Experiences The Weirdest Thing You've Googled for a RP

Would you mind answering some questions about this topic at all? I don't have any right now, but I do plan to potentially include a character with endometriosis in one of my rps at some point.
Yeah definitely pm sometime and I’ll try to answer as best I can
I not too long ago looked up how long whip lashes take to heal because a character of mine has whip scars. I think the first item that came up was a news article about some Arab royal(?) who was being punished for some serious thing he'd done by a series of whippings. The article was talking about how he could continue to get these lashings and what would happen with multiple layers of unhealed whip injuries. I found it pretty sad and never looked much beyond this to get my question answered.
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I am going to count of for these purpose because it was technically for RP. But I have seen a *lot* of pictures of different types of scars. I make mods for my friends that want to have their characters in an MMO better represent their backstories. I've made burn wounds from both fire and chemicals, i've made whip marks, deep cut marks where the intention was to exsanguinate. I am likely also on several watch lists for homicidal ideation for research relating to RP due to how much i've looked into stuff like that XD

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