The White House [Greek Mythology RP Signups]

Name: Vex Azulphis

Gender: Male

Age(15-19ish?): 17

Appearance(No Anime):

Height: about 5' 10"

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Personality: gambler, fickle sometimes, clever, slippery

Powers(Keep it simple): Basic control of wind, as well as harnessing the individual attributes of each of the Four Winds

Godly Parent(ONE kid per godly parent): descended from all of the Four Winds, but is the direct descendant of Eurus, the East Wind.

Likes- Windy weather, storms, coolness, music, gambling

Dislikes- preppies, rap music, hot weather, shallow people

Other: [media]

(Angel, think you can change your signature? That chick's...guy's...whatever that thing is's face is creeping me the f*ck out.)
Isaac was treated beautifully as a young child. Perfect mother, beautiful with long curly blonde hair and the startling blue eyes that Isaac himself carries. When Isaac was 3 his mother was diagnosed with cancer, and that's when his father started turning to alcohol for support. His mother died a slow, painful death when Isaac was 5, and all he could do was stand and watch, sat up on a chair that was too big for his chubby little frame and watch as his mothers hand fell limp in his own. His father blamed him. God knows why, but his father blamed him with every cell in his body. He began to beat Isaac, it started with short slaps across the cheek, spankings and threats. When he was 8 his father started locking him in a narrow, rectangular freezer he kept in their basement. Isaac soon realized that he was claustrophobic, but all he could do was lie in the small container and let the cold numb his body and freeze his tears. The freezer and the slaps lasted until he was 10, then he would show up with bruises, black eyes, the occasional broken nose and knife cuts all along his body that he just couldn't explain. He joined the lacrosse team to explain his wounds but spent most time as a bench warmer. He got straight A's in all of his classes besides Chemistry, and his dad..well he hated that. He would get drunk and angry and throw punches at Isaac, throw glasses at Isaac and send him to cower against the wall and let his father slice him up, before typically locking him in the freezer. The abuse lasted until Isaac was 16, that's when his father got arrested and all Isaac could do was argue that it was his fault and he was disobeying his father. He got sent to foster care and lived the rest of his life until now bouncing from house to house.

ISAAC'S BI! *Flails*
xD I can't wait I'm on my tablet right now and can't upload images... are you guys okay if I give a link to a pic of him for appearance? if so I can make his charrie faster)
I'm thinking of starting on Saturday when there is no school or Friday night.
I'd like to just reserve a spot for a female character while I make up her form. She'll be the daughter of Poseidon, if that's alright. . u .
He's cute and I'm fine with Saturday night as long as it's in the evening (Uh...East pacific time I think (Indiana, US?)) Or tonight ^^

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