Experiences The Weirdest Thing You've Googled for a RP

Would you mind answering some questions about this topic at all? I don't have any right now, but I do plan to potentially include a character with endometriosis in one of my rps at some point.
Yeah definitely pm sometime and I’ll try to answer as best I can
I not too long ago looked up how long whip lashes take to heal because a character of mine has whip scars. I think the first item that came up was a news article about some Arab royal(?) who was being punished for some serious thing he'd done by a series of whippings. The article was talking about how he could continue to get these lashings and what would happen with multiple layers of unhealed whip injuries. I found it pretty sad and never looked much beyond this to get my question answered.
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I am going to count of for these purpose because it was technically for RP. But I have seen a *lot* of pictures of different types of scars. I make mods for my friends that want to have their characters in an MMO better represent their backstories. I've made burn wounds from both fire and chemicals, i've made whip marks, deep cut marks where the intention was to exsanguinate. I am likely also on several watch lists for homicidal ideation for research relating to RP due to how much i've looked into stuff like that XD
Fun fact: In Poland, it was traditional for a young women's families to serve her rejected suitors czernina, a soup made with duck's blood, vinegar, and various fruits and syrups.
I'm working on a character who is named Czernina, who is both a vampire and a lesbian.
"How long do snow monkeys live"
"Do talking animals in the Wicked universe live as long as normal animals?"
I just decided to wing it, because I couldn't get answers relevant to what I needed.
It's not the most hard-core thing I've ever delved into, but lately to prepare for an RP I've been doing some general research on historical magic, mostly medieval European magic and what exactly was necromancy. As well as occultism and a few passes back over gnosticsm. I might just have to check in on Daoist magic traditions to expand the scope of comparison. Even if I consider this "pretty normal" all things considered

"How long do snow monkeys live"
"Do talking animals in the Wicked universe live as long as normal animals?"
I just decided to wing it, because I couldn't get answers relevant to what I needed.

ngl fam, this is the most usual of searches. You're not on any NSA watch lists for this yet or frighten the church hoes
I spent an embarrassingly large time researching "hierarchies among medieval performers " because one source I used to help me write a jester character mentioned it passing. Turns out it wasn't a thing. At least not one I could find anything really backing up.
I spent an embarrassingly large time researching "hierarchies among medieval performers " because one source I used to help me write a jester character mentioned it passing. Turns out it wasn't a thing. At least not one I could find anything really backing up.
The hierarchies that would exist would exist between internecine local guild beefs, which would not effect the jester because the jester was the local funny courtier in the noble's court. Besides doing a sequence of somersaults and farting to a tune, he also held a relatively important role in the court as like, the guy checking in on the King or smthn

Not as important as the Chamberlain, who controlled access to who gets to see the noble. But the Chamberlain is the most important rank between the Court as a body and the King as a private individual

For performers as a public, secular thing: guilds. Not just as professional actors but people in other fields fucking around because they adopted the Mystery Plays from the Church when the Mystery Plays became too weird to be tolerated by the Mother Church. And Guild beef was not only between trades but between cities within the same trade because guilds were a local corporate body and not "national" or otherwise pan-kingdom (you can have cases like in Spain where a guild in one city actively beefed against tradesmen from another city to the point of demanding Masters who immigrated to become tradesmen or otherwise proof they are masters to protect the guild's authority in that city)
I've definitely looked into most effective suicide methods, most efficient poisons, best torture methods. . Y'know, girly stuff.
The hierarchies that would exist would exist between internecine local guild beefs, which would not effect the jester because the jester was the local funny courtier in the noble's court. Besides doing a sequence of somersaults and farting to a tune, he also held a relatively important role in the court as like, the guy checking in on the King or smthn

Not as important as the Chamberlain, who controlled access to who gets to see the noble. But the Chamberlain is the most important rank between the Court as a body and the King as a private individual

For performers as a public, secular thing: guilds. Not just as professional actors but people in other fields fucking around because they adopted the Mystery Plays from the Church when the Mystery Plays became too weird to be tolerated by the Mother Church. And Guild beef was not only between trades but between cities within the same trade because guilds were a local corporate body and not "national" or otherwise pan-kingdom (you can have cases like in Spain where a guild in one city actively beefed against tradesmen from another city to the point of demanding Masters who immigrated to become tradesmen or otherwise proof they are masters to protect the guild's authority in that city)
Should probably have been clearer on what I ment.

The idea I was researching was that there was a hierarchy of sorts between different kind of performers.

It's been a while since I read the source in question but I recall it mentioning that tumblers had a higher standing than jugglers for example.
Should probably have been clearer on what I ment.

The idea I was researching was that there was a hierarchy of sorts between different kind of performers.

It's been a while since I read the source in question but I recall it mentioning that tumblers had a higher standing than jugglers for example.

Then to correct, are you thinking of this article

Because in that case it does vary. Remember: the Middle Ages spans some 1,000 years and things change in relation based on not just who is writing and when. But the general claim in here is that jesters were kind of loathed generally for being parodies of things which exist where as most other performers are bastards by way of doing things while not actually knowing how the tricks work. The poet meanwhile is admired because the poet at least has to know meter and the theory behind practice so is respected. But also being a traveler it's implied you have no original community and have no fixed abode, so you can't be taxed and civil and religious authorities also can't keep you in line.

Although I also do recall jesters at the courts of kings being respected so there is that added class element at play as mentioned. But the input of regular trade guilds and their putting on Mystery Plays is also a factor so you can make a whole other thing of amateur (trade guilds performers) vs professional (traveling circuses).

As a side note one of th factors The Church stopped directly supporting Mystery Plays is because the priests and monks were getting Too Fruity with it and spending more time planning and setting up for plays where they can dress as women and kiss on stage than they were attending to their nominal clerical duties and the Pope wasn't going to have any of that. The guildsmen of the cities can instead get fruity with it

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