The White House [Greek Mythology RP Signups]

We could start tonight or Saturday evening and have the first test Sunday.
I like having the test Sunday and I'm cool with whatever but I'm going to bed in half an hour so....
Tonight it is then. Signups are still open, I know a few people haven't posted their charas yet. Let me go post the thread. :3
Name: Kyle (Ky) Farham

Gender: Male

Age(15-19ish?): 17

Appearance(No Anime):

Height: 6'0

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Personality: Ky has always been the type of person who was quiet and liked to keep to himself. He doesn't have many friends and has never been in a relationship. His father is always worried that he will have no social experiences by the time he graduates. He used to have a bully but ended up outsmarting him and avoiding other situations like that. Ky can be incredibly nice and loving if anyone had the patience to let him into their life.

Powers(Keep it simple): Ky is exceptionally wise (almost a genius) and always thinks of clever solutions to problems.

Godly Parent(ONE kid per godly parent): Athena

Likes- Any type of puzzle, whether it be jigsaw or logic.

Dislikes- He really doesnt like spiders and bullies.

Other: Theme song: [media]

Him and Isaac should be friends! But, those aren't really powers, they're skills.
Can you really think of any other Athena powers? She was super smart, goddess of war strategies...Didn't really have anything magical about her.
Derp abou the power thing I was going to choose arachne (You know shes a spider and all that jazz but she weaves fate or something like that) but I wasnt sure If that counted because If it does then Ive got a backup plan..
Because in the plot, they already went though the white house and were told the rules and everything.
Name: Nyx Amyntas

Gender: Female

Age(15-19ish?): 18

Appearance(No Anime): <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/57a8be10d00d1_eGpxOTg1MTI_o_warehouse-13-of-monsters-and-men---part-1.jpg.0b53e63483d37da4d03651efb0ad99aa.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5516" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/57a8be10d00d1_eGpxOTg1MTI_o_warehouse-13-of-monsters-and-men---part-1.jpg.0b53e63483d37da4d03651efb0ad99aa.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Height: 5'3

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Personality &History: Nyx is aloof sometimes and is cheerful, she isn't afraid to meet knew people but she tends to keep them at arms length refusing to acknowledge them as friends. She does this as she doesn't want them to know that she could hear a chorus of people screaming in fear and anguish. Her motto is that if you never had friends it wouldn't hurt if you lose them. Nyx felt that if someone would know they would label her as a lunatic so she figured that if she ignore it they would go away...that was 9 years ago and the screams sound the same since then. Nyx has moments were she can stare into the distance lost in her thoughts and ignore everyone else.

Nyx lived with her mother, in a run down apartment in downtown, and was always wondering who her father was. She would ask her mother but she wasn't around most of the time, as she worked various hours to support ourselves. She knew that it was how life was, so Nyx would try her best and not make her mother worry as she had enough problems. It was a few months after the day the screams appeared in her head, it was her 10th birthday when she was given a German Shepard puppy. Overjoy at having a pet, Nyx asked her mother who was her present from so she could thank them. Her mother told her that it was a gift from her father, Hades. As she grew older, so did the bond between Blitz and herself. Nyx loved her dog very much as he was the only true friend she would confide in, bury her face in his warm fur whenever the screams became too much for her, and would protect her. Having grown in the bad part of town Blitz would always walk with her down the streets, he would always make sure she was never alone. Blitz was her light among the shadows of the world. Nyx gave up asking details about Hades from her mother but she would always shake her head and leave the room. She doesn't think that Hades is a bad father, as he gave her Blitz; her guardian, her friend.

Powers(Keep it simple): Manipulate shadows - starts fairly weak-

Godly Parent(ONE kid per godly parent): Hades

Likes- Antiques, her dog Blitz (German Shepard), her guitar

Dislikes- swimming [cause of a bad dream she once had]

Other: Theme Song <3 [media]



  • eGpxOTg1MTI=_o_warehouse-13-of-monsters-and-men---part-1.jpg
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I find it funny she's a Hade's kid yet named after the Goddess of the Night and Darkness.... xD

[/media]<--- Theme song (this is a CMV cosplay not mine sadly)
Name: Eriethis (E-ur-E-This)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual (male preference)

Height: 5,4

Age: 16

Godly Parent: Artemis

Powers: Strong Endurance, Stealth, Nocturnal vision at night

Personality: Eriethis is pretty wild and sometimes out of control being son of the goddess of the hunt he of course knows his way in the wilderness he is a natural born survivalist and will do whatever it takes to pass the tests he is loyal to "his fellow hunters" if he thinks your worth it he won't disapoint you

Bio: Eriethis was born to Artemis godess of the hunt, his father was an excellent hunter and raised Eriethis to become the best of the best his mother is also proud of him he spent most of his life in a tent he hardly ever sleeps as he loves scaring unwary people or animals in the dark, he was actually part of a band for awhile and quit when his ex-girlfriend died of cancer (she was the one that started the band) he was depressed for a long time about it and for that reason he prefers male partners now because he thinks a girl would leave him like she did... he eventually restarted the band in memory of her the band was named after her "Heather's Fallen"

Likes: Music, Poetry, Art, Hunting

Dislikes: Those who are quick to judge

Appearance: emo guy eyes/Crazycottoncandy/35bd0fe3b5ce6dda3957bc16b5f68c58.png.html?o=4

(Theme Song I'll add in later)
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