[The Wedding Crashers] OOC Thread

...you all post at an insane rate... Oh dear... :?

I haven't even made an introduction for Kepek, yet, but maybe that can be down-played. He is something of a pudding mouth.
Seriously, my character's not even in yet. He'll be in shortly, but I need to clarify something with Sherwood as to Charms:

For Immaculate MAists - do you count the initiation Charms required for CMA as part of the 7 received, or would I receive them in addition to the 7 Immaculate MA Charms? The Dragon-Blooded book isn't very clear on this.

BTW, I've changed slightly in concept, but things are set in stone now (har har) - going with an Earth-Aspected Lost Egg who was adopted by Tepet. He was trained in the Cloister of Wisdom (btw - do I get the free MA dot for this?) and now has since learned Sorcery as well. He currently serves a position as a traveling ambassador to Elemental courts for House Tepet, and a potential side goal for him for this campaign would be to find such on Wavecrest.
It is my understanding that, since the Immaculate styles are a CMA instead of a TMA, that you only get the 7 starting Charms, not the two starting ones and then 7 more. It stinks, but that is how I read it.
Fair enough. I had planned in that direction anyways as, if I recall correctly, Errata Team Prime's interpretation was that to include the initiation Charms as part of the 7 Charms for DB games (so to avoid Immaculates being overpowered by comparison to normal Terrestrials) and to have them as extra for mixed games that included Celestials (to make up for the fact that DBs just can't compete) The starting 50xp are more than enough to make up for the difference, so it all works out in the end. I'll get the sheet up soon.
Oh, hi, Progress! Your um...almost complete lack of posting caused me to wonder if you would be joining the game. :shock: But I'm glad to see you're still here. Maybe your character can have a suitably grand and fashionable entrance. :D
I realized that my previous description of Immaculates was quite incorrect - they apparently only start with "5 Immaculate Martial Arts Charm instead, all of which must be from the same elemental tree" (quoted from MoEP: DB's Character Creation summary). Would you still give the same ruling, Sherwood, meaning 3 IMA Charms and the two initiation Charms? Or would it be 7 Charms total, 5 IMA (as stated in the text I quoted from DBs) and two initiation?
I'll go with the 5 MA charms with the two initiation charms. The text doesn't really give a whole lot of detial in this. :roll:
I...may be alone here...but I would like to request a bit more detail in the In-Character thread? The bearing of the Swan Song? The distance to the nearest guild ship? The distance to the First Age-style vessel? Can sailors, mortal or otherwise, be seen on or in the First Age craft?
The burning ship is about 1000 feet away, with the second damaged guild ship is about 1500 feet out, and the First Age raider is about 1200 feet away in between the two larger ships. From this distance you can see people moving about the deck on the raider, but it is too far away for any details unless you have some Charm or artifact to enhance your vision.
Sorry about my lack of posts this week. Work has really being tough on me. I'll post tomorow.
Apologies as well for the general lack of a character and posts. I've got a slew of finals all next week, and as a result I've spent the majority of time studying as of late. My character is basically "done," but not done, if you catch my drift, so hopefully I'll be able to hop in as soon as I finish my romp through Hades. In the meantime, enjoy!
...since it is December, and The Holiday is roughly one week away, I thought I'd just ask to see if anyone plans to be free or post between now and then. And then possibly ask how soon the thread participants might return.

I...happen to have some mobility problems at the moment so ignoring insecurities about posting too much (
:D ) I do not have any week-long absences planned.

...maybe we could be silly and declare a general recess until after New Year's Day?
I can go with that. I'll check on the board for any posts, but I won't expect anything until New Years.
Now that Christmas is over, lets get a status check on who is still interested and ready to continue with the game. I've already had contact with Storytime, and he's still in. Everyone has a few days to check in, spend their points from my xmas present (or bank them) and we'll get back on the ball.
Give me some Join Battle rolls if you plan on being a part of the fight.
...probably will spend the experience. Thanks again, Sherwood. :)

I'll try to wait politely for the other posters because...well, because everyone's been so quiet! :shock:
As soon as Invisible Castle is back online I'll roll for my Join Battle. Failing that, I'll use another site for my rolls.
StoryTime, don't feel obligated to join the fight if you don't want to. It can be entirely in character for you to keep back and play a support role, especially if you are more of a lover, not a fighter.
I agree with those sentiments. Happy New Year. :D ...should take a few moments to be thankful.

I'll also ask Sherwood about game stuff and party unity.
I'll have a post up by tomorrow afternoon. This weekend has been busy. :shock:

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