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Fantasy The War Never Won (Open, limited spots available)\[T]/

Semblance said:
Wait don't our characters have to accept the card tho? Otherwise War gets mad and kills you?
ALSO, what's the deal with sexual relations in the Hotel/among the Warriors? B/c knowing Xena, she'll probably have to satisfy her needs once in a while lmao, but it'll be purely physical for her with zero romantic/emotional attachments
If you can convince someone, go ahead. But fade to black as per site rules.

I don't really care if she has something like that, if anything it makes a lot of sense given their situation. If you want something that's been going on for a while, I'd take it up with the person you had in mind specifically. If you wanted to establish it, then well...you'd have to establish it. As for the cards, they're given to you, but the acceptance or rejection of them is based solely on whether or not the Warrior executes their command. If they disobey, then something is sent to kill them, but that doesn't mean that thing succeeds (it's just another way to get more fighting started).
SniperBus said:
If you can convince someone, go ahead. But fade to black as per site rules.
TheLoneRook said:
I don't really care if she has something like that, if anything it makes a lot of sense given their situation. If you want something that's been going on for a while, I'd take it up with the person you had in mind specifically. If you wanted to establish it, then well...you'd have to establish it. As for the cards, they're given to you, but the acceptance or rejection of them is based solely on whether or not the Warrior executes their command. If they disobey, then something is sent to kill them, but that doesn't mean that thing succeeds (it's just another way to get more fighting started).
Mmm Tony, Len, and Leo are the most likely candidates, but it's hard to choose without a personality to go off of, so what do you guys think? So in terms of a friends with benefits-type relationship- would either of your characters be down for that or nah? (It would be more of a thing that I mention in my posts rather than something I would actually RP out. And it would bring a different type of relationship besides just the typical Warriors to the table)
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Starter post is up! Please lmk if there's anything I need to edit
@Semblance War's creatures don't just meander about the streets. They're deployed only when a Warrior disobeys a card, and they specifically hunt that person in particular. So her running into one by chance wouldn't really be a natural occurrence.
TheLoneRook said:
@Semblance War's creatures don't just meander about the streets. They're deployed only when a Warrior disobeys a card, and they specifically hunt that person in particular. So her running into one by chance wouldn't really be a natural occurrence.
I actually meant for the creature to have been there waiting specifically for her (rather than chance) but I suppose that wasn't clear! I'll fix it now
Semblance posted as I was finishing my post. Wait as long as you want before having Maddie walk down the stairs. I'll edit the post later based on what everyone else says/does.
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Agreed! Take all the time you need, it'll force me to do my own work too.
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Pretty sure everyone is waiting on me... sorry 'bout that.


Can't finish my post tonight, though, but it'll be done tomorrow! •√•
Cajolions said:
“I really think it’s a mistake-- how we do this. Habit builds community and in war so often it helps to cope, but a large part of that has to do with agency. The ritualistic is unbearable without agency, and we get enough of that--” A midi ringtone was coming out of his front pocket. “We get enough of that as it is-- I’m sorry.”
Hey I'm a little confused by this part in your post. Could you explain to me what Lyle is trying to say?
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Oh no sorry!

In his opinion, habits/"rituals" are useful to a community in that they give back a sense of control and choice to its members when times are desperate. The way War controls their lives through tasks and threats is full of rituals and repetition, but very little free will --they're confusing and alienating-- and he finds the way newbies are introduced to their new life at the hotel should restore that sense of being in charge of their own fate, as a way of being in opposition to War's ways.

Feel free to tell me if I'm being too cryptic again ^^'
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Cajolions said:
@Semblance I'm not sure if you saw my last rp post? Sorry for spamming
No worries! Yeah I saw it, I just haven't gotten around to replying yet (my muse has been quite low these days), but I'll try to get one up soon
Hellooo, so my Anatomy class started today and combined with my new job, I didn't realize how busy I was going to be. I thought I could juggle all these RP's going on at the same time, but unfortunately, I think I'm going to have to bow out of this one :( I'm so sorry, I genuinely wish that I could take part in this b/c it seems like such a fun RP. You guys have fun!
Sucks to see you go :( Good luck with your job and your classes!

@Semblance I hope you don't mind if I loosely RP Xena to close this current scene and move on to a new one.
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@Abberakelaran The character sheet you've got so far is only in need of slight adjustments, but as you predicted most involve the Warbrand. Less to do with its power strength, more to do with its complexity.

You TECHNICALLY did not break the no full suit rule, but you edged your character about as close to the line as you could get. You basically gave her all the benefits of a suit of armor minus the plating over the vitals. The gauntlets are fine, the boots fine, the helmet fine. All three?? Not so fine. The concept of turning your character into a predator is fine, but I would suggest either branching away from the huntress theme slightly or molding it into a different shape. The key is the weapon, all of the little gadgets and gizmos are secondary to the weapon. I know that some warbrands are "machines", but that was more of a nudge towards machine-based weaponry, like trick weapons. So I'd suggest you play with it a little, focus more on the weapon and less on the predator, any additional questions you know where to find me.

Second issue: History

If, as you described her, she had only been in for a year, but had decided to distance herself from the sanctuary of the Hotel.

She'd be dead.

Understand, Warbrands do not gift you with knowledge of how to use them, nor the skill to fight and kill right out of the gate. It would probably take a year for her to learn how to manipulate her warbrand to begin with, let alone learn to use it with any effectiveness against the some 100 or so Warriors that have been in longer than her and actually know how to play the game. The 6 year historical buffer has purpose. It's to give players a means of establishing this experience, as well as background with the other characters. By distancing your character (as dynamic as it might be) you're somewhat defeating the purpose of the roleplay, as well as setting yourself at a major disadvantage. Finally, I'm not blaming you for this since you didn't know, but Warbrand's power is directly related to how long that person has had to complete cards and gain more power. No 1 year Warbrand is going to have indestructible trip-chains and insufferable poisons. The Hotel is also there with a purpose, as it is what allow fledglings to actually grow and develop their abilities without being slaughtered before they ever get a shot at moving up in the world.

I put these things in place for a reason, and as much as I respect your desire to set your character apart, it's simply not going to work out well for her survival in the end.

SO, yes, you were correct in worrying about it being overpowered. You should also definitely consider altering her history. Everything apart from that however looks hunky-dorey.


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