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Fantasy The World of Engranussia (Closed)

"I bet. I had to fight off a lot of those type of people too. Such as skinwalkers. One pretended to be an old friend of mine before trying to take my skin as well. I noticed that he wasn't who i thought he was and killed him when his back was turned."

"FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!" Masaru launched himself on the second floor, down the stairs and landed in the lounge. He then waved them to hurry. "Come on, you're dragging me from satisfying my hunger."

"Oooooo... Ya find out right off the bat that he was a skinwalker, or..?"

Watching Masaru go, Dei-Loki snickered and slid down the railing - dismounting and landing on his feet with his arms in the air. "To the food!"
"Oooooo... Ya find out right off the bat that he was a skinwalker, or..?"

Watching Masaru go, Dei-Loki snickered and slid down the railing - dismounting and landing on his feet with his arms in the air. "To the food!"

"Basically. The only thing the skinwalker did that set me off was that he left his shoes on when coming through the house. Rick never did that. He refused to enter people's home without taking off his shoes first. And then I saw 'Rick' through the mirror as we were watching dishes. When he thought i wasn't looking, his eyes shifted from Rick's blue to the skinwalker's dark brown."

Masaru stopped and waved towards Graham who had the table ready with plates at each seat.
"Come sit, let's eat!"
Melwyn gave the boy a few coins as a tip. "Well then, if you need me, I'll be in here the majority of the time." He said entering the library. His staff clicking against the stone everywhere he went as he wandered the library, picking up tomes and books as he walked. Before walking up to the alchemy lab.
Dire Wolf Devil Dire Wolf Devil TheCountryWarrior TheCountryWarrior
"Basically. The only thing the skinwalker did that set me off was that he left his shoes on when coming through the house. Rick never did that. He refused to enter people's home without taking off his shoes first. And then I saw 'Rick' through the mirror as we were watching dishes. When he thought i wasn't looking, his eyes shifted from Rick's blue to the skinwalker's dark brown."

Masaru stopped and waved towards Graham who had the table ready with plates at each seat.
"Come sit, let's eat!"

"Why it's always important t' pay attention to detail, I suppose." Malvo remarked, licking her ice-cream. "Glad ya caught on quick."

Dei-Loki followed Masaru into the dining hall, inhaling the scent of the food before grinning and heading over to take a seat.

Reaver let the others in first before having then wandered in, himself. As expected, he made his way to Graham's side - gazing at the food with an eager expression before GE glanced to Graham. "I would've helped ya set the table, ya know."

Melwyn gave the boy a few coins as a tip. "Well then, if you need me, I'll be in here the majority of the time." He said entering the library. His staff clicking against the stone everywhere he went as he wandered the library, picking up tomes and books as he walked. Before walking up to the alchemy lab.
Dire Wolf Devil Dire Wolf Devil TheCountryWarrior TheCountryWarrior

Payton would blink as he took the payment, a smile forming on his face as he'd bow. "Enjoy your stay!"
"Why it's always important t' pay attention to detail, I suppose." Malvo remarked, licking her ice-cream. "Glad ya caught on quick."

Dei-Loki followed Masaru into the dining hall, inhaling the scent of the food before grinning and heading over to take a seat.

Reaver let the others in first before having then wandered in, himself. As expected, he made his way to Graham's side - gazing at the food with an eager expression before GE glanced to Graham. "I would've helped ya set the table, ya know."

"Mhmmm. I've would've been skinned alive. Woo. But I didn't. Thank the Gods above. I rather not have my skin slowly regenerate."

Masaru followed Dei and sat by him.

Graham smiled, waving Reaver off. "You're busy with reading and studying which is more important. Besides, it wasn't like i was fighting a God. Simple task. Now sit and eat. You must be hungry, huh?" He smiled, pinching Reaver's cheek.
"Mhmmm. I've would've been skinned alive. Woo. But I didn't. Thank the Gods above. I rather not have my skin slowly regenerate."

Masaru followed Dei and sat by him.

Graham smiled, waving Reaver off. "You're busy with reading and studying which is more important. Besides, it wasn't like i was fighting a God. Simple task. Now sit and eat. You must be hungry, huh?" He smiled, pinching Reaver's cheek.

"Neither would I." Malvo shuttered at the thought. "... What else do we have... OH! Leviathans exist here, too, apparently, according t' aunt Chloe."

Reaver couldn't help but snicker before playfully pushing Graham's hand away - quickly kissing his cheek before taking a seat. "Y' bet I am. You should see the amount of notes I took today. My head hurts just thinkin' about it."
Buh'roham's grew wide in surprise, then they settled back into a normal position. "Ah, Wizard. You've made it into the Alchemy room! Welcome to where I slept for days, before I had a tent. Can I help you?" The two machines just stared the Wizard down. Duke of Doge Duke of Doge
"Neither would I." Malvo shuttered at the thought. "... What else do we have... OH! Leviathans exist here, too, apparently, according t' aunt Chloe."

Reaver couldn't help but snicker before playfully pushing Graham's hand away - quickly kissing his cheek before taking a seat. "Y' bet I am. You should see the amount of notes I took today. My head hurts just thinkin' about it."

"Wow! That's so cool! I wanna see one! Can we goooooo?" Yuki finished her ice-cream and licked the last bit of her lips.

"Well eat some food, and let your brain breathe, babe." He shoved the plate a little closer to him with a smile.
Buh'roham's grew wide in surprise, then they settled back into a normal position. "Ah, Wizard. You've made it into the Alchemy room! Welcome to where I slept for days, before I had a tent. Can I help you?" The two machines just stared the Wizard down. Duke of Doge Duke of Doge
"No, I can manage. Alchemy is one of my favorite area's of study" he said, before looking over the two robots. "Did you make these? It's really something else. We dont get much tech over at the college, so I'd like to learn about these. People? Things? Him or her? What do you call them?"
"Wow! That's so cool! I wanna see one! Can we goooooo?" Yuki finished her ice-cream and licked the last bit of her lips.

"Well eat some food, and let your brain breathe, babe." He shoved the plate a little closer to him with a smile.

Malvo watched her before finishing up the last of her own - wiping her hands off as she grinned. "Sure, I'd love t' go and see one at some point! We'd need a boat, though."

"I will. Thank y'." Reaver gave a nod before turning his attention to the plate - eagerly having dug in
Malvo watched her before finishing up the last of her own - wiping her hands off as she grinned. "Sure, I'd love t' go and see one at some point! We'd need a boat, though."

"I will. Thank y'." Reaver gave a nod before turning his attention to the plate - eagerly having dug in

"Of course, we'll get one. We'll pitch in, and then we can travel." Yuki clapped her hands in excitement. She then blinked. "If that's what you want?"

Graham smiled, taking a look at Reaver's ring. "So is Adrian not showing up for lunch today?"
"Of course, we'll get one. We'll pitch in, and then we can travel." Yuki clapped her hands in excitement. She then blinked. "If that's what you want?"

Graham smiled, taking a look at Reaver's ring. "So is Adrian not showing up for lunch today?"

"If it's with you, then I'd love t' travel!" Malvo paused, lowering an ear as a blush quickly overtook her face. "N-Not t' sound weird, or anything! It just sounds like a fun trip, if it's with someone I... I..."

"He had another meeting." Reaver blinked, glancing to Graham as he'd eat. "A representative from the Mage's College wanted t' speak with him about forming an alliance against the Blight. Kinda sucks because he looked so tired, and I guess he's been emotionally weighing himself down lately..."
"If it's with you, then I'd love t' travel!" Malvo paused, lowering an ear as a blush quickly overtook her face. "N-Not t' sound weird, or anything! It just sounds like a fun trip, if it's with someone I... I..."

"He had another meeting." Reaver blinked, glancing to Graham as he'd eat. "A representative from the Mage's College wanted t' speak with him about forming an alliance against the Blight. Kinda sucks because he looked so tired, and I guess he's been emotionally weighing himself down lately..."

Yuki blushed before snickering. "Well Malvo . . . are you flirting with me?" She teased.

"Emotionally weighing? Is it because of that incident when Lucifel came?" He cocked his head to his sister, trying to be discreet.
Buh'roham grinned, this was his favorite subject, well one of them. "I created these myself. Units, identify yourselves!"

One of them stepped forward, its voice deep. "I am Unit One, outfitted for combat. Made from Brodikanium: the Ancient element used by the Am Brodians. We are the first in our kind. We re capable of all humans are, but better."

The other stepped forward, its voice relatively light, almost feminine, though identical in form to the other one. "I am Unit Two, soon to be Stealth Unit One. I am unsure what that will entail."

Buh'roham had jolted when Unit Two had switches voices from standard monotone to something like this, and it had designated itself, and pulled out a notebook, starting to write. "Hmm, it seems to Learning Initiative is active..." He said quietly. Duke of Doge Duke of Doge
Yuki blushed before snickering. "Well Malvo . . . are you flirting with me?" She teased.

"Emotionally weighing? Is it because of that incident when Lucifel came?" He cocked his head to his sister, trying to be discreet.

Malvo's eyes widened, her heart pounding as she raised her hands slightly. "N-No! I-I-I mean, a little... aaaaaah!" Malvo hung her head, closing her eyes with a quiet whine. "Yuki, just tell this weirdo t' shush, and I will..."

Reaver nodded, continuing to look to Graham. "Yeah. Came in and talked t' me while I was finishing up my studying."
Malvo's eyes widened, her heart pounding as she raised her hands slightly. "N-No! I-I-I mean, a little... aaaaaah!" Malvo hung her head, closing her eyes with a quiet whine. "Yuki, just tell this weirdo t' shush, and I will..."

Reaver nodded, continuing to look to Graham. "Yeah. Came in and talked t' me while I was finishing up my studying."

Yuki's blush rose as she found the flustered Malvo adorable. "But why would I do that? I like it when we talk. Just breathe Malvo. I was joking with you, I understand that you don't want to be anything with me, so it's all harmless." She smiled.

"Hmm. Okay. I'll talk with him later and see if I can release some work off of his shoulders." He then went back to his food, thinking to himself. 'I never did tell him i'm sorry for lashing out at him and blaming him for my sister's wound either. This would be a good time to let bygones be bygones."
Yuki's blush rose as she found the flustered Malvo adorable. "But why would I do that? I like it when we talk. Just breathe Malvo. I was joking with you, I understand that you don't want to be anything with me, so it's all harmless." She smiled.

"Hmm. Okay. I'll talk with him later and see if I can release some work off of his shoulders." He then went back to his food, thinking to himself. 'I never did tell him i'm sorry for lashing out at him and blaming him for my sister's wound either. This would be a good time to let bygones be bygones."

Malvo groaned, resting her forehead on the table in front of her. "B-But I..."

"I think he'll like that, despite how stubborn he is with his work." Reaver smiled softly before having continued to eat.
Buh'roham grinned, this was his favorite subject, well one of them. "I created these myself. Units, identify yourselves!"

One of them stepped forward, its voice deep. "I am Unit One, outfitted for combat. Made from Brodikanium: the Ancient element used by the Am Brodians. We are the first in our kind. We re capable of all humans are, but better."

The other stepped forward, its voice relatively light, almost feminine, though identical in form to the other one. "I am Unit Two, soon to be Stealth Unit One. I am unsure what that will entail."

Buh'roham had jolted when Unit Two had switches voices from standard monotone to something like this, and it had designated itself, and pulled out a notebook, starting to write. "Hmm, it seems to Learning Initiative is active..." He said quietly. Duke of Doge Duke of Doge
Melwyn blinked "that's certainly interesting. We dont get much tech at the college, so this is all new to me."
"Well then allow me to brag for a moment. An experiment of mine is if I gave these Machines the sentience of a living creature, what would happen? It seems that Unit Two has adopted a female voice, as much as it can muster anyway. I wonder what caused this change? Have you experimented with giving objects sentience with magic before? Not that this is magic, but I'm curious." Duke of Doge Duke of Doge
Malvo groaned, resting her forehead on the table in front of her. "B-But I..."

"I think he'll like that, despite how stubborn he is with his work." Reaver smiled softly before having continued to eat.

"What's wrong, Malvo? Oh! Are you allergic to anything? Are you okay? Come on, let's get you to the hospital!" Yuki began to move off the seat and to her side, and reached for her. "Come on, grab my hands, i'll take you to the car."

"Good. When's it suppose to be done with?"
"What's wrong, Malvo? Oh! Are you allergic to anything? Are you okay? Come on, let's get you to the hospital!" Yuki began to move off the seat and to her side, and reached for her. "Come on, grab my hands, i'll take you to the car."

"Good. When's it suppose to be done with?"

Malvo shook her head, moving so she would rest her chin on the table. "It's not that. I'm not allergic t' anything. I'm just... I..." She'd then release a whine. "Oh, I like you, okay!?" Burying her face in her arms, she'd speak in a muffled tone. "I like ya a lot..."

Reaver shrugged, lowering an ear. "T' tell ya the truth, I'm not really sure. Shouldn't be that long, could even be finished now."
Malvo shook her head, moving so she would rest her chin on the table. "It's not that. I'm not allergic t' anything. I'm just... I..." She'd then release a whine. "Oh, I like you, okay!?" Burying her face in her arms, she'd speak in a muffled tone. "I like ya a lot..."

Reaver shrugged, lowering an ear. "T' tell ya the truth, I'm not really sure. Shouldn't be that long, could even be finished now."

Yuki stayed still for a moment, her cheeks going aflame. "Y-You like like me? Like like like me? Malvo." Yuki squealed, sliding into the seat and wrapped Malvo into her arms. "I like you too! Like you a lot! I mean . . . uh, oh, i'm sorry. Am I making you nervous from being close to you?" Yuki scooted a little bit away to let Malvo have some room to breathe.

"Hope not, I would like to talk to him soon. What about the others? And this magician that you speak of?"
Zen was laid out on the stairs in front of the castle entrance for no particular reason. He was using his severed arm as if it was a ball and tossing it up repeatedly. He hadn't had much to do as of late. But he was used to it. Heck he spent a full year wandering around the same forest once mostly because he was lost.
"Well then allow me to brag for a moment. An experiment of mine is if I gave these Machines the sentience of a living creature, what would happen? It seems that Unit Two has adopted a female voice, as much as it can muster anyway. I wonder what caused this change? Have you experimented with giving objects sentience with magic before? Not that this is magic, but I'm curious." Duke of Doge Duke of Doge
"No. I usually don't. It's a fickle thing to nail down. They usually go rouge" he said sitting down on a chair, propping his staff against the wall. "Doing something like that would take a while to prepare anyway."
(Sry for my slower/lack of volume posts, I'm working on an rp)
Yuki stayed still for a moment, her cheeks going aflame. "Y-You like like me? Like like like me? Malvo." Yuki squealed, sliding into the seat and wrapped Malvo into her arms. "I like you too! Like you a lot! I mean . . . uh, oh, i'm sorry. Am I making you nervous from being close to you?" Yuki scooted a little bit away to let Malvo have some room to breathe.

"Hope not, I would like to talk to him soon. What about the others? And this magician that you speak of?"

Malvo widened her eyes at the response, as if part of her needed a moment to process what was said. Before she would respond, she yelped in a surprised response to the embrace before turning her attention over and up to Yuki once more. A smile growing on her face. "W-Wait, really!? AH! I can't tell ya how relieving it is t' hear that!... This... this is real, right? Or am I in the afterlife? Ah, hell. I'm dead, aren't I!?"

"The others are alright. And the wizard, I only spoke with for a brief time before I actually came inside. Seems nice, though. And, I guess word spreads fast, or something, because he seemed t' know my title." Reaver replied, soon arching a brow and glancing to the doorway leading to the kitchen as Adrian would poke his head out.

"Hello, everyone." Adrian greeted before glancing to Reaver, tumbler glass in hand as he gestured back to the kitchen with his thumb. "Sorry t' ask, but do y' mind if I have a glass of whiskey from your stash?"

"Nah, go ahead. Just don't drink all of it." Reaver replied, watching his brother smile and nod before returning to the kitchen.

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