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Realistic or Modern The Zenith Project

Keith frowned deeply. "Wait let me..." he grumbled, pulling on his pants before slipping on his sandals and running after him. "Don't leave so fast.." he mumbled. Not that it was hard to catch up. That was basically easy. He huffed and moved to Fletchers side. "I guess I'm looking forward to exercise. Its the only thing I'm good at so if its graded its what is going to help my grades in the end...if they do that here. I don't like all the other stuff though...I don't like history the most I guess. What's the sceduale anyways...?"
He held up a paper, "This was attached to the door." He held up a paper with times and class names on it. "Look like classes begin at 8. So we've got some time to kill before then."And then the first class of the day is English. It also says we all share the same class room. That's funny, must be like homeschooling I guess." Fletcher's parents had thought about homeschooling him before he had been sent here, but they gave up on the idea when the discovered they were ill equipped to handle is learning capability.
Max woke up at 7:45. 'Why did I sleep in so long?' He asked himself. It must be the bed. Max changed into a fresh pair of cloths. This consisted of jeans and a slightly stretchy black T-shirt. He looked over at Sam. He still seemed to be sleeping. A not was attached to the door with the scedual. It said breakfast was being served soon, and he didn't want to miss that. He walked over to Sam and shook him lightly. "Wake up. Breakfast will be ready soon."
Lu looked at the clock in her room. Breakfast would be served soon. She didn't want to miss it, and Melody seemed to be sleeping soundly, so she walked out of her room (with her book), and went in a random direction. She was sure that it would be the way to the cafeteria, and it turned out to be so.

Morning... might as well wake up and see what this day is going to be like, im going to have to be around everyone else all day because of classes. I looked around and saw something that was mildly bothering. there was someone in the other bed in my room... *** **** it. I walked past them and got dressed silently as to not wake them up. i might as well get him awake at least. i picked up my pillow and threw it at him and started walking away as i said "Hey kid its breakfast time" heres hoping that he isnt a deep sleeper, or else he is going to be late.
Conor woke up late. He looked at his clock and realized he over slept. He might not have woken up, but he heard a door open and close. He quickly got changed and decided to take a shower later. Right before he left he walked over to his clock and set an alarm. He was kind of nervous for today. A lot could happen, and not all of it good.
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An alarm clock belted out an annoying wake up call, but Erin's gloved hand slammed down on its head and silenced it. Her eyes rolled to the time, glaring at it as though it were at fault for the schedule that called for breakfast to be served so early. She slowly pulled herself out of bed, her hair more like a squirrel's nest than bedhead. She ran her fingers through her hair, but they only got caught in the knots and disheveled it further. She dragged herself to the bathroom and went through her morning routine to get ready. She exited the bathroom, running a brush through her newly wet hair. She got dressed in blue jeans, converse, a black t-shirt, a gray jacket, and her signature black gloves. Leaving her wet hair down, as she both did not want to mess with and did not want anyone to accidentally touch her neck, ears, or shoulders. The more skin she covered, the better.

With sigh, Erin left her room, trying to find the cafeteria for breakfast. She hadn't been able to find it yesterday and she had lost her map, but maybe she could find someone to help her find it this time.
Samuel: He woke to the sound of Max's voice. "Oh.." He groaned dragging himself from the bed. "Mornings...." he sighed, "Never have been my strong moment." He pulled himself to his feet and felt around in order to find where he put his clothing. "What time is it?" He asked, carefully feeling around attempting to distinguish the difference between his shirts and pants.

Melody: Once awake she excitedly bounced out of bed. "Oh oh! we are doing stuff today.... I wonder what we'll be doing... I hope its super fun." she continued to ramble while she pulled out her cloths for the day. Embarrassed she spun around and looked up at Lu. "I... um...." she shot a glance to the bathroom. "I'm just gonna get dressed..." she pointed at the bathroom and rushed over, slamming the door behind her.
Max: "About 6:55. Breakfast in 5. No hurry, though. We have all hour to eat. I have a schedule." He then proceeded to explain what was going to happen through ought the day. "So, what do you think the point of this is? Is it just to keep us under control or do they have another agenda?"
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Samuel: "Well Perhaps a bit of both. Taking care of a group like us? It's easier to keep a tight scheduled. Plus there are specific things they need from us? I suppose." He positioned himself on his bed to pull his pants to his waist fallowed by changing his shirt. "That's good. plenty of time to make it to the cafeteria and eat." He smiled turning towards Max.
Max: "Ready? You know, I'm sure in no time you will be good enough to see fine details." He wasn't sure what he could be trained for. He didn't want to make things bigger or scarier, but perhaps make more than one person see his illusions at a time. He would like that quite a bit.
Samuel: "I sure hope so. i would really love to at least kinda see what others see." He pulled to his feet. "and yes I'm ready." His stomach rumbled, "definitely ready for food." he chuckled.
Max: He gently guided Sam out of the dorm. He hopped they weren't the last to arrive. The last ones always draw attention. That's what Devein… No! He can't focus on her now. He warned Sam of the stairs. Soon they were in the cafeteria. There were actually early! Max grabbed Pancakes and hash browns, whatever those were. He then helped Sam get his food.
Cameron's eyes fluttered open, and he realized he was still where he thought he was. He muttered a curse word under his breath and got up. He was still dressed from yesterday; he hadn't even unpacked yet. He ran a hand through his messy hair, and opened the door, his bed a disaster. His hands in his pockets, he trudged towards the cafeteria, hoping for breakfast. Geeze, was he starving. He opened the door and saw a few people already inside. Class started at 8, breakfast at 7. He checked his watch. It was about 7 now. That was a rather close shave.
Keith had quietly digested the thought of breakfast before even getting it. When they reached the lunch room though he was glad. "I guess I should stock up for the whole day...I don't want to go hungry..." his stomach twisted at that idea and he sighed, shaking his head. "At least I can go to class with you but uh, I don't like how its all one class....what if they teach too slow for you?" He paled in consideration. "W-what if its too fast, ooh noo I don't want to sit through that!"

When Alice finally got herself ready she stretched and sighed before looking over to Kara who was still sleeping. She debated how to wake her up before throwing her pillow from her now neat bed. "Waaaaaake up sleeping beauty! Who wants to talk about mornings! Don't make me wake you up with a celebrity!"
Fletcher walked over with Keith to grab a tray and start picking up some food. "Nah, one of the girls was way too young for high school education. My guess is they'll give us separate work depending on our academic scores." He grabbed a bowl of cinnamon oatmeal and an apple. "Personally I'm curious as to how 'team training' is going to work." He walked over to get a table, some guys were already here. The one skiddish kid, and the one that was supposed to be blind. What were they names? Max and Sam right?

Sasha finally decided it was time to get up. She could 'hear' that Alice was awake across the small living room in between the dorms. She got up, got dressed and ready. She then walked through the small living room to the door to the other dorm room and knocked. She knew that Kara was still asleep. If they didn't hurry they would be late, the note on the door said breakfast was at 7.
Keith looked down at his feet, feeling a bit out of the loop now that he thought of this. "I guess you can't really study with me then, since you're so smart." He mumbled, piling his plate as usual before frowning. "Wait....teams?" He asked, looking over before frowning and shaking his head. "I don't work well in those either." He grumbled, pausing to indulge in his unusual habit of filling a brown paper bag with some juice boxes and crackers. For no starving during class measures.

When they reached the table, Keith carefully sat down, not really thinking about much other then he recognised the people. "Good morning Sam and Sam's friend..." he mumbled awkwardly, his eyes moving over to Max. He didn't dislike him, but he was unsure whether they would ever really get along. It made him feel awkward.

Alice stopped throwing her ties at Kara and moved to open the door. Smiling seeing that Sasha was the cutie on the other side. "Good mornin! Want to help me wake up our sleeping miss?" She asked, grinning as she motioned for her to walk on in and make herself at home. Which was a sloppy wave and bow.

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Kara was awakened by her chipper roommate's voice and a pillow to the head, morning wasn't at all her favorite time but the playful manner in which it came wasn't all that bad. "I'm up...I'm up," she said groggily as she slowly pulled herself up right. Once up she tossed the pillow back over at Alice. "Ugh!" she pouted a bit as she pulled herself out of bed. "Breakfast time then?" she looked over at Alice as she considered changing. "My favorite meal of the day." she attempted to get into the morning spirit, but it wasn't coming to her quite as quickly as she would've liked. She saw that Sasha was up to and both were ready to go. 'Looks like I'll be heading to breakfast looking like a hot mess' she thought as she attempted to at least do something about her hair.
Alice snickered at how Kara looked like a pizza with pepper toppings because of her polka-dot ties strewn over her bed. She caught the pillow, jist barely and put it back on her bed. Moving over to Kara and picking up the ties she had started throwing earlier. Only fair she cleaned up her own mess.

"Yeah well, you're going to be late if you move at that pace? Should I help you get dressed?" Alice asked, grinning to Kara before walking back to her own bed. "Its like seven o' clock milaaaady."
Kara pouted childishly she got ready. "Yep...not even trying today" she said as she changed t-shirts and threw on a pair of baggy sweatpants. "Ready to attack this breakfast!" She cheered with false enthusiasm. Kara used her powers to clean up and make up her bed, chuckling at the mess

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"Good morning Sasha!" she thought as she noticed that she had entered the room as well, "Don't judge me too harshly, but I'm gonna look like a bum today. Not like we're going to a fancy restaurant, right?"
Sasha giggled. "A gorgeous bum." She projected to Kara. She gave a thumbs up to Alice and started to walk towards the door, but stopped for a moment to show the other girls the schedule. "Oh here, looks like they left us this." She projected to Kara, attempted to project to Alice too but had no clue if it would be successful. She was excited for today, things were going well so far. The morning classes weren't something she was worried about, it was the special training she was concerned about. She tried to keep a positive attitude however, knowing that Kara would need her to be upbeat for her as well.

"Hey it's no worries man." Fletcher told Keith. "I'd be more than happy to help you out if you ever need it." He smiled to his friend hoping to pep up the mood. He then gave a subtle to wave to Max and Sam, although he then realized that waving to Sam was rather pointless, "Hey Max, hey Sam. How are you guys?" He hadn't been formally introduced to the two but figured idle chit chat wouldn't be too weird.
Max still didn't like people all that much, but Flecher seemed ok. He looked up at him with a half smile and nodded. He also threw in a small grunt just so he didn't think he was a mute or something. He wasn't looking forward to special training. Working with just one other person, especially a stranger, didn't appeal to him.
Keith looked to his plate and flushed. He wasn't used to how Fletcher treated him. So he quickly looked the other way. That was the best way he could handle himself. He was surprised at how Fletcher got a reaction out of Max though. He looked over curiously before making a note to ask Fletcher for advice later.

The note had a sceduale. "How thoughtful of them, looks like everyone hovers around the same class for an hour. Ohh what's this training? Cool. I hope were partnered up together for team stuff. Right Kara? Sasha?" It would also be an chance to see everyones abilities. To look for someone who could find her brother..... ah, but that was a secret agenda that she didn't want to bug her friends with.
Cameron watched a few older kids talking to each other. They seemed nice enough. There was no way he was going over there, though. He wasn't exactly the 'friendly' type. He snatched a banana off a stand and got himself some milk. Then he took a seat over near the corner where no one would bother talking to him.
Fletcher looked around to see a boy that hadn't been here earlier the other day. He was young, really young. Actually he appeared to be about the same age as one of girls. The kid had sat in the far corner rather than coming over here, which lead Fletcher to believe he was shy. He didn't bother to gesture the kid over or anything. He'd more than likely meet him during classes anyway.

Sasha nodded in agreement. "I wonder how exactly team training works?" She projected to Kara, "If we are only hear to learn how to control our powers why would we need team training?" Sasha was now curious, something was out of place.

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