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Realistic or Modern The Zenith Project

Max: So many people had left the cafeteria, he decided it was safe to sit back at the table. He wondered over next to Sam. He learned a lot from others in that short time.


Conor: I decided there was nothing left for me to do here so I headed up to my room. I still need to unpack things, after all.

eventually after a while the dummies stared to fall apart under my blows and i decided that it might be time to just try out this whole super bones thing. I went up to the wall and started punching the walls, they were made out of this stuff that felt like concrete. As my fist made impact the concrete chipped and started to give, my fist hurt a bit after that as well. at least i found something i can train harder with.
ActionPony said:
"Wow, that's cool. I hope you can learn to control that here." Lu was a little bit excited. She was happy to be at the DPR, where she could see all this cool stuff. Lu was the sort of person who could find luck in anything, mostly because she looked for it.
"Why are you so excited to be a lab rat?" Kara turned and faced the girl. Simply trading one cell for a fancier one, the way I see it. At least the people here seem to be less hostile. "What's your ability, anyway?"
Sasha was grateful her friend was ok. She felt sorry for Kara, being unable to control her power. For Sasha something like that wouldn't be bad, she'd simply be an deaf girl, but for Kara it meant she could be dangerous. She couldn't imagine what it would feel like, walking around thinking you were going to hurt someone by accident. Part of Lu's statement was in the right direction, Sasha hoped her friend could learn to control it to. However she felt, the vibe Lu gave off may not be what Kara needed at the moment.

Fletcher sat there, still a bit awe struck after the girls had left. That power was amazing, but it was clear that Kara couldn't control it. Fletcher wasn't scared but it did concern him. Something like that untrained could be dangerous. He sat in his chair, unsure what to do now. It appeared his roommate was engaged in conversation with the supposed blind guy. Which only reminded him he would have to ask about that later. So, he just turned to his food and continued to eat.
Samuel: Many waves and sounds rushed at him endlessly as people talked and rushed out of the room. Realizing that they were steps fading off into the distance, he wondered why everyone left. He gently tapped the floor beneath him to give himself an idea of how many were still with him. "What happened?" He asked again, fumbling around trying to find the table. "And why did so many rush out?" He carefully pulled himself to his feet and returned to the chair.
[QUOTE="Gregory Lloyd]"Why are you so excited to be a lab rat?" Kara turned and faced the girl. Simply trading one cell for a fancier one, the way I see it. At least the people here seem to be less hostile. "What's your ability, anyway?"

For four sentences, Lu dropped the happy attitude and picked up a serious one. "I don't see myself as a lab rat. I see myself as a student, learning how to control my gift. I need that control. Sometimes my power accidentally hurts others, or causes and I do not want that to happen, ever."

Lu was happy about a lot of things. People being hurt was not one of them.

Cheering back up again, she said: "And they've got soft beds. That has to count for something."

Responding to the tattooed girl's other question, Lu said: "Oh, I'm lucky. As in, really. My power is incredible luck."
Alice had decided to throw herself back in her bed, glad that Kara was probably okay. Which was a relief. She was suddenly tired and didn't really want to think too hard. "I wonder if this place is really that bad. I dunno, nothing too horrible has happened. However I guess it's kinda weird that they were able to find so many cool kids. What way did they find everyone I wonder? I've never really made a commotion with my ability." She was simply thinking out loud, debating what Kara had been saying earlier about being lab rats. "Its nice that you want to keep people frombeing hurt Lu." Alice was different. She was fine with hurting people for her brother. She smiled slightly. She was fine with that.

Keith finally sat down, frowning at the tray he threw and looked at his feet. "The table got possessed and a girl got all weird and stuff I guess." He mumbled unsure what he was feeling besides a it shocked. "You know, why don't we go somewhere other then the lunch room. Fletcher? Do you want to do at? Sam...y-you can come too. With your friend if you want."
"Sounds like a good idea to me." Fletcher said. "I'd love to explore the rest of the place. I hear they have a recreational room." They had spent a lot of time in the cafeteria and chances were they'd have to return to the dorms eventually. "I bet they've got games or something." He said mostly to himself that time. "So, shall we all go then?" He turned to look at the other guys.
ActionPony said:
For four sentences, Lu dropped the happy attitude and picked up a serious one. "I don't see myself as a lab rat. I see myself as a student, learning how to control my gift. I need that control. Sometimes my power accidentally hurts others, or causes and I do not want that to happen, ever."
Lu was happy about a lot of things. People being hurt was not one of them.

Cheering back up again, she said: "And they've got soft beds. That has to count for something."

Responding to the tattooed girl's other question, Lu said: "Oh, I'm lucky. As in, really. My power is incredible luck."
Kara pondered on the ability Lu spoke of and gave a half smile. "Not a bad gift to have, if I do say so myself. So you'd be like a real-life rabbit's foot?" she wasn't sure if she got the charm correctly, but in the spirit of the joke she still stuck her tongue out playfully. If I can get my own power under control...no cell will be able to hold me. she smiled bigger as the thought of freedom and security, of her own making, crossed her mind. "Hey, Sasha, you seemed to be getting along while we were in the cafeteria...sorry to mess things up like this," she thought as her smile faded.
"It's fine." Sasha projected to Kara with a smile. "It was getting rather 'loud' in there anyway." She explained to her. "Are you ok now?" She asked. She wanted to ask something else as well but hesitated at first, then figuring Kara was now her friend now asked anyway, "What do you think about Lu? She seems...peppy."
Kara looked at Lu. "Yeah, she is. She seems nice enough, I really hope she can keep up that attitude." Kara reflected on her time in the center. People would come in there one way and before you knew it they were like a whole other person. "She may be just a little too cheery for me though," Kara giggles as she thinks that, "Good luck would def be a hell of a thing though." With that thought in mind, Kara went back to Lu, "With your ability you could've cleaned up pretty well. A couple lotteries played and a casino visit or two and you could've been living the life on a beach somewhere...so why did you end up here instead of on your own private island?"
Erin smiled sympathetically down at the little girl. She almost reached out a hand to place it reassuredly on her shoulder, but decided she did not want something to happen on accident so she withdrew her gloved hand.

"Oh, you're lost too? How about we try to find our way together? We could walk around and try to find a place to have fun. I heard there was a rec room. Would you like to play games with me?" Erin asked, bending down to get on the same level as Melody. Her hunger was temporarily forgotten as she now wanted to try to cheer up the little girl.
Samuel: "Possessed?" Samuel stood, baffled for a few moments. "Not that i have much to question at this point, but might it be that it's actually someones ability?" I guess i'll have to get use to weird events. Contemplated whether or not to go with Keith, then turned to max. "What would you like to do?" He questioned. "We could go with, or finish unpacking?"

Melody: "I dunno...." She paused for a moment. "People keep coming and going so fast" She pulled Chipper in close and placed her chin on the back of his head. "I do like games though." Without moving her head she looked at the girl standing before her. "ButI understand if you need to leave to." Her words were slow and melancholy.
Max: He contemplated Sam's offer for a moment. He never really dealt with people putting his needs before their own. Eventually he said "Let's find the rec-room. It's a good idea to get a better understanding of how the building is set up. Rely on the map less."
Keith smiled brightly seeing that this was working and mentally congratulated himself on getting a bite. "Then let's go there like you mentioned! Okay?" He paused, realising that his emotions were written on his face, feeling a bit embarressed he looked down at his feet. "Erm, well, that is to say, we don't have all day right? Right?"
Samuel: He smiled Raising to his feet. "Then it has been decided." He chuckled, "Lead the way scout." He held out his arm in a direction that he thought the door was. Tapping the floor, he realized that, said door, was actually in the other direction. "Cause i'm obviously not getting there on my own." He twisted his lips and shoved his hands in his pockets.
[QUOTE="Gregory Lloyd]Kara pondered on the ability Lu spoke of and gave a half smile. "Not a bad gift to have, if I do say so myself. So you'd be like a real-life rabbit's foot?" she wasn't sure if she got the charm correctly, but in the spirit of the joke she still stuck her tongue out playfully. If I can get my own power under control...no cell will be able to hold me. she smiled bigger as the thought of freedom and security, of her own making, crossed her mind. "Hey, Sasha, you seemed to be getting along while we were in the cafeteria...sorry to mess things up like this," she thought as her smile faded.

[QUOTE="Gregory Lloyd]Kara looked at Lu. "Yeah, she is. She seems nice enough, I really hope she can keep up that attitude." Kara reflected on her time in the center. People would come in there one way and before you knew it they were like a whole other person. "She may be just a little too cheery for me though," Kara giggles as she thinks that, "Good luck would def be a hell of a thing though." With that thought in mind, Kara went back to Lu, "With your ability you could've cleaned up pretty well. A couple lotteries played and a casino visit or two and you could've been living the life on a beach somewhere...so why did you end up here instead of on your own private island?"

"Well, I prefer to think of my power as like a four-leafed clover. And about the lottery thing... mostly I haven't done this yet because my parents won't let me until I'm grown up."
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Kara looked at the girl. "Well when your parents do let you, I suggest you play the biggest one they got and take em for all you can. If you've got the power to change things, why not use em?" She thought about her own situation and how she might change things if she had her powers under control. "I'm just rambling...but you definitely have an awesome ability."
[QUOTE="Gregory Lloyd]Kara looked at the girl. "Well when your parents do let you, I suggest you play the biggest one they got and take em for all you can. If you've got the power to change things, why not use em?" She thought about her own situation and how she might change things if she had her powers under control. "I'm just rambling...but you definitely have an awesome ability."

"Yeah, I probably will, once I graduate this and get the fire problem under control. Your ability is awesome too, and I'd like to see how you use it in real life."
ActionPony said:
"Yeah, I probably will, once I graduate this and get the fire problem under control. Your ability is awesome too, and I'd like to see how you use it in real life."
Kara rolls to her back while lazily lifting her right hand, lifting a pillow on her bed, then swipes her hand threw the air, tossing the pillow atop Lu's head. "So far it's more of a convenient tool. I need this place so I can actually get a handle on my powers and see what else I can do."
[QUOTE="Gregory Lloyd]Kara rolls to her back while lazily lifting her right hand, lifting a pillow on her bed, then swipes her hand threw the air, tossing the pillow atop Lu's head. "So far it's more of a convenient tool. I need this place so I can actually get a handle on my powers and see what else I can do."

Lu smiled and said "I'd really like to see the results. Are you okay now?"
"Yeah, I'm okay now. Thanks for helping me out." She looked over at Lu and smiled. "I think I'll call it a day, I'll catch up with you tomorrow at breakfast or something."
[QUOTE="Gregory Lloyd]"Yeah, I'm okay now. Thanks for helping me out." She looked over at Lu and smiled. "I think I'll call it a day, I'll catch up with you tomorrow at breakfast or something."

"Yeah, I probably should too. I'm going to see if Ebony or Melody are there. I kind of like Melody, but I don't know Ebony enough to tell."
Lu skipped back to her room, hoping to see if she could surprise Ebony (and maybe annoy her. Ebony seemed the kind of person who it was fun to irritate a little).
Cameron sighed. He hated being the last one to get somewhere. Besides, he hadn't even been delivered by his foster dad or even his brother. Nope, it was some weird agent people he'd never even been introduced to. As if his life wasn't bad already. He clambered out of the car door, grabbed his old worn backpack, and slammed it behind him, wondering where in the world he was supposed to go now.

Suddenly, another agent walked up to him, and led him to a little room, which would serve as his new home. He sighed, glaring at the agent as they walked away. He dropped his bag onto the floor and let out a shaky breath. He felt like crying, but that was stupid. He wiped away nonexistent tears and ran a hand through his shaggy hair. "Geez, Cam, pull yourself together." That was when he realized he was, in fact, talking to himself, and fell forwards onto his bead, moaning. He pulled a pillow over his head, his body slowly vanishing as he wished himself a hundred miles away.


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