The Useless Student Council

Julies felt the tension fade as the Student Council Members leave one by one. This is going to be a bloodbath. He shivered at the thought.


The word felt bittersweet inside.
Stop it, Sky! His inner self wailed as he sighed remorsefully and padded towards the desk where he left his textbooks. With a little struggle, he managed to get out of the room just as the sun was setting; casting long shadows on the carpeted floor and lighting the whole room with shades of oranges and reds.
Essie looked up from her phone and realized that everyone else was gone. She sighed in relief and got up to leave, checking her reflection in the mirror, of course, before fully exiting the room.


Time for actual life to begin.
@Aria Rising@C h a t N o i r@Titania Heartlex@Happy Crane13@21stCenturyCapulet
Tuesday's School day ended, The bell rings and the students pack up their belongings before starting the rest of the day. The Time is currently 2:30 pm. The sound of doors opening split the silent halls that until now were void of life. The students filled the halls looking forward to their first club activity. Their lips spouting their adventures of their 3 day weekend talking with their friends. They were laughing at each others endeavors or concerned when necessary. The busy hive of life was teeming with life the sun glinting off the windows and the birds chirping in the courtyard. It was a peaceful and beautiful day full of expectation and happiness.

The PA system kicked on today it was a females voice. "Attention Students attention. Today marks the first day of club activities. Report to your club rooms immediately to enjoy your first day of activities. We the faculty will watch in great anticipation to see what you of the new year can blossom into. Today marks the first day of the rest of your life here at Kinto High we know you will make us proud... Oh and Archery Club is to meet in the gymnasium for today. That is all, Good Luck!"

The PA system kicked off. The sound of feet clacking against the linoleum floor now rang and echoed. The clamoring of the students going up and down the stairs to find their place in the school a home away from home. Trying to find a purpose in their lives as teenagers something to define them as an individual.

EPISODE 2: Talkin' Bout

Our Generation

The PA system kicked off. The sound of feet clacking against the linoleum floor now rang and echoed. The clamoring of the students going up and down the stairs to find their place in the school a home away from home. Trying to find a purpose in their lives as teenagers something to define them as an individual. The sense of something great and exciting permeated the air. Vigor and diligence could be felt by all around.

Juno sighed as he made his way to the Administrations office bumping and forcing his way through the flow of the students current. He was not looking forward to student council today... in fact he loathed that fact all day. Being in a room full of women who were all possibly the worst possible people in the entire existence of the world. He had heard they got a new member, a new disciplinary chief. I bet it was a woman with an iron gauntlet for a hand and a dragons face that breathed fire. He smiled at the thought You know that's kinda cool... Juno knewHe would have to go back to that circus of a room, after he was done taking care of this first. As he made his way to his destination, He saw a girl in the hall wearing ribbons with brown hair pass him. A sharp pain was felt in his groin as he grabbed it protectingly. His eye twitched... Cana that bit@# she is the worst out of all of them.

*The Student Council Room is Currently Empty*
Cana walks into the Student Council room, not seeing anyone inside. "Ugh...I can't wait for this to be over.."

She takes a seat, pulling out her phone.
Rinako walked inside the room."Hello, Cana," She greeted with a smile. She had been on the third floor in her Home Ed. class and could get there a lot easier than everyone else.. Today's snack would be the angel cake she had made. She put a lot of effort into finding something sweet that everyone in the room could enjoy, and found that the angel cake was low on sugar, fitting even the needs of the picky one, Essie. She smiled as she put it on a white platter in the center of their meeting table. There were strawberries on top of the cake, arranged in a way so that they would complement the cake's yellow, round looks. She sat down in her seat and began to pull out her homework, working on it till everyone else arrives.
Sky blindly marched in the hallways of the school with another pile of books blocking his sight. He bumped and stepped on people on the way to the Student Council's room, earning him a few curses and shouts that he really didn't care about. In fact, he really doesn't care about anything right now, but his studies and, of course, the sight of Juno.

The tall pile of books made Sky struggle to balance walking and carrying them, he often had to stop to regain equilibrium and rest his aching arms and back for a moment. He knew that he has a locker, a sad and empty one, free from books, but in order for him to have higher grades he'd have to study almost every subject he has and avoid the tormenting wrath of his Father's never-ending sermons and nagging about how his future and could be effected and whatnot. The truth is, Sky never really cared, not even once, about his future. He doesn't want to change the future that fate has laid for him; he especially doesn't want to be late for the Student Council meeting and embarrass himself in front of Juno, so he lifted his books again and walked faster.

He arrived at the door and grabbed the knob almost immediately, if it weren't for the pile of books he was carrying. Such a bittersweet burden.. He though and finally entered the room. He still couldn't see the people in front of him, so he didn't know who were the people who greeted him when he came in. Silently, he padded towards the desk where he dropped his books before and did the same. The books dropped on the surface with a loud thud, before he walked towards the table and eyed the angel cake. He bent down to get a closer look at the delicious snack, his stomach grumbling from the sight of it. Without hesitation, he used his index finger and swept away a small part of the icing and licked it.
Without hesitation, Rinako clicked. She rushed towards him in a fast movement, moving so quick that it almost seemed inhuman. She was acting fast without thinking, grabbing the boy's arm and placing it behind his back, in an awkward position where the attacker holds them in a way that they can't fight, and it involves pressure on numerous pressure-points.

"Please on't put your fingers on the cake, ask for a slice, because I brought plates," She said, and released him, leaving it like that
Sky stepped back, away from the girl. Sky raised an eyebrow. But I'm hungry. He said to himself as he massaged his aching arm that the girl grabbed.

"Please on't put your fingers on the cake, ask for a slice, because I brought plates..."

Her words seemed to go inside Sky's one ear and went out in the other; he walked back to the table, nonchalantly, and tried to grab a fistful of cake-y goodness.
She's so weird. Why does she have to freak out so much? It's just a cake.​ He thought.
This action was not only pissing off more, but if this had been a war it would be as if the enemy had walked into the other side's borders and had a cup of coffee in the emperor's castle.

Rinako had an intensifying aura and she was still smiling. She walked close up to the boy and stared at him, remembering that he didn't like to be noticed. She grabbed both his arms again and pulled him towards her, launching a kick the same time she let go. She turned around and sighed, glad that she had brought a second one just in case something like this would happen.

She put the original in front of Sky's place, and she took the other one out, as well as the plates and utensils, being prepared.
"Going to be so late... Goodness..." Deux's lips were quivering nervously. As he had a doctor appointment to attend to, so he couldn't really go to the first meeting. He didn't actually want to. As he headed to the administrator's office, he wondered what everyone might be like. If he was lucky, they would go easy on his freshman self, and they would be pretty understanding. Well, he did bring a small plant.

He took a deep breath, approaching the door. He brought up his hand while biting his lip and knocked lightly on the door, waiting for someone to answer or open it for him.
A throbbing pain appeared on his side as he landed on all fours. "What the hell?" He bellowed, as he sat up and massaged the pain away. "What did you do that for?" He asked, angrily. He stood up and glared at the girl.

"Look, not that I care, but that's not a very good way to leave a good impression on people you don't even know." He said; sat down on the couch, gazing at the window. I'm not talking to that dangerous girl anymore. He thought as he tried to distract himself from the thought of eating the cake.
Cana wakes up from her nap because of the noise.

"What happen?" She rubs her eyes sleepy.

She hears a knock at the door and opens it, "Um....yeah?"
When Deux saw the figure that opened the door, he was stunned. He stood there for a few seconds, looking up at the girl that stood about a head taller than him. He felt intimidated and small, he couldn't move or speak correctly. "I-I-I..."
Deux nodded, still quite afraid of the girl standing infront of him. He looked down from her head in hopes that it would help him not think about her, but he was wrong. Instead, he saw her breaths, and instantly his face turned from pale to a deep red. "S-S-Sorry!" He blurted quickly, before rushing into the room without another word. He took a quick seat down and wandered into his own limbo.
Cana could hear the sound of footsteps ascending up the stairs and someone humming a song. Juno was making his way up to the student council room happily thrusting each leg in tune to the song he was humming. A dumb smile placed on his face as he bobbed side to side. He bobbed his fingers like a composers wand instructing the orchestra. He had reached the top of the steps his eyes closed as he made his way to the door.
He burst through the open door arms raised high above his head "Fear not my subjects! The King has arrived!" He looks down at Cana and sighs "your still here..." his arms dropped to his side they went limp like noodles. He moved his gaze around the room he saw Sky and Rinako... and some other effeminate person sitting in a chair. He looked at Cana and put his hand over his mouth and the other pointed at the girlish figure. "Pst, Cana whose the girl?"
Juno pointed at the so called girl he didn't care for pleasantries "hey woman what are you doing here? he said like a delinquent would his neck bent and eyes narrowed at the person.
Deux looked up, suddenly snapping out of his mental limbo. "I'm not a girl..." He said quietly, "And I'm in... The student council..." He was still embarrassed for what he did, and looked away.
"WAIT WHAT!" Juno retracted in suprise his hand blocking his face as he did. "Your a ba-ba-boy?! he looked to Cana to get some kind of reassurance and to gauge her take on this insane situation. He knew they got a new student council member for the disciplinary officer, He pictured a woman with iron gauntlets for hands and a dragon for a head that breathed fire. Juno smiled a little as he thought of it again... He looked back the the boy girl thing very calmly in a monotone voice "Liar.." Juno then turned his attention to the cake on the table that he eyed when he entered. He made a reach for it trying to get a piece before it was all gone.

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