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Fantasy The World of Engranussia (Closed)

Yuki giggled, kissing the now timid Masaru's temple. "You need another haircut! Why does your hair grow so quickly?" Masaru shrugged. "I must've had Ayumu's quick hair regeneration. He always did have loooooong hair, even after he cut it a few days back." Yuki frowned a bit as Masaru pulled away at the mention of their Father. She then kissed his head, pinching his cheek. "You do have Mom's eyes, that's for sure." She pulled him more into the hug. The smile grew back on Masaru's face.

Graham caught on after Reaver said that, but kept his best innocent face, trying to see how far he can go before Reaver burst like a flooded dam. "Do you not like me being close to you anymore? I thought, after what happened last night, did i do something bad?"

"Awww..." Malvo smiled at the turn around, still hugging Dei-Loki, whom grumbled from the contact. Though, Dei-Loki would then also smile from seeing Masaru do so - playfully pushing Malvo away with his hand pushing her face.

"OH! Uncle is making--"

"Caramel lava cakes. I know." Malvo grinned, soon letting go of Dei-Loki as he stretched. "My dessert senses were tingling."

"N-No, I love it!" Reaver widened his eyes, his ears having flattened as he let out an embarrassed whine before rubbing his reddened face. "Y-Y' didn't do anything wrong! I'm just--! Aaaaeeeeeehhhh..."
"Awww..." Malvo smiled at the turn around, still hugging Dei-Loki, whom grumbled from the contact. Though, Dei-Loki would then also smile from seeing Masaru do so - playfully pushing Malvo away with his hand pushing her face.

"OH! Uncle is making--"

"Caramel lava cakes. I know." Malvo grinned, soon letting go of Dei-Loki as he stretched. "My dessert senses were tingling."

"N-No, I love it!" Reaver widened his eyes, his ears having flattened as he let out an embarrassed whine before rubbing his reddened face. "Y-Y' didn't do anything wrong! I'm just--! Aaaaeeeeeehhhh..."

"Caramel lava cakes? Are they going to the volcano here and get lava?" Yuki awed at how cute Masaru was being. "Massy, when was the last time you had any sort of dessert?" He thought for a bit before snapping his fingers. "The last time I had dessert was when Mom made her famous vanilla le dear." Yuki sighed, "that wasn't even dessert. That was just Mom adding vanilla extract into a deer." Masaru nodded, "and it was gooooooooooooooooooood."

Graham wrapped his arms around Reaver, pulling him into his chest as he rubbed Reaver's back. "You can tell me anything, Reaver. Don't keep secrets, remember?"
"Caramel lava cakes? Are they going to the volcano here and get lava?" Yuki awed at how cute Masaru was being. "Massy, when was the last time you had any sort of dessert?" He thought for a bit before snapping his fingers. "The last time I had dessert was when Mom made her famous vanilla le dear." Yuki sighed, "that wasn't even dessert. That was just Mom adding vanilla extract into a deer." Masaru nodded, "and it was gooooooooooooooooooood."

Graham wrapped his arms around Reaver, pulling him into his chest as he rubbed Reaver's back. "You can tell me anything, Reaver. Don't keep secrets, remember?"

"That sounds appetizing, oddly enough."
Dei-Loki blinked, cocking his head to the side slightly before he then grinned. "Also, you'll love this, Mister Grumpytails! I dunno how he does it, but uncle woof has a talent fer baking."

Reaver whined, moving so his face was hidden by Graham's shoulder. And, wincing as he forced out his own words, he spoke in a muffled tone. "It turned me on a bit..."
"I am 1246 years old. I think...It's been a while. And yes allies! My people in fact." He grew still, as if reliving every moment. "My brother found the Serpents Temple deep within the spire in the center of the City of Am Brodia. The Serpent is my people's counter to the Lion, our representation of the Maker. My brother corrupted the minds of his own people and turned them into Ageless Skeletons. He took the city and we fought... and I died. I think... it's been so long. The thing about Ageless is there seems to be no way to kill them permanently. They can fall into a pile of bones and a second later get back up. The legends say they can breathe Death on their enemies and turn their victim into one of them. That's what we're up against." Buh'roham unfroze and kept working. Duke of Doge Duke of Doge
"Interesting, mildly terrifying, but interesting" he said standing up "im going to do a bit of research, so I'll leave you to your work." He said, going into the rows of shelves, collecting various book.
(I'm really damn tired today, and am at a lack of words for posts, you might want to interact with another character(maybe zen), as I doubt I'll post very much today. I'll come back into it when I get out of this rut)
"That sounds appetizing, oddly enough."
Dei-Loki blinked, cocking his head to the side slightly before he then grinned. "Also, you'll love this, Mister Grumpytails! I dunno how he does it, but uncle woof has a talent fer baking."

Reaver whined, moving so his face was hidden by Graham's shoulder. And, wincing as he forced out his own words, he spoke in a muffled tone. "It turned me on a bit..."

Masaru cocked his head to this. "I hope so. I don't want my first time eating a dessert to be a failure. Since you guys seem to love it, i wanna love it too."

Graham gave a smile as he placed his head in the crook of Reaver's neck, keeping it out of Reaver's view. He then wiped it off, acting somber as he pulled away, staring at Reaver in confusion. "What? Say it louder, babe. I don't bite."
Masaru cocked his head to this. "I hope so. I don't want my first time eating a dessert to be a failure. Since you guys seem to love it, i wanna love it too."

Graham gave a smile as he placed his head in the crook of Reaver's neck, keeping it out of Reaver's view. He then wiped it off, acting somber as he pulled away, staring at Reaver in confusion. "What? Say it louder, babe. I don't bite."

"I guarantee you will!" Dei-Loki assured, a grin having grown across his face.

Reaver released a soft whine, staring at Graham for a moment before hanging his head and closing his eyes. "I-It... turned me on... a bit..."
"I guarantee you will!" Dei-Loki assured, a grin having grown across his face.

Reaver released a soft whine, staring at Graham for a moment before hanging his head and closing his eyes. "I-It... turned me on... a bit..."

Masaru drummed his fingers. "Is that your favorite, Squish?"

Graham couldn't hold it back anymore. He launched into a laughing fit, turning back around as he slapped his hand on the table, doubling over. "It! Took! You! So! Long! To! Say! That! PRICELESSSSSS!" He then continued to laugh, falling on the floor as tears laid in his eyes.
Masaru drummed his fingers. "Is that your favorite, Squish?"

Graham couldn't hold it back anymore. He launched into a laughing fit, turning back around as he slapped his hand on the table, doubling over. "It! Took! You! So! Long! To! Say! That! PRICELESSSSSS!" He then continued to laugh, falling on the floor as tears laid in his eyes.

"It's at the top, anyways." Dei-Loki smiled, wagging his tail a bit as he watched Masaru before allowing his mind to trail off to his memories. "Uncle would make them on a cold winters day, like when we had that first ever blizzard I ever saw. The snow was up t' the windowsill and it was cold in the palace. While we would wait fer the fires t' heat the home, he'd make that fer us, and our mam would make hot coca." He smiled at the thought. "Then we'd go and sit by the fire as Malvo and I took turns changing the flame's colours."

Reaver blinked a few times at that, his brows furrowing slightly in surprise. "What?" He then looked to Graham, who was now on the floor. "You knew!?"
"It's at the top, anyways." Dei-Loki smiled, wagging his tail a bit as he watched Masaru before allowing his mind to trail off to his memories. "Uncle would make them on a cold winters day, like when we had that first ever blizzard I ever saw. The snow was up t' the windowsill and it was cold in the palace. While we would wait fer the fires t' heat the home, he'd make that fer us, and our mam would make hot coca." He smiled at the thought. "Then we'd go and sit by the fire as Malvo and I took turns changing the flame's colours."

Reaver blinked a few times at that, his brows furrowing slightly in surprise. "What?" He then looked to Graham, who was now on the floor. "You knew!?"

Masaru's smile grew. "That's sounds nice. You should tell me more about your childhood."

Graham snickered, nodding. "Of course, I knew. It may have taken me yeaaaaaaaars to find out that you like me, but i know what i'm doing with my body."
Masaru's smile grew. "That's sounds nice. You should tell me more about your childhood."

Graham snickered, nodding. "Of course, I knew. It may have taken me yeaaaaaaaars to find out that you like me, but i know what i'm doing with my body."

Dei-Loki blinked, keeping his smile as he perked his ears. "Ya really wanna hear more? I'd be happy t' share the happy and fun moments with ya."

Reaver stared, crossing his arms at his chest as he huffed. "Fucking butthead! Y' know how embarrassed I was!?" Through this, he tried his best to give his best glare, puffing his cheeks slightly and fighting back a smile that would reveal that truly, he wasn't all that mad, but a tad relieved it wasn't a truly innocent act.
Dei-Loki blinked, keeping his smile as he perked his ears. "Ya really wanna hear more? I'd be happy t' share the happy and fun moments with ya."

Reaver stared, crossing his arms at his chest as he huffed. "Fucking butthead! Y' know how embarrassed I was!?" Through this, he tried his best to give his best glare, puffing his cheeks slightly and fighting back a smile that would reveal that truly, he wasn't all that mad, but a tad relieved it wasn't a truly innocent act.

"PLeaaaaaaaaaaaase tell me moooore!" His tails wagged behind him.

Graham continued to snickered as he pushed Reaver's foot from out under him and waited for him to land safely on his chest before turning around to be on top. He smirked, kissing Reaver's lips as his hand cradled Reaver's back of the head so that way he didn't bang it on the floor. "Sorry, Rea. Can you ever forgive me?" He kissed Reaver's jaw.
"PLeaaaaaaaaaaaase tell me moooore!" His tails wagged behind him.

Graham continued to snickered as he pushed Reaver's foot from out under him and waited for him to land safely on his chest before turning around to be on top. He smirked, kissing Reaver's lips as his hand cradled Reaver's back of the head so that way he didn't bang it on the floor. "Sorry, Rea. Can you ever forgive me?" He kissed Reaver's jaw.

Flicking an ear, Dei-Loki thought back. "I ever tell ya about our first trip t' Midgard as a family vacation? We stayed at a hotel, and Malvo and I drove the guy at the front desk crazy because we'd ring the bell at the front desk a lot whenever we were near it."

Reaver's eyes would soon widen slightly, yelping as he fell on Graham. And, before he had any true time to react, he'd been partially pinned to the floor, as well as kissed. And, melting into it slightly, he shakily drew in a breath once it was broken. Leaving his neck slightly exposed as he silently groaned following the lip to jaw contact. Smirking, he curled his tail. "Oohhh, I dunno, beah daddy~"

It was too hard to resist... XD )
Flicking an ear, Dei-Loki thought back. "I ever tell ya about our first trip t' Midgard as a family vacation? We stayed at a hotel, and Malvo and I drove the guy at the front desk crazy because we'd ring the bell at the front desk a lot whenever we were near it."

Reaver's eyes would soon widen slightly, yelping as he fell on Graham. And, before he had any true time to react, he'd been partially pinned to the floor, as well as kissed. And, melting into it slightly, he shakily drew in a breath once it was broken. Leaving his neck slightly exposed as he silently groaned following the lip to jaw contact. Smirking, he curled his tail. "Oohhh, I dunno, beah daddy~"

It was too hard to resist... XD )

Masaru laughed. "Did ya get caught?"

"Beah . . . . daddy?" Graham snickered, kissing Reaver's neck. "Thanks Woofles, but save that talk for the bedroom. . . . please. We got desserts left, and I need a lot of whip-cream. . . a loooooooot~." He winked as he stood up, handing out his hand.
Masaru laughed. "Did ya get caught?"

"Beah . . . . daddy?" Graham snickered, kissing Reaver's neck. "Thanks Woofles, but save that talk for the bedroom. . . . please. We got desserts left, and I need a lot of whip-cream. . . a loooooooot~." He winked as he stood up, handing out his hand.

"Nope, surprisingly!" Dei-Loki snickered.

Adrian blinked, mid-bite as his gaze darted over to Dei-Loki. "You mean that guy wasn't just crazy with a desire to get kids in trouble!?"

Reaver blushed yet again, but snickered and took Graham's hand - pulling himself up. "We'll do that later, then. But for now..." He'd then glance to the dessert, which had yet to be put in the oven.
"Nope, surprisingly!" Dei-Loki snickered.

Adrian blinked, mid-bite as his gaze darted over to Dei-Loki. "You mean that guy wasn't just crazy with a desire to get kids in trouble!?"

Reaver blushed yet again, but snickered and took Graham's hand - pulling himself up. "We'll do that later, then. But for now..." He'd then glance to the dessert, which had yet to be put in the oven.

"OOOOOOOO buuuuuuusted! Gods, you're so bad. I love you so so much." He smirked.

Graham looked to the dessert and then looked to Reaver. "So uuuuuh, it's been a while since i remember how to make this. Do we just put it in the microwave?"
"OOOOOOOO buuuuuuusted! Gods, you're so bad. I love you so so much." He smirked.

Graham looked to the dessert and then looked to Reaver. "So uuuuuh, it's been a while since i remember how to make this. Do we just put it in the microwave?"

"I-- Whaaaaah? Well, to be fair, technically he was crazy." Dei-Loki smiled innocently to his father before then looking to Masaru again. "I love ya, too."

"You're lucky you're old enough to not be grounded." Adrian grumbled, sipping his drink.

Reaver cocked a brow at that, chucking softly as he would pat Graham on the shoulder. "That's one way, but with what I put these in, they'd be better if they were put in the oven."
"I-- Whaaaaah? Well, to be fair, technically he was crazy." Dei-Loki smiled innocently to his father before then looking to Masaru again. "I love ya, too."

"You're lucky you're old enough to not be grounded." Adrian grumbled, sipping his drink.

Reaver cocked a brow at that, chucking softly as he would pat Graham on the shoulder. "That's one way, but with what I put these in, they'd be better if they were put in the oven."

Masaru snickered. "Tell me more wouldja?"

Graham nodded opening the oven and quickly putting it in. "DONE!"
Masaru snickered. "Tell me more wouldja?"

Graham nodded opening the oven and quickly putting it in. "DONE!"

Dei-Loki kept a grin, nodding as he, once more, would think back. "Let's seeeeee... then, on that same vacation, that's when uncle Reaver bought us pets. Malvo and I got ferrets and Akumu ended up getting a puppy."

"OH YEAAAAAAH! Mayhem, Ghosty and Havoc! Names really fit them." Malvo snickered.

"Yes, and then we found out Ghosty was pregnant because a little boy and a little girl I know let Mayhem and Ghosty out to play before we could get them fixed." Zuzana sighed.

"Yes, even after we said they had to wait." Adrian also sighed, but smirked a bit.

"In our defense, we were ONLY six! Not like we knew any better!"

Reaver would grin at that, quickly starting the timer before sighing. "Now comes the hardest part."
Dei-Loki kept a grin, nodding as he, once more, would think back. "Let's seeeeee... then, on that same vacation, that's when uncle Reaver bought us pets. Malvo and I got ferrets and Akumu ended up getting a puppy."

"OH YEAAAAAAH! Mayhem, Ghosty and Havoc! Names really fit them." Malvo snickered.

"Yes, and then we found out Ghosty was pregnant because a little boy and a little girl I know let Mayhem and Ghosty out to play before we could get them fixed." Zuzana sighed.

"Yes, even after we said they had to wait." Adrian also sighed, but smirked a bit.

"In our defense, we were ONLY six! Not like we knew any better!"

Reaver would grin at that, quickly starting the timer before sighing. "Now comes the hardest part."

Masaru and Yuki laughed. Masaru then looked to Yuki. "Did we have any pets?" Yuki smiled, pinching his cheek. "You were the pet in a weird sense. Like a therapy dog." She sat down, kissing his cheek again.

Graham quirked his eyebrows. "What's that?"
"Interesting, mildly terrifying, but interesting" he said standing up "im going to do a bit of research, so I'll leave you to your work." He said, going into the rows of shelves, collecting various book.
(I'm really damn tired today, and am at a lack of words for posts, you might want to interact with another character(maybe zen), as I doubt I'll post very much today. I'll come back into it when I get out of this rut)

Buh'roham grimaced. He hadn't meant to go into too much detail. "Apologies. It's just one of the things I feel quite strongly about. Thank you. If you have questions I might be able to help. I'll be here." Duke of Doge Duke of Doge
Masaru and Yuki laughed. Masaru then looked to Yuki. "Did we have any pets?" Yuki smiled, pinching his cheek. "You were the pet in a weird sense. Like a therapy dog." She sat down, kissing his cheek again.

Graham quirked his eyebrows. "What's that?"

Dei-Loki tilted his head, a smile climbing his face as he looked to the two. "I can see that. Masaru's real easy t' tell yer problems to."

"The wait." Reaver huffed with a small groan. Hands slipping into his pockets.
Dei-Loki tilted his head, a smile climbing his face as he looked to the two. "I can see that. Masaru's real easy t' tell yer problems to."

"The wait." Reaver huffed with a small groan. Hands slipping into his pockets.

Yuki nodded. "I mean, of course you're going to have to mean something to him for him to care though, but otherwise, yes, you are right."

Graham pouted for a second before attacking Reaver's neck again with his kisses and nips onto his flesh. A smirk appeared on his lips again as he started to have fun.
Yuki nodded. "I mean, of course you're going to have to mean something to him for him to care though, but otherwise, yes, you are right."

Graham pouted for a second before attacking Reaver's neck again with his kisses and nips onto his flesh. A smirk appeared on his lips again as he started to have fun.

"True, true." Dei-Loki agreed, a smile on his face as he'd nod.

Reaver gasped quietly at the feeling, a small grin slipping up his face. He'd then bite the right corner of his bottom lip while letting a quiet, playful growl escape from his throat as he'd let Graham have his fun.
"True, true." Dei-Loki agreed, a smile on his face as he'd nod.

Reaver gasped quietly at the feeling, a small grin slipping up his face. He'd then bite the right corner of his bottom lip while letting a quiet, playful growl escape from his throat as he'd let Graham have his fun.

Masaru also nodded, agreeing. "Anymore stories?" He asked.

Graham continued to go, watching the timer on the clock countdown as he laid his hands on Reaver's hips, licking his collarbone before his hands began to slowly head down south, playing with the hem of Reaver's jeans.
Masaru also nodded, agreeing. "Anymore stories?" He asked.

Graham continued to go, watching the timer on the clock countdown as he laid his hands on Reaver's hips, licking his collarbone before his hands began to slowly head down south, playing with the hem of Reaver's jeans.

Dei-Loki glanced to Malvo, whom poked one of Dei-Loki's ears before Malvo then snickered. "There was also that time we trapped a couple of thieves when they tried t' steal from the palace."

Reaver would pant in a nearly unnoticeable nature, his eyes having closed from the pleasure while each click of the timer seemed to cause his ears to slightly twitch. A dark plush on his grinning face.

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