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Futuristic The Vladimir

Von Winston

New Member
Heyyyy, how's everyone? Here's a place to chat and plan. I'm glad to see I already have someone to play with :D

If no one else comes around for the next few posts, I'll start off the adventuring.
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[QUOTE="Von Winston]Hey Belle, do you mind changing your character? The head of security has already been chosen by another person, aha. Sorry!

Well, this is awkward. I think I'll just withdraw from the RP. Sorry.
Belle said:
Well, this is awkward. I think I'll just withdraw from the RP. Sorry.
Sorry for the awkwardness ;_; I should have prepared for it. Honestly though, if you're ever up to join again feel free!
Latorrex said:
Nice to meet you too :3 And I'm glad to have someone who's as interested as I am ~ I do want it to be really free flow so if there's anything you want to add or bring in to spice it up, I'd be all for it!
Note: changed it to Casual since that seems like the quality we're going for lol Just quicker and more free. Hope no one minds!
I think the core should start off as an enemy and then become a part of the crew after learning he was purposely sent off-planet (I'll elaborate on his backstory through the roleplay).
Sounds like it would be fun. Can you make up a quick character profile then? Just for everyone to understand what your character is exactly lol And that sounds good. I'll have us leave to the Elmers (check the Overview) and your character can meet us there. Sound like a plan, Salt Lord + Latorrex?
Alright, see you! I'll be here for like, another four hours so I'll be playing with whom ever is around. I'm thinking that once we actually go to the area, I'll be making an edit of details to it. Like availability of metals, natural resources, temperature...etc. Just for fun and give it more meaning and maybe some side-quests for when the time comes.
And once Rex replies, we'll go all adventuring and stuff. By the way, what science specifically does your character specialize in?
Researching and experimenting on alien plant life - she's pretty much an extraterrestrial botanist. She also likes learning about other alien races - their physiology, their culture, their languages, but that doesn't all quite fall into the science part of her job.
Sounds neat ~ Just wanted to know :D

I may make another character. Unsure lol I work all of tomorrow so I won't be able to post much but Tuesday I'm free so I'll be here a lot.
I'll be crazy busy tomorrow between work and classes, but I'm sure I'll find some time to sneak on and post at some point tomorrow - if not, I'll totally have time on Tuesday.
Awesome possum :D I'm not sure if Rexy is still around so we may be at a standstill tonight. I'll continue to recruit D:<
It shouldn't take too long, lol. Nice open format. And we need to find your character a love interest! D:< Science needs luv

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