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Fantasy Thesta Penitentiary for the Wicked [OOC]

I made my character into a special delivery for the prison. Just like “surprise! Murderer in a box!”
I love how half the people are like: “oh, here’s my character with several incredibly strong abilities!” While I’m here just really nervous about overdoing it, so I’ll just like “woo... moving things...”
I love how half the people are like: “oh, here’s my character with several incredibly strong abilities!” While I’m here just really nervous about overdoing it, so I’ll just like “woo... moving things...”
Do u think my character is op?
Not too much. But there’s like Alicia and tanner and his other character. I’m just like “okay.... didn’t know what the parameters were here so I just played it safe”
Half of Alicia's powers aren inhibited so you don't have to worry about her going goddess mode on anyone.
I made my character next to useless with his inhibitor. The worst he could do was wiggle a small object at you.
I’m asking you. Man to...... odd creature that I’m assuming is female. Plz. I worked for this. Or at least be in yo boy form. I has better chances dat wae.
I've updated the first post of this chat and IC to include the up-to-date job listing, showing who is doing what job, and the cell organization to avoid everyone having to dig for that information here in OOC. That was a convenience long overdue xD
I've updated the first post of this chat and IC to include the up-to-date job listing, showing who is doing what job, and the cell organization to avoid everyone having to dig for that information here in OOC. That was a convenience long overdue xD
Alright I’ll be posting today btw what time is it in ic?

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