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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

Shiro shrugged, letting Kero go after Jojo. It was going to take a lot of work anyway for them to become friends, Jojo wasn't much of a social person, unlike himself. He lazily tilted his head into the direction of Ryos, shrugging a little. "Yo, I may be a little drunk but it's not that bad," He gave the other male a small smile and shakily stood him, using the chair for support, but acting as he was casually leaning against it, not using the chair to help him stand up. "He," Shiro almost accusingly pointed towards Ajax, "is not a dragon slayer." He gave Jake an apprieciative nod as he apologised, but then turned back to Ryos. "If you want information on that kind of stuff, you should come to me. Or, hey - do you know where my dragon is?"

@David Van Aken


@Tj Pomroy

Ajax was a bit upset that Jake melted his spell and the blatant insult against his magical capabilities. Then his anger immediately dissipated when he saw the rainbow made from his accidental magic, he leaned back in his chair pleased that Kero enjoyed the coefficient of the two magics. He looked over to her and said warmly, tipping an imaginary hat to her, "Much appreciated, Ma'am." Then he began to rub his head, this whole thing was beginning to annoy him. Then he agreed with Jake, "Yeah, it's a bit hard to believe that this can be used to cause so much suffering." gesturing to the quickly melting ice.

Then he turned to Shiro and said,
"Cool it, man. It was just an accident. It happens to everyone sometimes, well, everyone with overwhelming magical power at least!" Ajax then flexed his half decent muscles and made a full-faced dimple filled grin, trying to make light of the situation.

Then Ajax turned around to Ryos and listened to his question. Ajax paused for a few moments and seemed to shrink in his seat a bit, thinking very hard about the best way to tell his story to a stranger.
Let's go minimalist for now, tell him nothing unless he asks for it. Then Ajax began with a bit of sadness in his voice, "To put it simply, I was on the mountaintops with my mother, Degris, playing with her tail, then suddenly she just began to fly away. I presumed that she was just playing a joke on me so I waited a long while... If you want to know how long, it was long enough for a boy to lose complete faith in his mother." Ajax paused again, then immediately perked up, "I'm going to find her one of these days, just you wait!" He steadied his excitement and then said, "So yeah, I'm a first generation, taught by a mighty ice dragon on the mountaintops and all of that."

Lara smiled and took his hand and got up. She put some money on the table and said to jake "I am gonna stay at an inn for for now...I haven't decided yet she said as she followed him out. She looked around for a bit and noticed kero isn't here '.....she'll be fine....and she has a good nose...'

((Just to fix a confusion when I use these '....' my charecter is thinking it))

@Tj Pomroy
Jake smiles and walks out forward with her looking around "where's your cat gone... Kero right?" Looks around seeing the streets pretty empty, continuing down the streets notices a small puddle freezing it solid, melting out a perfect image of the cat in the ice. than it stands up with a small "meow" looking around, it moves to purr rubbing her leg


Ajax slammed the table hard, putting a knuckle shaped mark into the wooden table and stood up, his entire demeanor changed in an instant. The skin on his face was already beginning to frost over in patterns that very closely resembled runes. He hunched over a bit and felt the scales on the sides of his neck begin to become more prominent, he cocked his head to the side a bit and said in a murderously calm tone, "Wanna run that by me again, Ace?" He couldn't even remember the last time he was this angry, oh wait he did. When Shiro flung a fireball at his backpack and destroyed 10,000 jewel worth of books. Ajax tried his best to seem calm, but there were certain things that he wouldn't stand for, and one of them was being called a fake, and once again, he could feel scales becoming more prominent on the inside of shirt.


" I dont know...I saw her go under the table...." she though for a minute " she is probably exploring the city...or something" she sawbhim turn a puddle into ice, which turned I to a perfect image of cat. She smiled a little at the image. She was then surprised when is got uo and started moving around. She chuckled a little and picked it and petted it "cute" she looked at jake " that's some interesting magic you got there"


Shiro suddenly panicked, realising that Ajax didn't take his joke the right way. They were best buds, right? Enemies of some sort, but a team, right? "Bro! Bro! I was kidding, calm down bro!" Staggering back, he clenched his fists together and fire erupted from the middle of them. "Dude, let's not fight here..." He murmured, but panicked as Ajax's Dragon Force scales were in show. "DUDE CALM THE CRAP DOWN I WAS KIDDING." Shiro shouted in a panic, stumbling over the tables and towards the door. He was going to get murdered.


Jojo trotted along, towards the guild, unaware of any presence following him.

@David Van Aken

It seemed Shiro was finally feeling okay enough to answer Ryos' question. Ryos was incredibly confused when Shiro stated that Ajax was no dragon slayer, as he had seen Ajax's abilities in person during the tournament. He totally forgot about the comment, though, when Shiro said "Do you know where my dragon is?"

"Him too huh?"

Ajax had explained his story as well. And just like Ryos himself, Ajax had lost his mother. Ryos' eyes softened at Ajax's story, and realized now that he had come no closer to finding the whereabouts of his dragon. He had hoped they would know where their dragons were so that he would have an idea of where his own was. But Ryos had not had that great fortune.

Ryos' train of thought was interrupted by Ajax's slamming his fist on the table. He had heard about Fairy Tail's destructive nature, even tot the point where they would skirmish with each other constantly and destroy everything, but this was the first time he was seeing it for himself.

"I think we all need to calm down here. You don't want to destroy this bar, at least take it outside," Ryos said calmly. "But anyway, thanks you for your answers. I too lost my mother and was hoping to find her, but i see we are all just in the same boat. How disappointing," Ryos sighed.
Jake smiles and scratches the back of my head talking lowly "Ashton doesn't think soo" He shakes his head and looks out to the ocean "hey wanna go for an ocean walk, or maybe swimming" He smiles again and shows her a small flower he had just created out of thin air 
After watching all the games, Michael was tired. Just yesterday he had joined Sabertooth with only three strong lightning magic attacks and nothing more. He was still improving it, and there was a lot to learn, so it was obvious that he was going to lose, and he would if he had participated. At least he had the chance to watch it all from a priviliged seat, and they had done well against the other guilds. He wasn't in the guild for long, but he still felt that it was good to cheer for it. Some of them were a bit arrogant, yes, but only for a matter of pride. Michael was low on money. After the Games, it looked like everybody was tired or bored and they weren't really caring for his presence. Fine by me. Most of them didn't liked him anyway, so what was the point? Once again, his great ability of pissing people was in activity. It really didn't matter, as long as he was doing a good job. But he wasn't. Other than the first trials he had to take to enter Sabertooth, he hadn't finished any real mission, and it was probably time to get down to it. When he walked towards the board, the master stepped in front of him, with a big smile on his bearded face. Master Sergei. Unlike the other members of the guild, he was looking particularly jolly today. But he's always jolly. He's goddamn Santa Claus.

"Whithand, right?". Michael nodded. With that smile on his face, it looked like the man was always making fun of the members, as he knew something that they didn't. Michael liked that. He liked the fact that master of the guild liked to see its members racking their brains to find out what was really behind that smile. "Yep, Whithand, that's me". "I might have a little job for you, new fellow. I believe you will enjoy it. You won't even have to fight anyone. I think...", the master said, confused in his own thoughts. Michael hid most of his happiness. "Will I get paid?". The master laughed. "Hahaha, no no no son, you won't".

Such a great job, congratulate Fairy Tail for the victory. It had to come down to the newbie, didn't it? But there wasn't really a point in being mad about it now. Sergei had given him a golden ancient coin studded with the diamonds and rubys, but he could only spend on the job, giving it to the Fairy Tail guild's master. He walked inside Fairy Tail, with other ideas for the coin. There were some members from other guilds there as well. This should be fun... He walked towards the bar and gave the coin to one of the members who was serving the others. He then turned around towards everyone, saying: "Drinks for everybody!"
"Well this ashton person is wrong, your magic is beautiful and interesting" she petted the ice cat. She hummed a little as she walked with him. She then looked at him when he mentioned walkong along the beach " sure I would love to" she answered with a smile.

@Tj Pomroy

Ajax's scales began to recede, and he then began to chuckle, then hysterically laugh, after a solid thirty seconds of laughing, he stopped and he said to Shiro with a grin, "Sober yet?"He chuckled a bit and wiped a frozen tear from his eye and flicked it across the room. Ajax spoke with some genuine appreciation in his voice, "Why'd you get so scared, man? I'd say that we are a pretty even match for each other to be honest... Besides, I was only joking." But he wasn't. Ajax would've torn the bar apart if Shiro didn't apologize. He doesn't take any smack talk about his family lightly.

Then he straightened his back and said to Ryos,
"Thank you for your sympathies, and wait... You're a dragon slayer as well? I'm sorry that you lost your parent, it's hard, very hard to get past the loss. I still haven't. Sorry that I can't help you, I truly am."

Ajax turned back to Shiro and created a glittery '=' sign and placed it on the table. He said confidently "We're equals Laddie, no more, no less."

He glanced at the person who just came in and bought everyone drinks. Ajax nodded in approval.



Jake smiles and grabs her hand shooting into the air riding to jets of water, looking down around the beautiful scenery of the glowing city. He than waves his hands around with a small mummer as an ice Pegasus appear under us flying us down around the streets passing through a line of clothes that bursts under us causing a very unhappy old women to yell at us "young delinquents"


Gave a small and rather unmanly shriek as he ducked underneath one of the tables. It wasn't like him to be scared of Ajax like that, but he couldn't help it.

"You want to know how my dragon disappeared?" The male came out from under the tables and dusted himself off, trying to act as if the whole scenario didn't play. "My dragon was called Moeagaru." He started, hopping onto the table he was hiding under and sitting down on it. "My was a male, unlike yours, Ajax. He was super-cool. I dunno how he disappeared, I woke up one day and he was gone." Shiro sighed, glanced down at his goggle placed around his neck. "My dragon left me this -" he lifted up the goggles over his neck and held them up for Ajax and Ryos to see. "- it can see through any element."


@David Van Aken

Lara laughs a little when he hears the lady yell at them for destroying the cloth line. She held onto him and looked at the city from below. Lights decorated the streets, decorations from the grand magic prix were still there, people were smiling and laughing. "today has been a really good day..." she said to him. The ice cat was on her shoulder holding on tight.

Jake nods and smiles as it dives right for the water "Its so beautiful, im sorry if this seems like an attempt to get you to join my guild I just think you fun!" He turns his head and smiles as they dive under water a perfect bubble off water staying around us plenty of air there, giving us a beautiful view of the fish and the sharks


Ajax sighed and tried not to become too overwhelmed by the sadness that was beginning to come over him. He has heard the story of how Shiro's Father left him many times, and he's certainly heard about how he lost his own mother quite a few times. He composed himself and ignored Shiro's girly scream and hide. Ajax was very tempted to hold it against him, but he just wasn't quite in the mood. Whenever Ajax heard of how Moeagaru gave Shiro the goggles, he couldn't help but imagine a mighty fire dragon blacksmith tenderly crafting a small pair of goggles over a huge smithing iron and struggling with an oversized glass blower to make some undersized glass. He always pictured Shiro's father as the type who would walk on his hind legs and wear a blacksmith's smock around wherever he walked. However, that was just a fantasy that he had held since he was a child.

After a few moments of thought, Ajax spoke up and said to Shiro and to Ryos,
"You're a lucky man Shiro, I was left with nothing more than my tattered boxers and five days worth of frozen meat. I don't think that you can even begin to comprehend how hard it was to thaw out meat frozen that an ice dragon froze. I had to put it in hot springs for three days. Gosh, that was an ordeal."



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Lara looks at the fish and sharks and smiled " thanks for showing me this beutiful view...but...I have a question... when I was leaving you guild uou said that I am talented mage....why did you say that? We just met and know nothing about each other"

@Tj Pomroy
"It's fine, there's nothing that can be done about it. If i ever find out more information, I'll be sure to let you know."

Not having anything else to do, Ryos took a seat at the bar, deciding to stay a little while longer. Shiro began to share his own story with his dragon. Again, Ryos felt nothing but sympathy. They all had lost their only parent.

"I see, I had come home to see my mother was gone. I was devastated and it has been my goal to find her to this day."

At this time, another wizard had entered the bar. He bought drinks for everyone at the bar. "Thank you, but I don't drink, other than this of course," Ryos said, taking out a vial of poison. He gulped it down, licking his lips as he finished.
Jake smiles and looks behind him the Pegasus easily maneuvering around the animals swirling past a great white shark that followed us for a little while. "well two things really, when I shaked your hand I could feel something and two im a good judge of character. you look like a damn good mage!" he smiles again and turns back sending they shooting forward quickly.


Shiro chuckled a little, which he immediately kicked himself for once he did, considering their conversation. He turned his head from Ajax to Ryos, and his eyes widened as he took a swig of poison from a vial. "Isn't that poison? Are you a poison dragon slayer, then?" Shiro asked, even though it was a little obvious, considering how the other male didn't hesitate on drinking the vial. "What does it taste like?" The curious male asked, furrowing his eyes together as he leaned in to have a closer look at the vial. "Is it specially made, or-?" Shiro leant back, giving Ryos a sheepish grin. "Dumb questions. Don't answer. I probably already know the answers. Heh. Except for the second one, what does it taste like?"


@David Van Aken
Lara laughs a little " ill take your word for that" she looks at the fish that came near and looked into the bubble and then swam away a few seconds later. She giggled a little. " you know....if I was in another guild....would we have been able to spend time like this?"

@Tj Pomroy

Ajax was also curious of how poison tasted. To a poison dragon slayer, he presumed that it tasted like a fine wine. Ajax stayed silent, but raised an eyebrow at Ryos, waiting on answer. Ajax peeled some of the ice off of his face from earlier and threw it on the ground. Ajax looked at the bartender, who seemed of the verge of pissing himself. He's had his bar crashed by enough Fairy Tail members to know where this conversation may be headed, a bar filled with the brim with poison, ice, and fire. Ajax wasn't in the mood to fight, and everyone in the bar was being quite civil. Ajax crossed his arms and looked back at Ryos.


Ryos smiled at Ajax's story. It was nice to truly connect with people, however he had to remember that they were mages of Fairy Tail, who made his guild look silly in the Grand Magic Games. Shiro began asking him questions then because of his strange behavior with poison. He always forgot that it was strange to drink poison to others.

"Oh yea, I'm The Toxic Dragon of Lamia Scale, I got that name because I'm the poison dragon slayer just like you thought," Ryos replied. "And poison tastes just like water to me. It's the most natural tasting drink I've ever had, and it gives me energy too. Thats why I'm always drinking it."

"I assume you guys eat fire and ice right?"

Ashton Vandervier & Aurora

After watching an entire ordeal happen as everyone decided to create small talk with each other especially after that mage by the name of Shiro woke up. Shiro....Shiro...That name revolves around his mind as he remembers him from the Grand Magic Games. He wipes his head of sweat from the heat and starts to drink a lot of shots until he got full on drunk. The more he drank, the more drunk he got until he started sparking black electricity from his body. He burped as he watched everyone discuss things such as Dragons and the Exceeds endulge themselves. Ashton pets Aurora as he places her on the table,"Go....*burp* Go have fun with the exceeds Aurora. I got to....I got to....*hiccup*...Drink My Troubles Away and have some fun with the members of Fairy Tail". Aurora feels as if something stupid involving Ashton is gonna happen so she decides to make her way to the bar and sit on the table to avoid any damage. "Oy! Shi-Shiro...You were pretty good in the Grand Magic...*hiccup* Games, right?", Ashton took another drink of whiskey before placing it gentle on the ground and laughed causing some sparks of black electricity to surge around his cloths and scarf. His scarf starts wiggling on its own as it grabs the platter of glass and literally hands it to the waitress and then tips her. Dragon Slayers all around him from Fairy Tail and Lamia Scales! He turned to Ryos then to Ajax and then towards Shiro. He can hear the conversation between Lara and Jake and decides to ignore it as the electricity sparks more and his scarf starts to loosen as it reveals his Raven Tail tattoo as it stretches around the area,"I don't want to....cut in on anyone's conversation, however, it is funny how we all can maintain a small conversation after the Games. Even Sabertooth wants to be near ANY of us after the games. Even I feel that they might want to settle things. Just as much as I want to settle things with Shiro". He licked the whiskey off his face as his tongue surged with electricity,"But...I don't wanna...just need...another...drink". His scarf stretched all the way to the edge of the bar and grabbed a large beer cup from someone and came back to hand it to Ashton. With one large gulp, it was all gone and he slamed it on the table with an eerie chuckle.

@igneel @David Van Aken @Tj Pomroy @BLUR

((What....I said I was gonna do something stupid xD ))

((I never knew I could make someone so drunk before xD ))
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