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One x One The Vacation

Okay, post is up! I had a tough time deciding between having Sam act on his lowered inhibitions or exercise great self-restraint. If you've already read my post, you'll see that I went with the latter. I figured that was the option that would lead to more doors down the line. Plus, the anticipation is what makes the romance so fun. :D Don't get me wrong, drunken hook ups can be amusing too, but it didn't feel the right way to go.

((I am wondering, though, if maybe Becks and Daniel are getting cozy right now. They're both wasted, so it wouldn't totally stretch belief, even though they don't really seem like each other's type. This could be kind of funny to allude to later on. Maybe?))

Also, I know it seems like I cut off the conversation because I had Sam walk away, but I hope you can use that action and his brief dialogue in your next post. It just felt like the most natural thing I could make him do.

That's all for now!
I think Becks and Danny getting cozy wouldn't be "bad", but I don't think they're each other's types at all. Like more than opposites. Opposite in all the wrong ways lol. Being different from someone can bring to life areas in a relationship where the other lacks.

If there was to be some coziness, I think Vivienne and Caleb would be a better option. Vivienne and Adelais have some things in common, as well with Becks. It's like on a scale from rugged to froo-froo, Becks and Vivienne are opposite and Adelais fits in the middle. But if Caleb and Vivienne were to hook up, it could provide a source of conflict. I don't think Adelais would care, unless he wanted to get with her. One of those "you weren't thinking of me rolling around in someone else's sheets" kind of thing. I don't know how Sam would react, since he was into Vivienne.

Actually, Vivienne and Caleb would provide the most dynamic options for us. Whether or not they do I don't really have a preference for. But if any pairing from the group to hook up that could provide the most to go off of, it would be Vicienne and Caleb. Because right now, Caleb likes Adelais and Sam liked Vivienne. Danny and Becks are their friends and it would be funny, but it would realistically be a blip in the timeline of our rp. It doesn't move the story along or influence it for Danny and Becks to do the mattress mambo.

But this is me getting a bit too technical lol. I have yet to read your post, so I'm unsure of where it's left off. But, I'm predicting that my post won't get them back to the group. So it would probably fall to you to get the ball rolling on that, if it's a direction you felt you wanted to go!
That did get technical! XP I totally see what you mean though. As for the Becks and Danny thing, it was just meant to be some comedic fodder. Just because they're "off screen" doesn't mean they're not doing things. Maybe they're already hooking up (like since before the trip) and no one even knew! Hahaha!

With Vivienne and Caleb, things get more complicated. Depending on how Sam and Adelais react to that kind of news, we might see a big turn of events in the story. But when it comes down to it, I think it's actually less plausible that Vivienne and Caleb would get together than Becks and Danny. The latter couple is more impulsive and immature so I can see them getting up to mischief and making mistakes. But Vivienne and Caleb are more level-headed and calculating - I don't see them getting together unless their feelings for each other were true. Maybe not in Caleb's case, but Vivienne wouldn't be so manipulative. That's my two cents, anyhow.

But I guess we'll cross that bridge if we come to it!
Hi! Happy Easter!

So, I tried something new with this last post. I don't plan on making switching PoVs a regular thing, but I just really wanted Caleb to say what he says at the end of my post. But since Sam can't hear him, I had to switch perspectives. Hope that's okay!
Hey! Just wanted to give you a heads up: I'll be out of town between tomorrow and Sunday, so I won't have my computer until next week. I'll check in, but I may not be able to get a post up while I'm away.
Hi! My goal is to get you a post today, but I've got a lot of errands and family events going on so I won't make any solid promises. Just letting you know I haven't forgotten you! Hope all is going well on your end!
Hey! Thought I'd have time to get you a reply today, but it's been a hectic morning. I'll be on a plane for most of the day, so I'm hoping to get my reply up sometime tomorrow.

Looking forward to how this next scene plays out!
Gosh, sorry that took so long! My sleep schedule and work schedule did not give me much downtime. :P

Also, I hope I'm updating you frequently enough - let me know if you'd prefer to hear more or less from me in regards to when I'll be able to post and whatnot. I haven't heard from you in a while OOC so I'm not sure if any of this is helpful. If not, I'll spare you the annoying alerts and just give you IC posts. If so, would you mind responding whenever I update you so I know you've received the message? That'd be a great help! Thanks!
Sorry it took me like 5ever to post. I got thrown into some things I didn't sign up for lol but it was for my mom so I couldn't say no.

I tried to add a lot for you to go off of, but overall, I was getting at the uncertainty of the relationship.

Hope you like it!
And yes! I'll normally try and respond to ooc or like the post! I've just been crazy busy and hardly online at all.

Plus, I respond to RPs in the order in which I receive them. Unless I'm debating on which direction I want to take, then I'll pause and move to something else for a bit. You don't normally respond at night for me like most of my other partners, so unless I didn't get to an RP the night before, you're usually one of the first RPs I'll receive so you're high up in the order xD

But I've been so busy I was backed up. Lol soooo backed up.
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Hey! No worries, I totally understand the delay. Hope real life isn't getting too chaotic for you! I saw you responded, but I've been busy myself so I haven't even read it yet. ><

Thanks for letting me know what's up! And I appreciate you letting me know how you'll communicate with me. For a minute there I thought maybe your notifications died on you (it's been knowm to happen). It's good to hear from you!

If you need a breather, please let yourself have a break. I'm in no hurry, so if things are getting busy again, you won't hear me grumble.
:) Just post when you can, or if you can't, just let me know. Either is cool!
No, it's been alright for the most part. There's always something, though lol. So I try not to stay down for more than a couple of days. I enjoy our RP so there's no reason for me to stay away! (I will find my wayyyyyyy I can go the distanceeeeee)
Hey, sorry for the delay. Been in the animal hospital all weekend. I'm exhausted and in no mood to write. :( I'll try not to keep you waiting much longer.
Hey, thanks so much for your patience. I'm afraid I'll need to take a bit of a hiatus, though. There's been too much on my plate, sadly, and role playing in general just keeps falling to the bottom of my priorities list. :( It's not fair to keep you waiting, and I can't keep promising to write when I might not be able to. So, for now I'll be stepping away from the site. Hopefully I'll be able to come back soon-ish.

Best to you! I've had fun!
I understand completely! No need to apologize, though I'm sad to see you go for a bit!

We can keep the RP open, just in case when you come back you would like to continue. Or if you need a break from life and want to write,it'll be there. I'm getting into finals time, myself. So my replies will be a bit slower. And you're more than welcome to PM me for OOC, of course

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