Experiences The Weirdest Thing You've Googled for a RP

how to write an autopsy report
"Can centipedes hear?"
" Tömösváry Organ"

Apparently, nobody knows exactly what the Tömösváry organ's actual function is, so I had to make my shapeshifter character un-centipede herself in order to avoid conjecture that could prove inaccurate later.
Not me, but my RP partner had to recently do research on assisted suicide protocols. Medications, doses, timing...
The RP is very... Y i k e s
"Common firearms in 1920s America"

"How common was the 9mm round in 1920s America?"

"What was the most common handgun in 1920s Ireland?"

I'm looking for a partner for an RP that's focused on the Irish mob in Prohibition America, and once again putting myself on a no fly list to several countries


I honestly don't know if there is a singular thing which stands out, as I've had to look up a lot of pretty obscure stuff during my research and setup process for numerous RP's in the past. Lol.

But I think, as a subject in general, I think one of the weirdest things I've looked up is how the human body responds to damage. What exactly happens to your body such as the skin, muscles, tendons, arteries, organs, etc when you're shot, clubbed, stabbed/gashed, impaled, etc? What happens psychologically and physiologically after such damage, such as what happens when you go into shock? While a bit gory, I find it to be a fascinating subject. Though, I understand why a lot of folks have told me that my fascination with it is disturbing or weird. Lol.


- GojiBean
"is it illegal to date your step sibling?" Turns out it's legal in some states
I don't know if its weird but I've certainly researched the chemical composition of creating a planet and atmosphere for world building. I'm not a science person at all. So, strictly research. :P
Some highlights from today
"Plot of Groundhog Day movie"
"When was syphilis first curable"
This made me laugh out loud
Did you watch groundhog day after looking it up?

I honestly don't know what is weird when looking anything up for writing anymore. I'd say anything I look up was logical for it's own reason
because I didn't want to be ignorant but I guess the funniest would be finding out I've spelled a word wrong for a period of time without anyone pointing it out.
That's... that's up there
This made me laugh out loud
Did you watch groundhog day after looking it up?

I honestly don't know what is weird when looking anything up for writing anymore. I'd say anything I look up was logical for it's own reason
because I didn't want to be ignorant but I guess the funniest would be finding out I've spelled a word wrong for a period of time without anyone pointing it out.
That's... that's up there

This was only a few hours ago, so I haven't had a chance to sit down and watch the movie yet, but it's definitely on my list now!

I do a lot of weird Googling for my RPs. My characters often have interests, jobs, and areas of expertise that don't match my own, so I try to be as accurate as possible to the knowledge they'd most likely have off the top of their heads, even if I have to scour the internet for it myself
"Marxism pros and cons"

Had a Marxist character, so I had to do some research.
upon reading the replies here, i think i had mild ones like name suggestions and meanings. never did search for weird stuff...

oh wait, i did google "what parts of human meat are edible" at one point for my cannibal character in an apocalyptic setting XD
i dont know if double posting is allowed, but i'll just edit or remove this if not allowed

so i googled "wet pants" for a drawing that i wanna do for a character of my 1x1 partner who just got soaked in the rain... but i did not expect the results i guess that's enough internet for the day ^^"
i dont know if double posting is allowed, but i'll just edit or remove this if not allowed

so i googled "wet pants" for a drawing that i wanna do for a character of my 1x1 partner who just got soaked in the rain... but i did not expect the results i guess that's enough internet for the day ^^"
I just cackled imagining you looking up wet pants as a drawing reference, then two seconds later you just going
download (24).jpeg
Not sure what prefix this should have, and I'm 100% sure no one cares.

Everyone's Googled some pretty weird stuff for their RPs, from what I've seen around here. The darker the RP, the darker the search, as well.
My partner and I were in a situation where their character was sick and going to die very soon. They found the cure for it in a flower, but not concentrated enough. We decided the answer to this problem would be perfume since it's pretty much concentrated flower juice. So I had to Google if you'd die if you drank perfume. I tried to Google if you'd die if you injected it but for some reason nobody's been stupid enough to do that yet

I've also Googled quite a bit about CPR, and learned that it works a lot less than the movies would lead you to think. I also learned that it also, more often than not, breaks ribs in the process.

So what are some of your weirdest Google searches for the sake of RP, and what odd facts did you learn from them? Enlighten me! Fun facts are always somewhat entertaining.
How bombs work and I wondered what a milk cricket is. Do not google milk crickets; like NEVER EVER
Had to look up what the cape-like garment worn by a knight's horse is, though technically in my personal vocabulary list and not a web search engine. It's called a caparison, for those interested.
Also had to look up horse anatomy in plain language. I'm disappointed to find that there doesn't seem to be a special word for a horse's chest between its forelegs.

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