The Useless Student Council

"Welcome," Rinako greeted him with a smile, "Next time, if you don't mind, I'd appreciate it if you tried using a little bit more manners. Rather than walking in without a greeting, taking a few cookies rather than just one at a time and shoving them in your mouth like a pig." Though the words were a bit mean, her expression continued to show a calm, welcoming smile.
Sky couldn't care less. "Sure. Whatever." He rolled his eyes. "And stop that freaky calm expression of yours, you remind of Joker." He added and shivered at the thought of the evil villain who doesn't know how to limit the amount of make-up person uses. Joker should already be arrested just for the amount of make-up he puts on his face. Seriously.
"I would break both your arms but that would be rude to everyone here.."

Cana leaned down so her face is close to the boys, lowering her voice,

"If you're in charge then you can kick me out the council right now.." Her eyes steady on his.

In one easy motion he stood up and faced the girl. "Your breath smells bad." he waved his hand dismissing her as he walked past her.

It's true he has enough power and influence with the faculty to get her removed from her position. He simply had to say they weren't getting along and he could not perform his duties as a Student Council president. He thought about it for a moment as he stepped past her. His sister was notorious for filling the student council seats with people that followed her orders and changing the seats of power if they disagreed with her. He did not want to become like her. The tyrant of the student council.

"No, I can't get rid of you unless we all take a vote, but it's to troublesome."

He noticed the other boy that was now in the room and quickly rushed over to him, slinging his arm around his shoulder. "Jeez I thought i would be the only one." He smiled at the boy. "Names Juno nice to meet you."
Cana narrow her eyes at him.

I hate this guy, he has no power what so ever! If you was really in charge he wouldn't be wasting his time.

What a little boy. Cana goes and take a seat, pulling out her Ipod to listen too.
"Yeah, tell Tara she better change that idiot hair bow into something else before we kick her out, okay?" Essie murmured into her phone as she lazily twirled her hair around her finger, obviously not caring about the ruckus around her. "Mhm... Okay. See ya at cheer practice, Marge! Okay. No! I love you, *****!" she squealed and giggled before popping her gum for the nth time just in a few minutes. "Okay, see ya later." Then, she turned her phone off and set it in front of her, looking around and trying to make sense of whatever was happening around her.

She took one look at the cookies and crinkled her nose.
"Are those low fat and gluten free?" She raised an eyebrow quizzically as she picked one up and sniffed it. "Ew!" she exclaimed, dropping it back on the plate. "That's like a hundred and seventy evil little calories! SOMEONE IS TRYING TO SABOTAGE MY DIET! Do you know how much cardio I have to do to burnthat many calories?!"

She rolled her eyes, seeing nothing to her interest and pulled out her nail file. She started tending to her nails with full attention, seeing nothing else was worth it anyway.
He turned around to see the Oh-holy Student Council President. That smile. A small voice whispered in his mind. "Uh... Hello. I'm Sky." He replied, trying not to sound dazed. He scooted away from Juno, just to have a room to breathe. ​Well that was awkward. And since when did I start caring about all this?
"If you have a problem with me than just come up with a solution on your own, Princesses." Rinako looked back down at her homework and continued in her work.
Essie put her nail file down and put on a mock-pitiful expression, "Aww, is the poor little sophomore girly trying to act sassy?" she said with a pout of her perfectly glossed lips. "Try harder, sweetie... Attitude isn't cheap."

She smiled at her with a taunting edge to it and stuffed her nail file back into her bag and retrieved her phone. She quickly tapped in a few numbers and started talking to someone again.
"Heyyy, Marge! I know. It's a pain in the butt. I know, right?! I thought I'd have dweebs to like, do my work for me, but people here are like... weird..."
Sky shy'd away from him and gained his distance "O......okay." Juno saw everyone was here now. So it was time to get this started. "Alright shall we get this meeting in order." he walked to the front of the room and stood in front of the head chair. "Everyone listen up, I wont repeat myself." He cleared his throat. "PUT YOUR DAMN PHONE AWAY. AND STOP DOING YOUR HOMEWORK!" He shouted at them

(prepare post ahead)
He didn't want to look at Juno right now, not in this state of confusion. He turned away and looked outside the window where the deep azure skies hold the flecks of white clouds that quietly floats by, like the soft fluttering of the butterflies inside his stomach. Stop it, Sky. Dad'll kill you.

He took another bite off of one of the cookies he held.
She turned to Juno and covered the mouthpiece of her phone so her friend wouldn't hear. "Like, clam it, kiddo!" she said, doing the your-lips-are-to-be-sealed gesture at him.

Ugh, gotta go, Marge. Juvenile wannabes... I know! They're like, the worst," she said loudly, rolling her eyes. "Okay, like, see you at cheer practice, biiish!" She made a weird kiss noise and hung up, proceeding to text despite Juno's attempt to make her stop using her phone.


Her bubblegum was at it again, harmonizing with the tap of her French-tipped nails on her phone keys.

Is that bubblegum I hear?
He turned around to see a girl chewing. That must be her. "Hey, what's the flavor?" He asked, not caring if his voice would be overlapping with the president's voice. "I want some."
Cana chuckles a little, Seems like no one cares about what he has to say..

She smirks at the president, "Can I have some too?" She ask the girl.
"Excuse me?" She said, sounding a bit offended at the fact that someone didn't know of the unspoken don't-talk-to-Essie-unless-spoken-to law. She gave him the are-you-talking-to-me look at first but seeing how he seemed to be the least annoying looking one, she pulled a pack of gum out of her bag and handed him a stick. "It's banana. Live with it if you're not into it," she said quickly, not looking up from her phone which didn't seem to be ever out of use when it was in her hand.


Then, she looked up at the president guy. "Um, juvenile, tick-tock, tick-tock..."

She looked at the girl again with an obviously mock-nice look. "Oh, I'm sorry... I like, ran out. Try again later?" ​She said, although she still had half a pack in her bag
He looked down at his palms "I now call this meeting of the 2013 Kinto High, Student Council to order. We the few people who were privileged enough to be here today to represent a great........ Shool. I mean school... We have been set here in the seat of power to serve the students solving all their needs and wints... wants. We will go around the room introducing ourselves to get better acquainted. Remember from this day we are the students..." Shit the ink smeared pa... what has a pa... "panties." Oh shit what did i just say... i need to salvage this. Juno closed his eyes and lifted his chin proudly tucking his hands behind his back "Yes you heard me panties, As their student council we must protect their secrets and their... private activities." He had no hint of embarrassment on his face. He opened his eyes to look at the people in the room "I am Junoooo-" his voice trailed off... they didn't listen to a word i said did they... my sister even wrote that speech for me. He swung his head down in defeat and fell into his chair.

I tried, thats all i can say i gave it 100% I even asked my sister for help...
Without saying another word, he popped the gum into his mouth. Banana... in my mouth. Weird.He smiled at the thought. He never had tropical-flavored bubblegum before, it tasted weird, but it was better than eating cookies. He's been eating those pastries since breakfast, it's beginning to really upset his stomach.

"...Panties." Sky cocked his towards the President's direction. What a pervert. And here I thought he was really cute. He shot Juno a confused look. "So we're basically here to protect the students' lingerie?" He said.
"Ooooh!" Essie squealed in delight. "Panties. That, dear little Remy, is going on my blog," she said, grinning at their poor hopeless leader. "You, like, should really start working on your speeches unless you want panties all over the place." She giggled mockingly before abruptly stopping, just to show she was being sarcastic. She rolled her eyes. "Nice try, juvenile..."


Juno stood back up and looked at Sky with puppy dog eyes holding his hands in front of his chest. "It made sense when you think about it" he whimpered. Juno rushed over to Sky unwilling to make his male companion think he was weird. He leaned in close to his face his eyes still a little watered up only a couple inches from Sky's face. "It made sense right Sky?" he cupped Sky's hands in his as he looked deeply into his eyes.

Suddenly he heard it.... "...Remy." He disregarded everything she said afterwards what she had said was a death sentence. He let go of Sky's hands, and with a sudden jolt turned around to face Essie. His eyes were lit with fire and rage. His teeth gritted in anger. "WHO! told you that name bit**!" His fist clenched tightly and angled ready to spring at her.
"Aww, little Remy doesn't like his name?" Essie laughed, totally amused "You're like, a cute little angry mustacheless version of that... ummm, Italian guy with the tiny mustache in world war three!" She squealed.


"Oh, precious little sophomores," She mused before continuing her undivided attention with her phone.
Oh God. Oh God Oh. Oh God. Oh God. Oh my Holy God! He's inches away from my face.His heart started thumping like war drums. "Uh... uh.. uh..." The words he wanted to say formed a lump in his throat, as he could feel his face getting hotter. Sky, you are so dead. More dead than the spirits that have gone to heaven and hell.s,He thought when Juno looked sideways, he could smell his musty yet faint cologne. He felt Juno's warmth stick on his hands like adhesive when he saw the President's eyes bright with anger. He scooted a little farther more, expecting something unexpected.

What a way to start the first meeting. He thought.
An evil smirk appeared on Juno's face. He quickly sprang forward, it was instant... a calculated attack, Juno snatched Essie's phone from out of her hands. He put it behind his back before stating "Students are prohibited to use cell phones during classroom hours or during official school meetings." He smiled at her. He suddenly got serious "If you so much as utter that name or tell anyone about it." He brought the phone out behind his back holding it in front of him and began to start squeezing you could hear the plastic creak under the pressure. "Got it Juvenile?"
Sky shifted uncomfortable in his seat without looking at anyone. He could still feel the adrenaline rushing through his veins and his eyes were still wide from the shock he experienced. Half of him liked the closeness that had happened; part of him wants to kill himself for liking that. That's it, this Student Council couldn't get weirder. He said to himself as he wiped his damp forehead.

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