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Realistic or Modern The Zenith Project

"No, not really. My power doesn't break the laws of physics or anything. But, if I want ice cream, then it will probably be ice cream day at the cafeteria, or an ice cream truck will come along with a discount on the kind of ice cream that I like, or somebody will be handing it out. Luck is nifty that way."
Melody: "Oh that's still cool though." She smiles and adjusts herself again. "I um... I can breathe under water." A sad expression consumed her expression. Blinking, she looked up and smiled again "Your luck thing is super cool though. I wish I could wish for ice cream" She giggled and twisted in her seat. "Are you here on purpose?"
Conor: "So, I was wondering. Has anyone actually seen any personnel since we arrived? I mean, shouldn't we have seen someone else?" It was bugging him that everyone just disappeared. Was this some sort of test? So many questions I wish I knew the answers too.
Samuel: "That's weird, I haven't seen anyone sense I got here." Samuel smirked. "Well there are chefs in the back. Other than that I think they are probably just getting things ready for us." He shrugged and crossed his feet under the table slouching back in his chair. "They probably just want us to feel 'normal'" He emphasized normal to suggest to how strange everyone is here. "and relaxed here." Samuel scratched the back of his head.
XxMsKittyxX said:
Melody: "Oh that's still cool though." She smiles and adjusts herself again. "I um... I can breathe under water." A sad expression consumed her expression. Blinking, she looked up and smiled again "Your luck thing is super cool though. I wish I could wish for ice cream" She giggled and twisted in her seat. "Are you here on purpose?"
"Breathing underwater? That's cool! You could become the ultimate diver or something. The aquatic world is so interesting. Oh, and what do you mean, here on purpose?"
Melody: "I haven't had a lot of experience with it yet.... so I dunno. It all happened to fast." She paused for a moment thinking over her question again. "I mean... Do you want to be here? Or where you just taken here?" She asked innocently. She wasn't sure if anyone even wanted to be here. For how scary it was for her she couldn't imagine anyone really wanting to be here. Shrugging her shoulders she placed the bottom of her chin onto chippers head.
"Yes, I did choose to come. You see, my luck is great for me, but it sometimes happens at the expense of other people, and I want to prevent that. There's also that fire problem..."

Lu's legs were getting tired, and Ebony's seat was empty. "Mind if I sit down?"
Kara chuckled as she put the tray back down. "It's not all that great. It's actually got me into a lot of trouble" She frowned a bit as memories of what brought her here flash through her head. If I didn't have this I probably wouldn't be here, but then again he would've had his way with me that night. "I'm not particularly good around too many people. If I have a panic attack, people will get hurt. Also, the last place I was at, the cafeteria was more of a war zone, so it just brings back unpleasant memories" she tried her best to hold a smile
"I'm sorry." Sasha project. She frowned feeling bad for Kara. Sasha had never really had a difficult life. Sure she couldn't hear but her ability made up for it. Kara's life had real troubles in it. "Well let's try to make the best of this. We are all here because of what we can do. So if we can't be accepted by the people outside these doors why not accept each other." Her frown turned into a reassuring smile. "We can be like a little family of misfit toys."
"I'd definitely be a member of that club. I'm not so good with guys though...granted I'm pretty sure I could take them if necessary," her mind flashed back to the time spent in the detention center and the things that took place there, she shuddered a bit, "I just sometimes lose it. I'm better off in my room or just hanging around girls." Kara stared down at the floor a little embarrassed. I probably look so pathetic right now...she picked her head back up and grinned, "But I guess I can hang out with you and Alice...2 friends on day 1, I've easily broken my personal record by 2!" she laughed as she stuck her tongue out playfully
Sasha laughed with her. "Well your ahead of me by 1!" She then looked around. "I wonder what else there is to do around here. Mind showing me around?" Sasha was happy things were going so well. She had been a bit afraid of coming but all together it was too awful so far. She was still nervous about tomorrow however. That's when the real stuff would begin.
Kara was a bit hesitant about the idea of leaving her room again, but this girl was so nice that she couldn't deny her. "Yeah, no problem. Not gonna lie though, I didn't really look this place over, so if we get turned around I'm sorry ahead of time." She hopped out of her bed. This shouldn't be too bad...second time out, I might actually say something to someone this time! "Alright, let's do this!" She headed out to the hallway waiting for her new best friend with a light bounce in her step.
"Woo-hoo adventure!" Sasha projected happily throwing her hands up in the air. She went ahead and followed Kara out the door. "So who's your roommate? Do you know what they can do yet?" She was curious as to what other kind of abilities these fellow misfits had. Would they all be as amazing as Kara's? Or would some of them be a bit more simplistic like her own? She was excited to find out. For once she felt like she fit in.
Kara began walking down the hallway, she figured for them to get the full experience they'd have to stop by and meet everyone and at least get a feel for them. "My roommate's name is Alice, and her power is mimicry. She can literally mock you with you're own voice...I wonder if she could do that to you, though? Or if she can mimic other people's powers, I probably should've asked. I definitely will when we see her again." Kara caught herself rambling on in her head. "Sorry about that, I keep forgetting that I have to use my head to communicate now as opposed to random thought." "Where the heck is anybody!?! Guys!!!" She screamed down the hallway. I can tell I'm going about this all the wrong way...I'm no good at this. "We'll travel the hallways till either of us hears someone...I'm an awful guide" She started imitating how cartoon Frankenstein monster walked, with her arms out straight walking straight-legged.
She laughed at Kara's Frankenstein impression. "Very good!" She projected sarcastically. "Oh and don't worry about the rambling. It's fine really." She explained. "If you ever want to just get a point across you could use sign language it was originally the only way I myself could communicate."
Kara resumed walking normally again, "Only if you plan to teach because I only know one sign that I know everyone on the planet would recognize, but I know I won't need that for you." I guess there would be another way to say sleep with me...hahahaha, I could use a sleeping on pillow sign and point to her and myself...wait, yep definitely just said all that up here. Kara walked in silence trying to look at anything and everything aside from her new friend, and was trying hard not to think. This is sooo embarrassing, I want to run to my room and stay buried under my covers!
Sasha giggled. "I could teach if you like." She projected and then looked over Kara giving her a cute wink. So far she liked Kara, and liked where the friendship was going. She was pretty and her heart was obviously in the right place. She then signed for Kara, projecting thoughts to go with it. "You, are, cute."
Kara's face flushed rose red as she saw Sasha wink at her. Kara watched her hands and afterward copied her, and added the peace sign for "too". I'm definitely dying of embarrassment later. No question about it. Good job, Kara! Hit on the girl who can read your thoughts...that won't be weird for her to hear you...talk to yoursel-...Yep! Dying tonight. Kara clearly turned head and stared at the wall so Sasha couldn't see how red and how embarrassed she was. "Anybody want to meet anyone new!?!" She yelled down the hall. She desperately needed someone else to show up because she knew that her thoughts were only going to embarrass her more.
Alice looked a bit crestfallen at this. "Oh well, he's my twin. So he should look a bit like me, maybe taller? I only have a picture of him when he was younger, could you look at that?" She asked hopefully, moving her hand to her pocket and pulling out a picture of her and her twin smiling at the camera together at a young age. Probably a week before he disappeared. "It's okay if you don't recognize him though, I was jet thinking someone could help me here." Alice smiled slightly. Hearing Kara's voice a bit aways. "Oh, and it lookalike my roommate came back!"

Keith was now staring, possibly intensely in deep thought. He jumped slightly, hearing his name and coughed. "I'm still here...." He muttered, "I sat down a bit ago..." He added, so he would so of know. He was unsure how to talk to Sam since we was used to people seeing him and leaving him alone. However he decided that if he....wanted to talk to Keith...he could try as long as Fletcher was talking with Alice. "D-did you need something?" He asked, feeling quite a bit out of place.

I eventually found my way back to my room... you know what, i thought to myself. The dorm thing just across the way is empty Im moving all my stuff over there. It didn't take long and when I was done I decided i needed to blow off some steam. I found the gym and looked around in all of the stuff and found training dummies, weights and tons of things a school wouldn't and shouldn't have. I started setting up the dummies and practiced different fighting moves.
Fletcher took a good look at the picture analyzing the features of the young boy. He took every detail in, then mentally aged him to be around the age Alice was now. He closed his eyes again scanning his memory. It didn't take long but when he was finished he let our a frustrated sigh. "Sorry. I got nothin." He was hoping he could have helped her but honestly hadn't see anyone that matched that picture.

Sasha simply giggled, but turned slightly when she could 'hear' some people from the another room. "I think there's a group that way." She projected. "Would that be the 'slop house' you were referring to you?" She joked, smiling at Kara.
Alice sighed. "Oh, well....if you ever...I dunno, see him or anything, please let me know. Its reallly important to me. Thanks for trying though. That alone makes me happy. Jeez, I wonder where he's wandered off to!" She smiled hoping that he wouldn't think to hard about it. Though she was secretly even more dissapoimted. It wasn't like he would have. That chance was kind of low.
"Yeah. Just about everyone is in there, so that's definitely a good place to start, especially if you're craving something to eat." Kara began to lead her to the cafeteria. "Wouldn't being in a crowded place give you a headache, I mean, there's got to be like a NASCAR race of thoughts that'll be swarming around and you'll be standing there right on the track...you sure you'll be alright?" She was genuinely worried for her new friend, because she knew all to well the side effects of her own distress and couldn't imagine how she would deal with being able to hear a room full of everyone's thoughts.
"I'll be alright for a little while. Just don't let me sit right in the middle of everyone." She thought Kara's concern was adorable and sweet. She was certainly off to a good start in choosing who her friends were here. "And if starts getting too bad I'll let you know and we can back to the room or something ok?" She projected peppily. 
"Sorry" Fletcher said a bit mumbled. He scanned his memory quickly was again, just to make sure but yet again drew a blank. It was actually rather frustrated him. Not knowing something. It felt...weird.
Alice shook her head and smiled. "No, really, don't worry about it. You don't need to apologise sonce you tried, right? I wasn't really putting my hopes up too high anyway. So hey, thanks anyway!" She didn't want him to feel bad for something that he couldn't control. She glanced up, seeing Kara actually entering again and waved, seeing that she seemed to have made a new friend too. Which was good.

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