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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

Jake shakes his head with a small sad smile "No we wouldn't be able barely talk without fighting, especially if you were in fairy tail. and that's probably why I brought you down here, hoping to get to know you better and maybe get you to like me." jake smiles as they start heading towards the surface. "What ever you choose remember raven tail will always welcome you and ill be there to personally vouch for you and your skills"


Ajax looked over at Ashton and recognized him from the games. He was a fighter last week and he seemed pretty sore over his loss after the match, Ajax giggled a bit at the thought of one the faces Ashton made after Shiro beat him. Ajax then said, "Well Shiro, go easy on him, it seems that he's even more intoxicated that you are, and that he's looking for a fight, never a good combination." Ajax remembered that Ashton's two magics were weak to fire and ice magic. Ajax figured that if worst came to worse, he could jump in and batter the drunkard around a little bit.

Then he loked at Ryos and said calmly,
"Ye'up, I can eat anything frozen, and it'll give me power."

Location: Bar near the Fairy Tail Guild Hall



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Shiro grinned at Ryos, setting his hand on fire but not meaning for it to be the sign of a fight. "What else was I going to eat? Haha." Shiro wiggled his hand from side-to-side, his fire put out. What really intrigued him, however, was the drunk male who seemed to be from Raven Tail. "Ajax. It's Raven Tail." He murmured, stepping back from the drunk mage. He had an interesting scarf, it seemed to be stretching everywhere, and his body was covered in sparks, meaning he were to be a lightning mage. He could easily take him, but starting fights with Raven Tail was bad idea. "Ajax, you know we can't fight him here. Imagine what master would say if we picked a fight with this guy." Shiro recalled one year or the Magic Games. He recalled that the old master of Raven Tail was a man that used to be the son of the old master of Fairy Tail; called Master Makarov. There was a new master now in Fairy Tail, as Makarov decided to retire from his works. "I don't want to run away, you know that Ajax, but we can't fight him here. The master of Raven Tail will do anything to start a war with us, especially since we beat them in the Games... again."

@David Van Aken



Lara smiled at him " well i am glad that i got to know know before I joined a guild" she looked at the view again. " and I thought you weren't interested in me" she said to him with a slight smirk on her face.

@Tj Pomroy
While he was drinking, Michael couldn't help to hear the conversation going on between the mages. They talked about the things the could eat, and one of them drank poison. Mages are weird, indeed. They mentioned a lot of things about "Dragon Slayers", which was an unknown expression to Michael. He was a foreigner, and the practice of magic in his country was very strict, some stories of great battles arrived in his land from times to times, but nothing about dragons and dragons slayers. He turned around towards the mages at the bar and asked, fearing that he would look a bit dumb: "Sorry, I'm not from around here, but what is a dragon slayer?"

@igneel @MemoriesofXemnas @David Van Aken
Jake smiled and shakes his head "I meant im not interested with whats in your pants dear. id love to be close friends" he sirks as they burst out of the water a rain bow appearing behind them

Lara laughed " I would have smacked you across, beat you up and kicked you out...if you attempted to do that" she petted the cat on her shoulder " but yeah I would love to be close friends with you" she smiled at him.

@Tj Pomroy

Ajax agreed with Shiro and sad with a chuckle, "Well I'm sure that they are quite sore over those losses, I can't even remember the last time that Raven Tail beat us, and besides, I don't think that he wants any part of me. You were the one that tanned his hide last week. However, if this one wants to pick a fight with two... or three dragon slayers when he couldn't even handle one, he's more than welcome to. Lung at me, I'm begging you." He gestured his hands in a motion that just screamed come on. Then he walked over to Shiro and Ryos and whispered, "Fellas, if we bluff hard enough, we'll send this one home with his tail between his legs."

Ajax then turned to someone that he didn't recognize, he asked what a dragon slayer was and Ajax replied with, "Well, a dragon slayer is one who is capable of casting dragon slayer magic. To do so, most dragon slayers are raised by a dragon or have a lacrement placed in their body."

Ajax began to walk out of the bar backwards, not wanting to turn his back to Ashton, hoping that he could just lead the drunk Raven Tail member around for a wile, and just mock him with some deft dodges and impressive blocks.



Jake smiles and pats her knee"i hate to say this but unless your part of raven tail itll be practically impoosible to be goo friends" he frowns and looks at her with an apologetic look


Ashton Vanderveir

Ashton pushed his hair back and stared at Shiro in the eyes. He slipped into his coat and pulled out two gloves as he slipped them on,"...Pefect...". He got up and felt really woozy including his walking was really pathetic as he tried to take a few steps back. Ashton turned around to Shiro and laughed,"Oy!...Don't *burp* talk about my guild...like that. You...8-bit...firefly! My Master is not someone who should be bad mouth by someone...*hiccup* like you. Usually, I don't...*hiccup* pick fights unless I am SUPER drunk...wait...I am that drunk! Anyway-". He paused as the foreigner walked up to them and mentioned Dragon Slayers....He clenched his fists, "Dragon..Slayers...Dragon Slayers...Jesus...". He rolled his eyes to the foreigner as his eyes sparked black electricity and yellow electricity, "Dragon Slayers are those who are trained by actual dragons..To me...I don't give a crap about them anyway.*hiccup* Uh...Im about to get sober! Need. More. Whiskey!". He ran to the counter and dropped a bag of jewels before grabbing two bottles of whiskey and starts drinking them both before throwing them into the trash. He looked at Ajax,"You...got some nerve...Your lucky I did not enter the Games! Then I would have cause the biggest storm possible!". He turned his head to Shiro as his eyes spark black and yellow electricity,"Oy! 8-bit SparkFly! *hiccup* We....are gonna take this outside....Cause this place gives good whiskey...I don't care if you bring 100 Dragon Slayer! Come on....Try fighting a G-Achooo!". He rubbed his nose before walking in a crooked manner all the way outside. Aurora does not want to get involved so she stayed inside until it is high time for her to get Ashton and leave.


Lara frowned a little " now that's sad....Just because we're in different guilds doesn't mean we cant be good friends...." she sighed a little and he head against his back.

@Tj Pomroy
Jake shrugs a little and leans back against her supporting her head "but its true, we wouldn't be able to hang out and both guild would shun us for it!!"

"Thats stupid...but I wouldn't care if they shunned me for hanging out with you...it's not like I am endangering them or something...." she looked at the night sky. " it really peaceful tonight don't you think?"

@Tj Pomroy

Shiro huffed, grinning profusely as Ajax summoned a fight with the drunken male from Raven Tail. Shiro found it funny, because Raven Tail was pictured as one of the more serious guilds, one that can't imagine their members drinking at a bar. "That's more like it, Ajax! I'll make first move, eh?" Shiro spun, his leg catching on fire a few seconds before it hit the drunken male's face. He then proceeded to grab him by the collar, spit in his face and punch him once more. "Come on! Let's do this!" Shiro chuckled, finding it ironic as he was not completely sober himself yet he still had enough sense not to pick a fight. He didn't know that someone could be that drunk, he hadn't seen it before... it was a little unnerving. He turned around, and slipped his goggles back onto his forehead, paying the bartender for his drinks and turning to sit on the table. "Your turn, popsicle stick. Make your mother dragon proud, or whatever."


@David Van Aken
Ryos smirked at Shiro's antics. He knew that Shiro was powerful, and he could feel the great magic power in his fire as he let it go.

"I would love to battle him someday, maybe the next Grand Magic Games"

Thinking about the Grand Magic Games brought back the resentment Ryos harbored for the other guilds, and coincidentally a drunk member of Raven Tail just then started to cause some trouble.

"Look, as much as I would love to get back at your guild and regain the respect mine lost in our poor showing at the games, I'm not going to sully the name of Lamia Scale with a bar fight."

Just as Ryos was finishing, the Raven Tail mage seemed to really get engaged. It seemed that a fight was going to break out and nothing could be done to stop it. Ryos almost didn't even notice the foreigner who asked of dragon slayers, but Ajax answered him anyway. Speaking of Ajax, he seemed to be getting into the idea of taking on the Raven Tail wizard. Ryos wasn't liking all the trash talk of dragon slayers, but he hated the idea of disappointing his guild master even more. He decided to just watch the proceedings.
Jake smiles and looks up with her "youre right, its so beautiful." He turns as the water begins to churn dangerously, like a big storm was coming. "wanna see something really cool???" he asked excitedly really wanting to impress her with his magic.as the Pegasus stopped to a halt waiting in the air as the water moves more and more frantically but not a drop moving by the shore.


Ajax was frozen in place, fists drawn. His jaw seemed to unhinge and droop to as low as it could have possibly dropped he yelled, "Yo! Flamer! You do realize what the term 'bluff' means!? It means that we frighten him off! Jeeze, well, whatever!" Ajax lunged forward at the grappled S-Class wizard and then placed two hands on his face. He yelled, "Ice-maker magic! Glacier!" Ajax froze the man's head inside a chunk of ice, then kneed him in the gut with an ice covered knee, hit him right in the abdomen. He was just trying to know the guy out, he figured that if he knocked him unconscious, it would make everything a whole lot easier to explain later, somehow.



Jake smirks and turns putting both his hand up chanting in Latin "Surge aquas militem" over and over again as two huge masses of water rises changing forms to match both of us perfectly, as they sparr in hand to hand combat quickly changing into a dance. the waltz, back and forth the masses off water swany and dance sending jets of water and mist out sending rainbows of moon lightl all over and they freeze solid when he dips her, water squirting out of their mouths like a fountain


Ashton Vanderveir

Ashton felt the intense kick from Shiro as he rolled back,"
OHHH WEE! Hahaha! That was hot!". He got up as he wiped the spit off his face and he started sparking dark electricity. His laughed started getting louder as his scarf started wiggling uncontrollably,"I love fighting in a drunk state! I am much better at it thank I am sober!". His hand sparked dark lightning until the Ice Dragon Slayer came towards him as well with intense force. Ashton did roll over and then coughed blood, but gave a large smile while doing so. "Good hit! Hehehehe My Turn!". His scarf started to stretch all around as it bounces on each corner until it reach both of them. As they both grabbed onto them, he grabbed his his scarf as lightning surged towards them causing an intense burst of dark lightning that slams them into the wall. He wiped the blood from his lips and stared at them,"Shiro...Ajax...hehehehe...Before I become sober and I gain my senses, let me introduce myself...Ashton Vandervier, Raven Tail's Dream Reaper. Now let me finish my sentence before I sneeze again. Ehem! I don't care if you bring 100 Dragon Slayers! Come on....Try fighting a God Slayer!". One of his hand's surged with black lightning and the other one surged with yellow lightning that was tinted in black. His scarf wraps around his arms just in case he needed them.

@David Van Aken @BLUR @Kyd Jhesus

"Huh, that's... Interesting". Very interesting indeed. He wondered where he could find a dragon these days, but the thought slipped away from his mind when he saw two of the mages starting a fight. He sat back at his chair next to the bar to watch. The "very drunk guy" was taking a beating when an ice mage intervened. The whole thing was very amusing to Michael. He thought about if it was possible to make the situation worse. An idea came to his mind.

"Hey, shame on you, folks! Fairy Tail is a respectful guild and deserved to won, now how about if we all stop being sore losers and just enjoy this celebration with all these great Dragons and God Slayers. I mean, we all know who's the best anyways..."
Lara watched the as the figuresbof water fight and then starts dancing in the air. She stares at it and smiles when she see the rainbow " wow" was all shebwas able to say " I should have brought kero along..." she giggled a little thinkingbof some of the things she would say when she saw this.

@Tj Pomroy
Jake smiles and turns to her showing her the back of his right hand his pale skin showing the stark white guild mark "im formally inviting you to join raven tail, come to the guild at any time with this necklace and youll be able to join" he opens his hand and shimmering light and water particles form together to make a beautiful and amazing complex designed necklace

Lara smiles and takes the necklace " ok" she looked at the necklace. " you magic is so beautiful..... I wish I could use ice and water magic...." she sajd admiring the necklace design.

@Tj Pomroy


Shiro Shinsetsu

"The Frozen Pyromaniac"

Shiro didn't realise he was moving until he was thrown into a wall. His back burned, the wall throw was hard but not hard enough to cause damage to a mage like him. His hands burned with fury as he let himself go cocky and be caught off guard. "You're a god slayer, eh? Good! I like a challenge! You can slay a god, but can you slay a fairy?" Before moving to attack, Shiro placed his goggled over his eyes and spat fire, his unusual blue flames making a crackling noise from intense heat. He didn't want to unleash a lot of his flames here, he didn't want to burn any of the people in the bar and sullying Fairy Tail's name by carrying on with a bar fight wasn't going to help him either. All he did was lean forward, and hope Ajax would make the next move.


@David Van Aken



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