The White House [Greek Mythology RP Signups]


Care Bears... prepare to stare!

Offical RP -
You know that kid in high school who's just....different? The one that always seems to be doing something abnormal? The one that gets locked in lockers but somehow gets out without any assistance? Or perhaps, the one that can read Greek perfectly but can't even read a first grade sentence without stumbling? If you would like to know more of these strange, unusual human beings and their tales, please continue reading as their lives are documented.


It's that time of the year when people across the United States, and even the world, trek to see their precious landmark; The White House. Some people arrive there with schools on tour, others are taken there by political parents, and even some are there just to be there. That is where our story starts. Unusual people, all together on a White House tour with an unusual tour guide who goes by the name 'Hermes'. The strange characters are then led through the White House and taught of it's history, everything seemingly normal. Until the group is led through a door that seemed to be made of the sky and are introduced to eleven, inhumanly beautiful and strong adults that seemed to have been waiting for you.


Hermes, the tour guide, directs each individual person to one of the adults standing around the sparse room. There you are told of something that you need dearly or something close to your heart. It is said that if you do not stay with them and obey their rules, it will be destroyed, but if you do, you will be given what you need and what you love will remain protected.

The strange humans are forced to agree to the blackmailing and listen intently as one with a booming voice announces you will be staying at a manor hidden inside the White House itself, just beyond the door they had come from. If you obey the rules then you will also gain answers to what exactly you are. The humans go through the door and are met with a regal, smart looking woman with a leather bound book in her arms. From there, she reads off the rules of the manor.

Lights out is at 12pm

No fighting in the manor

No loud music

Respect the Staff

Meal times are as followed:

Breakfast: 8 AM - 10 AM

Lunch: 1 PM- 3PM

Dinner: 7PM - 10PM

With that out of the way, she looks at each human and bows her head solemly, saying, "May the Gods bless you and spare your lives." What on earth had she meant? The bigger question being; Will you be around long enough to find out?


Plot by Bree


-A paragraph minimum for posting, this means 6-10 sentences.

-One character per godly parent.

-Romance is fine but don't make it the focus of the rp. Keep it PG-13 if naughty stuff has to happen, fade to black or don't make it happen at all.

-No Powerplaying, Bunnying or Godmodding.

-Don't make your character's powers OP

-You can fail a minimum of 3 out of 7 tests. Fail more then three and your character doesn't become a God.

-Be dedicated. If you have to be gone let one of the mods know.

-If you read the rules put your characters name in their favorite color.

Character Sheet




Appearance(No Anime):


Sexual Orientation:


Powers(Keep it simple):

Godly Parent(ONE kid per godly parent):




My Character


Name: Damian Coppello

Gender: Male

Age(15-19ish?): 18

Height: 5'7"

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Personality: Damian is laid back and chill. He rarely gets mad and if he does, it's hell. He is outgoing and sarcastic. He tends to fall asleep at the most random times due to his godly blood. He is pegged as a trouble maker and is sometimes a flirt. He is mainly just a sweetheart that is kind and caring to those close, he can easily get along with others. When Damian gets angry or something snaps, he can go into a rage mode where his powers go haywire and he puts everyone around him to sleep.

Powers(Keep it simple): Can walk through dreams, can put people to sleep, can tell if you are awake or not.

Godly Parent(ONE kid per godly parent): Hypnos






Being woke up from his sleep


Sugar free candy

Other: His theme song is:


Moderators of this RP



@Angel Evans


Claimed Demigods






Eurus, the East Wind








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Name:Rae Amour



Appearance(No Anime):


Sexual Orientation:Bisexual

Personality:Rae is a sweet and kind,He loves love and is always willing to help others he never likes to see people sad and cheers them up whichever way he can. Rae is a big flirt and once he sees someone he deems attractive he hits on them. Rae is also stubborn he is somewhat of a himedere and can get angered rather easily. Rae is extremely attractive the only two people that come close to his sexiness (although he's still better looking) are Eros and Adonis themselves that being said he can be a cocky S.O.B but at the end of the day he's a good guy. He values friendship immensely due to the fact that his personality scares people off more often than not so those that stick around to know the real him have a friend for life. Rae's family in unnaturally wealthy and he flaunts it like no tomorrow and if your close to him well just prepare to have rolls royce appear in your drive way. Also Rae's secretly an otaku.Rae needs his 10hours seriously if he get's woken up and doesn't have all 10 hours he's more like Hades rather than Aphrodite

Powers(Keep it simple):Can see how long your current relationship will last,Can look into your heart and see all of the people you genuinely love,Singing voice has a calming effect on people

Godly Parent(ONE kid per godly parent):Aphrodite

Likes-Aphrodisiacs,Money,Love,Happiness,Light,Archery,Fun,Sex,Beautiful things,Video Games,Anime,Manga,Glee,Manhattan,Shopping,Music,Singing,Food,Sleep,Starbucks,Fashion

Dislikes-Hate,Evil,Being woken up,Being Bored,Homphobes,

Other:Bisexual,His eyes are a light pink


[/media](Rae's themes ong)

Name: Vesta Hearthington

Gender: Female

Age(15-19ish?): 17

Height: 6'0" with her boots, 5'11" without

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Personality: Vesta is very motherly and is willing to help anybody who is in need. She's a bit of a sap and is vulnerable to cheesy romance novels and cute animals. She wishes to have children of her own some day, but vows to never have sex until she's married. She is kind and warm and will always be nice to you even if you have done wrong. She is willing to forgive and forget. She has a strange problem with trying to obsess over getting people to like her and can't stand if someone dislikes her. She is extremely gullible and will fall for the simplest of things. She's easy to manipulate and will always follow what people in authority say. She is clumsy and sometimes can't stand on her own two feet. She has a tinge of naivety to her and she can come off as a bit stupid at first.

Powers(Keep it simple): She has the ability to conjure a small flame, she can teleport to the White House mansion provided she is within Virginia or Maryland and she can make things such as water, fruit, plants, etc. clean and pure.

Godly Parent(ONE kid per godly parent): Hestia

Likes- Romance novels, sheep, scarves, friends, babies

Dislikes- Anything scary, needles, pointy things in general

Other: She wears a purity ring, has insomnia, and is known as the scarf girl as she always wears scarves. She has boots that make her look slightly taller. Her theme song is Safe and Sound by Taylor Swift.
Name: Isaac O'Neal

Gender: Male

Age(15-19ish?): 18

Appearance(No Anime):


Height: 6'3

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual


He comes off as cocky and confident, even snarky with a bit of a dangerous edge, and some of this even lingers over when he’s on his own. He was abused by his step-father until 16, and figuring out that he is a demi-god didn't erase that from his memory. He can get spooked by certain triggers and when he does so he usually cowards in the corner, not submitting in any way, just a terrified teenager.

This also might be why Isaac is more prone to violence. While he can control his powers and keep himself from killing, his first solution to almost any situation is to grab what he wants or needs and beat up whomever is in his way to get what he wants. He is not sadistic and doesn’t enjoy inflicting pain, but he also has no problem with seeing it as a means to an end.

Isaac also longs for affection. His first assumption when someone tells him to be careful is that they don’t want him to screw something up. He doesn’t tend to expect them to be legitimately concerned for him. For that reason when someone tells him they care in any shape or form he is usually awed and joyful. He has trouble trusting people and often doesn't have one person he feels he can trust. This is also why he’s intensely loyal to those he feels he can trust and is eager to look tough and capable in front of them, but also wanting them to be safe. He wants them to be able to see and appreciate his value, and cement his place in a group that cares for him.

Being used to being told what to do, Isaac at this point in his life doesn't really care. However, he has seen that some people can make mistakes so is willing to express concerns, although he will ultimately follow orders. His biggest concern, however, is over what is best for his friends, and concern for their safety is the most likely thing to bring him to voice an objection.

To those not within his group of friends, or people he generally knows, he likely will be somewhat abrasive at times, and try to keep up a veneer of cockiness and self-assurance. However, this can easily be cracked if he’s afraid of something or sees signs that someone actually cares about him.

Powers(Keep it simple): He can control the weather(make it rain, clear up the rain etc.), bend air to his liking and shapeshift into a bird of any type.

Godly Parent(ONE kid per godly parent): Zeus

Likes- Affection, Movies, Blankets, Cuddling with a very select few and running.

Dislikes- Touching from someone he doesn't trust, Veggies, Heat, Being underestimated.

Other: Lalalaaaa~ [media][/media] THEME SONG BAYBAY.
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Name: Fayette "Fay" Bovieur

Gender: Female

Age(15-19ish?): 17

Appearance(No Anime):

Height: 5'4

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Personality: Fay, in contrast with her drastic and dark style, is actually a very bubbly and happy person once you get past her walls. She developed a love for witchcraft and things considered unusual at a young age, which caused her to be bullied. Taking the best out of the situation, Fay learned how to love and accept herself, giving her another love of originality and she has tremendous respect for anyone who dares to be themselves no matter what. One thing she isn't too particularly happy about herself is the fact that she can't stop crying during tearjerker movies such as Titanic, Les Mis (the musical AND the book.), and Hotel Rwanda. She also enjoys curling up with a nice book, is known for her very large sweet tooth, and has been a hopeless romantic since reading Shakespeare and Dracula.

Powers(Keep it simple): Can do magic*, reads fortunes (tarot, runes, ect.), and has super** intuition.

Godly Parent(ONE kid per godly parent): Hecate

Likes- Sleep, Witchcraft, The beauty underneath, sweets, love, romance, the dark, and movies, especially horror or musicals.

Dislikes- Ignorant people, liars, thiefs, bullies, fake people, crying, and big dogs.

Other: *It starts out simple and grows to strong magic as the story progresses. **Doesn't start out super, just above average and like her magic, it grows to be super. Her theme song is Roar by Katy Perry~

@Angel Evans Well, there are two options:

1. She gets married

2. She adopts

Just because Hestia is the goddess of chastity doesn't mean she has to stay a virgin. That's true, right Nico-chan?
But that's one thing that makes him attractive, Sock. And Evans, I love Rai, as per usual xD
Imma write out his past here just to let people know about it, so he doesn't seem all weird when one of his triggers are activated.
I see a romance betwix Damian And Vestia I mean she has insomnia for petes sake if not a romance at least a best friend
Omg when each person introduces themselves their theme song should start playing and all the other characters should be like where is that coming from xD meanwhile whoever's theme song that is is just jamming out

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