The Useless Student Council

"Deux..." He replied, with his hands stuffed inbetween his legs. He couldn't help but feel even more embarrassed because they initially thought he was a girl! He didn't act like a girl, he was just shy. And his hair was short enough not to be paired to a girl's. His body was sleek and his hands bony, and that was the only thing he could think of that would've made them think that he was feminine.
"So how is a girl like you going to be the disciplinary officer of the school." Juno asked as he munched down on some cake. "You don't seem rather intimidating even for a girl. I feel at ease around you, not like this brute." He glanced over at Cana, his face stuffed with cake. He walked to his chair at the head of the table and sat down eyeing the newcomer.
He eyed Deux up and down shaking his head "I'm not an idiot Cana." there is no way Deux was a guy his hair was a little short but pixie cuts are in fashion nowadays. Juno was not having Cana's lies he would not be dupped by this savage girl so easily. He stood up and looked out the window watching the school grounds as Juno thought. 4 girls this isn't fair! GOD WHY ARE YOU SO MEAN TO ME! FIRST MY SISTERS AND NOW A NEW 4 SET OF DEMONS! He let out a long heavy sigh and turned back around. and sat back in his seat. "So... Deux... if that is your real name." Juno started looking at papers trying to pretend he was looking for her application. He perused them they were irrelevant to anything he would talk to these people about. "why did you join the student council? He asked in a tone that seemed he was uninterested.
"I was bullied by the upper-class men. A bunch of jerks, they threatened to prank me each day if I didn't join. I really didn't intend on being here." Deux, even as blue as he was, couldn't get over the fact that this guy thought he was a girl. "Deux is my real name, and I'm a boy, I swear!"
Juno swung his hand up and pointed at Deux. "Prove it!" he shouted, he was unconvinced of Deux's claims. He was just trying to get on my good side by being a guy Juno thought to himself... Very clever but it wont work on me! His eyes were glaring at his target with a burning passion of a thousand suns. He would not be fooled by this woman or any other woman. He is the King of this school and he would not be made a mockery of. He stood up his hands pressed firmly against the table waiting in anticipation for this monster of a person to prove themselves to him. FOR I AM THE KING!
"How would I be able to prove that?" He asked, turning away again. He wouldn't be willing to undress, of course. That's just plain insane.
Juno's face became very devious as he eyed the transgendered monster. "Pants..." he pointed to the things waist. "Take em off." he retracted his arms and sat back in his chair, arms crossed as he looked at the thing with a menacing glare. It's just sitting there what is this thing its definitely a girl but, they say its a guy hmmmm. How does this happen to me, life is just not fair. AM I THE ONLY SANE ONE IN HERE.
(edit your post to how you want your character to enter in and go for it. you will be an officer.)
"Are you nuts!" Deux squealed, "That's exactly the thing I didn't have in mind! Are you insane?!" Deux held up his pants in defense. Now way that'd be happening.
"Only a girl would have a problem with that." Juno so confidently spouted from his lips as he slammed his hands on the table and looked at Deux. Juno thought his thought pattern and execution of it was perfect. Although he may be the only one in the room to willingly take his pants off at a moments notice. Juno glared at Deux "I dont like being lied to." He then looked over at Cana "There is one other test to see if your a man." A large grin tacked itself onto Juno. "Kiss Cana... Girls wouldn't kiss each other so if you do that ill believe you." IM A GENIUS HAHAHAHA THIS IS UNDENIABLE PROOF SHE IS IN FACT A GIRL!
Juno looked at Cana like she was an idiot "She might be like you... and well have nothing. And that solves nothing, Stupid." man, this girl, is an idiot. Juno grabbed another slice of cake and ate it slowly as he looked at Cana. Deliberately over exaggerating each bite as he chowed down on it.
"So instend of doing something simple than him showing us his chest, he has to kiss me to prove to you, who is an idiot, that he's a guy.." Wow, he gets dumber and dumber every second...

"Plus, I didn't agree to him kissing me at all.."
"No logical guy would show himself in public! I don't even know this lady!" What was wrong with this guy! He was definitely an idiot.
Austyn raised an eyebrow and chuckled. "Um, I don't mean to interrupt this brilliant conversation. But, Juno, he doesn't have to prove anything to you."
"*GASP* WHAT who are you!? anoth... another woman are you serious." He collapsed onto the desk in an elaborate motion. Life is not fair. He lowered his head slightly to look at this new person. "Who the hell are you and how do you know my name." This girl was blonde and spoke with a weird accent. Great another freak. "Listen random woman, You will refer to me as your highness and nothing else." Why does everyone treat me so bad. I'm in charge here not anyone else. He cried to himself as he realized he was being out manned and out gunned here... there are now 4 women, a thing and two guys. If the war of the sexes happened they might actually lose.
Austyn rolled her eyes. "I'm Austyn and I'm never going to call you your highness. Your name is on the Student Council page on the school website. Obviously."
Juno sighed at her words... we have a website?. "Then call me Pres. that will work for me." Whats with these women, do they not believe in authority figures. "So how did you get here blonde?"

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