Half-Human, Half-Monster, Full-Swordsman.
Don't worry about it. Here's a quick heads-up from a fellow Arachnophobe. (Hint-hint, I scream like a b**ch around spiders. ')I've never played Skyrim, I want to, but I've never had either the money to buy the game or the computer power to run it at the same time, so it becomes a pointless purchase...
I seem able to separate real life from fiction tho, especially if it's in a game, a movie and or writing. There are boundaries that not even I am aware of how far it goes, but it's not every little thing that triggers it. I guess the rule is 'the more real and near it is, the largest the chance of triggering it'
But like I said, it's pretty random and irrational, I mean, it IS a phobia XD ^^'