The White House [Greek Mythology RP Signups]


Nessandra Velaquas




Seventeen (17) years of age.


- Her hair is actually naturally an orange, but she dyed it the rest of the way into this nice red. Her eyes are a deep, calm sea blue.

- She tends to dress for comfort, and takes a liking for more monotonic colors, like grays or black or white. She also likes navy blues, forest and emerald greens, and deep rubies and maroons. She likes loose, long-sleeved sweaters and either footless tights or skinny jeans.

- Yes, she does have smaller, black gages in both earlobes and a silver Medusa piercing above her upper lip.


Five feet, three inches (5'3).

Sexual Orientation:



Nessandra is a very reserved young woman. She's always had this calm, almost mellow nature about her that never fails to be somewhat infectious to those around her. She is definitely a quiet person - her voice is soft when she speaks, and she has rarely ever raised her voice to others. She isn't seen bursting forward to join into social interaction all too often, and honestly just has never been too fond of being in large groups of friends or just people in general - she'd much prefer being in a quiet, secluded place on her own. She tends to let her attention wander around instead of focusing on one subject - it takes a little work to get her completely focused on something. Although she is pretty quiet gal, as well as a fair bit absentminded, it takes time for her to 'warm up' and become comfortable enough around others to reveal the treasure waiting deep within her to shine and bloom. Nessandra is probably one of the most creative people you will ever meet. She is bursting with inspiration all the time, always taking interest in tiny details of which she always seems to be able to find some bigger significance in. That's one of the main reasons it's so hard for her to pay attention to one thing - she finds everything is worth attention and deep thought. Her appearance isn't all too special, but her mind is impossible to fully map out and explore. She has an incredibly abstract way of thinking, but she tends to repress it in public, since she has always been self-conscious and thinks that other people might find her weird. Her friends and close ones are rally the only people who have witnessed this magnificent creativity bloom, and there really aren't many people who have attained that type of bond with her. She isn't always so calm, though. She tends to be emotionally fragile, and defends herself from verbal attacks by simply putting a mental and emotional wall up that is nearly impenetrable, but is not concealed at all. You can see when she's feeling depressed or trying to repress anger or some negative emotion of some sort - she looks blank, expressionless, unfeeling. Any form of water seems to react somewhat when she's in these moods - it will splash or make little waves or even seem to retract away from her when she comes in close proximity. She rarely has ever became angry, but whenever she did, it didn't end all too well. She doesn't have complete control of her powers yet, even though she has a pretty experienced knowledge in how to work them; it's just hard to restrain them when she's feeling more powerful emotions, both negative and positive, each type having some type of effect on surrounding water near to her. But all in all, Nessandra is a treasure trove of abstract and fascinating creativity just waiting to be cracked open from inside her quiet, collected shell of reserved behavior. But she is more than able to become defensive, just in her own blacked-off methods, and her anger is something that is very rarely to never witnessed.


Regeneration - Whenever Nessandra comes into contact with water, any bruises, scrapes, or flesh wounds are able to heal quite completely. This effect is much stronger when in salt water (as ironic as that is), and regenerates at half the rate in fresh water. This ability does not have effect in the cases of poisons in the bloodstream and broken bones.

Aquakinesis - She is able to manipulate water to a certain extent. She isn't quite able to do large tidal waves or anything too extreme just yet, but is more than able to do spectacular tricks and moves with the water - the only potential thing she could do to harm someone is drown them, but she is working quite hard in defensive and offensive moves. This manipulation of water also allows her to swim at as quick or as calm a rate as she pleases.

Aquatic Respiration/Immunity - She is able to breath perfectly underwater, as if she were breathing natural oxygen. She is also immune to the effects of water pressure, allowing her to swim quite deeply without being harmed.

Godly Parent:



She naturally loves a few things to do with water - swimming, the ocean, and especially rain.

She loves to write. Whether it be poetry or just scribbling down random words, she enjoys literate creativity in all shapes and forms, both light-hearted and darkly themed. She also likes painting somewhat.

She likes being in nature in general. Even though she is a demi-god of the god of water, she also has her own liking for being in the pure, clean serenity of forests and other more secluded, lush areas.

She likes sleeping. She's just naturally a sleepier, calmer person and enjoys sleeping in and napping.

She specifically likes sweet coffees and sweet things in general.

She likes fluffy things. This can be put both figuratively and literally - she is fond of kittens, rabbits, and hamsters, as well as cute romance.

She likes cuddling and hugging.


She really dislikes rotten people. If she finds them to be jerks or bullies or such in any way, shape, or form, she'll avoid them at all costs.

She's uncomfortable around exposed flames. Contained ones, like in fire places and such, are fine with her, as well as small flames like matches. But larger, more open fires make her incredibly uncomfortable.

She doesn't like public beaches for her own various reasons.

She doesn't like very large crowds or tight spaces, being somewhat claustrophobic.

She really doesn't like untrustworthy or back-stabbing people.


Her 'Theme Song', since everyone seems to be adding them in.

= - = - =

Please let me know if there is anything you'd like me to edit. ^ ^
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I say both accepted ^^ But, Matt, sooo many grammatical errors xD I understand though, I hate typing on tablets.
How soon will the Rp thread be up? Or is it already up, and I've been waiting around for nothing =.=
Damn, I knew it.

*vanishes with mighty sweep of epic villain cape*
Name: Jaclyn and Jack Hollister

Gender:Male/ Female

Age(15-19ish?): 19 (Both)

Appearance(No Anime): Jaclyn

Height:5"6 (Jaclyn) 6"1 (Jack)

Sexual Orientation: Straight (Both)

Personality:Out going, straight forward and blunt a true "Solider" in comparison when handling those she deems idiotic or not worth her nor her brother time. Jaclyn is a true tomboy at heart who sometimes can't keep her mouth shut when the time is needed. Her slightly crude behavior is often calmed when ever she is around her brother (Which is always.) Jack being the complete opisite and more siren with things, enjoying the peace of silence while it scares Jaclyn. Jack is a man of few words and is often laid back and handles any task at hand, his favorite place would be a farm. While many see it as hard work and too boring his favorite animal it the horse. He idolizes its freedom. While Jack isn't a man to start fights if you touch his twin he sure as hell will end them.

Powers(Keep it simple): Strength, speed (Jaclyn.) Communicates with animals, can change a persons mood by touch. (Jack.)

Godly Parent(ONE kid per godly parent): Zeus

Likes-Video games, wrestling, weapons of all kinds, pudding, candy, soda, Chinese Food (Jaclyn.) Horses, carrots, farms, animals of all kind. (Jack.)

Dislikes- Idiotic people, those who think they can say whatever the hell they feel like it (Jaclyn.) Anyone who dare lay a hand on his sister.(Jack)

Other: I used one template to make them both since they are twins, and it was easier. Second off, they are identical twins, and it will be very hard to enter their world. They are always together because together is all they have ever known.
I'm sorry Dx

Um, do you mind if you could change them to something else. You can keep them as twins just choose a different parent.

I forgot Sock chose Zeus. -slap self-


Mark Jameson

Gender: Male

Age(15-19ish?): 19

Height: 5'7"

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Personality: He is a bit headstrong and hotheaded, with a sweet side. He protects what is dear to him with a fierce fire. He isn't afraid to fight you if you mess with him. He finds it fun when he causes fight with his rage inducement. He has a bit of a temper and can go out of control when completely upset or PO'd.

Powers(Keep it simple): Heightened battle senses, Can cause rage, good with all weapons.

Godly Parent(ONE kid per godly parent):




Video Games


Vegetarian Food


Annoying People


Theme song:



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