The Walking Dead RP

Alaina woke up early as usual and was busy braiding her hair. Jeez this guys sleeps a lot. She turned and saw Jaycee woke up. "Morning"
Elliot's ears perked up at Jamie's words. "You were studying to be a veterinarian?" A small smile appeared on both of the brother's faces. "Beatrice thought that was another way to eat. You know like vegetarian and stuff?" Sharing a small chuckle, Elliot and Patrick smiled the same smile as they remembered the time when their sister asked them if they were a veterinarian.
"Really?" Jamie giggled softly. She reached into the bag and pulled out another chip, eating it. She looked around the room then back at Elliot. She smiled softly at him.
Rex had went to bed the night before with no intentions of waking up by himself. He would either be woken up when the girls awoke, or killed. It didn't really matter. Rex's body tended to listen to him, so when he decided he would not wake up by himself, he didn't.
Alaina starts to sharpen both her knives. "He sleeps a lot huh?" she nods at Rex who is still sleeping. "Think you should wake him."
Elliot nodded before pushing the bag of chips into Jamie's arms. "I'm going to take a walk." Elliot muttered lowly, his eyes darkening for a moment. With a quick mental communication with his older brother, Elliot left the room and explored the house a little...

Patrick smiled cheerfully at the two relatives. "So, do you guys like cheesecake?" Patrick began chatting about how he made the best cheesecake ever, he even said that Elliot complimented his cooking, and that's a lot to get a compliment from Elliot. "And then you just put it in the oven at-" Patrick continued to rant about his cheesecake making skills. "And then you eat it!"
Jamie took the chips and watched Elliot walk away. She frowned slightly then got up, walking over to the couch. "It's okay.." She answered Patrick's question. She stared at Patrick as he talked, sort of listening to what he was saying. Finally, when he was done talking, she took a chip out of the bag and threw it at his face. She laughed as it hit his cheek. She started eating chips and looking around like nothing had happened. Her gaze rested on him and she grinned. "I didn't do anything." She tilted her head and giggled again. She took a chip out of the bag and held it towards him.
Patrick chuckled at the girl's antics before catching the chip before it fell to the ground and popping it into his mouth. "Every piece counts." Winking jokingly at Jamie, Patrick took the chip from her hands and grinned cheekily before placing the thin potato chip into his mouth. I need to keep these two in my sights. Patrick told himself as he quickly went over the plan he devised with Elliot.

Elliot clutched his crow bar tightly as he crouched down and examined a small hidden trap door under the stairs. How cliché. Elliot smirked as he flipped on the flash light and slowly opened the trap door in the ground. Immediately the smell of death invaded his nose, Elliot's eyes widened when he shone the light into the trap door. Walkers. Elliot scowled and wrinkled his nose in disgust. Jamie's father WAS hiding something tricky. Elliot had met a few people like this on the road. They thought that the walkers were still people, that they still had some humanity in them. Those people were idiots and died quickly. Shutting the trap door silently, Elliot quickly locked it and hid it expertly. Standing up properly, Elliot dusted himself off and continued to walk around the house, eyeing the barn suspiciously. I'll get Patrick to ask about it.
Jamie giggled and smiled at him. She threw the bag of chips into his lap and stood up. She stretched, groaning loudly, before falling back down on the couch. She laid down and curled up. "Urggg. Is it winter yet? It's time for my hibernation." She closed her eyes, laughing softly. Her hands rested under her head. She opened an eye after a moment and stared up at Patrick.
Patrick chuckled at Jamie's antics. "That's what Elliot would say!" The older brother leaned back in his chair and ran a hand through his brown hair."You know, I just noticed Elliot and I look nothing alike!" With a silly grin on his face, Patrick began telling a story from when he and Elliot were still kids and Beatrice wasn't born yet.

((Hello?? Anyone still on??))
Jamie smiled a bit and curled up on the couch. She looked up at Patrick as he told his story. Her mind started to wander off and her eyes slowly closed. After a while, she fell asleep.
Sky jerked awake. She must have fallen asleep again. She got out of bed, looking at her sleeping brother on the floor. She reminded herself to let him have the bed that night. She went downstairs, feeling her stomach was empty and hollow after the past few days of nothing but puking. She grabbed a snack bag of pretzels from the vending machine Jamie had smashed and opened it up, nibbling on the salty pretzel.
Jamie slept for a while then woke up. She looked around, frowning. "Hm.. Don't remember falling asleep." She looked up at Patrick and giggled. "I'm hungry, do you want anything?" She asked him as she got up and walked to the kitchen. She saw Sky and smiled. "Hey, Sky. How are you feeling?"
((What do we do now? I'm going to have a convo with myself now xD ))

Elliot knocked on the door frame, staring blankly around the room. "Patrick." The dark haired man folded his arms over his toned chest, his voice showing no expression or giving anything away.

Patrick sighed and got up from the chair. "Sure, sure." Giving a quick wave to Joe, Patrick tucked his hands in the back pockets of his pants and walked outside with his brother. "What did you find?" Patrick whispered lowly, keeping a bright smile on his face. Leaning against one of the wall, Patrick pulled out the bag of chips from his jacket and began to munch on them in a very comical way.

Smirking at his older brother's antics, Elliot leaned back and glanced around before telling Patrick what he found. "Walkers in the basement. A whole bunch of them." Elliot spoke on a low voice, his dark eyes flickering around for any suspicious movement.

"Not surprised." Patrick snorted and watched as Elliot pulled out his gun. "No, not yet. We have to reveal it to everyone or else there will be a lot of mistrust in this group." the older brother had seen the same thing happen to one of the nearby survivor groups, in the end they all ended up killing each other because they thought everyone was trying to kill them.

Elliot rolled his eyes at his brother, but tucked his gun back in. "Alright." Stepping away from Patrick, Elliot leaned back on the wall and faced forward. "Did you get anything out of him?" Elliot felt himself frown slightly, the smell of walker was evident in the air.

Patrick shrugged and pushed his brother away in a playful manner, but his voice was completely serious. "It takes time, Elliot. Patience is a virtue." Heading back into the house, Patrick pulled his Elliot into an affectionate hug and whispered, "I want to know how he got in here. See if you can get any information out of Jamie, but do it subconsciously." into his little brother's ear.

And with that, the game begun.
Jamie continued to hug and rub Sky's back for a few more moments. She finally pulled back and smiled softly at her. "Do you need anything?" She asked. "I could make you something for you to eat if you're hungry." SHe started to move towards the cabinets.
Jamie nodded and opened up the cabinet. She looked around then finally pulled out a can of soup. She pulled a pot out and set it on the burner of the stove. She turned the burner on to a medium heat. After turning on the burner, she opened up the can and poured the soup into the bowl. She walked away to let it heat up as she opened another cabinet. She took out a bowl and set it on the counter then she removed a spoon from the drawer. She closed the cabinet and drawer before walking back over to the stove. She grabbed a ladle and began stirring the soup as it cooked. When it had finished heating up, she used the ladle to move some of the soup into the bowl. She submerged the spoon into the soup and carried to bowl over to the table and set it down. "Here you go.." She smiled at her before walking back over to the stove to turn the burner off.
"Thanks," Sky smiled, her stomach growling hungrily. She took small bites, not wanting to overdue it. "So is everyone else doing okay?" she asked.

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