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Fandom The Veil To Spurn: A Digimon Survivor Tale(OOC)

Alright lets be honest who expected Arii to get kidnapped right out the door XD

  • Honestly I am surprised it didnt happen in the first post.

  • Well shiitake mushrooms


  • ... I feel nothing, and that scares me XD

  • o3o Azure the moment you accepted them we knew we would be disappointed if you didn't.

  • All according to plan....

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Hey peeps I just got informed the rper who was going to take spot 11 original is able to join so I am officially making a executive decision and state sign ups are officially and permanently closed.

Past this point we will accept no one else and keep it that way.

Today has been just a hell of a busy gm decision day TeT
Hey peeps I just got informed the rper who was going to take spot 11 original is able to join so I am officially making a executive decision and state sign ups are officially and permanently closed.

Past this point we will accept no one else and keep it that way.

Today has been just a hell of a busy gm decision day TeT
Sounds like it lol.

Are we still going to be getting the supplemental materials you mentioned you were working on before the next arc? No rush or anything I assume you'll need to update them now
Ooooof, RIP

As tribute have a piece of the post I want so desperately to make that might get monched due to other people doing things bUT I NEED TO GET IT OUT OF MY SYSTEM

"Scared?" Incredulity painted their voice. "I'm far fucking past scared." They spread their arms, baring their chest as they gestured about the cave. "This? With the group of you? Worst fucking case scenario. So you can all keep your damn emotions, your hurt feelings, and eat them, because hate to fucking break it to you deranged people, but you kinda have to be alive to have hurt feelings." If it had not been their knife in their hand, they might have speared it into the soft dirt under them. "And frankly, the lot of you should have left me the moment I was caught. Sorry I'm not grateful the lot of you are squandering your chances to continue breathing, but I'd like at least one of us to live past four days."
I am assuming Red is joining as well so hello to the both of you. I look forward to seeing your characters/digimon
Sounds like it lol.

Are we still going to be getting the supplemental materials you mentioned you were working on before the next arc? No rush or anything I assume you'll need to update them now
Yes didn't worry I haven't forgotten that lol. You will be getting that this coming Saturday.
oh! I forgot but the digimon card game liberators manga(?) seems to have a group that pick up translating it. So far its just the promo/intro part 0 though.
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Ooooof, RIP

As tribute have a piece of the post I want so desperately to make that might get monched due to other people doing things bUT I NEED TO GET IT OUT OF MY SYSTEM

"Scared?" Incredulity painted their voice. "I'm far fucking past scared." They spread their arms, baring their chest as they gestured about the cave. "This? With the group of you? Worst fucking case scenario. So you can all keep your damn emotions, your hurt feelings, and eat them, because hate to fucking break it to you deranged people, but you kinda have to be alive to have hurt feelings." If it had not been their knife in their hand, they might have speared it into the soft dirt under them. "And frankly, the lot of you should have left me the moment I was caught. Sorry I'm not grateful the lot of you are squandering your chances to continue breathing, but I'd like at least one of us to live past four days."
I want to stab arii now or just give em a hug even if they are an ungrateful little shite
I want to stab arii now or just give em a hug even if they are an ungrateful little shite
Stabbing would probably go over better ngl

They will stop losing their mind eventually. Eventually. Maybe after they get somewhere with more people where they can shed the responsibility of everyone that they have taken upon themselves
Hm. This has given me an idea that I am NOT going to write but it's interesting and 100% an Arii thing to do

BUT in any case they Probably would not Care if someone stabbed them like they're throwing both themself and Alex to the fucking wolves you think they care if they get hurt (beyond bitching because it hurts) xD
How fun! A lot of work goes into translating them for sure. What series did you work on?
The Resident Evil 2 manhua. It was by no means a professional job, more of a personal project. Relied on google and other translation sites to actually translate it from Chinese (as well as a bit of guesswork here and there.) I also translated the Resident Evil 0 and Resident Evil 3 : Supplemental Edition manhuas which were 6 and 9 volumes respectively.
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