and detests fights, especially when there are casualties. Masaki could be described as a pacifist of some sort, although he detests violence, he believes that sometimes violence is called upon and thus necessary. He has no problem with getting in a fight, but he will never start them, and will try to avoid violence as much as possible.

Although very young, Masaki is incredibly intelligent for his age and is great at planning things out. He enjoys activities such as meditation and reading as well as going for walks. He is the type of person that will help absolutely anyone if they truly want it. Although he hardly ever gets angry, when he does it isn't something people would enjoy witnessing. Luckily for them, he is a very tolerant person and it takes a lot for him to get angry.

Likes & Dislikes

+ Reading

+Meditating/calming activities


+Peace and Quiet

+Sweet Foods

+Night Time

+White Lotus


+Animals, especially turtles

-Loud Noises





- Negativity

-Sad people (Especially Fellow Ghouls)




Masaki has the Ukaku type kagune which is essentially wings that a ghoul could possibly have, they allow flight and can also be used for attacking purposes. Masaki's in particular has the shape of two large falcon wings and are both red in colour, with tints of pink And black around the edges. Each wing has a wingspan of twice his size. Masaki's kagune also has a very durable defence but it's speed rivals that of any other Ukaku type, which gave him the alias of "White Flash"


None As of yet




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