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Nixon Valent

Spooky Scary Skeletons

Modern | Drama | Romance | Violence | Crime | Action

When going to a new college, you meet new people, people from everywhere with all different cultures and backgrounds. There will always be underground activities, things that most people don't know about. The few people that do know. They keep it a secret. But what if a person you know who is apart something much bigger than yourself, suddenly strikes your curiosity?

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The day had just started and you noticed him in the parking lot, getting out of his car. For a college student it was a great looking car, a sports car, a really expansive one. It was in perfect condition like he had just bought it, though if what people said was true he's had it for a while. It was a Jaguar, a shiny grey color.

He locked the car then proceeding to go up to the main building which was on that certain area of the campus, a black laptop career hung across his shoulder. From what you've seen of him before he looked pretty much the same everyday, same hair do, basically the same outfit. Though he pulled it off well, never styling his hair and letting it do whatever it wanted, looking like he just brushed it every morning.

The weather outside was starting to grow cold from the change of fall to winter, the area which they were at got all four season. Summer, Spring, Fall, and Winter. The wind blew, making the thinner less stronger trees sway and the leaves that had fallen from them to fly around slightly, it not being too much of a wind though, simply enough a light jacket would be needed to handle the weather appropriately.
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She's trying to style her hair but she can't figure out what to do. Clarissa wanted it to on a pony tail but she also wanted it to be on a bun. In the end, she just put it on a loose braid. Her roommate was still cozying up in the bed, unlike Clarissa, her roommate had an afternoon schedule that day which bummed her out.

When satisfied by what she did, Clarissa grabbed her bagpack and slung it on her back. She ran by the bed and grabbed her silver laptop from the messy covers of her bed. She checked the battery and cursed herself quietly since her roommate beats the grinch during christmas time when it was morning. Clarissa used it all night, watching movies and she didn't even bother to plug it in. Still cursing herself quietly, she fished out the cord from her drawer and shoved it on her bag.

Shoving a bagel on her mouth, Clarissa fished out the keys from the door side and lock the door behind her.

As soon as she step outside their warm dormitory, the morning air nipped Clarissa's skin. With her coat and bagel in one hand and her laptop on the other, Clarissa decided to ignore the cold and just head out after all it was just a short walk to her class room.

Halfway through the classroom, Clarissa stopped. It was getting uncomfortably cold and she cursed loudly by her lack of judgement. Pulling her bag on her back and place it in between her legs. She carefully tried to wear her coat without letting the bagel out of her mouth.
He noticed the girl with the bagel hanging out of her mouth as he walked into one of the on campus buildings, being the character he was he wouldn't help her. Just take notice to it.

He opened the door to building stepping inside heading to his first class, each class being about an hour long. His first class was a basic Chemistry 101 course, it being one of the required courses to getting a chemistry minor. He took a seat near the back, being able to see the board though a good majority of the students already waiting for class to begin.
After five minures of excruciating balancing and praying, she finally manage to get her jacket on. She thought that at least her bagel or the laptop will fall, but it didn't! In fact, she was able to finish her bagel. It wasn't exactly a good breakfast, but it'll do for the moment. She decided that she'll eat a heavy lunch later. Even with her low battery laptop, and lousy breakfast, today was a good day.

Clarissa walked towards her classroom building, It was a baroque style structure and it was one of the oldest building in the university. Intricate designs dominates the roof, door and walls of the building.

Stepping inside, cold wind was diminished by much more comfortable temperature. Clarissa was greeted by a couple of stunts she passed by as she rushed herself into where her Chem 101 was being held. Opening the door, she almost jump out of joy because most of the students occupied the front.

Quickly, she placed her bag on the empty chair at the back of the guy that she haven't talked to before, and pulled the cord of her laptop. She secured the plug in one of the socket at the back part of the room and the other end to her computer.

As soon as she opened it, she accidentally unpaused the movie she was watching the other night. Someone screamed loud in her computer as if it was going to be murdered but she immediately solve the cause of her embarrassment by shoving her earphones on the port.

Feeling her cheeks was hotter than the radiator, Clarrisa flushed an apologetic smile to the students who gawked at her and covered her face with her fringe, silently wishing for the professor to arrive and start his class.
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The guy in front of her was surprised at the scream, his eyes widening and turned around to stare at the girl thinking she had screamed but once he seen she was fine and just startled and embarrassed he pieced together it was her computer. He let out a small sigh of relief and turned back around his elbows resting down on his desk as he rubbed his temples from the sinking feeling in his stomach he gotten from the girls computer. "Jesus Christ.." He muttered to himself. He let his head fall down onto his desk with a thud and shut his eyes just wishing class could start early for once though it had probably ten more minutes till it was planned to start.
It didn't last long, her classmates glance at her from time to time but they probably forgotten or they just didn't care, either way was better for her. She didn't need extra attentions. This time, she carefully close the apps, one at a time, to make sure nothing remotely disturbing will happen again.

As her laptop was charging, she took out her notebook and tried to pre read today's lesson. Balancing of chemical formula. It was easy for her, she studied it last night but she needs to do something to kill the time. Her mind drifted, she's not exactly tired but her mind was. She woke up in the middle of the night because of a horrible nightmare . Clarisda ended up watching movies instead but she didn't notice that it she fell asleep.

Her reverie was stopped when she heard a loud banging at the door. She glance down at what she was doodling, as it turns out she made a real drawing. It was a woman, it was just her upper torso and her arms were raise and tied up. There was a gag on her mouth. 'What the hell,' she hissed under her breath.where the hell did that came from?! She thought.

'Good morning everyone,' a low booming voice that belong to their teacher was heard. Mr. Brown is a thin man, like a scarecrow and has a thinning white hair that he covers up with black hair dye. He wore a black pants and brown shirt with a tweed jacket. Even though he looks like an oddball, he's been teaching in that university for almost forever. Clarissa's mom said that even her class was handled by Mr.Brown. it's been a legacy and a pride to be one of his students. He was a living legend.

'Open your books on Chapter five,' Mr.Brown continued to drawled on. Clarissa click the book on her laptop and opened it on the Chapter that was asked.

Adrian reached into his bag pulling out the textbook, why he had his laptop with him was a mystery considering he a physical copy of the textbook and along with a spiral notebook, he took notes as he spoke and followed along in the chapter. He did that the whole lesson and as the bell rang through the classroom signalling that class was over he began putting stuff away and the sat down at his desk the board now covered in notes and examples.

He was in the middle of putting his bag over his shoulder as another one of the students he was seen talking too a few times went up to him, both of them speaking in a foreign language sounding like either German or Swedish. It was only a 1 or 2 minute conservation but whatever the man had told him clearly ticked him off.

The silver hair man pulled his bag over his shoulder starting to leave the classroom before the man came up behind him again knocking him down on a desk that only 2 over from the girl. "Tomorrow." He said harshly before he backed off the thud of Adrian hitting the desk catching everyone's attention, they all stared with interest expecting a fight but Adrian did nothing leaving the crowd with unfilled dreams. The other man left the room leaving Adrian on the desk, he stood back up slowly and rubbed his head not saying a word to anybody his angry expression now turned into an empty one.
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As soon as the professor dismissed the class, Clarissa carefully saved the notes she had on her laptop and filed it on Chemistry folder. Apart from her notes in her laptop, she also scribbled some on her notebook. The symbols and signs were hard to find in so she ended up writing them instead. In front of her, the boy was approached by someone and they were talking really fast. Not exactly nosy, Clarissa stood up and turned her back to pull the cord on the socket. When she turned around, the guy in front of her was pushed hard in his own table. Everyone looked at the back for the second time that day, she can see the eager eyes of their classmate as if they were expecting a brawl. But the guy walk away, leaving the expressionless boy alone again.

Clarissa wanted to call out to her professor but he was long gone. Not wanting to be so snob, she walked towards him and asked softly, "hey, sorry. Are you okay?"
Adrian looked at her and nodded. "Mhm, yeah. I'm fine." He sighed quietly fixing his hair back. If she had known of any fuss about the man he certainly didn't come across as rude or stuck up. First impressions and all.

"I'm so sorry." He frowned. "You don't need to worry about me. Me and him have a complicated relationship."
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'Oh' Clarissa blushed. She didn't thought at first that the giy would swing that way. 'Of course, a fight in a relationship is normal. Sorry for butting in.' She went back towards her place and shove her notebook inside her bag. She wore her jacket this time. The cord was safely coiled inside her bag as she slung iy on her bag. Giving a tight smile, Clarissa said 'Bye then,' She headed outside. Her laptop was on her arms.

While walking to her next class, Clarissa thought that the guy was way too good looking to be gay. And if that shoving was what they call a relationship, whonis she to judge. But who knew, time's change. They live in a generation where people prefer to talk via mobile devices. Also BDSM may be frowned upon, but some people enjoyed it. So what the hell.
He stood there frozen for a moment it taking him a second to completely understand she meant that he was into him. It took him a second but he practically ran after her after she left the room he knew people talked about him and he didn't know if she was one of those people. If she was he didn't mind too much but he didn't need that he was gay on top of everything else people had assumed about him.

It took him a moment but he caught up to her. "I'm not gay. He's my brother actually, and I'm not into incest too." He said frowning as he walked beside of her, it was a while before he another class that day so he didn't mind following her if it meant defending what little shit he didn't have going around. "When I said we have a complicated relationship, it wasn't that we were dating. It's just not brotherly."
Clarissa was having another internal chatter when suddenly a guy almost ran him over. It was the same guy from earlier. It took her long enough to understand since she was shock that he was there. As it turns out he was just explaining to her what happened earlier. He even told her that the guy was his brother.

'Look,' She said, trying hard to keep a straight face, but deep inside she wanted to giggle and laugh. 'I don't care who he is and what you do. I barely know you.' Raising her both hands, including her laptop, 'i'm not judging you.'
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He let out a sigh, running his hand through his hair leaving it pushed back out of his face. "Just don't go around telling people I'm in a homosexual relationship with my older brother if you could. Please and thank you."He gave her a small smile despite being in college some of the kids acted like freshman in highschool, spreading rumors and judging. Some people paid no attention to the small chatter, some giving lots of shits about it. Others being the root of the problem, tracking down who was who was something he didn't have time about figuring out. He stared at her as they walk. "My name is Adrian."
'Screw you for thinking i'm that kind of a person,' Clarissa snapped suddenly. 'Just so you know and I said this earlier, I don't care what business.... Or relationship you have with you brother.' Clarissa started walking again, some students were waving at her and she greeted them in return. The guy was still following her so she figured that other people's opinion matter to him even a bit, so she said 'don't mind those people, the one who's spreading nasty rumours.' She thought really hard if she heard some, but from what she remembers, she doesn't actually care for such trivial thing.'Those people are just bored or plain assholes.'

The guy glance down at her as he said his name. She was about to joke that his name was manly and he didn't need to fret, but she still didn't know the guy entirely. 'Clarissa.' She smiled a bit as she said her name.
He frowned at her snappiness. "I don't need to hear the lecture of 'don't bullies and bitches.'" He paused for a moment walking beside of her. "It just.. makes my life harder just not in the way you're thinking of Clarissa." He spoke, saying her name. "They necessarily aren't nasty, just not true that's what ticks me off. Anyway I'll leave you be as you seem to have people demanding you're attention." He said before walking off, the way he said it sounding like a bit of a insult when he said the last part. It also didn't. With that he was out of her sight as quickly as he caught up to her, if she wanted to speak to him again they had class again tomorrow together and one other elective course that a late morning class and early afternoon type of thing.
'Just because you like to be alone, it doesn't mean that every does too.' Clarissa yelled at him as he was walking away. She was always been like that. Most of the students knew her from the clubs that she's with. She may wave and smile back at them, the truth was she didn't exactly knew their name. She mostly go with familiar faces.

Shaking her head, she went straight to her next class and praying that this day would be over.
The day lingered on, the boy never being seen in the halls by her again but when they shared Psychology elective he was there on time. He sat in the back of the classroom again waiting silently staring at the wall waiting for class to begin. Where he had gone in between the classes was a mystery.
Clarissa thanked the gods that her class that morning ended faster than she could've anticipated. She thanked them some more when she was able to eat such scrumptious and mouth watering lunch in their cafeteria. All of the happenings almost slipped put pf her mind but in came back during her first class in the afternoon.

She has an elective Psych and was surprised to see the enigmatic yet peculiar Adrian. With a smile, she sat beside him at the back part of the room. Placing her bag on the ground and laptop in front of her, Clarissa glanced at him and asked 'What's with you and the back parts of the class room? '
"I prefer the back because then I won't have to engage in trival discussions with girls who swoon and jealous men." He let out a quiet chuckle, turning his head so he was facing towards her. "I don't mean that for you to leave me alone, sit next to me as long as you want. You don't cross me as the type I avoid."
'Wow.' Clarissa said sarcastically. 'I didn't peg you for being so narcissistic.' She opened her laptop ans switch it on. The logo was spinning on the screen. 'Guessed I was wrong in first impression and all,' she smirked at him but then her expression changed , she smiled sweetly but her amber eyes remained playful and said 'well then, thank you. I'm honored you're not avoiding me.' She turned her head into her laptop and said 'I would curtsy but then I will have to stand up. I'm too comfortable in my chair to do it.'
He nodded. "I wouldn't want to disturb your comfort princess." He rolled his eyes before his phone vibrated in his pocket, pulling it out it was a text message from the contact 'Dedrich' his older brother. Whether or not she knew his name was if she heard people talk about Dedrich, Adrian never actually saying his name when talking to her earlier.

Morgan Albastin gestorben. Gefunden in den nahe gelegenen See tot. Die Polizei fand ihren Körper vor weniger als 24 Stunden.
ich beschuldige dich

His brother not only spoke to him in german but also texted him german. The way Clarissa was sitting she could see his screen. All she could make out was the name 'Morgan Albastin' the name of a female junior student who had went missing a little over 2 weeks ago.
'Well well, i'm in for a treat today.' Clarissa smirked 'I didn't know you're a gentleman.' She chortled. Seeing that their professor for the subject matter didn't arrive yet, she opened the school website in her laptop. It had all the same post ever since she saw the site yesterday. A campaign for tree hugging students. The Debate team that won the championship three years in a row. There was also an advertisement about the bonfire this weekend. As if they needed it to let others know.

But what catch her eyes were the news that made the school paper's front cover. A girl was found dead near their college. She was missibg for almost two weeks and she was found by the lake. 'Morgan Albastin,' she read aloud. 'Poor girl,' Clarissa whispered 'People speculated that there is a serial killer lurking around, can you believe that?' She glance at Adrian but he had his phone out, Clarissa accidentally glance down but didn't read anything. It was all in foreign language and she find it rude to read other people's private messages.
"With the way deaths are occurring I can't blame them. If you could do me and a favor please." He paused for a moment putting his phone away. "Stay away from brother. Don't ask just do it, if he comes up to me leave me and him alone. I'm not saying this to get under your skin. I'm saying this to keep you out of harms way. It's probably already too late for me." He let out a soft sigh resting his head on his desk staring up at her.
What an odd request. Clarissa thought. She even thought that if that is his way of joking, then clearly thia guy had no idea what sense of humour is. As she heard Adrian's request, a weird sense of foreboding gave her the chills. Clarissa didn't actually saw Adrian's brother, but if she will base him from Adrian's reaction, then he could be a very intimidating guy. Clarissa force a laugh to lighten the sudden dark cloud and said 'What?? Is he gonna push me too?!'

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