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Realistic or Modern .:The Typicality of Anime Schools:.

Should We Have Dorms?

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@Suzumaki Arakai

Stare down.

That's literally what would have happened.

While staring, Takeshi probably fell asleep with his eyes open.

(Oh, dang, I just realized how creepy that sounded...//shivers)

But I clap for you~ The post was amazing~
That's when Natsumi casually sneaks in and takes a photo for blackmail. Lol the evil schemes of Nastu. //falls over laughing//



Katsumi said:
Do you guys have any predictions of who's gonna end up with who??
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Psh I'm so clueless when it comes to relationships I have no idea. Natsumi will probably be more focused on becoming the president than having an actual romantic relationship.

I can just see them now, neither one making a move.

Both just wearing blank, nonchalant faces.

Not even finding it awkward whatsoever.

Ryuzaki's just waiting for the kid to hand him a pencil when suddenly the bell rings...then they both just look away, grab their things, and leave without another word.


I can see Natsumi hating Ryuzaki over his good grades xD he's really smart because he does nothing but study at home so that he has a reason to stay in his room, away from his dad.

Plus he has to keep his grades up for basketball. @kawiibunnygirl
Suzumaki Arakai] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/9502-macaron/ said:
I can just see them now, neither one making a move.

Both just wearing blank, nonchalant faces.

Not even finding it awkward whatsoever.

Ryuzaki's just waiting for the kid to hand him a pencil when suddenly the bell rings...then they both just look away, grab their things, and leave without another word.
You just read my mind.

Please teach me the ways of the physchic.

Though for me, I'm unteachable, so I'll spare you your sanity and withdraw my request.


kawiibunnygirl said:
That's when Natsumi casually sneaks in and takes a photo for blackmail. Lol the evil schemes of Nastu. //falls over laughing//


Psh I'm so clueless when it comes to relationships I have no idea. Natsumi will probably be more focused on becoming the president than having an actual romantic relationship.
Oh, dang, that's hardcore blackmailing right there.

Then Takeshi somehow gets his hands on her number and sends her all the photos he took of her, most of them consisting of Natsumi at the window of her room.

Hardcore stalker right there.

But that's another issue. //sparkling becomes intense//
@Suzumaki Arakai OMG yes. She'd probably try and screw things up for him though.


Ah the beautiful pictures of Natsumi in her natural habitat. With dorky glasses, messy hair, and a video game control clasped tightly in her hands. However it gets real when Natsumi finds a way to totally write all over his homework making it look like he was writing a love letter to a girl. Ah blackmail and sabotage

That's so scary.

I just felt a chill go down my spine.

Oh, there it is again.

Wait, sorry, that was the air conditioner.

But Takeshi would totally hand in the homework he didn't do anyway.

At least it made him look desperate. It's better than him being a potato couch with only cats to talk to.

Takeshi would literally walk into the classroom while she's eating lunch and take her food before walking back through the door.

That would be his revenge, but that might require too much effort on his part.

I created such a lazy character...what have I done?
kawiibunnygirl said:
@Suzumaki Arakai OMG yes. She'd probably try and screw things up for him though.

Ah the beautiful pictures of Natsumi in her natural habitat. With dorky glasses, messy hair, and a video game control clasped tightly in her hands. However it gets real when Natsumi finds a way to totally write all over his homework making it look like he was writing a love letter to a girl. Ah blackmail and sabotage
Lol yeah xD Ryuzaki would probably show no emotion towards whatever she does. He doesn't intend for his grades to be so good. He just does the work and...bam he's got all A's


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What have you done? Now Natsumi will have to get after him another way if he steals her food with an ever so lazy effort. Oh I know! //light bulb turns on//

Dressing up like an adorable cat and purposefully teasing Takeshi on Halloween would be her revenge. She's probably look super adorable too. //nods at creation//

God Natsumi is diabolical
You guys are beautiful human beings. I love everything you guys have done and sooner or later we'll be discussing how they met. (After everyone gets their relationship out!) We'll also discuss whether or not they left on a bad note or not.

I sincerely lover all your characters and everything. They're a well known put together bunch.

*Sharpens knife sinisterly and looks over at @mikko*

Oh don't you worry, child. I don't kill..... Much

*Evil laughter then coughing*

Even though the roleplay is closed, if you'd like, you can create another character.

The max of characters is two and you don't have to, by any means, make a second character if you don't want to. The process is a bit hard, anyways.
Suzumaki Arakai]I say it works! I'm still thinking of what Ryuzaki thinks if everyone...he normally doesn't pay attention to that sort of thing. But I'll figure something out c: [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/16525-leaf-fi/ said:
@Leaf Fi[/URL]

You should put Yumi in!!!


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I think we should let the kids live at their homes because it'd be fun walking each other home for character relationships to develop.

Because knowing most of our males; they wouldn't let a girl walk home alone...plus we'd have some drama to input if our homes and families are slightly involved c:

Just we don't have to do too much with our other family members so that the RP doesn't get jumbled.

Suzumaki Arakai]I think we should let the kids live at their homes because it'd be fun walking each other home for character relationships to develop. Because knowing most of our males; they wouldn't let a girl walk home alone...plus we'd have some drama to input if our homes and families are slightly involved c: Just we don't have to do too much with our other family members so that the RP doesn't get jumbled. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/17998-corgi/ said:
That's exactly what I was thinking. I just didn't know if anyone else agreed <3
This is gonna be such a cute RP xD

It's good that you're not putting so many people in too so we can keep up with everything xD
We have 9 people in the roleplay and 11 characters.

It's very nice. I'll probably but up a time schedule or say when a certain number of people go to sleep, we'll stop it until a certain number of people wake up so that no one gets left behind.

Also, I added some things to the Overview if you'd like to check it out.
Yeah, what's the date?

In a Japanese High School, they normally start their years off in April and end in March.

The have 6 years of Elementary, 3 years of Junior High, 3 years of High School, then 4 years of like...college and stuff but that depends on the person.

And like...they don't have janitors or anything; the students do the cleaning after school then take part in club activities.

I know they've only got four 50 minute classed before lunch.

Beginning of school year - April (Something)

Summer Vacation - Starts July 20th

Summer Vacation - Ends in early September (Second Term Starts)

Winter Break - Starts December 25th

Winter Break - Ends in early January (Third Tern Starts)

Final Term - Ends in late March

But of course they have weekends and get certain days off lol. And the cultural festival takes place on sports day and etc.

I'm sure some people already know this but I'm just seeing if this is how we'll do the school year?

I'm pretty sure I posed this question last night, but no one answered me, so...

Would it add drama if everyone thought that Maki was a girl except for a couple people? Like, you can only really tell if you pay careful attention? Would this add a little spice to the roleplay?
Suzumaki Arakai]I think we should let the kids live at their homes because it'd be fun walking each other home for character relationships to develop. Because knowing most of our males; they wouldn't let a girl walk home alone...plus we'd have some drama to input if our homes and families are slightly involved c: Just we don't have to do too much with our other family members so that the RP doesn't get jumbled. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/17998-corgi/ said:


[QUOTE="Zero Gravity]I'm pretty sure I posed this question last night, but no one answered me, so...
Would it add drama if everyone thought that Maki was a girl except for a couple people? Like, you can only really tell if you pay careful attention? Would this add a little spice to the roleplay?

I love that idea.

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