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Fantasy Thesta Penitentiary for the Wicked [OOC]

Should be fine since you started before he posted the cut off. We just don’t wanna have so many characters the some get neglected and other such things.
I'll allow it Zenpai Zenpai , seeing you probably started that as I posted the announcement. But as firebright said, we are trying to avoid characters getting left behind or overloading beyond what we can control.
I was telling my friend, “ on this one rp I’m trying to romance a straight guy.” And just asked me “WHY?!” And I’m like “because I love a challenge.”
I am going to e honest i really enjoy reading the post's....XD Can be funny and interesting! loving how this is going so far.
see ya all tomorrow! sleep time!
We are in the 9:00 to 10:00 PM portion to remain in housing (in our case, gen-pop).

I am uploading the schedule to the first post of OOC for convenience. Reminder that we are all following the "close" category.
Flowiest D Flowiest D it’s funny how in your post Cahone thought “I need to fuck some bitch” and he gets pissed at alasdair for calling the centaur a bitch
Flowiest D Flowiest D it’s funny how in your post Cahone thought “I need to fuck some bitch” and he gets pissed at alasdair for calling the centaur a bitch
I plan to have lots of little things like that happen aha he is incapable of seeing his own faults in such a way ahahaha

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