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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

“If you think that’s boring little buddy, wait until you hear daddy’s lectures,” joked Aaron with a playful smirk. “Oh he goes on and on and doesn’t stop! Makes papa wanna fall asleep or cry too,” he giggled, talking to Logan. He continued to hold the baby boy and gently rock him back and forth. He saw as Xavier tried to lay Rose back down in her play pen but she made a face. Aaron had a feeling that her twin brother wouldn’t have too different of a reaction so he decided he’d continue holding the boy. As Aaron held his young son, Logan began to suck on his thumb and rest his head against his father’s shoulder.
Xavier heard Aaron and looked over at him. “Haha, funny” He said, even with a smile on his face. He gently held Rose, taking her closer to Aaron and Logan. Rose was quite content to suck her own thumb and stare at Xavier, almost like she was studying him. He gently took one of her hands in between two fingers, rubbing her hand gently. “Daddy’s here sweetheart.” He said softly. He would much rather be holding his daughter than doing much else.
Aaron hadn’t exactly finished his dinner but for once he didn’t care. While he might’ve been grumpy as a schoolboy at Hogwarts not being able to finish a meal, Aaron was more than happy to be there for his children and didn’t care if he hadn’t finished eating. Logan and Rose were his main priorities- they came first now. He smirked as Xavier acknowledged the teasing things he was saying about him to Logan. “My handsome little baby boy,” he whispered tenderly as he smiled softly and gently pet the back of Logan’s head. Logan continued to suck on his thumb and lean his head against his father’s shoulder. Aaron looked down at the cute little baby. He couldn’t get enough of those beautiful brown eyes.
Xavier didn't know where he wanted to look for a moment. Down at his baby girl, who was currently still sucking her thumb and watching him, or over at his husband. Aaron was holding Logan against his shoulder and it was beautiful sight. His heart was full and as he turned his attention back to Rose, his smile got wider if that was possible. "My beautiful little angel." He said quietly to her, leaning down and kissing her forehead. She let out a small giggle and he melted again, just like every time he looked at her. She gave the cutest of smiles up at him and all of sudden, the world was narrowed down to the four of them, and that was all he'd ever wanted. "We should probably go check on our parents. But this time, these two will be coming." Xavier said, looking over at Aaron. He didn't care about his dinner, but he felt that he should at least be with their parents, and Rose was perfectly happy in his arms, so she was going to stay there. He'd hold her all the time if he could.
The two new parents shared a little moment with their babies before Xavier pointed out the fact that they should probably go back to their parents- their guests. Aaron nodded with agreement on both points- that they should return to the dining room with their parents but also that they should take the kids with them. Clearly the play pen was getting boring for the both of them yet neither seemed tired so it wasn’t bed time yet. “Yea you’re right mate, let’s go,” said Aaron, still holding Logan in his arms. He seemed content to be there, sucking on his thumb and looking down at the floor and the walls. Aaron wondered what the baby was thinking in that cute little head of his. Aaron started back to the dining room, entering but this time with a special little guest in his arms. “Sorry mum and dad,” he said, really referring to both couples. “A certain two little guys weren’t a fan of their toys any more. Got too boring I guess,” chuckled Aaron as he sat down at the table, still holding Logan. He gently stroked the baby’s head as he continued to suck on his thumb. “Oh Aaron, you were always a low attention span baby,” chuckled Mary. “You never really did play with certain toys for too long. You got too bloody bored too fast,” added Andrew. Aaron rolled his eyes, “I’m sure that’s a slight exaggeration,” he replied. “It’s true,” responded Mary.
Xavier followed behind Aaron, hold Rose close to his chest. So back to the dining room, this time with his daughter held to his chest. He only moved his gaze from her while he walked so he didn’t bump into anything. As he entered the dining room behind Aaron, sitting back at his seat, he looked at their parents. “Yes, sorry about that.” He said with a smile. “It’s okay Xaie, you were the same way. Didn’t like to be alone for long and loved being held.” Cora said with a laugh. “Sometimes I had to hold you just so you’d take your nap” She added. Xavier ducked his head with a small blush, looking down at Rose. He’d do it for her, he realized. He’d do anything for his two kids.
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Aaron chuckled as Xavier’s mother’s recollection of him when he was a baby. If Logan or Rose wanted to be held, then Aaron was sure as hell going to do it any and every time they needed. He continued to gently pet Logan’s head as he contently sucked on his thumb. Mary smiled fondly, “Oh how cute,” she said softly. “They’re such precious little angels,” she said. Aaron nodded and smiled. “Aren’t they?”
Xavier smiled as he took Rose’s little hand in between his fingers. She held, with surprising strength for her young age. He’d hold her all day if he had his way. “Yes, beautiful angels.” Xaie agreed looking over at Aaron. This was everything he wanted and he was happy.
“Enjoy this while it lasts because before you know it, you blink and it’s over, and they’re graduating Hogwarts and getting married,” said Andrew with a grin. “Oh dad I don’t want to think about that,” chuckled Aaron. As hard as it was to take care of children at this age, part of him wanted them to remain babies forever.
Xavier looked up and over at Andrew. That was not a thought he wanted to be thinking either. Xavier had a really bad feeling he’d be way too overprotective of their kids when they actually do start dating. Nope, get that out of your head Xaie. He thought. “Yep, one day they’re headed to the train for their first year then they’re moving out and adopting kids of their own.” James said with a laugh. “Dad..” Xavier said with a smile. “That’s 11 years down the road. I’m not even thinking about that yet.” He added.
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“Oi pump the breaks. They’re gonna be my little baby girl and boy forever,” insisted Aaron. “Isn’t that right Logan?” he asked the little boy in his arms using a silly voice. “He said yes that’s right papa,” joked Aaron with a playful grin. Logan then took his thumb out of his mouth and made some cute baby babbling sounds, causing Aaron’s heart to melt. “See? He did respond!” he laughed.
Xavier nodded as he looked over at Aaron. “I agree with Aaron. No need to rush them growing up. We’ve got time.” He said, gently rubbing Rose’s belly as she giggled. “Daddy’s little angels, forever.” He said a little softer that time. He smiled over at Aaron, watching him with Logan. He heard Logan’s little sounds and he fell in love with their kids all over again.
Aaron laughed as he heard the cute giggles coming from Rose. “Daddy’s little angel indeed,” he said. Eventually, everyone began to finish their dinners. It was delicious, and all thanks to Xavier.
Xavier smiled at Aaron, his heart full. He was glad that everyone had enjoyed the dinner. Xavier stood up, walking over to his mom. "I know this will be a big ask, but can you take this little angel so I can get this cleaned up?" He asked, knowing his mom would take any chance she could to hold her granddaughter. "Oh of course. Come here sweetheart. Grammy's got you" Cora said, gently taking Rose from Xavier. She let out a small giggle as she looked up at Cora. Xavier smiled at his mom before he started clearing away the dishes, bringing them into the kitchen and setting them in the sink. He'd clean them after he took care of what food was left.
Aaron then quickly stood up and went into the kitchen, still holding his baby boy close. “Hold on babe, do you need any help?” Aaron asked Xavier. He didn’t want to really stop holding Logan in his arms but he’d help his husband if he needed to.
Xavier looked back at Aaron still holding Logan. "I'm fine dear, I promise" Xavier told him, kissing his cheek gently. "You keep holding our baby boy and keep our parents company, that's all I want" He told him. Xavier could handle it, and if he really needed help, he'd ask. Besides, it wasn't that much food to put away and dishes took all of a few minutes.
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“Alright sweetheart,” he said gently, smiling at his husband as he gave him a kiss. He then returned back to the dining room and sat down with their parents, Logan still in his arms.
Xavier had taken care of the food easy enough, packing it up and putting it away in the fridge. He cleaned the dinner dishes and put them in the drainer before cleaning up the cooking dishes after. He had headed back into the dining room and the two of them had a wonderful visit with their parents. Rose and Logan still very much the stars of the show. Eventually both couples bid their children and their grandchildren good night and then it was just the five of them again. Xavier and Aaron took care of their two babies, changing them and making sure they were fed before tucking them in for the night. Overall it had been a successful dinner and visit.

The next few months went by quicker than Xavier had been expecting. Their days started early, sometimes earlier than even Xavier used to get up, and when the two kids took their naps, Xavier was quick join them, usually passing out on the couch by Aaron. His mom told him that a big way to avoid losing sleep is to sleep when the babies do. It was the best advice Xaie had ever gotten, and so he took full advantage. Sometimes he couldn't and had to get things done around the house, cleaning it and he went to the store once every two weeks making sure to get enough for the four of them for two weeks at a time. It made more sense and it was easier than trying to wrangle two babies into the car and make them sit through the shopping.

Xavier was usually exhausted by the time they put the kids to bed, and it made time pass by faster. Would Xaie have it any other way? Absolutely not. He loved his life, his kids and his husband. He loved spending time with his kids, playing with them and their little toys, and holding them when they wanted it. It was perfect, and he wouldn't change any of it. July bled into August, which turned into September. October and November went by. Each day the twins were getting bigger and a lot more energetic. They'd started crawling in December but it was more like swimming on their stomachs, they couldn't quite figure it out. January became February which led to March and then April. The twins were two months from being a year old, and were growing like weeds. Xavier was upset and happy they were growing, but he missed his little babies.

They could sit up by themselves, they had a variety of different expressions now, like happiness, sadness, even anger which was adorable because their faces would scrunch up when they tried. Both of them would look when they heard their name. Xavier loved watching them grow and enjoyed every moment. Today was April 13th, the twins were 10 months old, and it looked like it would be an early morning for the two new fathers. Xavier heard the crying first, and while he loved his children, sometimes he wished he could sleep in. He slid off the bed to prepare breakfast. Now that the twins could sit up, they had gotten high chairs for them and began to introduce solid foods along with their formula. They got less formula and they'd split a can of baby food between the two as a way to bring in solid foods. He got the formula ready, and then worked on splitting a jar of baby food into two bowls.
Before the two husbands and new dads knew it, it was already ten months later. Today was April 13th, just month before what would be the twins’ first birthday. Aaron, as much as it was exhausting, was getting used to the duties of being a baby dad. But he wouldn’t trade it for the world. His little angels were precious and perfect, and it helped that he was lucky enough to have the handsomest and most perfect husband to be his co-parent. Early this morning, Aaron was helping get Rose and Logan situated in their high chairs while Xavier worked on preparing the baby food for them. He’d probably end up feeding Logan and Xavier, Rose, as his husband put the food into two little bowls. Making sure Logan was secure in his high chair, he smiled. “There you go! All set my little man!” Aaron said to Logan, booping him gently on the nose, causing the boy to giggle. He then moved over to Rose and made sure she was secure as well. “There’s my little princess!” he said, gently pinching her cheek.
Xavier could hear Aaron talking to their kids in the dining room and smiled. He had the best and of course handsomest partner to help him co-parent. Xavier grabbed both bottles, tucking them in one arm and grabbed the two bowls in his hands. Xavier walked out of the kitchen and into the dining room. He heard Rose let out a little giggle at Aaron pinching her cheek gently. His smile was wide as he came out.

He set one bowl down by Aaron along with a bottle. He walked over to Rose’s chair, and kissed the top of her head. She made those adorable little baby sounds and his heart melted once more. “Alright my little angel, ready for breakfast.” He said, grabbing the spoon and scooped up some of the baby food and brought it up to her mouth. Rose opened her mouth, and in went the first bite.
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Aaron took the bowl that Xavier had placed near him and put it on the little table on Logan’s high chair. Xavier handled feeding Rose so Aaron would be on feeding Logan duty- which he never minded. Logan seemed to have a special interest in his papa. He could hear Rose making some adorable baby noises from the high chair next to him and smiled. Aaron then took a spoon and began to scoop some baby food into it. As he did this, Logan banged his hands on the table in anticipation, shouting some gibberish. Aaron laughed at this. “Alright alright buddy, I’m working on it,” he said as he raised the spoon to Logan’s mouth. “Ok! Open wide for papa!” Aaron said. Logan smiled and opened his mouth wide for the food. His teeth were coming in very nicely. Aaron the put the spoon in the baby boy’s mouth and Logan ate.
Xavier smiled as Rose took the bite, her little hands flat then curling on the high chairs table. “Good isn’t it sweetheart?” Xavier asked as She babbled at him. He got another scoop and brought it to her, Rose’s mouth already open. He gently fed her the next bite and she tapped the top of the table with her hands as she ate it. Xavier listened to her babble as he got another scoop ready. She had been making more and more babbling sounds, and it was so adorable. “That’s my little angel.” Xavier said as he kept feeding her slowly. He was about half way done with the bowl when he heard Rose babble a little more like she was trying to figure something out. He wasn’t sure and so kept feeding his daughter.
Aaron could hear much babbling coming from Rose as she was fed on the other high chair. He found it adorable but didn’t think much of it. But if he did he might realize that it seemed like the baby girl was trying to say something. Furthermore, both babies had been babbling in general a bit more lately. Logan remained relatively quiet, content to be just fed, but pretty soon, he began babbling quite a bit like his sister. Aaron didn’t know what it all meant but he simply laughed and continued to feed Logan. “Talkative today, aren’t they?” asked Aaron as chuckled, looking over at Xavier.
Xavier looked over at Aaron with a smile. "They definitely are" He said with a small laugh. He turned his attention back to Rose who had tapped the table with her hands. "Yes, I'm getting it" Xavier said, grabbing another bite of food to feed her. She took it happily, then started babbling more. Then Xavier's world stopped for a moment when he heard the softest 'daaa' from Rose as she babbled. Was that? Did she? "Hey Aaron? I uh, I think Rose is trying to talk" He said, trying to get his husbands attention to confirm or deny that Xavier was or was not hearing things.
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Aaron chuckled. He continued to feed Logan as all he heard from both children were little baby babbles and nothing more. It wasn’t anything out of the ordinary in his mind. Aaron then turned over to Xavier as something seemed to catch his husband’s ear. “You’re going crazy,” laughed Aaron. “It’s just baby nonsense. They don’t start talking yet,” he said dismissively, and as if he were the world’s leading experts on babies.

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