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Fantasy The World of Engranussia (Closed)

Mounting her own horse, Malvo mimicked the action before beginning to lead the way back. "... OH! I, uhm... also wanted t' ask you something."

Reaver gently took the book, flipping it open as he'd search for the recipe and, when he found it, he set the book on the counter while skimming through it. "The only other ingredients I need t' have gotten are the sugar, flour, cinnamon and salt. If y' could gather those, I'll melt the butter."

Yuki looked over her shoulder to Malvo as she kept an even paced. "What's up?"

Graham nodded, zooming around at the speed of sound! (I don't need help. You need help!) He came back with the ingredients, his imaginary tail wagging in the air quickly like a helicopter blade.
Yuki looked over her shoulder to Malvo as she kept an even paced. "What's up?"

Graham nodded, zooming around at the speed of sound! (I don't need help. You need help!) He came back with the ingredients, his imaginary tail wagging in the air quickly like a helicopter blade.

Freeing one of her hands, Malvo rubbed the back of her head as she blinked. "Do... you think y' can teach me a few healing spells? I know how t' do a few, but those are just fer minor cuts and bruises."

( XD )

Reaver smiled widely as he watched Graham - warming the butter while in the process of grabbing the measuring cups, spoons and such. And, with a grin, he'd give a; "Thank you." before gently taking the ingredients from him. His attention moving to the bowls as he started adding everything in.
Buh'roham pondered that. Hmm. It could be. "Let me grab something." He ducked inside and grabbed his Air Taster. Returning to Melwyn, "This is the Air Taster. The gauge arrow moves depending on the air toxicity." He handed it to the Wizard. "Try it." Duke of Doge Duke of Doge
Buh'roham pondered that. Hmm. It could be. "Let me grab something." He ducked inside and grabbed his Air Taster. Returning to Melwyn, "This is the Air Taster. The gauge arrow moves depending on the air toxicity." He handed it to the Wizard. "Try it." Duke of Doge Duke of Doge
Melwyn grabbed the device "thats convenient" he said as he watched the device. After a moment the arrow began to gradually move up. "We should leave..."
Freeing one of her hands, Malvo rubbed the back of her head as she blinked. "Do... you think y' can teach me a few healing spells? I know how t' do a few, but those are just fer minor cuts and bruises."

( XD )

Reaver smiled widely as he watched Graham - warming the butter while in the process of grabbing the measuring cups, spoons and such. And, with a grin, he'd give a; "Thank you." before gently taking the ingredients from him. His attention moving to the bowls as he started adding everything in.

Yuki blinked before nodding. "Of course, it's good to know how to heal. Especially in battle."

Graham came from behind Reaver, looking down to Reaver's cooking as he rested his chin gently on the crook of his shoulder.
"Invention of mine. Built it after it dawned on me that not all mixtures were benevolent." Then the dial went up. "Yes, I feel that would be beneficial to our health." He turned around and causally walked back to the Alchemy lab. "Don't bring any attention to us. If we're lucky the toxins will dissipate and become harmless. If we're lucky."
Duke of Doge Duke of Doge
Yuki blinked before nodding. "Of course, it's good to know how to heal. Especially in battle."

Graham came from behind Reaver, looking down to Reaver's cooking as he rested his chin gently on the crook of his shoulder.

Malvo smiled before giving a nod, her hand lowering back to the reins. "I completely agree! Thank you."

Reaver took a quick glance to Graham before looking back to what he was doing as he'd continue putting everything together. His pinky skimming through the instructions as he'd follow suit.
Malvo smiled before giving a nod, her hand lowering back to the reins. "I completely agree! Thank you."

Reaver took a quick glance to Graham before looking back to what he was doing as he'd continue putting everything together. His pinky skimming through the instructions as he'd follow suit.

"You don't have to thank me for that, beautiful. It's nothing."

Graham got a bit closer to Reaver's beeeeeeeeeehiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiind and looked at his food.
"You don't have to thank me for that, beautiful. It's nothing."

Graham got a bit closer to Reaver's beeeeeeeeeehiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiind and looked at his food.

Malvo, with a slight blush, would then smile as she'd then look ahead once again.

Reaver's cheeks would redden a bit from the movement, softly biting the corner of his lip as he'd stir the contents of the batter together.
Malvo, with a slight blush, would then smile as she'd then look ahead once again.

Reaver's cheeks would redden a bit from the movement, softly biting the corner of his lip as he'd stir the contents of the batter together.

Yuki got off her high horse as they made it back to the palace. "Mmmmm, something smells goooooood."

Graham looked as Reaver's hands flew around the place. He scooted closer, not understanding what he was doing because he was an iiiiiiiiiiinnocent aaaaaaaaaaangel. "Do you need me to help you with anything else?" Graham said as his arms found their way onto the counter so that he was stabilized.
"Invention of mine. Built it after it dawned on me that not all mixtures were benevolent." Then the dial went up. "Yes, I feel that would be beneficial to our health." He turned around and causally walked back to the Alchemy lab. "Don't bring any attention to us. If we're lucky the toxins will dissipate and become harmless. If we're lucky."
Duke of Doge Duke of Doge
Melwyn nodded to his words, following him back to the lab as he'd then take a seat once there. Groaning as he stretched out his arms. "So. You travel the roads with your troop correct? Are the blighters much of a problem for you?"
Yuki got off her high horse as they made it back to the palace. "Mmmmm, something smells goooooood."

Graham looked as Reaver's hands flew around the place. He scooted closer, not understanding what he was doing because he was an iiiiiiiiiiinnocent aaaaaaaaaaangel. "Do you need me to help you with anything else?" Graham said as his arms found their way onto the counter so that he was stabilized.

Malvo inhaled the scent of food, a wide grin on her face. "Sure does. In fact..."
She'd sniff the air once more as she picked up on the scent of the batter. A wiiiiiide grin forming on her face as she dismounted her horse before leading him into the stables. "Smells like dessert is on the way. And I know exactly what it is!"

Reaver's mind traveled to the dirtiest of places as he listened to the question. The closeness, needless to say, was the fuel. He bit the corner of his lip as he did his best to suppress the feeling. His cheeks still red. "U-Uh... N-No, I think I got it."
Malvo inhaled the scent of food, a wide grin on her face. "Sure does. In fact..."
She'd sniff the air once more as she picked up on the scent of the batter. A wiiiiiide grin forming on her face as she dismounted her horse before leading him into the stables. "Smells like dessert is on the way. And I know exactly what it is!"

Reaver's mind traveled to the dirtiest of places as he listened to the question. The closeness, needless to say, was the fuel. He bit the corner of his lip as he did his best to suppress the feeling. His cheeks still red. "U-Uh... N-No, I think I got it."

Yuki lead the horse to the stables as well and then looked to Malvo. "What is that?"

Graham squinted before turning Reaver slightly around to touch his forehead. "Are you having a fever? You don't feel hot. Are you okay, babe?"
Yuki lead the horse to the stables as well and then looked to Malvo. "What is that?"

Graham squinted before turning Reaver slightly around to touch his forehead. "Are you having a fever? You don't feel hot. Are you okay, babe?"

"Caramel lava cakes!" Malvo exclaimed, tossing her fists in the air in excitement.

Reaver, now adding embarrassment into the mix, gave a reassuring smile as he closed his eyes. His cheeks aflame. "I-I'm fine!"
Melwyn nodded to his words, following him back to the lab as he'd then take a seat once there. Groaning as he stretched out his arms. "So. You travel the roads with your troop correct? Are the blighters much of a problem for you?"

Buh'roham continued working on Unit Two as he spoke. "Actually we haven't seen each other in a few months. We all gather for two weeks out of the year and train, trade information, tell tales about our projects. Until then we scatter across the planet doing what we can to help others. I can summon them through the patches on their clothes to gather, usually in times of world crisis. I did have my own posse of adventurers for a long time, though recently we took a break from it. But in light of recent events we've all gathered to fight the Blight. They've become an increasing problem, thanks to them finally getting organized again. I haven't seen them this organized in a thousand years." He sighed. "And now they have allies." Duke of Doge Duke of Doge
"Caramel lava cakes!" Malvo exclaimed, tossing her fists in the air in excitement.

Reaver, now adding embarrassment into the mix, gave a reassuring smile as he closed his eyes. His cheeks aflame. "I-I'm fine!"

"Let's goooooooooooooo!" Yuki ran back to the palace, wanting more sweets.

"Then why are you stuttering? Is something wrong?" He tipped Reaver''s chin to look at him
"Let's goooooooooooooo!" Yuki ran back to the palace, wanting more sweets.

"Then why are you stuttering? Is something wrong?" He tipped Reaver''s chin to look at him

Malvo quickly ran after Yuki, jogging up the steps.

"N-Nothing's wrong!" Reaver assured. Much despite his flustered nature, Reaver kept a smile. However, behind that, his mind had been going a million miles a minute. A quick hop of topic led Reaver to lift the pan and baking spray as he glanced to Graham. "C-Could you spray this fer me? Please?"
Malvo quickly ran after Yuki, jogging up the steps.

"N-Nothing's wrong!" Reaver assured. Much despite his flustered nature, Reaver kept a smile. However, behind that, his mind had been going a million miles a minute. A quick hop of topic led Reaver to lift the pan and baking spray as he glanced to Graham. "C-Could you spray this fer me? Please?"

Yuki then ran to her brother, hugging him close as he ate before he dropped his fork onto his plate. "AHHHHHHHHH! SHE"S TOUCHING MEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Yuki smacked his head gently as they both snickered. "What's gotcha in such a good mood, toots?" Yuki shook her head. "Tell ya later, let me have a bite." Masaru growled as Yuki reached for the fork. "NOH! GET YOUR OWN FOOD! HISSSSS!" Yuki poked Masaru in his ticklish spot on his ribs and he bursted out laughing as she continued. "HERE!" He handed her a piece of chicken on the fork and she ate it, smiling.

Graham quirked his eyebrow. "Oooookaaaaaay? Reaver, just to let you know, you can tell me anything. There's nothing to be shy about. We've been best friends since the beginning, and now, we're even closer than before." Graham pressed more into Reaver's behind, grabbing the pan and backing spray. He sprayed it down quickly when he moved to not let the fumes get into Reaver's nose. He then set it down, looking over to Reaver with an innocent smile.
Yuki then ran to her brother, hugging him close as he ate before he dropped his fork onto his plate. "AHHHHHHHHH! SHE"S TOUCHING MEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Yuki smacked his head gently as they both snickered. "What's gotcha in such a good mood, toots?" Yuki shook her head. "Tell ya later, let me have a bite." Masaru growled as Yuki reached for the fork. "NOH! GET YOUR OWN FOOD! HISSSSS!" Yuki poked Masaru in his ticklish spot on his ribs and he bursted out laughing as she continued. "HERE!" He handed her a piece of chicken on the fork and she ate it, smiling.

Graham quirked his eyebrow. "Oooookaaaaaay? Reaver, just to let you know, you can tell me anything. There's nothing to be shy about. We've been best friends since the beginning, and now, we're even closer than before." Graham pressed more into Reaver's behind, grabbing the pan and backing spray. He sprayed it down quickly when he moved to not let the fumes get into Reaver's nose. He then set it down, looking over to Reaver with an innocent smile.

Dei-Loki glanced over as the two came running in, his brow perking from Yuki's positive mood before he looked to Malvo with a wide, teasing, 'I know' type of grin. That same type of grin that caused Malvo to backhand Dei-Loki's shoulder with a blush. "Don't." She then looked to the food. "How did it come out?"

"Reaaally good." Dei-Loki grinned, soon blinking and greedily sliding his plate away when Malvo tried to take some. "Don't make me start another knife fight." He'd then lift the knife beside him. "I'll cut ya."

Reaver gave a sharp, yet barely noticeable inhale once Graham managed to get even closer. "D-D-Don't worry, I know." 'Does he really not realise!?' He'd then glance to the pan, and then to Graham. Gazing at the innocent look on his face as he widened his eyes a small bit. 'OHH GODS, HE DOESN'T! Okay. This is fine. Totally. Fine. Just go ahead and--' "Y... Yer kinda... uhm... uh... Yer kinda... doing... something..." He'd then gesture with his gaze leading behind him to his best attempt, his ear low. 'Oh, well done. Can't even say it. Gods help me...'
Dei-Loki glanced over as the two came running in, his brow perking from Yuki's positive mood before he looked to Malvo with a wide, teasing, 'I know' type of grin. That same type of grin that caused Malvo to backhand Dei-Loki's shoulder with a blush. "Don't." She then looked to the food. "How did it come out?"

"Reaaally good." Dei-Loki grinned, soon blinking and greedily sliding his plate away when Malvo tried to take some. "Don't make me start another knife fight." He'd then lift the knife beside him. "I'll cut ya."

Reaver gave a sharp, yet barely noticeable inhale once Graham managed to get even closer. "D-D-Don't worry, I know." 'Does he really not realise!?' He'd then glance to the pan, and then to Graham. Gazing at the innocent look on his face as he widened his eyes a small bit. 'OHH GODS, HE DOESN'T! Okay. This is fine. Totally. Fine. Just go ahead and--' "Y... Yer kinda... uhm... uh... Yer kinda... doing... something..." He'd then gesture with his gaze leading behind him to his best attempt, his ear low. 'Oh, well done. Can't even say it. Gods help me...'

"See!? This is why he's my mate! Get your grubby hands off meh fuuuuuuud!" Yuki snickered as Masaru acted childish before leaning down and kissing his cheek. "EW GROSS! COOTIES! GROOOOOOOOSS!"

Graham looked to where Reaver was looking at before going walking to Reaver's side. "Did I leave something on you? I don't see anything. Did you get by a spider on your butt? Reaver, you can tell me. Just tell me, please. Is your body hurting or something? I can work out the kinks if ya like."
"See!? This is why he's my mate! Get your grubby hands off meh fuuuuuuud!" Yuki snickered as Masaru acted childish before leaning down and kissing his cheek. "EW GROSS! COOTIES! GROOOOOOOOSS!"

Graham looked to where Reaver was looking at before going walking to Reaver's side. "Did I leave something on you? I don't see anything. Did you get by a spider on your butt? Reaver, you can tell me. Just tell me, please. Is your body hurting or something? I can work out the kinks if ya like."

"Yukiiii, don't infect my mate!" Dei-Loki complained. Blinking and flailing about when Malvo yanked him into an embrace before taking the knife and setting it down.

Patting his hair, Malvo tried her best to hold back a laugh. "Y' both were infected a looooooong time ago."

Reaver kept his eyes closed huffing through the embarrassment as he'd eventually force himself to speak. "Y' were... a bit close t' me... a-and I... aaaaagh..."
Buh'roham continued working on Unit Two as he spoke. "Actually we haven't seen each other in a few months. We all gather for two weeks out of the year and train, trade information, tell tales about our projects. Until then we scatter across the planet doing what we can to help others. I can summon them through the patches on their clothes to gather, usually in times of world crisis. I did have my own posse of adventurers for a long time, though recently we took a break from it. But in light of recent events we've all gathered to fight the Blight. They've become an increasing problem, thanks to them finally getting organized again. I haven't seen them this organized in a thousand years." He sighed. "And now they have allies." Duke of Doge Duke of Doge
"In a thousand years? Just how old are you? And... did you say allies?" The wizard said, leaning forward with a serious look on his face. 'Figures, there's no way blighters alone could have staged a seige on the capital city without some assistance...' he thought to himself, cupping his hands infront of himself while his elbows rested on his knees.
"Yukiiii, don't infect my mate!" Dei-Loki complained. Blinking and flailing about when Malvo yanked him into an embrace before taking the knife and setting it down.

Patting his hair, Malvo tried her best to hold back a laugh. "Y' both were infected a looooooong time ago."

Reaver kept his eyes closed huffing through the embarrassment as he'd eventually force himself to speak. "Y' were... a bit close t' me... a-and I... aaaaagh..."

Yuki giggled, kissing the now timid Masaru's temple. "You need another haircut! Why does your hair grow so quickly?" Masaru shrugged. "I must've had Ayumu's quick hair regeneration. He always did have loooooong hair, even after he cut it a few days back." Yuki frowned a bit as Masaru pulled away at the mention of their Father. She then kissed his head, pinching his cheek. "You do have Mom's eyes, that's for sure." She pulled him more into the hug. The smile grew back on Masaru's face.

Graham caught on after Reaver said that, but kept his best innocent face, trying to see how far he can go before Reaver burst like a flooded dam. "Do you not like me being close to you anymore? I thought, after what happened last night, did i do something bad?"
"In a thousand years? Just how old are you? And... did you say allies?" The wizard said, leaning forward with a serious look on his face. 'Figures, there's no way blighters alone could have staged a seige on the capital city without some assistance...' he thought to himself, cupping his hands infront of himself while his elbows rested on his knees.

"I am 1246 years old. I think...It's been a while. And yes allies! My people in fact." He grew still, as if reliving every moment. "My brother found the Serpents Temple deep within the spire in the center of the City of Am Brodia. The Serpent is my people's counter to the Lion, our representation of the Maker. My brother corrupted the minds of his own people and turned them into Ageless Skeletons. He took the city and we fought... and I died. I think... it's been so long. The thing about Ageless is there seems to be no way to kill them permanently. They can fall into a pile of bones and a second later get back up. The legends say they can breathe Death on their enemies and turn their victim into one of them. That's what we're up against." Buh'roham unfroze and kept working. Duke of Doge Duke of Doge

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