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Fantasy The World of Engranussia (Closed)

Malvo widened her eyes at the response, as if part of her needed a moment to process what was said. Before she would respond, she yelped in a surprised response to the embrace before turning her attention over and up to Yuki once more. A smile growing on her face. "W-Wait, really!? AH! I can't tell ya how relieving it is t' hear that!... This... this is real, right? Or am I in the afterlife? Ah, hell. I'm dead, aren't I!?"

"The others are alright. And the wizard, I only spoke with for a brief time before I actually came inside. Seems nice, though. And, I guess word spreads fast, or something, because he seemed t' know my title." Reaver replied, soon arching a brow and glancing to the doorway leading to the kitchen as Adrian would poke his head out.

"Hello, everyone." Adrian greeted before glancing to Reaver, tumbler glass in hand as he gestured back to the kitchen with his thumb. "Sorry t' ask, but do y' mind if I have a glass of whiskey from your stash?"

"Nah, go ahead. Just don't drink all of it." Reaver replied, watching his brother smile and nod before returning to the kitchen.

Yuki giggled, shaking her head. "Nope, sadly this is all real, and you're stuck with me now, Pooka. Completely and utterly stuck with me. Mwahahaha!" She hugged Malvo again.

Graham smiled. "Well of course your name would be famous! You're extremely badass!" Graham then gave a short wave to Adrian when he came downstairs. "Umm. . . Adrian, can I talk with you in the study?"
"Yes I suppose your right. Since I don't have access to much magic I used certain crystals to transfer some of my brainwaves into the Thought Processers of these machines, giving them a large dose of sentience, and they've been learning all this time. Well I've work to do. I'll let you do what you must." Buh'roham walked over to a large box-looking machine and ordered Unit Two to step in. "Alright Unit Two now the first few bodies may not work. That's why it's called a prototype. But I think by tomorrow, we'll have a working body." He put on gloves that glowed on the fingertips with an orange glow. As he moved his hands, two arms with claws at the end moved with them, in perfect concert as Buh'roham conducted them.
Duke of Doge Duke of Doge (Ooo what kind?)
Yuki giggled, shaking her head. "Nope, sadly this is all real, and you're stuck with me now, Pooka. Completely and utterly stuck with me. Mwahahaha!" She hugged Malvo again.

Graham smiled. "Well of course your name would be famous! You're extremely badass!" Graham then gave a short wave to Adrian when he came downstairs. "Umm. . . Adrian, can I talk with you in the study?"

Malvo couldn't help but laugh as she'd hug Yuki back, her smile remaining. "Y' know... I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Damn right I am!" Reaver snickered before quieting down to watch Graham and Adrian.

Adrian would pause at that, glancing to Graham as he would fiddle with the tumbler glass in his hand for a moment before setting it down with a nod. "Sure."
Malvo couldn't help but laugh as she'd hug Yuki back, her smile remaining. "Y' know... I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Damn right I am!" Reaver snickered before quieting down to watch Graham and Adrian.

Adrian would pause at that, glancing to Graham as he would fiddle with the tumbler glass in his hand for a moment before setting it down with a nod. "Sure."

"This is amazing! I've wanted to ask you the same thing for so long, but I was afraid that i was going to push away for me if i forced into something that you didn't want to do."

Graham nodded before standing up. He leaned down to kiss Reaver's forehead. "I'll be back." He then moved to the study, waiting for Adrian.
"This is amazing! I've wanted to ask you the same thing for so long, but I was afraid that i was going to push away for me if i forced into something that you didn't want to do."

Graham nodded before standing up. He leaned down to kiss Reaver's forehead. "I'll be back." He then moved to the study, waiting for Adrian.

"That's exactly how I felt! I was scared I'd weird ya out, or something, if I said anything."

"I'll be waiting." Reaver smiled, watching Graham go.

Adrian, deciding to wait on his drink, followed Graham to the study with a gentle sigh. "... What's up?"
"That's exactly how I felt! I was scared I'd weird ya out, or something, if I said anything."

"I'll be waiting." Reaver smiled, watching Graham go.

Adrian, deciding to wait on his drink, followed Graham to the study with a gentle sigh. "... What's up?"

"Malvo, I want you to know. That you can say whatever to me. I'm just afraid of hurting you, after y'know . . . after that bastard hurt you." Anger lit her eyes before she shook it off. "I just wanted to keep you safe, and happy. Even if that meant not saying anything about my true feelings for you."

"So, a little birdy told me that you've been guilt tripping yourself about Zuzu's wounds lately. Adrian, you know that that isn't true right. The shit that I said to you back when it happened, I was mad at myself, but i've overcame it and so should you. No one blames you for that shit. You're still by her side, and she still loves the shit out of you. I'm also pretty damn sure that she doesn't want to see you getting emotionally weighed down by old memories. Zuzu's injury was neither of our faults, Adrian."
"Yes I suppose your right. Since I don't have access to much magic I used certain crystals to transfer some of my brainwaves into the Thought Processers of these machines, giving them a large dose of sentience, and they've been learning all this time. Well I've work to do. I'll let you do what you must." Buh'roham walked over to a large box-looking machine and ordered Unit Two to step in. "Alright Unit Two now the first few bodies may not work. That's why it's called a prototype. But I think by tomorrow, we'll have a working body." He put on gloves that glowed on the fingertips with an orange glow. As he moved his hands, two arms with claws at the end moved with them, in perfect concert as Buh'roham conducted them.
Duke of Doge Duke of Doge (Ooo what kind?)

Melwyn pulled out one of his books reading through the pages as he mimicked the instructions, attempting to make a potion. Mixing verious items in specific ways, he darted across the room.
TheCountryWarrior TheCountryWarrior (a fantasy one, set in the world I got my main OC and username from)
"Malvo, I want you to know. That you can say whatever to me. I'm just afraid of hurting you, after y'know . . . after that bastard hurt you." Anger lit her eyes before she shook it off. "I just wanted to keep you safe, and happy. Even if that meant not saying anything about my true feelings for you."

"So, a little birdy told me that you've been guilt tripping yourself about Zuzu's wounds lately. Adrian, you know that that isn't true right. The shit that I said to you back when it happened, I was mad at myself, but i've overcame it and so should you. No one blames you for that shit. You're still by her side, and she still loves the shit out of you. I'm also pretty damn sure that she doesn't want to see you getting emotionally weighed down by old memories. Zuzu's injury was neither of our faults, Adrian."

Malvo would nod to that, her ear giving a gentle flick as her grin remained present. "Same goes for you. If ya ever need t' tell me anything, go right ahead."


Adrian blinked a few times at that before releasing a heavy sigh as he propped himself against the wall. "I know, but... I just... can't seem t' let that incident go. I was right there when it happened, and I couldn't..." He sighed once more, lifting his hand as he rubbed his forehead. "... I don't mean to sound like I'm downing the mood, or like I'm trying to play the pitiful me card or anything of the sort. Like I said, I know I need to let it go, but I can't. I can't get the image of her being injured out of my damn head!" His hand went from rubbing his forehead to his entire face, his other hand having joined in. "I love her t' death and beyond, Graham. I should've been able to protect her. Whether I was preoccupied with killing other attackers or not. What kind of King am I if I can't even protect my own wife..." His voice got quieter come the last sentence. His arms, finally, dropping and dangling at his sides as he glanced to the light on the ceiling - not even mentally kicking himself for being sappy, at this point.
The claws stretched open like the bud of a flower and lasers started slicing methodically, peeling the exoskeleton off, revealing the wires and cogs that made it run. The claws eventually made it to the head, where the lasers deactivated and the claws griped the helmet, pulling it in two, revealing a large pod that resembled a brain. As he worked he heard the Wizard skittering around. "Whatcha cooking?" He said causally. Duke of Doge Duke of Doge (nice!)
Malvo would nod to that, her ear giving a gentle flick as her grin remained present. "Same goes for you. If ya ever need t' tell me anything, go right ahead."


Adrian blinked a few times at that before releasing a heavy sigh as he propped himself against the wall. "I know, but... I just... can't seem t' let that incident go. I was right there when it happened, and I couldn't..." He sighed once more, lifting his hand as he rubbed his forehead. "... I don't mean to sound like I'm downing the mood, or like I'm trying to play the pitiful me card or anything of the sort. Like I said, I know I need to let it go, but I can't. I can't get the image of her being injured out of my damn head!" His hand went from rubbing his forehead to his entire face, his other hand having joined in. "I love her t' death and beyond, Graham. I should've been able to protect her. Whether I was preoccupied with killing other attackers or not. What kind of King am I if I can't even protect my own wife..." His voice got quieter come the last sentence. His arms, finally, dropping and dangling at his sides as he glanced to the light on the ceiling - not even mentally kicking himself for being sappy, at this point.

Yuki nodded before blushing. "Um. . . then . . . can I kiss your cheek?"

"You wanna know what kind of King you are? You're imperfect. Something Zuzu loves a whole lot about you. You're imperfectly perfect, and that's okay." He then walked over placing his hands on Adrian's shoulder before tipping his chin up. "No one asked you to be the best KIng, Adian. Because that shit isn't real. But we do ask that you breathe in life before the King's business sides takes you. Zuzu is happy, and she's already 99% better now. She still loves you, we all do. No one is perfect, Adrian. No one can stop time nor fate. And that's okay. She's out there, alive and well, and i don't know about you, but I think you're doing a damn good job at being a King. Maybe not the best King, because the best king doesn't exist, but you damn sure are an amazing King that i'm positive that Zuzu and everyone else is proud of."
The claws stretched open like the bud of a flower and lasers started slicing methodically, peeling the exoskeleton off, revealing the wires and cogs that made it run. The claws eventually made it to the head, where the lasers deactivated and the claws griped the helmet, pulling it in two, revealing a large pod that resembled a brain. As he worked he heard the Wizard skittering around. "Whatcha cooking?" He said causally. Duke of Doge Duke of Doge (nice!)
"Honestly..." he said holding up a vial to the light. "I haven't the slightest idea" he said pouring it into a beaker. "I start with a recipe, then do it totally differently. Just to see what it will do. It's quite fun"
Yuki nodded before blushing. "Um. . . then . . . can I kiss your cheek?"

"You wanna know what kind of King you are? You're imperfect. Something Zuzu loves a whole lot about you. You're imperfectly perfect, and that's okay." He then walked over placing his hands on Adrian's shoulder before tipping his chin up. "No one asked you to be the best KIng, Adian. Because that shit isn't real. But we do ask that you breathe in life before the King's business sides takes you. Zuzu is happy, and she's already 99% better now. She still loves you, we all do. No one is perfect, Adrian. No one can stop time nor fate. And that's okay. She's out there, alive and well, and i don't know about you, but I think you're doing a damn good job at being a King. Maybe not the best King, because the best king doesn't exist, but you damn sure are an amazing King that i'm positive that Zuzu and everyone else is proud of."

Malvo, whose blush once more showed up to say hello, darkened her cheeks. She nodded, her smile remaining. "Of course ya can."

Adrian looked to Graham as he approached, taking in his words. And, allowing himself to release another sigh, he closed his eyes and turned his head away only slightly. "... Thank you, Graham. Can't tell ya how much I needed that..." Tagging along with his words had been a small smile. He'd then soon reach over and pat Graham's shoulder in thanks.
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Malvo, whose blush once more showed up to say hello, darkened her cheeks. She nodded, her smile remaining. "Of course ya can."

Adrian looked to Graham as he approached, taking in his words. And, allowing himself to release another sigh, he closed his eyes and turned his head away only slightly. "... Thank you, Graham. Can't tell ya how much I needed that..." Tagging along with his words had been a small smile. He'd then soon reach over and pat Graham's shoulder in thanks.

Yuki smiled before leaning in to kiss her cheek once. A huuuuuuuge sweet smile blossomed on her face as she became giddy and nervous all at once. "If you want, you can kiss my cheek as well. . . . or my lips." She mumbled the last part under her lips.

Graham wasn't buying it until he knew for sure. He lowered himself to Adrian's eye level and stared deeply into his eyes. "Adrian, I want you to go out there, and I want you to notice how big Zuzu's smile is. You're not fate, Adrian. Things happen for a reason. So enjoy the good times while you can. Because fretting over the past only makes your present colorless." He patted Adrian's hand. "Besides, you and I both know that we need to get it through our head that Zuzu can definitely can take care of herself. She's a fighter after all, and one stab wound is not going to take her down."
Yuki smiled before leaning in to kiss her cheek once. A huuuuuuuge sweet smile blossomed on her face as she became giddy and nervous all at once. "If you want, you can kiss my cheek as well. . . . or my lips." She mumbled the last part under her lips.

Graham wasn't buying it until he knew for sure. He lowered himself to Adrian's eye level and stared deeply into his eyes. "Adrian, I want you to go out there, and I want you to notice how big Zuzu's smile is. You're not fate, Adrian. Things happen for a reason. So enjoy the good times while you can. Because fretting over the past only makes your present colorless." He patted Adrian's hand. "Besides, you and I both know that we need to get it through our head that Zuzu can definitely can take care of herself. She's a fighter after all, and one stab wound is not going to take her down."

Malvo glanced to Yuki soon after the kiss, her grin growing a tad bit more as Yuki's smile seemed to light up her own. Her ears would twitch as she'd caught the mutter. With a nervous bite to her bottom lip, she'd lean up and quickly peck Yuki's lips before pulling back as she'd rest her hands on the seat.

Adrian lifted a brow slightly, a pained stare given from the werewolf, whom would then exhale and close his eyes. "I will... I'll head t' the dining hall now."
Malvo glanced to Yuki soon after the kiss, her grin growing a tad bit more as Yuki's smile seemed to light up her own. Her ears would twitch as she'd caught the mutter. With a nervous bite to her bottom lip, she'd lean up and quickly peck Yuki's lips before pulling back as she'd rest her hands on the seat.

Adrian lifted a brow slightly, a pained stare given from the werewolf, whom would then exhale and close his eyes. "I will... I'll head t' the dining hall now."

Yuki's face turned into a tomato before she fainted.

Graham nodded, clapping Adrian's shoulders before heading out and sitting next to Reaver again.
Yuki's face turned into a tomato before she fainted.

Graham nodded, clapping Adrian's shoulders before heading out and sitting next to Reaver again.

Malvo would widen her eyes when she watched Yuki faint. With a whine, she grabbed one of the coasters before softly fanning her - as well as gently nudging her. "Yuki? Yuki!?"

Reaver glanced over to watch the two come back in, his brows lifting a bit as he spoke for Graham's ears only. "How did it go?"
Adrian followed Graham out, managing to recompose himself as he decided to sit along side Zuzana, instead of on the opposite end of the table. Smiling in return the moment Zuzu would smile at him.

"Happy to see you made it."

"Happy t' see you out and about." Adrian grinned, softly having kissed her cheek.
Malvo would widen her eyes when she watched Yuki faint. With a whine, she grabbed one of the coasters before softly fanning her - as well as gently nudging her. "Yuki? Yuki!?"

Reaver glanced over to watch the two come back in, his brows lifting a bit as he spoke for Graham's ears only. "How did it go?"
Adrian followed Graham out, managing to recompose himself as he decided to sit along side Zuzana, instead of on the opposite end of the table. Smiling in return the moment Zuzu would smile at him.

"Happy to see you made it."

"Happy t' see you out and about." Adrian grinned, softly having kissed her cheek.

"And then the fisherman lost a leg!" Yuki yelled as she woke up before blinking. "I mean . . . . uuuuuh, why you gotta kiss me like that? Your kisses are so sweet and I want more. What's wrong with you, and you're addicting kisses?" She teased, trying to stop the blush from making her pass out again.

Graham looked to Adrian kissing Zuzu's cheek and smiled. "I think everything is A-okay. Adrian's going to be a lot better now."
"And then the fisherman lost a leg!" Yuki yelled as she woke up before blinking. "I mean . . . . uuuuuh, why you gotta kiss me like that? Your kisses are so sweet and I want more. What's wrong with you, and you're addicting kisses?" She teased, trying to stop the blush from making her pass out again.

Graham looked to Adrian kissing Zuzu's cheek and smiled. "I think everything is A-okay. Adrian's going to be a lot better now."

Jumping a bit from the yell, she flattened her ears. Cocking her head only to hang it in shame. "Aaagh, I'm sorry! After hearing ya, I couldn't resist..."

Reaver blinked and glanced over to both Zuzana and Adrian, a small smile forming on his face as he huffed - clearly glad as he glanced back to his nearly empty plate. "Good."
Jumping a bit from the yell, she flattened her ears. Cocking her head only to hang it in shame. "Aaagh, I'm sorry! After hearing ya, I couldn't resist..."

Reaver blinked and glanced over to both Zuzana and Adrian, a small smile forming on his face as he huffed - clearly glad as he glanced back to his nearly empty plate. "Good."

"N-N-No, you're fine! I was just teasing you. I really do like your kisses. LIke a loooooooooooot."

"My, you're really hungry! Did you eat anything today?"
"N-N-No, you're fine! I was just teasing you. I really do like your kisses. LIke a loooooooooooot."

"My, you're really hungry! Did you eat anything today?"

Turning her head, Malvo looked up and managed a small smile as she glanced to Yuki. "Really?"

Reaver shook his head. "Just the apple pie from last night. Then I jumped right int' training, as well as studying." He'd then rub the back of his head with a nervous laugh. "Of course... I did snack here and there as I was taking notes."
"Ah that's one of my favorite pastimes. That and running away from the explosion I inevitably produce." Duke of Doge Duke of Doge
"Ahh, yes. Explosions are one of my favorite area's of magic." He lifted up the vial and put a cork in it. "I have no idea what this will do." He said putting it down carefully "now the question is, do I test it now or later?" He said to himself.
Turning her head, Malvo looked up and managed a small smile as she glanced to Yuki. "Really?"

Reaver shook his head. "Just the apple pie from last night. Then I jumped right int' training, as well as studying." He'd then rub the back of his head with a nervous laugh. "Of course... I did snack here and there as I was taking notes."

"Really really . . . . really." Yuki blushed, looking anywhere but at Malvo.

"You're eating more. Even if i have to share my own food with you and shove it down your throat. And that's a biiiiiiiig deal!"
"Really really . . . . really." Yuki blushed, looking anywhere but at Malvo.

"You're eating more. Even if i have to share my own food with you and shove it down your throat. And that's a biiiiiiiig deal!"

Sitting up, Malvo's smile grew slightly before she'd then hug her. "Good! I'm glad ya like 'em!"

Reaver lifted his brows. He was, in an odd way, a bit touched from the idea of sharing food. Though, he'd then lower his hands to the table as he smirked a bit. "It isn't like I never eat. I was just... eager t' get started, I guess, is all. But I'll get back on a normal eating schedule. I promise."
Sitting up, Malvo's smile grew slightly before she'd then hug her. "Good! I'm glad ya like 'em!"

Reaver lifted his brows. He was, in an odd way, a bit touched from the idea of sharing food. Though, he'd then lower his hands to the table as he smirked a bit. "It isn't like I never eat. I was just... eager t' get started, I guess, is all. But I'll get back on a normal eating schedule. I promise."

yuki's blush grew at the hug. "Gods, you're adorable. Well umm . . . i would love to stay forever in your arms, but we should probably go home."

"Well, tomorrow i'm joining in with your studying, and watching your eating habits. I don't need you exhausted and have eating disorders. That's not happening."

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