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Fantasy The War Never Won (Open, limited spots available)\[T]/


Denied. Let me count the ways.

1. Failed to correctly answer the cs question. The clue is not in the name, not sure where you got that idea.

2. No description of his history with the war, and no way of telling how long he's been involved, and how.

3. "Hatred" is not an option for sensation. It's not even an actual sensation, it's an emotion. It would have been one thing if you had used an actual sensation and incorporated the hatred theme, but you just flat out made up your own category instead.

4. The warbrand's power level is confusing, overpowered, and flat out nonsensical. With how this character has been described it's obvious you'd only ever have him fighting at the peak of his "hatred" and thus he'd be some sort of skyscraper-obliterating demigod. Not to mention you have no explanation as to how long the chain actually is.

5. Frequent spelling errors.

I'm not sure if you were trying to make a villain in order to bypass some of the rules involved in the character making process, but I want it to be made clear that you're being held to the same standard as everyone who's been accepted into the roleplay thus far. If you want to be accepted into the roleplay, you gotta follow the rules just like everyone else.

Failing to answer the cs question tells me you didn't read the rules in their entirety, and while the paragraph on sensations is somewhat vague, the roster of available character slots is not, so don't try and tell me you didn't know there were only 6 options for the sensations. Quite frankly, it's somewhat insulting, to have someone try and pass off a character that doesn't even follow the basic rules of submission.

Feel free to try again.
Hey. Appreciate the feedback. Nice to see your so serious about it lol. But I will take your comments into considerstion and re-jig it a bit.
@RyuShura @Master Jaster @Cajolions @SniperBus @EMP @Vantruss

For those currently accepted/involved in the rp:

HI! I know we've come to the end of the night, bit of a slow point, but I appreciate the pacing (and the patience) you all have put out. The content we have so far is great, and I'm really quite pleased with how everything is panning out. Once the dirt fight between Tony & Len concludes, we're gonna have a generic shift to the morning/afternoon/brunch region of the following day so everyone can have something to play with again and get some movement going. If any of you have any ideas for little things you want to do whether they be casual, riddled with violence, or anything in-between, feel free to let me know. Until then, thanks so much for waiting.

For those applying/yet to be accepted:

No rush, take your time, make it something you truly and wholly resonate with. This will probably be your only character in this shindig just with how many slots we have left and how they're beginning to fill, so I want you to make sure that it's someone you're really comfortable with (or not comfortable with if that's what you're going for). Long story short, make it fucking count.

Vantruss, I've been a bit on the fence about formally accepting you, if you're still interested in involving yourself, I'd appreciate it if you'd PM me a writing sample (preferably in the context of this rp and not something torn from another), so that I might better evaluate where you stand in comparison to the rest of the group.

EMP, your reservation is now formally in place. Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions, concerns, maybe your girlfriend is giving you a hard time idk I'm here if you need me.

Guy, make your second chance worthwhile plz and thank you.

That is all lovel-no it's not.

I am currently designing an entire beastiary participating in a roleplay based around a wild world of exotic beasts, playing as a not so eccentric pirate in a realm of magic, wonder, and exploration. Long story short if you wanna hunt fuckin' dragons this is your god damn SHIT.

Give it a looksie, see if it's somethin' you might like. Tell your grankids, tell your 3rd cousin, whisper it to the small mouse that's been hiding out in your closet for weeks now because you forgot to take your plate of extra-cheese pizza downstairs one night during that wicked sleepover. Idk, do SOMETHING.

The Blood of Beasts (Probably Accepting) (Not a BloodBorne rp) (Sorry for the title) (jk) (hah)

Thanks again,

~R00k m0TherFaKkerS~
@TheLoneRook , So, I would like to give up the reservation, I couldn't really get into the story, but it's a really well made RP. Thanks though. :)

@SniperBus @RyuShura @Cajolions @Master Jaster

We're going to run a timeskip into the following morning/noontime region. Send out your introductory posts, mingle as you will, whatever works. The weather is a gloomy downpour. For reasons you may or may not have already deduced, the weather will be a gloomy downpour for quite some time. Try to interact with someone you haven't previously, have fun, all that shit.


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