The White House [Greek Mythology RP Signups]

Name: Skyler(Stiles) Evans

Gender: Male~

Age(15-19ish?): 18

Appearance(No Anime):

(He has longer hair, like in the second to last picture.)

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual~


Stiles is loud. He talks, he moves, he does his best to fill a room to the brim, and he doesn't seem to be able to stop or even pause. He has a rather extreme case of ADHD, for which he takes medication -- not always appropriately, as he tends to abuse his drugs when he needs to avoid sleep, but it does also seem to do the job of keeping him settled during his high school classes. He has trouble keeping his thoughts or attention on a single path, jumping from point to point in a way that makes sense to no one but Stiles. The general assumption most people have of Stiles is that he's a socially awkward motormouth, and his tendency to not make a whole lot of sense when explaining his leaps in logic (or just conversation) doesn't do much to counter that.

With the constant motion comes personal habits some people find unattractive. Stiles doesn't always respect personal boundaries, such as backing off when a lacrosse teammate doesn't wish to answer some personal questions or maintaining appropriate distance when his crush is drunk on Vicodin while recovering from a traumatic event. He doesn't mean harm by this behavior, and mostly does it because he doesn't seem to think there's anything wrong with being curious or (overly) attentive. This is Stiles' main problem: he doesn't think his decisions through or consider the effects they may have on other people. A lot of the trouble Stiles gets into would be easily avoidable if he a) stopped hanging out with people who pushed him into trouble(which is not going to happen) or b) spent a little more time considering just what might happen before getting in a police car with the creepy murder suspect.

While he might not seem it at first glance, Stiles is fairly good with memory retention; that doesn't necessarily makes him smart, but it can occasionally fool people into thinking he is. He has a tendency to become enamored with a specific subject and let it take over, meaning he can spend hour after hour surfing wikipedia for information on deep sea pollution, but when forced to work on something he dislikes or finds boring he distracts himself and then is under-prepared when the information is necessary. Stiles has an incredible memory for things he thinks are interesting, and can recall them in amazing detail. This means his grades have an inconsistency to them, ranging from a high A to a D, depending on whatever mood he happens to be in the night before a test.

People can be even more difficult for him than academics. Stiles has a deep drive to be liked. As a teenager, he's still trying to find his feet in the real world and wants to make as many friends and experience as much as possible. Like certain subjects, Stiles can obsess over a single person to the point of embarrassing himself. He claims to have been in love with a girl since elementary school despite her not really acknowledging his existence and at one point he is struck down by the thought one of his gay teammates not liking him or finding him attractive. His longest (and apparently only) friendship is with Isaac, and he is still considered Stiles best friend. Stiles has a loyal streak that goes deep and far. Neither law nor personal safety are considered when Isaac needs him.

And Isaac does need Stiles. Neither boy is particularly wise or well prepared for the situations they find themselves in, and fairly consistently it's Stiles that ends up coming to the rescue, pulling some miracle out of no where or simply running and ducking until luck runs out for their opponent. Stiles is not the bravest, meaning he's significantly quicker to back down, though it does depend on just how seriously he takes the threat to his person and whether or not a friend will be in danger. He can be rather narrow sighted, focused on one goal or person to the point of detriment to himself or others. This is part of Stiles' obsessiveness; one path, one goal, one person, because he simply doesn't have the attention span to work beyond the immediate.

Stiles doesn't have amazing powers, unless you want a great party, which puts him at the arguably weakest point of all the demi-gods. What Stiles has is a big mouth and a habit of bloodymindedness that seem to get him through most situations, usually with most of his faculties intact.

Powers(Keep it simple): He can make a man completely insane, he can will wine, make people feel intoxicated and shape shift.

Godly Parent(ONE kid per godly parent): DIONYSUS BEOTCHES.

Likes- Sex. Wine. Food. Sleep.

Dislikes- Nothing (;< (KIDDIN')

No Sex.

No Wine.

No Food.

No Sleep.

Stuck up people.

People who are full of themselves.

Anything healthy.

Other: Hes amazing. Nuff said. [media]
You guys make me nosebleed with all of your amazing males. Serious, I think I'll sue for too much blood loss.
Turrhurrrrr. XDD I love Skyler. Hes my favorite character and I get all giggly thinking about 'im. I'M EMOTIONALLY ATTACHED @~@
Name:Ashton (Ash) Amour



Appearance(No Anime):


Sexual Orientation:Bisexual

Personality:Ashton us Rae's fraternal twin brother. As such he is similar to his brother,but also very different. Ash is bright and cheerful,he is a natural born leader and as such usually takes the dominant roles in relationships.He has an extreme passion for music it's one of the most important things to him. Being the son of Apollo Ash has many many talents and uses them to help those around him.

Powers(Keep it simple):Photokinesis,Can play any instrument and has perfect pitch when singing,Premonition,can heal minor wounds

Godly Parent(ONE kid per godly parent):Apollo



Other:Has various tattoo's<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/tumblr_mr8me7QZEI1s1fnkbo1_500.jpg.539b27ae26261f1e2963a575f7fd04c3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5573" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/tumblr_mr8me7QZEI1s1fnkbo1_500.jpg.539b27ae26261f1e2963a575f7fd04c3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • tumblr_mr8me7QZEI1s1fnkbo1_500.jpg
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No offense, Angel, but what's with your characters and all of them having specific interest in sex?

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