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The Wild Side

Hakrum and Cerralei rush back to where they had been and find no one there. "He teleported?" says Cerralei.

"Looks like it," says Hakrum. "So now I'm thinking he just came here to get the book back."

"So can we, like, expect a stampede of animals to come at us now?" says Cerralei.

"If that does happen, we need to find everyone and teleport somewhere else," says Hakrum.
You see that he dropped something. its a book, but not the one we found at the wizard tower.
Cerralei picks it up. Is there any identifying information on the cover?
"Charm reversal magic," says Cerralei. She opens it to a random page.
She keeps flipping through pages to see if there's anything that helps with the animals. "We should leave this spot," says Hakrum, "in case Balia decides to come back to it."

"Yep!" says Cerralei.

And they run off in a random direction.
Or actually they run back to the cave.
Cerralei wakes everyone in the cave (presumably everyone except Ronnie, Balia, and Credere). "We think Balia's the bad guy! We all need to get together with Credere and get ready to teleport outta here if lots of animals show up!"
"Pretending to be, yeah," says Cerralei.

"We think he came back for the book and then teleported out," says Hakrum.

"And we need to go now!" Cerralei makes a rushing motion with her free arm.
"Charm reversal magic," says Cerralei. "Now let's go!"
Everyone starts rushing over to where Credere is. "We think Balia's the bad guy!" says Cerralei. "And we need to get ready to teleport if lots of animals come! Hakrum, you have a location in mind?"

Hakrum nods urgently.
before you can teleport, two wolves appear and growl at you
using the plot armor point now. a small voice in hakrums mind tells her to look at the book
"Cerralei, open the book again!" says Hakrum. She does so.
she finds a page entitled "reversing transfiguration" that has a spell that can reverse what is happening
She quickly hands the book to Hakrum, who tries casting the spell.

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