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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

Off in the distance, Logan was kicking a soccer ball into a net. He much preferred to play the muggle sport of football that his papa used to play in his youth before going to Hogwarts. While Quidditch interested him, Logan didn’t think he’d ever want to play it. It also seemed too dangerous for his sister to play in his mind. Aaron looked over at Xavier and grinned. “True, talents I don’t think I could’ve graduated Hogwarts without if you didn’t have them,” he replied with a chuckle, referencing how Xavier always helped him stay on track and studied with him at school.
Rose had grabbed the ball and returned to her broom, getting ready to try again. She tucked the ball under her arm and went for it. She threw and it missed. Frowning, Rose grabbed the ball to do it again. Xavier rolled his eyes with a laugh. “This is very true. Someone had to keep you studying and learning.” Xavier grinned.
“Right, right,” replied Aaron with a chuckle. He continued to watch his daughter. When she failed, now she didn’t seem to get discouraged and picked the ball right back up to try again. Aaron wanted to teach his children to be persistent and never give up. It was a life skill that would help them in everything- school and sport.
Rose tried to throw the ball again. This one bounced out again. She tried to not let that annoy her as she did it again, and this time it went through. She loved the feeling of making a goal. Rose couldn’t wait to play it for real. Xavier enjoyed watching his daughter failing and trying again and again. When she scored once more he clapped for her.
Throughout the rest of the summer, Aaron would continue to help Rose practice the basics of Quidditch skills. The time passed and yet another year had gone by. After a pretty bad Quidditch season and early exit for the Montrose Magpies, Aaron had the opportunity to come pick up the kids just a day or two after their ninth birthdays. It was now June 15th, 2013, and Xavier was still at Hogwarts finishing up the semester. Aaron smiled excitedly as he waited at the door after knocking at Xavier’s parents, James and Cora’s house.
Another year went by, the kids growing fast and Xavier was back at school again. It was crazy to him how fast time was flying. It was 2013 and the kids were at Xavier’s parents house this time. They knew that Aaron would be coming to get the kids soon. 9 year old Rose was ready to see her papa. She didn’t know when he’d be there to get them, but she knew June was when he came home just not when. She heard the knock on the door and her grandpa opened the door. “Hey Aaron. How are ya?” Rose heard him and was running towards the door. “Papa!” She called with a laugh, racing to hug him.
The door opened and inside, James greeted him. It wasn’t too long until a big grin came onto Aaron’s face once he heard the putter patter of little feet and the voices of his children. “Papa! Finally!” Logan shouted as the nine year old boy ran over to give a huge to his father with his twin sister. “Thanks for taking care of the little monsters,” said Aaron to James with a soft smile and chuckle. “Oi papa! We aren’t monsters! Well maybe Rose!” Logan joked.
Rose hugged Aaron tight before she heard him talking to their grandpa. Then she heard her brother. “Hey! I’m not a monster. You are!” She told her brother. James chuckled. “It’s no problem, we’re glad to watch them.” He said with a smile.
“No you are!” Logan said, teasing his sister back playfully and giggling. “Ok enough. You both are little monsters and that’s final,” said Aaron with a smirk. “And papa missed his monsters very very much,” he told both children with a smile.
Rose was about to have a rebuttal to her brother but then Aaron spoke. “Logan, I think papa’s the monster not us.” She said with a playful grin. “I missed you too papa.” She added, an innocent smile on her face.
“I think you’re right, papa is a monster!” Logan replied with a grin as he looked up at his father. “I’m not the monster, you are! Both of ya!” Aaron replied, playing around with the children. He had missed this- from the loving and warm embrace of his children to their youthful innocence and childish banter.
Rose shook her head. “No we’re not papa” she giggled. Rose had certainly missed him. “It’s clearly you.” She added. James laughed, looking at the three of them.
“Alright well did you two behave for grandpa or am I going to get a bad report here?” Aaron asked. Before James could answer, Logan spoke up. “We were perfect papa! Just little angels! Why would you ever doubt us?” Logan said with a big grin.
Rose smiled innocently. “Yes papa. We were very good for grandpa” She said sweetly. James sighed. “A few times I’ve had to talk to them about little things, but other than that they were great.” James said with a smile.
“Oh come on grandpa, you couldn’t have given us the perfect report?” Logan asked, looking at James. Aaron smiled and rolled his eyes, shaking his head at his son’s antics. As he grew up, Logan was reminding Aaron a lot of himself. “Well I do appreciate the honest but I’m glad they were mostly good,” he said. “I suspect Logan was the one who started any trouble?” asked Aaron with a grin, knowing his son. Logan made a mock offended face and gasped.
Rose looked at her grandpa as if he’d given up some important secrets. “Grandpa..” she said with a frown. James chuckled at them. “It was mostly Logan. Though someone thought it was a good idea to play ball in the dining room and now I need to replace a chair.” Rose ducked her head down. “It was an accident.” She muttered.
“See! I wasn’t the only naughty one,” said Logan with a proud smirk. “That’s not something to be proud of kiddo,” said Aaron with a soft chuckle. He then turned to James and frowned slightly. “Sorry about that. I can totally pay for a new chair- hell, a whole new furniture set if you need,” said Aaron, willing to replace it. “Rose has just gotten very into sports now,” he told him.
Rose glared at her brother. She wasn’t happy that she’d messed up. “It’s okay Aaron. I don’t mind. You’ve definitely got another Quidditch player in the family.” He said with a smile.
That comment made Aaron grin. He’d love nothing more than to see his little girl out on the Quidditch pitching loving playing the sport that he loved as well. “That’s the end game here it looks like,” he said with a chuckle. In about two years they’d be finding out whether or not both Logan and Rose had been accepted to go to magic school at Hogwarts. “Well, I’ll take the little boogers off of your hands for ya,” chuckled Aaron. “The only boogers are you and Rosie papa,” snickered Logan.
James nodded. “I can see that. It’s been a joy having them as always.” He said. Rose looked at Aaron then Logan. “Hey! I’m not booger!” She said, sticking her tongue out at Logan.
“Are too!” Logan replied back immaturely. “Thank you James,” said Aaron softly before looking down at his children. “Ok you two let’s get out of here. No fussing or I’ll gobble you too up,” he threatened playfully. “You’ll never catch me!” Logan retorted as they began to leave James and Cora’s residence.
Rose huffed, looking at her brother. Then she heard her papa. “No! Don’t gobble me up” Rose said, turning and following Logan as they started to leave their grandparents. “You’re welcome. Bye kids!” He said, watching them leave. “Bye Grandpa!” Rose waved as they were leaving.
“Bye grandpa!” Logan said, turning around to wave at James. “Well if you two don’t stop your back and forth I might just have to,” chuckled Aaron with a playful grin. “Haven’t eaten all day,” he told them. “Speaking of food, has grandpa fed you yet?” Aaron asked. Logan nodded. “Yea papa, grandpa gave us lunch,” replied the young boy. That was good that the kids had been fed. James and Cora and even his own parents from time to time were great about taking care of the children. For that he was forever thankful to them.
Rose shook her head at that. Even though she had a smile on her face. “Yes, grandpa made sure we ate papa” she said, following them so they could go home. James watched them go for a moment before heading back inside.
“That’s very good to hear,” said Aaron. Aaron then took both kids back home. A few days later, Xavier would come home for the summer and the family was reunited again.

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