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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

Rose nodded, listening to her brother. "I wanna see papa!" She echoed, her small arms over her chest. She missed him so much since he'd been gone for a quite some time. She also wanted to tell him that she wanted to play like him and if he'd teach her. "Alright, Alright. I'm sure papa will come out to see you two." He said, taking both their hands and leading them from the stands and on the empty field near the locker room. "We can wait here for him" He said, looking at the two.
“Good!” Logan replied, “I miss him!” he whined. Meanwhile Aaron was getting changed in the locker room. He hoped to find his family if they were still there when he got out.
Rose nodded, listening to her brother. "I miss him too!" She pouted, sitting down on the grass, picking at it while waiting for her papa to come out. James looked at the two with a soft smile. "I know you do" He said. He loved watching his grandchildren while their fathers worked, but he knew they missed them when they were gone.
Aaron tried to change out of his Quidditch gear and into his civilian clothing as fast as he could. When he was done, he left the locker room and looked around for his father-in-law and two children. If Xavier was ever at one of his games, he usually waited for him outside of the locker room (since Aaron as one of the players was able to give him a special access pass). But, he didn’t see them there, so, he quickly went back into the locker room and grabbed his broom, entering the empty pitch and getting onto it, flying to get an aerial view of everything to find them.

Logan then saw the lone man on the field on his broom and instantly recognized the familiar head of light brown hair. He pointed straight up in the air at the man on the broom who was slowly lowering down towards them. “Papa! Look it’s papa!” Logan cried excitedly. Aaron knew he recognized his children and smiled warmly as he finally touched the ground and landed in the stands where his family was sitting. “Hello kiddos!” Aaron said with a wave as he dismounted his broom. “Papa!” Logan said happily as he ran up to his father and tackled him with a hug with all that the almost seven year old boy could muster.
Rose was looking around, searching for her papa. She saw the man flying on a broom, bouncing up and down. “Papa!!” She yelled, seeing him flying towards them. Rose raced towards him when he was in the stands and off his broom. “Papa!!” She said again, running towards him, coming up beside Logan and hugging Aaron tightly.
“Hey Logan! Hey Rosie!” Aaron said with a big smile, his heart swelling with joy having both kids on either side of him, hugging him. “I missed you two so much!” he told them. “Did you enjoy the game? Did you see papa?” Aaron asked them. He then looked over at James and nodded. “I really appreciate you watching the kids and taking them all the way out here to see the match,” he told his father-in-law.
Rose looked up at Aaron, her eyes sparkling with excitement. “I missed you too papa!” She first before she smiled wide. “I loved the game! I wanna play just like you!” Rose couldn’t keep her excitement to herself. James chuckled, watching the three. “It really is no problem. They had a great time. Besides, it was nice to see a match again, the last one was when I brought you and Xavier and it was your first match all those years ago, now look at you, playing in them yourself.” He said with a smile. He was proud of his son-in-law and it showed in his smile.
Aaron laughed as his daughter said that she wanted to play just like him. Nothing in the world made him happier than to hear that. He’d always wanted at least one of his kids to follow in his footsteps to play Quidditch and it was seeming like Rose was going to be the one more recently. That was now confirmed today and if it was what Rose truly wanted, then he couldn’t wait to teach his daughter. Aaron chuckled and blushed a bit as James recalled when he took him and Xavier as very young boys to see a professional Quidditch game. He had fallen in love with it there and now he was playing in that same league- the greatest in the wizarding world for Quidditch. He then turned to his daughter, “Rosie that’s so awesome! That makes papa so happy to hear!” Aaron told her. “Maybe when I get back home over the summer I can start teaching ya! How does that sound?” he asked his daughter with a grin. Logan was apprehensive about letting his twin sister engage in such a dangerous sport and wanted to leave that to the professionals like their papa, but decided to keep his mouth shut and continue hugging Aaron, remaining close to his body.
Rose’s entire face was lit up in excitement now. She was not only glad that she’d made her papa happy, but he was going to teach her! “Yes! Please papa please!” She said, nodding her head as her hair bounced. It was getting longer by the day, thick dark brown hair that currently sat at her shoulders.
“Ok,” chuckled Aaron, finding her enthusiasm adorable. “Well you’ll have to wait until the summer when papa gets back,” he told her. “Hopefully with a championship,” he laughed to himself. If he thought it was hard to win a championship back at Hogwarts with Gryffindor, then the British Irish Quidditch league blew that out of the water by ten fold. “Have you two been behaving for grandpa?” Aaron asked both children, looking from Rose to Logan. Logan quickly nodded and briefly looked at James, hoping he agreed. “Yes papa!” Logan told his dad.
Rose nodded, even though she was sad that she’d have to wait. “Okay papa.” This was going to be hard for the young girl. She wasn’t the most patient when she was excited about something. “Yes papa!” She told him when he’d asked if they were behaving. James nodded, looking at Aaron. “They’ve been really well behaved.” He said with a smile.
Aaron smiled, delighted that his kids had been good for their grandfather. “That’s really good to hear! I’m so proud of you two!” he said. Logan giggled and smiled, glad for his dad’s praises. “Papa? Where’s daddy?” Logan asked Aaron curiously. “Oh you know the answer to that little buddy. He’s at school, teaching. But I write him every week and he’s doing just fine. He loves and misses you guys so much,” said Aaron.
Rose smiled, happy that she got her papa’s praises. She looked over at Logan when he asked about their daddy. She turned her head back to Aaron. She missed her daddy as much as she missed her papa. Maybe one day she’d get to go see him at school. “Can you tell him that we miss and love him too?” Rose asked, curiously.
Aaron chuckled, “Ok ok I can tell him that, but it might make daddy cry,” he joked. “You’re silly,” giggled Logan, “Daddy’s strong like you. Like me and Rosie! He wouldn’t cry,” laughed the little boy. “You’re right, daddy is very strong, but I think you’ve got the edge in a fight Logan,” replied Aaron with a wink.
Rose giggled listening to him. “Daddy doesn’t cry. He’s brave just like you papa!” She said with a laugh. Rose was happy listening to her papa and brother. She didn’t want their time together today to end at all.
“Well, they do say bravery is one of my qualities,” he said, thinking back to his sorting into Gryffindor at Hogwarts. “But yes, daddy and I are brave, but so are you guys. I’m so proud of you guys for being big kids while we’re away!” Aaron told them with a grin.
Rose smiled, hearing how proud her papa was of them. She didn’t like them leaving but she knew it was only for a few months before they were altogether again. “We are brave huh Logan?” She asked her brother with a smile.
Logan grinned and nodded at his sister. “Yea! We’re both super brave!” he replied. “That you are,” said Aaron. The papa wished he didn’t have to leave his children but couldn’t wait to see them in the summer again.
Rose had enjoyed seeing the Quidditch game and couldn’t wait for Aaron to teach her how to play. She was looking forward to it. That and seeing her papa and daddy again when they both came home. The summer of 2011 went by rather quickly, Xavier came home in June and was told all about the Quidditch game that Rose and Logan had gone to. He’d read the letter from Aaron too, and he could feel the excitement in the words as he was told that Rose wanted to learn how to play Quidditch too. He was concerned, of course, that was his daughter and even though he knew Aaron was a great player and would help her learn, it still made him nervous.

Once again, Xavier was back at school and the months were flying by. Each year that passed was a year closer to the potential for having his kids being at school with him. It was definitely going to be interesting and he was rather excited for it. Eventually the school year did come to an end, and Xavier made his way home once more. A reunion at the door when he got home and cuddles with Aaron that night. A week from then June 30th 2012 showed Aaron teaching now 8 year old Rose how to play Quidditch. Xavier was watching both those two and keeping an eye on Logan as well.
The months passed by and eventually Aaron and Xavier did come home, and the twins finally turned seven years old in June of 2011. Aaron couldn’t believe how fast they were growing up. They were getting bigger and talking more fluently. And then, before he knew it, another year passed by. On June 13th, 2012 in the summer, the twins had both turned a crazy eight years old- something Aaron could barely fathom. Just a few years ago he was holding two little babies in his arms and now they were getting so big to the point where it was almost difficult to try and hold either child now. It was now the summer of 2012, a few weeks after Xavier had come home from Hogwarts. The family of four was hanging out and enjoying the nice weather in their backyard. Aaron was in the process of attempting to teach Rose the basics of Quidditch. “Alright love, so do you understand that once you catch the quaffle, your main objective is to throw it through the little hoop?” he asked his daughter. He’d bought her a little model broom (one that didn’t fly) and a hoop to practice. They used one of the girl’s many toy balls as a quaffle.
Rose was on the broom, trying to imitate what she’d seen her papa do. She had the ‘quaffle’ in her hands, which was her ball, and nodded. “Yes papa!” She said. She ‘flew’ towards the hoop, trying to make it in the hoop. It was difficult for her holding the ball and using the broom. Rose tried to throw the ball and it missed, bouncing off the side of the hoop. She let out a small groan at that.
“Don’t get discouraged Rosie. If you fail, you just try again,” said Aaron gently with a soft smile. “Papa fails a whole lot, but then I get right back to attempt to do it another time,” he told her. “You know, daddy helped me not to get discouraged when I’d fail when we were younger,” he said with a fond grin, remembering Xavier tutoring him back at Hogwarts. The amount of patience he had was amazing. It was exactly why he made the perfect teacher.
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Rose nodded slowly. She moved and grabbed the ball. “Okay papa, I got it.” She said, ready to try again. With a determined look, she held the ball under her arm and the broom handle in her other hand. Rose made her way down toward the hoops again. She threw the ball and it made it through. “I did it!” She yelled happily. Xavier clapped from where he was sitting. “Great job sweetheart.” He had heard Aaron mention how Xaie helped him back when they were in school. It was definitely a warm memory.
Aaron grinned encouragingly as he watched his young daughter try again. The eight year old girl, who was turning into the prettiest little thing, tried again and this time had some success getting the ball through the hoop. Aaron smiled, proud of Rose, clapping for her. “Excellent job Rose! There ya go!” Aaron said, “That’s my future chaser!” he laughed. “You’re already more athletic than daddy,” he snickered, taking a playful jab at his more studious husband.
Rose laughed as she heard both her daddy and papa clapping for her. She was over the moon learning how to play and having her papa teach her. Rose set the broom down and ran to go grab the ball to try again. Xavier glared playfully at Aaron. “Haha. Some of us had other talents.” He said, crossing his arms.

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