The Useless Student Council

Essie gave him a false look of alarm. "Like, oh my gosh, oh no, my phone," she whined.


"Alright, alright, you got me, sophomore. And I am sooooo like, sorry... Remy." She pulled her gum out of her mouth and reached for Remy's side of the table, pressing it expertly on the other side of the tabletop.

"Like, oh my gosh.... That thing barely had flavor left in it,"
she said, smirking before popping a new stick of gum into her mouth.


Then, out of her seemingly bottomless bag, something rang. She pulled it out and flashed Juno a carefree smile as she answered it. "Hey, Marge! Yeah, it's like, someone died in here... Yeah, it's that suckish... Juvenile tried taking my phone... Oh, they never learn." The chorus of her loud and clear laugh laugh echoed through the room
"Wow." Sky muttered. I wonder what else is in that bag? He wondered. He watched the girl stick the gum on the underside of the table and Sky could only care if she still has gum left; the one still left in his mouth that he just remembered also had little flavor left.

Essie wins...


Juno looked at the phone in his hand... you have got to be shitting me... Juno sighed as he walked over to the piece of gum and scraped it off with her phone. it's just not fair... He sat down in his chair she had won round 1, but he would not lose again he set the phone with the gum on top of the screen on the table. He reached and grabbed two cookies and popped them into his mouth. Talking with his mouth full "So we really should know everyone's' names." *gulp* the cookies disappeared. "So whats your name hag?" He looked at the girl on her second phone.

He then looked at the other boy in the room "And you good sir?"
Essie shot him the look. She raised her eyebrows and narrowed her eyes at him. How could anyone possibly not know my name? She thought, Meh, maybe its some sort of name frustration thing because his name's like weird and all. He should see a shrink about that..."

"Esther Wyatt... But People also call me some other names I like... Essie, Es, gorgeous... The list goes on and like, I don't think 'hag' is in there..." she said with a small smile as her eyes were still glued on her phone screen. "But hag like sounds a lot better than Remy, ​I guess."
He turned to look at Juno. "Who? Me?" I though he already knew my name. I guess he didn't hear it before. How troublesome. He could feel his face get warmer again, but he tried to wrestle down the awkwardness inside him. He cleared his throat and said, "As I've said before and in the campaign, if you were all paying attention to that, I'm Sky Medici." He forced a smile.

"Esther? Where have I heard that name before? Oh yeah! In last night's How I Met Your Mother episode. Marshall didn't want your name because it's sounds like a stripper's" He said to Essie. "Don't worry, you don't like a stripper to me. You look just like a washed-up celebrity who just got out of rehab." He added, not caring about anything at all. He just wants to say what he wants to say.
He waited for Sky to finish his statement

ZING! good one my fellow brother in arms!

Juno then added to the berating "Esther?!" Juno reeled back in laughter. "Jesus you look like a grandma, but you also have the name of one!" he kept on laughing a genuine laugh. He had to think it was funny, he was not as witty as Sky but he tried anyways. He wiped away a tear from his eye due to him laughing. He put his finger to his cheek as he pretended to think about something "Hmmm I wonder if the name my sister and the rest of the girls at this school call you... is on that list." He looked at her with a slight smirk on his face. Juno knew she was hated by almost every female in the school and he also knew she knew about it. Besides her clique of friends she was the most hated female in the entire school how did she get into the student council. He thought about that for a second was it to perhaps make it so she would not be able to rush any clubs? that must be it he thought...
Sky looked at Juno like there was a bunch of letters, that spelled loser, written on his forehead. I didn't want to attack Essie, I was just being honest. Now Mister Cute Guy over here is attacking her like some sort of practice dummy. He turned away, hiding his frustration before taking the last of the cookies. Although he doesn't usually care about these things, Sky was stuck in the dilemma. That was, to stick with Mister Good-looking President and earn his attention or stick with Essie, who he felt sorry for starting this attack. Ugh! High School.
As he thought about Essies issue his scatter brain mind skipped to something new. A new new target of interest Wait.... Sky Medici... Medici.... Juno leaned back slowly. "Medici... hmmmm..." His eyes burst open as he sat up in the chair." the Rich, powerful and famous family in Italy! The family that groomed 4 popes and created one of the wealthiest banks in Europe." He stood up "Are you related to that family?" He slammed his hands on the table to drive emphasis on his statement. Juno looked at him his eyes sparkling in anticipation. A sense of laden awe on his face. If there was one thing that Yuno was good at, that was history.
Rinako felt as if she was surrounded by preschoolers. She looked up at the clock, 3:32. Almost time to leave, but maybe I cancan get out of here early as they distract each other, She thought. Shslowly turned her knees to face the door and stood up, inching towards it without making a sound. Almost there. She continued to reach for the door handle, about to make her escape.
Those eyes. They're so pretty. He's not really sure if he's related to the family that had a huge part with the Renaissance; maybe they're just really reach or maybe his Dad actually inherited the Medici's fortune and he's just keeping it a secret. He let his mind wander on this things, letting the thought of answering Juno get away when he saw the girl that reprimanded her about the cookies before trying to escape. "Uh... Juno. Look." He said as he pointed at the girl who was just about to reach for the handle.
Juno moved quickly and efficiently like a snake through the jungle. His face was shadowed by his bangs as he looked down on Rinako. A disturbingly cold and statement filled with an evil tone left Juno's moth face still covered in shadow. "Where do you think you are going, Vice President?" Juno was not going to entertain the thought of one of these worthless people to leave before he had finished what he needed to do. He got serious now something that never happens. He turned to the rest of the group Rinako still standing to his left. "The faster you shut up and listen to me, the faster we can go home. I honestly don't like any of you, except." He gave a little nod to Sky, Except for Sky... i hate all of you. "And you don't like me I don't want to waste anymore time with you. So if you would just SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP we can leave and enjoy our 3 day weekend." The joking attitude had all but left Juno, he wanted to enjoy his weekend, his school life and these women devils were standing in the way of that.

(If you can accept Juno's terms. We can progress to Tuesday.)

@Aria Rising[MENTION=2460]21stCenturyCapulet[/MENTION]@Titania Heartlex@Happy Crane13
Rinako smiled awkwardly, but soon the smile was replaced by a glare, looking him right in the eyes. Her eyes seemed to almost look right into his soul, and soon she began to smile like her usual self. "Oh well, looks like I've been caught," She said, walking back to her seat like it was no big deal, sitting down, honestly not scared of anyone in the room, just very cooperative. "Well then, resume your speech, Your Highness." There was no scent of sarcasm in her voice, just a calm, straight tone.
I like her.. Cana thinks to herself.

This ass-hat of a president can't even control his staff,

And I would prefer this girl to be president then that annoying boy..
Juno walked back to the chair at the head of the table leaning down and rummaged through his school bag. His hand came out with a bright red apple gleaming from the florescent lights that beamed down upon it. He collapsed back in his chair and took a bite. You could hear to low crunch as he did this. while he was chewing "So why did you two become student council members." He pointed at Cana and Rin with apple in hand. "I know why the other two joined, so why did you?" he swallowed the apple he was chewing on and took another bite chewing with his mouth closed this time. Eyeing the two females waiting for an answer.
"I was told that I would easily make it, because I'm organized, smart, and responsible, and a lot of people voted for me as vice president. I din't really care which role I received, so I had a group of friends decide for me," Rinako said. "May I leave now?" She asked, obviously wanting to escape these people as soon as possible. She had an idea of possibly asking the authorities of the school to remove her from this club the next day, but she remembered that the only other clubs she would be interested in were already full, so she pushed the thought aside.
Juno's eye twitched as she said her remark.

that stuck up little-...

"Friends you say? Why would any friends want to separate from each other? I mean if they were really your friends they would want you in the same club as them not wasting away in the student council." He leaned back in his chain and took a bite of the apple again. "I would reevaluate these so called friends. Because to me it doesn't seem you have any."

That seemed a bit harsh... but these women are pushing me to my limits, I was told to at least try and be a president, but being in charge really is harder then I thought.

Is it impossible for the 5 of us to get along...
Juno looked over the room. leaning back into his chair tilting his head towards the ceiling he closed his eyes.
"Friends separate when they know what's best for each other, but I already know I have no friends. I don't need friends, and personally I think they're just a distraction from what really matters in my opinion. However, I don't turn down requests, that I can handle, very easily." Rinako didn't believe in taking advice or criticism as an insult, which is why she was still smiling, rather than getting angry about it.
"Ah well that brings up more questions.." Juno shook his head as he flung those questions out of his head. Looking at the girl with the ribbons and brown hair "And you Cana?" Juno took the last bite of apple and threw it at the trash can near the door it missed. *tisk* he stood up and walked over to the apple bending over and picking it up to place it in the trash can. Finishing his question he added "Why did you become apart of the Student Council?"
"Why do you care?" She counters. "I mean, I know you don't like me and I really don't like you, so why waste your time with a dumb question when you're going to kick me out the club anyways.." She leans back in her chair, "Is wanting to know why, you think it'll give you some advantege over me or something?"
Juno looked confused... he just asked an question with no ill intent behind and it and it gets flipped upside down on him. Ugh I hate women... Juno sounded almost apologetic "I'm not going to get rid of you." He sat on the table about a foot away from Cana. "I won't get rid of someone just because I don't like them or they don't like me. What kind of King would i be if i did that? I guess... I that would make me a tyrant..." He thought about his sisters. His tone turned into a more powerful authoritative one. "That wont happen. I'll need people who are not afraid of me." he walked behind Cana and looked down at the top of her head. Juno's voice now became soft and full of compassion "I'm going to need you Cana, if i am going to make a better school for everyone... so will you please stay?"

WHAT THE HELL DID I JUST SAY! Ugh!!! please say no. please say no. please say no. I'm such an idiot who says shit like that! I would have been better saying help me Cana-biwon Kenobi you're our only hope. The scene from star wars played in his head as he sat back in his chair. A smile spread across his face.
Cana blushes a little, "I joined the club because of my brother.." she mumbles.

"I'll stay as long as you stop calling yourself a king.." Smiling a little as she cross her arms over her chest.

Play it cool, he's just an annoying little boy who just like to play dress-up. Yeah, that's it, I'm staying because I feel sorry for the boy

he wouldn't be able to last a week with the other girls..
He raised an eyebrow to what Cana had said, Pfff yea right you cant tell me what to do. He quickly stuck his tongue out at her and instantly retracted it so she couldn't catch him... "Well now that, that's overs." Juno stood up and grabbed his bag, he placed it on the table with a loud thud. "I now call the first meeting of Student Council over." He walked over to a stack of papers and folders and picked them up, walking back to his bag and placed them inside of it. He slowly walked to the door stretching and yawning. He waved his hand goodbye to them with his back facing them. and stepped out through the doorway. He left before anyone could say a word to him. Now just the four of them sat in the Student Council room. The clock in the room read 4:12 pm. All the other students meetings were over long before theirs. The halls and stairs were empty void of life. The Student Council President walked out the front doors of the school building and into the a warmth from the sun.

Why did that meeting take so long... Oh well i better get this paperwork done, so i don't get in trouble. Then Weekend HERE I COME!


(We will finish up with how everyone leaves the room from eachother. Then we move on to Episode 2: Talkin bout my Generation!, which is the next council meeting. which takes place on the following Tuesday. You can make up whatever your character did over the weekend and talk about it in the next one if your character cares enough to share. There will be more involving stuff later in which things can happen on the weekend between characters but as of now, no one really has the relationship for it.)
Rinako grabbed the empty platter, put it in her backpack and jogged towards the exit. She stopped and said, "See you next time!" She waved goodbye and walked out full of cheer, her silver hair flowing behind her as she raced down the stairs. She ran out the door and past Juno, running home happy to be out of that horrible meeting. She was soon out of breath and walked the rest of the way to her family shrine.

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