Experiences The Weirdest Thing You've Googled for a RP

Oh I've looked up various things over the years, though honestly I can't remember most of them. But I have looked up;

- How various real world elements work effect one another and people for powers/magic, I have some regrets there. 💀
- The Matrix Franchise information and facts; There is indeed female agents though never seen in the movies they are there in concept works, games, etc.
- I am sure I am on a list for the research I've had to do for criminal/villain ocs, I swear it was all for fiction! :closedeyescryingfrown: </3
- References for flexibility of the human body and how extreme it can go, some performances are wild truly.
- Lots and lots about space; how it 'sounds' in space from a astronaut perspective, in theory what living organisms could live in the vacuum of space, ideas behind future space ships/stations with man-made gravity. You name it! For a long time most my rps were around future and space stuff, still is so I am sure I will keep looking up stuff since I am also forgetful.

The list will always grow of course haha.
Recent searches relevant to my current rp. My brain is cooking up a scheme for it today!
  • Endangered fish that people eat
  • What do they use to illegally drug racehorses?
  • Rail map of Ohio
I can't say what I'm googling the last two for 'cause the rp hasn't gone that far yet. The first one is for this iteration of the rp's traditional "They're eating an endangered species! How Evil!" moment.
Really nowhere near the strangest things I've googled, but I have a new character who, in his youth, helped run a large weed ring at his school and I'm sure Google might not be overly fond of me searching how people hide their weed farms and if a teenager would be sentenced to juvenile detention or just probation for such a crime

And also how people hide weed farms
I think Google suspects I am either performing at home surgeries or autopsies.

Some of the stranger things I've researched lately:

What sort of incision do they make for an autopsy ?
How does a surgical knife stop bleeding ?
How long can someone hold their breath on average ?
What are the organs of the human body ? (Didn't want to forget anything --- I did! The pancreas!)
So there was a live roleplay I was doing with a VRChat group I was apart of. I barely had a functioning setup, but enough to record the sessions and even use Google somewhat effectively.
My character was designed to be an all-knowing king, so if he suggested a certain action was the best thing to do, his subjects would blindly listen.

So one day, a dragon is dragged into town to be diced into food, but the knights were concerned about another knight that was swallowed by the dragon and wondered if he was still alive.
The butchers were eager to get started and I only had a few seconds to do my research. So in an attempt to save the knight, I confidently Googled:

"How wide dragon ass"

Typing in VR is hard, please believe me-
Because the knights believed me, and somehow they fit!
How many people a cow could feed if slaughtered right away, used for dairy depending on if there was a ready supply of grass or not.

It was for a post-apoc scenario where the survivors found a cow and had the dilemma of using it for short or long term sustenance... but boy did it lead me down a rabbit hole of small-scale farming websites...
Well, google no longer thinks I'm researching underwater surgery.

Now its:

Are spiders social?
Do spiders have ears?
Can you talk with no tongue?
Can you eat with no tongue?
How long would an autopsy incision take to heal?
How do you resist torture?
How would someone die from pain?

I dread to even guess what Google thinks I'm up to this time.
Being into nation building RPs and often in contemporary settings I've 100% found myself looking up information on chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons that absolutely have me in the NSA logs somewhere*. Because like some authors, if I'm going to do something or moderate people doing things it might as well be represented correctly.

*Though to be fair the NSA is notoriously trigger happy on collecting and keeping information. There's a book I read where the author went on a brief digression about how she FOIA'd herself for fun and discovered the NSA had the full logs of a phone call she had with her mom asking her how to remove red stains from upholstery. If you're having a Tom Clancy phase of technical accuracy then you're going to be logged with all the other Tom Clanceys
Recently, I looked up the conversion of how many hours would be in around 5000 years, and it's around 44337517.56 hours. : D

Also asked "what is the approximate power output in watts for a nuclear power plant" and compared that to the average electrical output for the human body.

One more- converted 4000 degrees Kelvin into Farenheight and figured out what places in nature get that hot. Pretty sure it's the core of the Earth and the surface of the sun.
I made a street doctor for one video game I play that had an RP scene, I would look up the basics of a number of medical procedures, first aid, chiefly just battlefield medic type stuff. I would never attempt using it irl though kek. But it made for good RP.
"what wood is best for staking vampires?"
The reason is because I've read that different areas used different woods for this purpose, and I wanted a comprehensive list of what woods were folklorically significant for this purpose.
When I was about fifteen, I went to a really small therapeutic school and was one of four students in the entire school. We only had one teacher, and whenever we weren't doing whatever crossword puzzles constituted our 'schoolwork' during the summer, my teacher would let me use the school-issued Chromebooks to write and RP.

Well. At that time I was really into superhero RPs, with my main character being the edgy, knife-wielding, South Korean bad boy OC that listened to My Chemical Romance and Linkin Park and all of that. Spiked collar, dark eyeliner, the whole shebang.

I was in the middle of writing a fight scene and wanted to pick out a suitably edgy weapon for him to use. A few days later, I got in a significant amount of trouble for using the Chromebook to look up "fighting knives" and "types of fighting knives" and "fighting knife matte black" and "cool knives" during class time. My teacher understood, but my classmates and I kept it as a running joke for a few years after that, because the irony of so many knife-related searches on a laptop that belonged to a therapeutic school just tickled that ironic, dark humor in our brains.
"Things rich people collect"
"Martial arts trading cards"
"Boxing trading cards"
"Examples of fictional sports"
"Disc golf net"
"What is the measurement that is twice as long as the radius of a circle?" (forgot the word 'diameter')
"How big is a basketball court?"
[Insert mathematical problem here, multiplying the size of basketball courts]
"Facial features associated with Down syndrome"
"Actors with Down syndrome"
"Famous opera tenors"
Last edited:
"Neanderthal empathy and early human compassion"

Actually, really wholesome and amazing, one of my favorites is of a set of remains known as Shanidar 1 or Nandy. He at some point got bashed over the head and it broke one of his orbital bones leaving him blind in one eye and paralyzing his right side of his body. He also had:
  • A healed metatarsal fracture
  • Another fracture that partially healed on his right foot that caused a limp
  • As a result of the paralysis caused by some jerk bashing his skull, he had a withered right arm, this was eventually amputated
  • Bony growths in his ear canal that caused profound deafness
  • He suffered from diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis which basically is a type of arthritis that causes your soft tissues ie joints and ligaments to harden and basically causing some awful pain and stiffness in the areas affected.
  • probably many more that we don't know about because his remains are partial, and we can only parse so much from bones.

With all of that being said he lived to be elderly (for neanderthals) passing away around the ages of 30 to 45. In fact, all of the remains found in Shanidar cave lived to be absurdly old for the time. Which meant Nandy was well cared for and so were other members of his family, sort of disproving the idea at the time that early humans and our hominin ancestors were uncaring and brutish.

Reason for searching: I'm an anthropology major and this stuff is just neat.
"Business casual shoe styles"
"Fatal types of cancer"
"Treatable types of cancer"
"How treatable is ovarian cancer?"
"How fatal is endometrial cancer?"
"Treatments for Endometrial cancer"
"Endometrial cancer and endometriosis"
"Does having endometriosis elevate risk of cancer?"
"Can endometrial cancer be mistaken for endometriosis?
"Types of endometrial cancer"

I'm so going to get a bunch of medical ads now.
All this for an isekai rp!
"Business casual shoe styles"
"Fatal types of cancer"
"Treatable types of cancer"
"How treatable is ovarian cancer?"
"How fatal is endometrial cancer?"
"Treatments for Endometrial cancer"
"Endometrial cancer and endometriosis"
"Does having endometriosis elevate risk of cancer?"
"Can endometrial cancer be mistaken for endometriosis?
"Types of endometrial cancer"

I'm so going to get a bunch of medical ads now.
Person that has endometriosis here, yeah there’s a risk of things like ovarian cancer, but not a link. I have a familial history of ovarian cancer and with my endometriosis it is very likely that I could be diagnosed with it.
Person that has endometriosis here, yeah there’s a risk of things like ovarian cancer, but not a link. I have a familial history of ovarian cancer and with my endometriosis it is very likely that I could be diagnosed with it.
Would you mind answering some questions about this topic at all? I don't have any right now, but I do plan to potentially include a character with endometriosis in one of my rps at some point.

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